blob: efaa91f719800482544b5ca8707fda51316c6255 [file] [log] [blame]
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package org.apache.griffin.measure.configuration.dqdefinition.reader
import org.scalatest.{FlatSpec, Matchers}
import org.apache.griffin.measure.configuration.dqdefinition.{
class ParamEnumReaderSpec extends FlatSpec with Matchers {
import org.apache.griffin.measure.configuration.enums.DslType._
"dsltype" should "be parsed to predefined set of values" in {
val validDslSparkSqlValues =
Seq("spark-sql", "spark-SQL", "SPARK-SQL", "sparksql")
validDslSparkSqlValues foreach { x =>
val ruleParam = RuleParam(x, "accuracy")
ruleParam.getDslType should ===(SparkSql)
val invalidDslSparkSqlValues = Seq("spark", "sql", "")
invalidDslSparkSqlValues foreach { x =>
val ruleParam = RuleParam(x, "accuracy")
ruleParam.getDslType should not be SparkSql
val validDslGriffinValues =
Seq("griffin-dsl", "griffindsl", "griFfin-dsl", "")
validDslGriffinValues foreach { x =>
val ruleParam = RuleParam(x, "accuracy")
ruleParam.getDslType should ===(GriffinDsl)
val validDslDfOpsValues =
Seq("df-ops", "dfops", "DFOPS", "df-opr", "dfopr", "df-operations", "dfoperations")
validDslDfOpsValues foreach { x =>
val ruleParam = RuleParam(x, "accuracy")
ruleParam.getDslType should ===(DataFrameOpsType)
val invalidDslDfOpsValues = Seq("df-oprts", "-")
invalidDslDfOpsValues foreach { x =>
val ruleParam = RuleParam(x, "accuracy")
ruleParam.getDslType should not be DataFrameOpsType
"griffindsl" should "be returned as default dsl type" in {
import org.apache.griffin.measure.configuration.enums.DslType._
val dslGriffinDslValues = Seq("griffin", "dsl")
dslGriffinDslValues foreach { x =>
val ruleParam = RuleParam(x, "accuracy")
ruleParam.getDslType should be(GriffinDsl)
"dqtype" should "be parsed to predefined set of values" in {
import org.apache.griffin.measure.configuration.enums.DqType._
var ruleParam = RuleParam("griffin-dsl", "accuracy")
ruleParam.getDqType should be(Accuracy)
ruleParam = RuleParam("griffin-dsl", "accu")
ruleParam.getDqType should not be Accuracy
ruleParam.getDqType should be(Unknown)
ruleParam = RuleParam("griffin-dsl", "profiling")
ruleParam.getDqType should be(Profiling)
ruleParam = RuleParam("griffin-dsl", "profilin")
ruleParam.getDqType should not be Profiling
ruleParam.getDqType should be(Unknown)
ruleParam = RuleParam("griffin-dsl", "TIMELINESS")
ruleParam.getDqType should be(Timeliness)
ruleParam = RuleParam("griffin-dsl", "timeliness ")
ruleParam.getDqType should not be Timeliness
ruleParam.getDqType should be(Unknown)
ruleParam = RuleParam("griffin-dsl", "UNIQUENESS")
ruleParam.getDqType should be(Uniqueness)
ruleParam = RuleParam("griffin-dsl", "UNIQUE")
ruleParam.getDqType should not be Uniqueness
ruleParam.getDqType should be(Unknown)
ruleParam = RuleParam("griffin-dsl", "Duplicate")
ruleParam.getDqType should be(Uniqueness)
ruleParam = RuleParam("griffin-dsl", "duplica")
ruleParam.getDqType should not be Duplicate
ruleParam.getDqType should be(Unknown)
ruleParam = RuleParam("griffin-dsl", "COMPLETENESS")
ruleParam.getDqType should be(Completeness)
ruleParam = RuleParam("griffin-dsl", "complete")
ruleParam.getDqType should not be Completeness
ruleParam.getDqType should be(Unknown)
ruleParam = RuleParam("griffin-dsl", "")
ruleParam.getDqType should be(Unknown)
ruleParam = RuleParam("griffin-dsl", "duplicate")
ruleParam.getDqType should not be Unknown
"outputtype" should "be valid" in {
import org.apache.griffin.measure.configuration.enums.OutputType._
var ruleOutputParam = RuleOutputParam("metric", "", "map")
ruleOutputParam.getOutputType should be(MetricOutputType)
ruleOutputParam = RuleOutputParam("metr", "", "map")
ruleOutputParam.getOutputType should not be MetricOutputType
ruleOutputParam.getOutputType should be(UnknownOutputType)
ruleOutputParam = RuleOutputParam("record", "", "map")
ruleOutputParam.getOutputType should be(RecordOutputType)
ruleOutputParam = RuleOutputParam("rec", "", "map")
ruleOutputParam.getOutputType should not be RecordOutputType
ruleOutputParam.getOutputType should be(UnknownOutputType)
ruleOutputParam = RuleOutputParam("dscupdate", "", "map")
ruleOutputParam.getOutputType should be(DscUpdateOutputType)
ruleOutputParam = RuleOutputParam("dsc", "", "map")
ruleOutputParam.getOutputType should not be DscUpdateOutputType
ruleOutputParam.getOutputType should be(UnknownOutputType)
"flattentype" should "be valid" in {
import org.apache.griffin.measure.configuration.enums.FlattenType._
var ruleOutputParam = RuleOutputParam("metric", "", "map")
ruleOutputParam.getFlatten should be(MapFlattenType)
ruleOutputParam = RuleOutputParam("metric", "", "metr")
ruleOutputParam.getFlatten should not be MapFlattenType
ruleOutputParam.getFlatten should be(DefaultFlattenType)
ruleOutputParam = RuleOutputParam("metric", "", "array")
ruleOutputParam.getFlatten should be(ArrayFlattenType)
ruleOutputParam = RuleOutputParam("metric", "", "list")
ruleOutputParam.getFlatten should be(ArrayFlattenType)
ruleOutputParam = RuleOutputParam("metric", "", "arrays")
ruleOutputParam.getFlatten should not be ArrayFlattenType
ruleOutputParam.getFlatten should be(DefaultFlattenType)
ruleOutputParam = RuleOutputParam("metric", "", "entries")
ruleOutputParam.getFlatten should be(EntriesFlattenType)
ruleOutputParam = RuleOutputParam("metric", "", "entry")
ruleOutputParam.getFlatten should not be EntriesFlattenType
ruleOutputParam.getFlatten should be(DefaultFlattenType)
"sinktype" should "be valid" in {
import org.mockito.Mockito._
import org.apache.griffin.measure.configuration.enums.SinkType._
var dqConfig = DQConfig(
dqConfig.getValidSinkTypes should be(Seq(Console, ElasticSearch, MongoDB, Hdfs))
dqConfig =
DQConfig("test", 1234, "", Nil, mock(classOf[EvaluateRuleParam]), List("Consol", "Logg"))
dqConfig.getValidSinkTypes should not be Seq(Console)
dqConfig.getValidSinkTypes should be(Seq())
dqConfig = DQConfig("test", 1234, "", Nil, mock(classOf[EvaluateRuleParam]), List(""))
dqConfig.getValidSinkTypes should be(Nil)