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package org.apache.griffin.measure.step.builder.dsl.parser
import org.apache.griffin.measure.step.builder.dsl.expr._
import scala.util.parsing.combinator.JavaTokenParsers
* basic parser for sql like syntax
trait BasicParser extends JavaTokenParsers with Serializable {
val dataSourceNames: Seq[String]
val functionNames: Seq[String]
private def trim(str: String): String = {
val regex = """`(.*)`""".r
str match {
case regex(s) => s
case _ => str
* BNF for basic parser
* -- literal --
* <literal> ::= <literal-string> | <literal-number> | <literal-time> | <literal-boolean> | <literal-null> | <literal-nan>
* <literal-string> ::= <any-string>
* <literal-number> ::= <integer> | <double>
* <literal-time> ::= <integer> ("d"|"h"|"m"|"s"|"ms")
* <literal-boolean> ::= true | false
* <literal-null> ::= null
* <literal-nan> ::= nan
* -- selection --
* <selection> ::= <selection-head> [ <field-sel> | <index-sel> | <function-sel> ]* [<as-alias>]?
* <selection-head> ::= ("data source name registered") | <function> | <field-name> | <all-selection>
* <field-sel> ::= "." <field-name> | "[" <quote-field-name> "]"
* <index-sel> ::= "[" <arg> "]"
* <function-sel> ::= "." <function-name> "(" [<arg>]? [, <arg>]* ")"
* <arg> ::= <math-expr>
* -- as alias --
* <as-alias> ::= <as> <field-name>
* -- math expr --
* <math-factor> ::= <literal> | <function> | <selection> | "(" <math-expr> ")" [<as-alias>]?
* <unary-math-expr> ::= [<unary-opr>]* <math-factor>
* <binary-math-expr> ::= <unary-math-expr> [<binary-opr> <unary-math-expr>]+
* <math-expr> ::= <binary-math-expr>
* -- logical expr --
* <in-expr> ::= <math-expr> [<not>]? <in> <range-expr>
* <between-expr> ::= <math-expr> [<not>]? <between> (<math-expr> <and> <math-expr> | <range-expr>)
* <range-expr> ::= "(" [<math-expr>]? [, <math-expr>]+ ")"
* <like-expr> ::= <math-expr> [<not>]? <like> <math-expr>
* <rlike-expr> ::= <math-expr> [<not>]? <rlike> <math-expr>
* <is-null-expr> ::= <math-expr> <is> [<not>]? <null>
* <is-nan-expr> ::= <math-expr> <is> [<not>]? <nan>
* <logical-factor> ::= <math-expr> | <in-expr> | <between-expr> | <like-expr> | <is-null-expr> | <is-nan-expr> | "(" <logical-expr> ")" [<as-alias>]?
* <unary-logical-expr> ::= [<unary-logical-opr>]* <logical-factor>
* <binary-logical-expr> ::= <unary-logical-expr> [<binary-logical-opr> <unary-logical-expr>]+
* <logical-expr> ::= <binary-logical-expr>
* -- expression --
* <expr> = <math-expr> | <logical-expr>
* -- function expr --
* <function> ::= <function-name> "(" [<arg>] [, <arg>]+ ")" [<as-alias>]?
* <function-name> ::= ("function name registered")
* <arg> ::= <expr>
* -- clauses --
* <select-clause> = <expr> [, <expr>]*
* <where-clause> = <where> <expr>
* <from-clause> = <from> ("data source name registered")
* <having-clause> = <having> <expr>
* <groupby-clause> = <group> <by> <expr> [ <having-clause> ]?
* <orderby-item> = <expr> [ <DESC> ]?
