blob: 8499a71212b70872836b93478f2188d12b368771 [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
from google.protobuf.any_pb2 import Any
import inspect
from enum import Enum
from typing import List
from datetime import timedelta
from statefun.kafka_egress_pb2 import KafkaProducerRecord
from statefun.kinesis_egress_pb2 import KinesisEgressRecord
class SdkAddress(object):
def __init__(self, namespace, type, identity):
self.namespace = namespace
self.type = type
self.identity = identity
def __repr__(self):
return "%s/%s/%s" % (self.namespace, self.type, self.identity)
def typename(self):
return "%s/%s" % (self.namespace, self.type)
class AnyStateHandle(object):
def __init__(self, any_bytes):
self.any = None
self.value_bytes = any_bytes
self.modified = False
self.deleted = False
def bytes(self):
if self.deleted:
raise AssertionError("can not obtain the bytes of a delete handle")
if self.modified:
return self.value.SerializeToString()
return self.value_bytes
def unpack(self, into_class):
if self.value:
into_ref = into_class()
return into_ref
return None
def pack(self, message):
any = Any()
self.value = any
def value(self):
"""returns the current value of this state"""
if self.deleted:
return None
if self.any:
return self.any
if not self.value_bytes:
return None
self.any = Any()
return self.any
def value(self, any):
"""updates this value to the supplied value, and also marks this state as modified"""
self.any = any
self.value_bytes = None
self.modified = True
self.deleted = False
def value(self):
"""marks this state as deleted and also as modified"""
self.any = None
self.value_bytes = None
self.deleted = True
self.modified = True
class Expiration(object):
class Mode(Enum):
def __init__(self, expire_after: timedelta, expire_mode: Mode=Mode.AFTER_INVOKE):
self.expire_mode = expire_mode
self.expire_after_millis = self.total_milliseconds(expire_after)
if self.expire_after_millis <= 0:
raise ValueError("expire_after_millis must be a positive number.")
def total_milliseconds(expire_after: timedelta):
return int(expire_after.total_seconds() * 1000.0)
class AfterInvoke(Expiration):
def __init__(self, expire_after: timedelta):
super().__init__(expire_after, expire_mode=Expiration.Mode.AFTER_INVOKE)
class AfterWrite(Expiration):
def __init__(self, expire_after: timedelta):
super().__init__(expire_after, expire_mode=Expiration.Mode.AFTER_WRITE)
class StateSpec(object):
def __init__(self, name, expire_after: Expiration=None): = name
self.expiration = expire_after
if not name:
raise ValueError("state name must be provided")
class StateRegistrationError(Exception):
class StatefulFunction(object):
def __init__(self, fun, state_specs: List[StateSpec], expected_messages=None):
self.known_messages = expected_messages[:] if expected_messages else None
self.func = fun
if not fun:
raise ValueError("function code is missing.")
self.registered_state_specs = {}
if state_specs:
for state_spec in state_specs:
if in self.registered_state_specs:
raise StateRegistrationError("duplicate registered state name: " +
self.registered_state_specs[] = state_spec
def unpack_any(self, any: Any):
if self.known_messages is None:
return None
for cls in self.known_messages:
if any.Is(cls.DESCRIPTOR):
instance = cls()
return instance
raise ValueError("Unknown message type " + any.type_url)
def parse_typename(typename):
"""parses a string of type namespace/type into a tuple of (namespace, type)"""
if typename is None:
raise ValueError("function type must be provided")
idx = typename.rfind("/")
if idx < 0:
raise ValueError("function type must be of the from namespace/name")
namespace = typename[:idx]
if not namespace:
raise ValueError("function type's namespace must not be empty")
type = typename[idx + 1:]
if not type:
raise ValueError("function type's name must not be empty")
return namespace, type
def deduce_protobuf_types(fn):
Try to extract the class names that are attached as the typing annotation.
:param fn: the function with the annotated parameters.
:return: a list of classes or None.
spec = inspect.getfullargspec(fn)
if not spec:
return None
if len(spec.args) != 2:
raise TypeError("A stateful function must have two arguments: a context and a message. but got ", spec.args)
message_arg_name = spec.args[1] # has to be the second element
if message_arg_name not in spec.annotations:
return None
message_annotation = spec.annotations[message_arg_name]
if inspect.isclass(message_annotation):
return [message_annotation]
# it is not a class, then it is only allowed to be
# typing.SpecialForm('Union')
return list(message_annotation.__args__)
except Exception:
return None
class StatefulFunctions:
def __init__(self):
self.functions = {}
def register(self, typename: str, fun, state_specs: List[StateSpec]=None):
"""registers a StatefulFunction function instance, under the given namespace with the given function type. """
if fun is None:
raise ValueError("function instance must be provided")
namespace, type = parse_typename(typename)
expected_messages = deduce_protobuf_types(fun)
self.functions[(namespace, type)] = StatefulFunction(fun, state_specs, expected_messages)
def bind(self, typename, states: List[StateSpec]=None):
"""wraps a StatefulFunction instance with a given namespace and type.
for example:
s = StateFun()
def greeter(context, message):
print("Hi there")
This would add an invokable stateful function that can accept messages
sent to "".
def wrapper(function):
self.register(typename, function, states)
return function
return wrapper
def for_type(self, namespace, type):
return self.functions[(namespace, type)]
def kafka_egress_record(topic: str, value, key: str = None):
Build a ProtobufMessage that can be emitted to a Kafka generic egress.
:param topic: The Kafka destination topic for that record
:param key: the utf8 encoded string key to produce (can be empty)
:param value: the Protobuf value to produce
:return: A Protobuf message representing the record to be produced via the Kafka generic egress.
if not topic:
raise ValueError("A destination Kafka topic is missing")
if not value:
raise ValueError("Missing value")
record = KafkaProducerRecord()
record.topic = topic
record.value_bytes = value.SerializeToString()
if key is not None:
record.key = key
return record
def kinesis_egress_record(stream: str, value, partition_key: str, explicit_hash_key: str = None):
Build a ProtobufMessage that can be emitted to a Kinesis generic egress.
:param stream: The AWS Kinesis destination stream for that record
:param partition_key: the utf8 encoded string partition key to use
:param value: the Protobuf value to produce
:param explicit_hash_key: a utf8 encoded string explicit hash key to use (can be empty)
:return: A Protobuf message representing the record to be produced to AWS Kinesis via the Kinesis generic egress.
if not stream:
raise ValueError("Missing destination Kinesis stream")
if not value:
raise ValueError("Missing value")
if not partition_key:
raise ValueError("Missing partition key")
record = KinesisEgressRecord() = stream
record.value_bytes = value.SerializeToString()
record.partition_key = partition_key
if explicit_hash_key is not None:
record.explicit_hash_key = explicit_hash_key
return record