blob: f12f1f46a67968a3b531561e9746c5ea8bd5ef4e [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
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// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package statefun
import (
type testContextKeyType string
const (
testContextKey1 = testContextKeyType("key1")
testContextValue1 = "value1"
testContextKey2 = testContextKeyType("key2")
testContextValue2 = "value2"
func TestStatefunContext_Send(t *testing.T) {
context := createContext()
msg := MessageBuilder{
Target: Address{
FunctionType: TypeNameFrom("example/func"),
Id: "0",
Value: "hello",
outgoing := context.response.GetOutgoingMessages()
assert.Equal(t, 1, len(outgoing), "incorrect number of outgoing messages")
assert.Equal(t, "example", outgoing[0].Target.Namespace, "incorrect target namespace")
assert.Equal(t, "func", outgoing[0].Target.Type, "incorrect target type")
assert.Equal(t, "0", outgoing[0].Target.Id, "incorrect target id")
assert.Equal(t, stringTypeName.String(), outgoing[0].Argument.Typename, "incorrect typename set for message")
assert.True(t, outgoing[0].Argument.HasValue, "argument does not have value")
func TestStatefunContext_SendAfter(t *testing.T) {
context := createContext()
msg := MessageBuilder{
Target: Address{
FunctionType: TypeNameFrom("example/func"),
Id: "0",
Value: "hello",
context.SendAfter(time.Duration(1)*time.Millisecond, msg)
delayed := context.response.GetDelayedInvocations()
assert.Equal(t, 1, len(delayed), "incorrect number of delayed messages")
assert.Equal(t, "example", delayed[0].Target.Namespace, "incorrect target namespace")
assert.Equal(t, "func", delayed[0].Target.Type, "incorrect target type")
assert.Equal(t, "0", delayed[0].Target.Id, "incorrect target id")
assert.Equal(t, int64(1), delayed[0].DelayInMs, "incorrect delay")
assert.Equal(t, "", delayed[0].CancellationToken, "set cancellation token")
assert.False(t, delayed[0].IsCancellationRequest, "delayed message should not be a cancellation request")
assert.Equal(t, stringTypeName.String(), delayed[0].Argument.Typename, "incorrect typename set for message")
assert.True(t, delayed[0].Argument.HasValue, "argument does not have value")
func TestStatefunContext_SendAfterWithCancellationTokenMessage(t *testing.T) {
context := createContext()
msg := MessageBuilder{
Target: Address{
FunctionType: TypeNameFrom("example/func"),
Id: "0",
Value: "hello",
token, err := NewCancellationToken("token")
assert.NoError(t, err, "failed to create token")
context.SendAfterWithCancellationToken(time.Duration(1)*time.Millisecond, token, msg)
delayed := context.response.GetDelayedInvocations()
assert.Equal(t, 1, len(delayed), "incorrect number of delayed messages")
assert.Equal(t, "example", delayed[0].Target.Namespace, "incorrect target namespace")
assert.Equal(t, "func", delayed[0].Target.Type, "incorrect target type")
assert.Equal(t, "0", delayed[0].Target.Id, "incorrect target id")
assert.Equal(t, int64(1), delayed[0].DelayInMs, "incorrect delay")
assert.Equal(t, token.Token(), delayed[0].CancellationToken, "failed to set cancellation token")
assert.False(t, delayed[0].IsCancellationRequest, "delayed message should not be a cancellation request")
assert.Equal(t, stringTypeName.String(), delayed[0].Argument.Typename, "incorrect typename set for message")
assert.True(t, delayed[0].Argument.HasValue, "argument does not have value")
func TestStatefunContext_CancelDelayedMessage(t *testing.T) {
context := createContext()
token, err := NewCancellationToken("token")
assert.NoError(t, err, "failed to create token")
delayed := context.response.GetDelayedInvocations()
assert.Equal(t, 1, len(delayed), "incorrect number of delayed messages")
