blob: 6be41d0e06f8dadf7d4f67e147d74fe6e12b2dde [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
from datetime import timedelta
from google.protobuf.any_pb2 import Any
from statefun.core import SdkAddress
from statefun.core import Expiration
from statefun.core import AnyStateHandle
from statefun.core import parse_typename
from statefun.core import StateRegistrationError
# generated function protocol
from statefun.request_reply_pb2 import FromFunction
from statefun.request_reply_pb2 import ToFunction
class InvocationContext:
def __init__(self, functions):
self.functions = functions
self.missing_state_specs = None
self.batch = None
self.context = None
self.target_function = None
def setup(self, request_bytes):
to_function = ToFunction()
# setup
target_address =
target_function = self.functions.for_type(target_address.namespace, target_address.type)
if target_function is None:
raise ValueError("Unable to find a function of type ", target_function)
# for each state spec defined in target function
# if state name is in request -> add to Batch Context
# if state name is not in request -> add to missing_state_specs
provided_state_values = self.provided_state_values(to_function)
missing_state_specs = []
resolved_state_values = {}
for state_name, state_spec in target_function.registered_state_specs.items():
if state_name in provided_state_values:
resolved_state_values[state_name] = provided_state_values[state_name]
self.batch = to_function.invocation.invocations
self.context = BatchContext(target_address, resolved_state_values)
self.target_function = target_function
if missing_state_specs:
self.missing_state_specs = missing_state_specs
def complete(self):
from_function = FromFunction()
if not self.missing_state_specs:
invocation_result = from_function.invocation_result
context = self.context
self.add_mutations(context, invocation_result)
self.add_outgoing_messages(context, invocation_result)
self.add_delayed_messages(context, invocation_result)
self.add_egress(context, invocation_result)
# reset the state for the next invocation
self.batch = None
self.context = None
self.target_function = None
# return the result
incomplete_context = from_function.incomplete_invocation_context
self.add_missing_state_specs(self.missing_state_specs, incomplete_context)
return from_function.SerializeToString()
def provided_state_values(to_function):
return {s.state_name: AnyStateHandle(s.state_value) for s in to_function.invocation.state}
def add_outgoing_messages(context, invocation_result):
outgoing_messages = invocation_result.outgoing_messages
for typename, id, message in context.messages:
outgoing = outgoing_messages.add()
namespace, type = parse_typename(typename) = namespace = type = id
def add_mutations(context, invocation_result):
for name, handle in context.states.items():
if not handle.modified:
mutation = invocation_result.state_mutations.add()
mutation.state_name = name
if handle.deleted:
mutation.mutation_type = FromFunction.PersistedValueMutation.MutationType.Value('DELETE')
mutation.mutation_type = FromFunction.PersistedValueMutation.MutationType.Value('MODIFY')
mutation.state_value = handle.bytes()
def add_delayed_messages(context, invocation_result):
delayed_invocations = invocation_result.delayed_invocations
for delay, typename, id, message in context.delayed_messages:
outgoing = delayed_invocations.add()
namespace, type = parse_typename(typename) = namespace = type = id
outgoing.delay_in_ms = delay
def add_egress(context, invocation_result):
outgoing_egresses = invocation_result.outgoing_egresses
for typename, message in context.egresses:
outgoing = outgoing_egresses.add()
namespace, type = parse_typename(typename)
outgoing.egress_namespace = namespace
outgoing.egress_type = type
def add_missing_state_specs(missing_state_specs, incomplete_context_response):
missing_values = incomplete_context_response.missing_values
for state_spec in missing_state_specs:
missing_value = missing_values.add()
missing_value.state_name =
protocol_expiration_spec = FromFunction.ExpirationSpec()
sdk_expiration_spec = state_spec.expiration
if not sdk_expiration_spec:
protocol_expiration_spec.mode = FromFunction.ExpirationSpec.ExpireMode.NONE
protocol_expiration_spec.expire_after_millis = sdk_expiration_spec.expire_after_millis
if sdk_expiration_spec.expire_mode is Expiration.Mode.AFTER_INVOKE:
protocol_expiration_spec.mode = FromFunction.ExpirationSpec.ExpireMode.AFTER_INVOKE
elif sdk_expiration_spec.expire_mode is Expiration.Mode.AFTER_WRITE:
protocol_expiration_spec.mode = FromFunction.ExpirationSpec.ExpireMode.AFTER_WRITE
raise ValueError("Unexpected state expiration mode.")