* <orderby-clause> = <order> <by> <orderby-item> [ , <orderby-item> ]*
* <limit-clause> = <limit> <expr>
* -- combined clauses --
* <combined-clauses> = <select-clause> [ <from-clause> ]+ [ <where-clause> ]+ [ <groupby-clause> ]+ [ <orderby-clause> ]+ [ <limit-clause> ]+
protected def genDataSourceNamesParser(names: Seq[String]): Parser[String] = { {
fn => s"""(?i)`${fn}`|${fn}""".r: Parser[String]
}.reduce(_ | _)
protected def genFunctionNamesParser(names: Seq[String]): Parser[String] = { {
fn => s"""(?i)${fn}""".r: Parser[String]
}.reduce(_ | _)
object Literal {
val NULL: Parser[String] = """(?i)null""".r
val NAN: Parser[String] = """(?i)nan""".r
import Literal._
object Operator {
val MATH_UNARY: Parser[String] = "+" | "-"
val MATH_BINARIES: Seq[Parser[String]] = Seq(("*" | "/" | "%"), ("+" | "-"))
val NOT: Parser[String] = """(?i)not\s""".r | "!"
val AND: Parser[String] = """(?i)and\s""".r | "&&"
val OR: Parser[String] = """(?i)or\s""".r | "||"
val IN: Parser[String] = """(?i)in\s""".r
val BETWEEN: Parser[String] = """(?i)between\s""".r
val AND_ONLY: Parser[String] = """(?i)and\s""".r
val IS: Parser[String] = """(?i)is\s""".r
val LIKE: Parser[String] = """(?i)like\s""".r
val RLIKE: Parser[String] = """(?i)rlike\s""".r
val COMPARE: Parser[String] = "=" | "!=" | "<>" | "<=" | ">=" | "<" | ">"
val LOGICAL_UNARY: Parser[String] = NOT
val LOGICAL_BINARIES: Seq[Parser[String]] = Seq((COMPARE), (AND), (OR))
val LSQBR: Parser[String] = "["
val RSQBR: Parser[String] = "]"
val LBR: Parser[String] = "("
val RBR: Parser[String] = ")"
val DOT: Parser[String] = "."
val ALLSL: Parser[String] = "*"
val SQUOTE: Parser[String] = "'"
val DQUOTE: Parser[String] = "\""
val UQUOTE: Parser[String] = "`"
val COMMA: Parser[String] = ","
val SELECT: Parser[String] = """(?i)select\s""".r
val DISTINCT: Parser[String] = """(?i)distinct""".r
// val ALL: Parser[String] = """(?i)all""".r
val FROM: Parser[String] = """(?i)from\s""".r
val AS: Parser[String] = """(?i)as\s""".r
val WHERE: Parser[String] = """(?i)where\s""".r
val GROUP: Parser[String] = """(?i)group\s""".r
val ORDER: Parser[String] = """(?i)order\s""".r
val SORT: Parser[String] = """(?i)sort\s""".r
val BY: Parser[String] = """(?i)by\s""".r
val DESC: Parser[String] = """(?i)desc""".r
val ASC: Parser[String] = """(?i)asc""".r
val HAVING: Parser[String] = """(?i)having\s""".r
val LIMIT: Parser[String] = """(?i)limit\s""".r
import Operator._
object Strings {
def AnyString: Parser[String] = """"(?:\"|[^\"])*"""".r | """'(?:\'|[^'])*'""".r
def SimpleTableFieldName: Parser[String] = """[a-zA-Z_]\w*""".r
def UnQuoteTableFieldName: Parser[String] = """`(?:[\\][`]|[^`])*`""".r
// def FieldName: Parser[String] = UnQuoteTableFieldName | SimpleTableFieldName
def DataSourceName: Parser[String] = genDataSourceNamesParser(dataSourceNames)
def FunctionName: Parser[String] = genFunctionNamesParser(functionNames)
def IntegerNumber: Parser[String] = """[+\-]?\d+""".r
def DoubleNumber: Parser[String] = """[+\-]?(\.\d+|\d+\.\d*)""".r
def IndexNumber: Parser[String] = IntegerNumber
def TimeString: Parser[String] = """([+\-]?\d+)(d|h|m|s|ms)""".r
def BooleanString: Parser[String] = """(?i)true|false""".r
import Strings._
* -- literal --
* <literal> ::= <literal-string> | <literal-number> | <literal-time> | <literal-boolean> | <literal-null> | <literal-nan>
* <literal-string> ::= <any-string>
* <literal-number> ::= <integer> | <double>
* <literal-time> ::= <integer> ("d"|"h"|"m"|"s"|"ms")
* <literal-boolean> ::= true | false
* <literal-null> ::= null
* <literal-nan> ::= nan
def literal: Parser[LiteralExpr] = literalNull | literalNan | literalBoolean | literalString | literalTime | literalNumber
def literalNull: Parser[LiteralNullExpr] = NULL ^^ { LiteralNullExpr(_) }
def literalNan: Parser[LiteralNanExpr] = NAN ^^ { LiteralNanExpr(_) }
def literalString: Parser[LiteralStringExpr] = AnyString ^^ { LiteralStringExpr(_) }
def literalNumber: Parser[LiteralNumberExpr] = (DoubleNumber | IntegerNumber) ^^ { LiteralNumberExpr(_) }
def literalTime: Parser[LiteralTimeExpr] = TimeString ^^ { LiteralTimeExpr(_) }
def literalBoolean: Parser[LiteralBooleanExpr] = BooleanString ^^ { LiteralBooleanExpr(_) }
* -- selection --
* <selection> ::= <selection-head> [ <field-sel> | <index-sel> | <function-sel> ]* [<as-alias>]?
