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package org.apache.griffin.core.exception;
public enum GriffinExceptionMessage {
//400, "Bad Request"
MEASURE_TYPE_DOES_NOT_MATCH(40001, "Property 'measure.type' does not match"
+ "the type of measure in request body"),
INVALID_CONNECTOR_NAME(40002, "Property 'name' in 'connectors' " +
"field is invalid"),
MISSING_METRIC_NAME(40003, "Missing property 'metricName'"),
INVALID_JOB_NAME(40004, "Property '' is invalid"),
MISSING_BASELINE_CONFIG(40005, "Missing 'as.baseline' config in 'data.segments'"),
INVALID_METRIC_RECORDS_OFFSET(40006, "Offset must not be less than zero"),
INVALID_METRIC_RECORDS_SIZE(40007, "Size must not be less than zero"),
INVALID_METRIC_VALUE_FORMAT(40008, "Metric value format is invalid"),
INVALID_MEASURE_ID(40009, "Property '' is invalid"),
INVALID_CRON_EXPRESSION(40010, "Property 'cron.expression' is invalid"),
MEASURE_TYPE_DOES_NOT_SUPPORT(40011, "We don't support such measure type."),
JOB_TYPE_DOES_NOT_SUPPORT(40011, "We don't support such job type."),
STREAMING_JOB_IS_RUNNING(40012, "There is no need to start again " +
"as job is RUNNING."),
STREAMING_JOB_IS_STOPPED(40012, "There is no need to stop again " +
"as job is STOPPED."),
JOB_IS_NOT_SCHEDULED(40013, "The job isn't scheduled."),
JOB_IS_NOT_IN_PAUSED_STATUS(40014, "The job isn't in paused status."),
JOB_IS_IN_PAUSED_STATUS(40015, "The job is already in paused status."),
INVALID_MEASURE_PREDICATE(40016, "The measure predicate is invalid"),
//404, "Not Found"
MEASURE_ID_DOES_NOT_EXIST(40401, "Measure id does not exist"),
JOB_ID_DOES_NOT_EXIST(40402, "Job id does not exist"),
JOB_NAME_DOES_NOT_EXIST(40403, "Job name does not exist"),
NO_SUCH_JOB_ACTION(40404, "No such job action"),
JOB_KEY_DOES_NOT_EXIST(40405, "Job key which consists of " +
"group and name does not exist."),
ORGANIZATION_NAME_DOES_NOT_EXIST(40406, "Organization name " +
"does not exist"),
HDFS_FILE_NOT_EXIST(40407, "Hadoop data file not exist"),
PREDICATE_TYPE_NOT_FOUND(40408, "Unknown predicate type"),
INSTANCE_ID_DOES_NOT_EXIST(40409, "Instance id does not exist"),
//409, "Conflict"
MEASURE_NAME_ALREADY_EXIST(40901, "Measure name already exists"),
QUARTZ_JOB_ALREADY_EXIST(40902, "Quartz job already exist");
private final int code;
private final String message;
GriffinExceptionMessage(int code, String message) {
this.code = code;
this.message = message;
public static GriffinExceptionMessage valueOf(int code) {
GriffinExceptionMessage[] messages = values();
int len = values().length;
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
GriffinExceptionMessage message = messages[i];
if (message.code == code) {
return message;
throw new IllegalArgumentException("No matching constant for ["
+ code + "]");
public String toString() {
return Integer.toString(code);
public int getCode() {
return code;
public String getMessage() {
return message;