class RequestReplyHandler:
def __init__(self, functions):
self.functions = functions
def __call__(self, request_bytes):
ic = InvocationContext(self.functions)
if not ic.missing_state_specs:
return ic.complete()
def handle_invocation(ic: InvocationContext):
batch = ic.batch
context = ic.context
target_function = ic.target_function
fun = target_function.func
for invocation in batch:
unpacked = target_function.unpack_any(invocation.argument)
if not unpacked:
fun(context, invocation.argument)
fun(context, unpacked)
class AsyncRequestReplyHandler:
def __init__(self, functions):
self.functions = functions
async def __call__(self, request_bytes):
ic = InvocationContext(self.functions)
if not ic.missing_state_specs:
await self.handle_invocation(ic)
return ic.complete()
async def handle_invocation(ic: InvocationContext):
batch = ic.batch
context = ic.context
target_function = ic.target_function
fun = target_function.func
for invocation in batch:
unpacked = target_function.unpack_any(invocation.argument)
if not unpacked:
await fun(context, invocation.argument)
await fun(context, unpacked)
class BatchContext(object):
def __init__(self, target, states):
self.states = states
# remember own address
self.address = SdkAddress(target.namespace, target.type,
# the caller address would be set for each individual invocation in the batch
self.caller = None
# outgoing messages
self.messages = []
self.delayed_messages = []
self.egresses = []
def prepare(self, invocation):
"""setup per invocation """
if invocation.caller:
caller = invocation.caller
self.caller = SdkAddress(caller.namespace, caller.type,
self.caller = None
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# state access
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def state(self, name):
if name not in self.states:
raise StateRegistrationError(
'unknown state name ' + name + '; states need to be explicitly registered when binding functions.')
return self.states[name]
def __getitem__(self, name):
return self.state(name).value
def __delitem__(self, name):
state = self.state(name)
del state.value
def __setitem__(self, name, value):
state = self.state(name)
state.value = value
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# messages
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def send(self, typename: str, id: str, message: Any):
Send a message to a function of type and id.
:param typename: the target function type name, for example: "org.apache.flink.statefun/greeter"
:param id: the id of the target function
:param message: the message to send
if not typename:
raise ValueError("missing type name")
if not id:
raise ValueError("missing id")
if not message:
raise ValueError("missing message")
out = (typename, id, message)
def pack_and_send(self, typename: str, id: str, message):
Send a Protobuf message to a function.
This variant of send, would first pack this message
into a google.protobuf.Any and then send it.
:param typename: the target function type name, for example: "org.apache.flink.statefun/greeter"
:param id: the id of the target function
:param message: the message to pack into an Any and the send.
if not message:
raise ValueError("missing message")
any = Any()
self.send(typename, id, any)
def reply(self, message: Any):
Reply to the sender (assuming there is a sender)
:param message: the message to reply to.
caller = self.caller
if not caller:
raise AssertionError(
"Unable to reply without a caller. Was this message was sent directly from an ingress?")
self.send(caller.typename(), caller.identity, message)
def pack_and_reply(self, message):
Reply to the sender (assuming there is a sender)
:param message: the message to reply to.
any = Any()
def send_after(self, delay: timedelta, typename: str, id: str, message: Any):
Send a message to a function of type and id.
:param delay: the amount of time to wait before sending this message.
:param typename: the target function type name, for example: "org.apache.flink.statefun/greeter"
:param id: the id of the target function
:param message: the message to send
if not delay:
raise ValueError("missing delay")
if not typename:
raise ValueError("missing type name")
if not id:
raise ValueError("missing id")
if not message:
raise ValueError("missing message")
duration_ms = int(delay.total_seconds() * 1000.0)
out = (duration_ms, typename, id, message)
def pack_and_send_after(self, delay: timedelta, typename: str, id: str, message):
Send a message to a function of type and id.
:param delay: the amount of time to wait before sending this message.
:param typename: the target function type name, for example: "org.apache.flink.statefun/greeter"
:param id: the id of the target function
:param message: the message to send
if not message:
raise ValueError("missing message")
any = Any()
self.send_after(delay, typename, id, any)
def send_egress(self, typename, message: Any):
Sends a message to an egress defined by @typename
:param typename: an egress identifier of the form <namespace>/<name>
:param message: the message to send.
if not typename:
raise ValueError("missing type name")
if not message:
raise ValueError("missing message")
self.egresses.append((typename, message))
def pack_and_send_egress(self, typename, message):
Sends a message to an egress defined by @typename
:param typename: an egress identifier of the form <namespace>/<name>
:param message: the message to send.
if not message:
raise ValueError("missing message")
any = Any()
self.send_egress(typename, any)