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package org.apache.griffin.measure.configuration.dqdefinition
import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonInclude.Include
import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.{JsonInclude, JsonProperty}
import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils
import org.apache.griffin.measure.configuration.enums._
* dq param
* @param name name of dq measurement (must)
* @param timestamp default timestamp of measure in batch mode (optional)
* @param procType batch mode or streaming mode (must)
* @param dataSources data sources (must)
* @param evaluateRule dq measurement (must)
* @param sinks sink types (optional, by default will be elasticsearch)
case class DQConfig(@JsonProperty("name") private val name: String,
@JsonProperty("timestamp") private val timestamp: Long,
@JsonProperty("process.type") private val procType: String,
@JsonProperty("data.sources") private val dataSources: List[DataSourceParam],
@JsonProperty("evaluate.rule") private val evaluateRule: EvaluateRuleParam,
@JsonProperty("sinks") private val sinks: List[String]
) extends Param {
def getName: String = name
def getTimestampOpt: Option[Long] = if (timestamp != 0) Some(timestamp) else None
def getProcType: String = procType
def getDataSources: Seq[DataSourceParam] = {
dataSources.foldLeft((Nil: Seq[DataSourceParam], Set[String]())) { (ret, ds) =>
val (seq, names) = ret
if (!names.contains(ds.getName)){
(seq :+ ds, names + ds.getName)
} else ret
def getEvaluateRule: EvaluateRuleParam = evaluateRule
def getValidSinkTypes: Seq[SinkType] = SinkType.validSinkTypes(if (sinks != null) sinks else Nil)
def validate(): Unit = {
assert(StringUtils.isNotBlank(name), "dq config name should not be blank")
assert(StringUtils.isNotBlank(procType), "process.type should not be blank")
assert((dataSources != null), "data.sources should not be null")
assert((evaluateRule != null), "evaluate.rule should not be null")
* data source param
* @param name data source name (must)
* @param baseline data source is baseline or not, false by default (optional)
* @param connectors data connectors (optional)
* @param checkpoint data source checkpoint configuration (must in streaming mode with streaming connectors)
case class DataSourceParam( @JsonProperty("name") private val name: String,
@JsonProperty("baseline") private val baseline: Boolean,
@JsonProperty("connectors") private val connectors: List[DataConnectorParam],
@JsonProperty("checkpoint") private val checkpoint: Map[String, Any]
) extends Param {
def getName: String = name
def isBaseline: Boolean = if (!baseline.equals(null)) baseline else false
def getConnectors: Seq[DataConnectorParam] = if (connectors != null) connectors else Nil
def getCheckpointOpt: Option[Map[String, Any]] = if (checkpoint != null) Some(checkpoint) else None
def validate(): Unit = {
assert(StringUtils.isNotBlank(name), "data source name should not be empty")
* data connector param
* @param conType data connector type, e.g.: hive, avro, kafka (must)
* @param version data connector type version (optional)
* @param dataFrameName data connector dataframe name, for pre-process input usage (optional)
* @param config detail configuration of data connector (must)
* @param preProc pre-process rules after load data (optional)
case class DataConnectorParam( @JsonProperty("type") private val conType: String,
@JsonProperty("version") private val version: String,
@JsonProperty("") private val dataFrameName: String,
@JsonProperty("config") private val config: Map[String, Any],
@JsonProperty("pre.proc") private val preProc: List[RuleParam]
) extends Param {
def getType: String = conType
def getVersion: String = if (version != null) version else ""
def getDataFrameName(defName: String): String = if (dataFrameName != null) dataFrameName else defName
def getConfig: Map[String, Any] = if (config != null) config else Map[String, Any]()
def getPreProcRules: Seq[RuleParam] = if (preProc != null) preProc else Nil
def validate(): Unit = {
assert(StringUtils.isNotBlank(conType), "data connector type should not be empty")
* evaluate rule param
* @param rules rules to define dq measurement (optional)
case class EvaluateRuleParam( @JsonProperty("rules") private val rules: List[RuleParam]
) extends Param {
def getRules: Seq[RuleParam] = if (rules != null) rules else Nil
def validate(): Unit = {
* rule param
* @param dslType dsl type of this rule (must)
* @param dqType dq type of this rule (must if dsl type is "griffin-dsl")
* @param inDfName name of input dataframe of this rule, by default will be the previous rule output dataframe name
* @param outDfName name of output dataframe of this rule, by default will be generated as data connector dataframe name with index suffix
* @param rule rule to define dq step calculation (must)
* @param details detail config of rule (optional)
* @param cache cache the result for multiple usage (optional, valid for "spark-sql" and "df-ops" mode)
* @param outputs output ways configuration (optional)
// * @param metric config for metric output (optional)
// * @param record config for record output (optional)
// * @param dsCacheUpdate config for data source cache update output (optional, valid in streaming mode)
case class RuleParam(@JsonProperty("dsl.type") private val dslType: String,
@JsonProperty("dq.type") private val dqType: String,
@JsonProperty("") private val inDfName: String,
@JsonProperty("") private val outDfName: String,
@JsonProperty("rule") private val rule: String,
@JsonProperty("details") private val details: Map[String, Any],
@JsonProperty("cache") private val cache: Boolean,
@JsonProperty("out") private val outputs: List[RuleOutputParam]
) extends Param {
def getDslType: DslType = if (dslType != null) DslType(dslType) else DslType("")
def getDqType: DqType = if (dqType != null) DqType(dqType) else DqType("")
def getCache: Boolean = if (cache) cache else false
def getInDfName(defName: String = ""): String = if (inDfName != null) inDfName else defName
def getOutDfName(defName: String = ""): String = if (outDfName != null) outDfName else defName
def getRule: String = if (rule != null) rule else ""
def getDetails: Map[String, Any] = if (details != null) details else Map[String, Any]()
def getOutputs: Seq[RuleOutputParam] = if (outputs != null) outputs else Nil
def getOutputOpt(tp: OutputType): Option[RuleOutputParam] = getOutputs.filter(_.getOutputType == tp).headOption
def replaceInDfName(newName: String): RuleParam = {
if (StringUtils.equals(newName, inDfName)) this
else RuleParam(dslType, dqType, newName, outDfName, rule, details, cache, outputs)
def replaceOutDfName(newName: String): RuleParam = {
if (StringUtils.equals(newName, outDfName)) this
else RuleParam(dslType, dqType, inDfName, newName, rule, details, cache, outputs)
def replaceInOutDfName(in: String, out: String): RuleParam = {
if (StringUtils.equals(inDfName, in) && StringUtils.equals(outDfName, out)) this
else RuleParam(dslType, dqType, in, out, rule, details, cache, outputs)
def replaceRule(newRule: String): RuleParam = {
if (StringUtils.equals(newRule, rule)) this
else RuleParam(dslType, dqType, inDfName, outDfName, newRule, details, cache, outputs)
def validate(): Unit = {
assert(!(getDslType.equals(GriffinDslType) && getDqType.equals(UnknownType)),
"unknown dq type for griffin dsl")
* out param of rule
* @param outputType output type (must)
* @param name output name (optional)
* @param flatten flatten type of output metric (optional, available in output metric type)
case class RuleOutputParam( @JsonProperty("type") private val outputType: String,
@JsonProperty("name") private val name: String,
@JsonProperty("flatten") private val flatten: String
) extends Param {
def getOutputType: OutputType = if (outputType != null) OutputType(outputType) else OutputType("")
def getNameOpt: Option[String] = if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(name)) Some(name) else None
def getFlatten: FlattenType = if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(flatten)) FlattenType(flatten) else FlattenType("")
def validate(): Unit = {}