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package org.apache.griffin.measure.step.builder.dsl.transform
import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils
import org.apache.griffin.measure.configuration.dqdefinition.{RuleErrorConfParam, RuleParam}
import org.apache.griffin.measure.configuration.enums._
import org.apache.griffin.measure.context.DQContext
import org.apache.griffin.measure.step.DQStep
import org.apache.griffin.measure.step.builder.ConstantColumns
import org.apache.griffin.measure.step.builder.dsl.expr._
import org.apache.griffin.measure.step.builder.dsl.transform.analyzer.CompletenessAnalyzer
import org.apache.griffin.measure.step.transform.SparkSqlTransformStep
import org.apache.griffin.measure.step.write.{MetricWriteStep, RecordWriteStep}
import org.apache.griffin.measure.utils.ParamUtil._
* generate completeness dq steps
case class CompletenessExpr2DQSteps(context: DQContext,
expr: Expr,
ruleParam: RuleParam
) extends Expr2DQSteps {
private object CompletenessKeys {
val _source = "source"
val _total = "total"
val _complete = "complete"
val _incomplete = "incomplete"
import CompletenessKeys._
def getDQSteps(): Seq[DQStep] = {
val details = ruleParam.getDetails
val completenessExpr = expr.asInstanceOf[CompletenessClause]
val sourceName = details.getString(_source, context.getDataSourceName(0))
val procType = context.procType
val timestamp = context.contextId.timestamp
if (!context.runTimeTableRegister.existsTable(sourceName)) {
warn(s"[${timestamp}] data source ${sourceName} not exists")
} else {
val analyzer = CompletenessAnalyzer(completenessExpr, sourceName)
val selItemsClause = { pair =>
val (expr, alias) = pair
s"${expr.desc} AS `${alias}`"
}.mkString(", ")
val aliases =
val selClause = procType match {
case BatchProcessType => selItemsClause
case StreamingProcessType => s"`${ConstantColumns.tmst}`, ${selItemsClause}"
val selAliases = procType match {
case BatchProcessType => aliases
case StreamingProcessType => ConstantColumns.tmst +: aliases
// 1. source alias
val sourceAliasTableName = "__sourceAlias"
val sourceAliasSql = {
s"SELECT ${selClause} FROM `${sourceName}`"
val sourceAliasTransStep =
SparkSqlTransformStep(sourceAliasTableName, sourceAliasSql, emptyMap, None, true)
// 2. incomplete record
val incompleteRecordsTableName = "__incompleteRecords"
val errorConfs: Seq[RuleErrorConfParam] = ruleParam.getErrorConfs
var incompleteWhereClause: String = ""
if (errorConfs.size == 0) {
// without errorConfs
val completeWhereClause = => s"`${a}` IS NOT NULL").mkString(" AND ")
incompleteWhereClause = s"NOT (${completeWhereClause})"
} else {
// with errorConfs
incompleteWhereClause = this.getErrorConfCompleteWhereClause(errorConfs)
val incompleteRecordsSql =
s"SELECT * FROM `${sourceAliasTableName}` WHERE ${incompleteWhereClause}"
val incompleteRecordWriteStep = {
val rwName =
RecordWriteStep(rwName, incompleteRecordsTableName)
val incompleteRecordTransStep =
SparkSqlTransformStep(incompleteRecordsTableName, incompleteRecordsSql, emptyMap,
Some(incompleteRecordWriteStep), true)
incompleteRecordTransStep.parentSteps += sourceAliasTransStep
// 3. incomplete count
val incompleteCountTableName = "__incompleteCount"
val incompleteColName = details.getStringOrKey(_incomplete)
val incompleteCountSql = procType match {
case BatchProcessType =>
s"SELECT COUNT(*) AS `${incompleteColName}` FROM `${incompleteRecordsTableName}`"
case StreamingProcessType =>
s"SELECT `${ConstantColumns.tmst}`, COUNT(*) AS `${incompleteColName}` " +
s"FROM `${incompleteRecordsTableName}` GROUP BY `${ConstantColumns.tmst}`"
val incompleteCountTransStep =
SparkSqlTransformStep(incompleteCountTableName, incompleteCountSql, emptyMap)
incompleteCountTransStep.parentSteps += incompleteRecordTransStep
// 4. total count
val totalCountTableName = "__totalCount"
val totalColName = details.getStringOrKey(_total)
