[FLINK-20265] [core] Add IncompleteInvocationContext to FromFunction
diff --git a/statefun-flink/statefun-flink-core/src/main/protobuf/http-function.proto b/statefun-flink/statefun-flink-core/src/main/protobuf/http-function.proto
index c4ff830..5e73ce3 100644
--- a/statefun-flink/statefun-flink-core/src/main/protobuf/http-function.proto
+++ b/statefun-flink/statefun-flink-core/src/main/protobuf/http-function.proto
@@ -63,11 +63,11 @@
     // InvocationBatchRequest represents a request to invoke a remote function. It is always associated with a target
-    // address (the function to invoke), a list of eager state values.
+    // address (the function to invoke), and a list of values for registered state.
     message InvocationBatchRequest {
         // The address of the function to invoke
         Address target = 1;
-        // A list of PersistedValues that were registered as an eager state.
+        // A list of PersistedValues that were registered as a persisted state.
         repeated PersistedValue state = 2;
         // A non empty (at least one) list of invocations
         repeated Invocation invocations = 3;
@@ -137,8 +137,37 @@
         repeated EgressMessage outgoing_egresses = 4;
+    // ExpirationSpec represents TTL (Time-To-Live) configuration for persisted states.
+    message ExpirationSpec {
+        enum ExpireMode {
+            NONE = 0;
+            AFTER_WRITE = 1;
+            AFTER_INVOKE = 2;
+        }
+        ExpireMode mode = 1;
+        int64 expire_after_millis = 2;
+    }
+    // PersistedValueSpec represents specifications of a function's persisted value state.
+    message PersistedValueSpec {
+        string state_name = 1;
+        ExpirationSpec expiration_spec = 2;
+    }
+    // IncompleteInvocationContext represents a result of an org.apache.flink.statefun.flink.core.polyglot.ToFunction.InvocationBatchRequest,
+    // which should be used as the response if the InvocationBatchRequest provided incomplete information about the
+    // invocation, e.g. insufficient state values were provided.
+    message IncompleteInvocationContext {
+        repeated PersistedValueSpec missing_values = 1;
+    }
+    // Response sent from the function, as a result of an org.apache.flink.statefun.flink.core.polyglot.ToFunction.InvocationBatchRequest.
+    // It can be one of the following types:
+    //   - org.apache.flink.statefun.flink.core.polyglot.FromFunction.InvocationResponse
+    //   - org.apache.flink.statefun.flink.core.polyglot.FromFunction.IncompleteInvocationContext
     oneof response {
         InvocationResponse invocation_result = 100;
+        IncompleteInvocationContext incomplete_invocation_context = 101;