* <selection-head> ::= ("data source name registered") | <function> | <field-name> | <all-selection>
* <field-sel> ::= "." <field-name> | "[" <quote-field-name> "]"
* <index-sel> ::= "[" <arg> "]"
* <function-sel> ::= "." <function-name> "(" [<arg>]? [, <arg>]* ")"
* <arg> ::= <math-expr>
def selection: Parser[SelectionExpr] = selectionHead ~ rep(selector) ~ opt(asAlias) ^^ {
case head ~ sels ~ aliasOpt => SelectionExpr(head, sels, aliasOpt)
def selectionHead: Parser[HeadExpr] = DataSourceName ^^ {
ds => DataSourceHeadExpr(trim(ds))
} | function ^^ {
} | SimpleTableFieldName ^^ {
} | UnQuoteTableFieldName ^^ { s =>
} | ALLSL ^^ { _ =>
def selector: Parser[SelectExpr] = functionSelect | allFieldsSelect | fieldSelect | indexSelect
def allFieldsSelect: Parser[AllFieldsSelectExpr] = DOT ~> ALLSL ^^ { _ => AllFieldsSelectExpr() }
def fieldSelect: Parser[FieldSelectExpr] = DOT ~> (
SimpleTableFieldName ^^ {
} | UnQuoteTableFieldName ^^ { s =>
def indexSelect: Parser[IndexSelectExpr] = LSQBR ~> argument <~ RSQBR ^^ { IndexSelectExpr(_) }
def functionSelect: Parser[FunctionSelectExpr] = DOT ~ FunctionName ~ LBR ~ repsep(argument, COMMA) ~ RBR ^^ {
case _ ~ name ~ _ ~ args ~ _ => FunctionSelectExpr(name, args)
* -- as alias --
* <as-alias> ::= <as> <field-name>
def asAlias: Parser[String] = AS ~> (SimpleTableFieldName | UnQuoteTableFieldName ^^ { trim(_) })
* -- math expr --
* <math-factor> ::= <literal> | <function> | <selection> | "(" <math-expr> ")" [<as-alias>]?