val totalCountSql = procType match {
case BatchProcessType =>
s"SELECT COUNT(*) AS `${totalColName}` FROM `${sourceAliasTableName}`"
case StreamingProcessType =>
s"SELECT `${ConstantColumns.tmst}`, COUNT(*) AS `${totalColName}` " +
s"FROM `${sourceAliasTableName}` GROUP BY `${ConstantColumns.tmst}`"
val totalCountTransStep = SparkSqlTransformStep(totalCountTableName, totalCountSql, emptyMap)
totalCountTransStep.parentSteps += sourceAliasTransStep
// 5. complete metric
val completeTableName = ruleParam.getOutDfName()
val completeColName = details.getStringOrKey(_complete)
// scalastyle:off
val completeMetricSql = procType match {
case BatchProcessType =>
|SELECT `${totalCountTableName}`.`${totalColName}` AS `${totalColName}`,
|coalesce(`${incompleteCountTableName}`.`${incompleteColName}`, 0) AS `${incompleteColName}`,
|(`${totalCountTableName}`.`${totalColName}` - coalesce(`${incompleteCountTableName}`.`${incompleteColName}`, 0)) AS `${completeColName}`
|FROM `${totalCountTableName}` LEFT JOIN `${incompleteCountTableName}`
case StreamingProcessType =>
|SELECT `${totalCountTableName}`.`${ConstantColumns.tmst}` AS `${ConstantColumns.tmst}`,
|`${totalCountTableName}`.`${totalColName}` AS `${totalColName}`,
|coalesce(`${incompleteCountTableName}`.`${incompleteColName}`, 0) AS `${incompleteColName}`,
|(`${totalCountTableName}`.`${totalColName}` - coalesce(`${incompleteCountTableName}`.`${incompleteColName}`, 0)) AS `${completeColName}`
|FROM `${totalCountTableName}` LEFT JOIN `${incompleteCountTableName}`
|ON `${totalCountTableName}`.`${ConstantColumns.tmst}` = `${incompleteCountTableName}`.`${ConstantColumns.tmst}`
// scalastyle:on
val completeWriteStep = {
val metricOpt = ruleParam.getOutputOpt(MetricOutputType)
val mwName = metricOpt.flatMap(_.getNameOpt).getOrElse(completeTableName)
val flattenType =
MetricWriteStep(mwName, completeTableName, flattenType)
val completeTransStep =
SparkSqlTransformStep(completeTableName, completeMetricSql, emptyMap, Some(completeWriteStep))
completeTransStep.parentSteps += incompleteCountTransStep
completeTransStep.parentSteps += totalCountTransStep
val transSteps = completeTransStep :: Nil
* get 'error' where clause
* @param errorConfs error configuraion list
* @return 'error' where clause
def getErrorConfCompleteWhereClause(errorConfs: Seq[RuleErrorConfParam]): String = { => this.getEachErrorWhereClause(errorConf)).mkString(" OR ")
* get error sql for each column
* @param errorConf error configuration
* @return 'error' sql for each column
def getEachErrorWhereClause(errorConf: RuleErrorConfParam): String = {
val errorType: Option[String] = errorConf.getErrorType
val columnName: String = errorConf.getColumnName.get
if ("regex".equalsIgnoreCase(errorType.get)) {
// only have one regular expression
val regexValue: String = errorConf.getValues.apply(0)
val afterReplace: String = regexValue.replaceAll("""\\""", """\\\\""")
return s"(`${columnName}` REGEXP '${afterReplace}')"
} else if ("enumeration".equalsIgnoreCase(errorType.get)) {
val values: Seq[String] = errorConf.getValues
var inResult = ""
var nullResult = ""
if (values.contains("hive_none")) {
// hive_none means NULL
nullResult = s"`${columnName}` IS NULL"
val valueWithQuote: String = values.filter(value => !"hive_none".equals(value))
.map(value => s"'${value}'").mkString(", ")
if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(valueWithQuote)) {
inResult = s"`${columnName}` IN (${valueWithQuote})"
var result = ""
if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(inResult) && !StringUtils.isEmpty(nullResult)) {
result = s"(${inResult} OR ${nullResult})"
} else if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(inResult)) {
result = s"($inResult)"
} else {
result = s"($nullResult)"
return result
throw new IllegalArgumentException("type in error.confs only supports regex and enumeration way")