assert.Equal(t, token.Token(), delayed[0].CancellationToken, "failed to set cancellation token")
assert.True(t, delayed[0].IsCancellationRequest, "delayed message should be a cancellation request")
func TestStatefunContext_SendEgress_Kafka(t *testing.T) {
context := createContext()
kafka := &KafkaEgressBuilder{
Target: TypeNameFrom("example/kafka"),
Topic: "topic",
Key: "key",
Value: "value",
egress := context.response.GetOutgoingEgresses()
assert.Equal(t, 1, len(egress), "incorrect number of egress messages")
assert.Equal(t, "example", egress[0].EgressNamespace, "incorrect target namespace")
assert.Equal(t, "kafka", egress[0].EgressType, "incorrect target type")
assert.Equal(t, kafkaTypeName, egress[0].Argument.Typename, "incorrect typename")
kafkaRecord := protocol.KafkaProducerRecord{}
assert.NoError(t, proto.Unmarshal(egress[0].Argument.Value, &kafkaRecord), "failed to deserialize kafka record")
assert.Equal(t, "topic", kafkaRecord.Topic, "incorrect kafka topic")
assert.Equal(t, "key", kafkaRecord.Key, "incorrect kafka key")
func TestStatefunContext_SendEgress_Kinesis(t *testing.T) {
context := createContext()
kafka := &KinesisEgressBuilder{
Target: TypeNameFrom("example/kinesis"),
Stream: "stream",
PartitionKey: "key",
Value: "value",
egress := context.response.GetOutgoingEgresses()
assert.Equal(t, 1, len(egress), "incorrect number of egress messages")
assert.Equal(t, "example", egress[0].EgressNamespace, "incorrect target namespace")
assert.Equal(t, "kinesis", egress[0].EgressType, "incorrect target type")
assert.Equal(t, kinesisTypeName, egress[0].Argument.Typename, "incorrect typename")
kinesis := protocol.KinesisEgressRecord{}
assert.NoError(t, proto.Unmarshal(egress[0].Argument.Value, &kinesis), "failed to deserialize kinesis record")
assert.Equal(t, "stream", kinesis.Stream, "incorrect kinesis stream")
assert.Equal(t, "key", kinesis.PartitionKey, "incorrect kinesis key")
func TestStatefunContext_WithContext(t *testing.T) {
originalContext := createContext()
// create a new statefun context with a value added to context
newContext := DeriveContext(originalContext, context.WithValue(originalContext, testContextKey2, testContextValue2))
// Context interface properties should be the same
assert.Equal(t, originalContext.Self(), newContext.Self())
assert.Equal(t, originalContext.Caller(), newContext.Caller())
assert.Equal(t, originalContext.Storage(), newContext.Storage())
// validate a couple of internals, to ensure the derived context updates the same
// response as the original using the same mutex
assert.Equal(t, originalContext.Mutex, newContext.(*statefunContext).Mutex)
assert.Equal(t, originalContext.response, newContext.(*statefunContext).response)
// the testContextKey1 key/value should be in both the new context and the original,
// i.e. the new context inherited the kv pairs from the original
assert.Equal(t, testContextValue1, newContext.Value(testContextKey1))
assert.Equal(t, testContextValue1, originalContext.Value(testContextKey1))
// the testContextKey2 key/value should be in the new context but not the original
assert.Equal(t, testContextValue2, newContext.Value(testContextKey2))
assert.Nil(t, originalContext.Value(testContextKey2))
// creates a context with the minimal state to run tests.
func createContext() *statefunContext {
return &statefunContext{
Context: context.WithValue(context.Background(), testContextKey1, testContextValue1),
Mutex: new(sync.Mutex),
caller: &Address{FunctionType: TypeNameFrom("namespace/function1"), Id: "1"},
self: Address{FunctionType: TypeNameFrom("namespace/function2"), Id: "2"},
storage: new(storage),
response: &protocol.FromFunction_InvocationResponse{},