* <unary-math-expr> ::= [<unary-opr>]* <math-factor>
* <binary-math-expr> ::= <unary-math-expr> [<binary-opr> <unary-math-expr>]+
* <math-expr> ::= <binary-math-expr>
def mathFactor: Parser[MathExpr] = (literal | function | selection) ^^ {
MathFactorExpr(_, false, None)
} | LBR ~ mathExpression ~ RBR ~ opt(asAlias) ^^ {
case _ ~ expr ~ _ ~ aliasOpt => MathFactorExpr(expr, true, aliasOpt)
def unaryMathExpression: Parser[MathExpr] = rep(MATH_UNARY) ~ mathFactor ^^ {
case Nil ~ a => a
case list ~ a => UnaryMathExpr(list, a)
def binaryMathExpressions: Seq[Parser[MathExpr]] =
MATH_BINARIES.foldLeft(List[Parser[MathExpr]](unaryMathExpression)) { (parsers, binaryParser) =>
val pre = parsers.headOption.orNull
val cur = pre ~ rep(binaryParser ~ pre) ^^ {
case a ~ Nil => a
case a ~ list => BinaryMathExpr(a, => (c._1, c._2)))
cur :: parsers
def mathExpression: Parser[MathExpr] = binaryMathExpressions.headOption.orNull
* -- logical expr --
* <in-expr> ::= <math-expr> [<not>]? <in> <range-expr>
* <between-expr> ::= <math-expr> [<not>]? <between> (<math-expr> <and> <math-expr> | <range-expr>)
* <range-expr> ::= "(" [<math-expr>]? [, <math-expr>]+ ")"
* <like-expr> ::= <math-expr> [<not>]? <like> <math-expr>
* <rlike-expr> ::= <math-expr> [<not>]? <rlike> <math-expr>
* <is-null-expr> ::= <math-expr> <is> [<not>]? <null>
* <is-nan-expr> ::= <math-expr> <is> [<not>]? <nan>
* <logical-factor> ::= <math-expr> | <in-expr> | <between-expr> | <like-expr> | <is-null-expr> | <is-nan-expr> | "(" <logical-expr> ")" [<as-alias>]?
* <unary-logical-expr> ::= [<unary-logical-opr>]* <logical-factor>
* <binary-logical-expr> ::= <unary-logical-expr> [<binary-logical-opr> <unary-logical-expr>]+
* <logical-expr> ::= <binary-logical-expr>
def inExpr: Parser[LogicalExpr] = mathExpression ~ opt(NOT) ~ IN ~ LBR ~ repsep(mathExpression, COMMA) ~ RBR ^^ {
case head ~ notOpt ~ _ ~ _ ~ list ~ _ => InExpr(head, notOpt.isEmpty, list)
def betweenExpr: Parser[LogicalExpr] = mathExpression ~ opt(NOT) ~ BETWEEN ~ LBR ~ repsep(mathExpression, COMMA) ~ RBR ^^ {
case head ~ notOpt ~ _ ~ _ ~ list ~ _ => BetweenExpr(head, notOpt.isEmpty, list)
} | mathExpression ~ opt(NOT) ~ BETWEEN ~ mathExpression ~ AND_ONLY ~ mathExpression ^^ {
case head ~ notOpt ~ _ ~ first ~ _ ~ second => BetweenExpr(head, notOpt.isEmpty, Seq(first, second))
def likeExpr: Parser[LogicalExpr] = mathExpression ~ opt(NOT) ~ LIKE ~ mathExpression ^^ {
case head ~ notOpt ~ _ ~ value => LikeExpr(head, notOpt.isEmpty, value)
def rlikeExpr: Parser[LogicalExpr] = mathExpression ~ opt(NOT) ~ RLIKE ~ mathExpression ^^ {
case head ~ notOpt ~ _ ~ value => RLikeExpr(head, notOpt.isEmpty, value)
def isNullExpr: Parser[LogicalExpr] = mathExpression ~ IS ~ opt(NOT) ~ NULL ^^ {
case head ~ _ ~ notOpt ~ _ => IsNullExpr(head, notOpt.isEmpty)
def isNanExpr: Parser[LogicalExpr] = mathExpression ~ IS ~ opt(NOT) ~ NAN ^^ {
case head ~ _ ~ notOpt ~ _ => IsNanExpr(head, notOpt.isEmpty)
def logicalFactor: Parser[LogicalExpr] = (inExpr | betweenExpr | likeExpr | rlikeExpr | isNullExpr | isNanExpr | mathExpression) ^^ {
LogicalFactorExpr(_, false, None)
} | LBR ~ logicalExpression ~ RBR ~ opt(asAlias) ^^ {
case _ ~ expr ~ _ ~ aliasOpt => LogicalFactorExpr(expr, true, aliasOpt)
def unaryLogicalExpression: Parser[LogicalExpr] = rep(LOGICAL_UNARY) ~ logicalFactor ^^ {
case Nil ~ a => a
case list ~ a => UnaryLogicalExpr(list, a)
def binaryLogicalExpressions: Seq[Parser[LogicalExpr]] =
LOGICAL_BINARIES.foldLeft(List[Parser[LogicalExpr]](unaryLogicalExpression)) { (parsers, binaryParser) =>
val pre = parsers.headOption.orNull
val cur = pre ~ rep(binaryParser ~ pre) ^^ {
case a ~ Nil => a
case a ~ list => BinaryLogicalExpr(a, => (c._1, c._2)))
cur :: parsers
def logicalExpression: Parser[LogicalExpr] = binaryLogicalExpressions.headOption.orNull
* -- expression --
* <expr> = <math-expr> | <logical-expr>
def expression: Parser[Expr] = logicalExpression | mathExpression
* -- function expr --
* <function> ::= <function-name> "(" [<arg>] [, <arg>]+ ")" [<as-alias>]?
* <function-name> ::= ("function name registered")
* <arg> ::= <expr>
def function: Parser[FunctionExpr] = FunctionName ~ LBR ~ opt(DISTINCT) ~ repsep(argument, COMMA) ~ RBR ~ opt(asAlias) ^^ {
case name ~ _ ~ extraCdtnOpt ~ args ~ _ ~ aliasOpt =>
FunctionExpr(name, args,, aliasOpt)
def argument: Parser[Expr] = expression
* -- clauses --
* <select-clause> = <expr> [, <expr>]*
* <where-clause> = <where> <expr>
* <from-clause> = <from> ("data source name registered")
* <having-clause> = <having> <expr>
* <groupby-clause> = <group> <by> <expr> [ <having-clause> ]?
* <orderby-item> = <expr> [ <DESC> ]?
* <orderby-clause> = <order> <by> <orderby-item> [ , <orderby-item> ]*
* <limit-clause> = <limit> <expr>
def selectClause: Parser[SelectClause] = opt(SELECT) ~> opt(DISTINCT) ~ rep1sep(expression, COMMA) ^^ {
case extraCdtnOpt ~ exprs => SelectClause(exprs,
def fromClause: Parser[FromClause] = FROM ~> DataSourceName ^^ { ds => FromClause(trim(ds)) }
def whereClause: Parser[WhereClause] = WHERE ~> expression ^^ { WhereClause(_) }
def havingClause: Parser[Expr] = HAVING ~> expression
def groupbyClause: Parser[GroupbyClause] = GROUP ~ BY ~ rep1sep(expression, COMMA) ~ opt(havingClause) ^^ {
case _ ~ _ ~ cols ~ havingOpt => GroupbyClause(cols, havingOpt)
def orderItem: Parser[OrderItem] = expression ~ opt(DESC | ASC) ^^ {
case expr ~ orderOpt => OrderItem(expr, orderOpt)
def orderbyClause: Parser[OrderbyClause] = ORDER ~ BY ~ rep1sep(orderItem, COMMA) ^^ {
case _ ~ _ ~ cols => OrderbyClause(cols)
def sortbyClause: Parser[SortbyClause] = SORT ~ BY ~ rep1sep(orderItem, COMMA) ^^ {
case _ ~ _ ~ cols => SortbyClause(cols)
def limitClause: Parser[LimitClause] = LIMIT ~> expression ^^ { LimitClause(_) }
* -- combined clauses --
* <combined-clauses> = <select-clause> [ <from-clause> ]+ [ <where-clause> ]+ [ <groupby-clause> ]+ [ <orderby-clause> ]+ [ <limit-clause> ]+
def combinedClause: Parser[CombinedClause] = selectClause ~ opt(fromClause) ~ opt(whereClause) ~
opt(groupbyClause) ~ opt(orderbyClause) ~ opt(limitClause) ^^ {
case sel ~ fromOpt ~ whereOpt ~ groupbyOpt ~ orderbyOpt ~ limitOpt => {
val tails = Seq(whereOpt, groupbyOpt, orderbyOpt, limitOpt).flatMap(opt => opt)
CombinedClause(sel, fromOpt, tails)