blob: bd9a3e6f37b61dd508b8910d5f9597de43164011 [file] [log] [blame]
"id": {
"desc": "<p>Component ID, not specified by default. If specified, it can be used to refer the component in option or API.</p>\n"
"show": {
"desc": "\n\n<p>Whether to show toolbox component.</p>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "boolean"
"orient": {
"desc": "\n\n<p>The layout orientation of toolbox&#39;s icon.</p>\n<p>Options:</p>\n<ul>\n<li>&#39;horizontal&#39;</li>\n<li>&#39;vertical&#39;</li>\n</ul>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "enum",
"options": "vertical,horizontal"
"itemSize": {
"desc": "\n\n<p>The size of toolbox&#39;s icon.</p>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "number",
"min": "0",
"default": "15"
"itemGap": {
"desc": "\n\n<p>The gap between each icon of toolbox. It is horizontal gap in horizontal layout, while vertical gap in vertical layout.</p>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "number",
"min": "0",
"default": "10"
"showTitle": {
"desc": "\n\n<p>Whether to show the title of each tool icon when mouse hovers.</p>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "boolean",
"default": "true"
"feature": {
"desc": "<p>The configuration item for each tool.</p>\n<p>Besides the tools we provide, user-defined toolbox is also supported.</p>\n<p>Notes: User-defined tool name could only start with <code class=\"codespan\">my</code>, like <code class=\"codespan\">myTool1</code> and <code class=\"codespan\">myTool2</code> in the below example:</p>\n<pre><code class=\"lang-javascript\">{\n toolbox: {\n feature: {\n myTool1: {\n show: true,\n title: &#39;custom extension method 1&#39;,\n icon: &#39;path://M432.45,595.444c0,2.177-4.661,6.82-11.305,6.82c-6.475,0-11.306-4.567-11.306-6.82s4.852-6.812,11.306-6.812C427.841,588.632,432.452,593.191,432.45,595.444L432.45,595.444z M421.155,589.876c-3.009,0-5.448,2.495-5.448,5.572s2.439,5.572,5.448,5.572c3.01,0,5.449-2.495,5.449-5.572C426.604,592.371,424.165,589.876,421.155,589.876L421.155,589.876z M421.146,591.891c-1.916,0-3.47,1.589-3.47,3.549c0,1.959,1.554,3.548,3.47,3.548s3.469-1.589,3.469-3.548C424.614,593.479,423.062,591.891,421.146,591.891L421.146,591.891zM421.146,591.891&#39;,\n onclick: function (){\n alert(&#39;myToolHandler1&#39;)\n }\n },\n myTool2: {\n show: true,\n title: &#39;custom extension method&#39;,\n icon: &#39;image://;,\n onclick: function (){\n alert(&#39;myToolHandler2&#39;)\n }\n }\n }\n }\n}\n</code></pre>\n"
"feature.saveAsImage": {
"desc": "<p>Save as image.</p>\n"
"feature.saveAsImage.type": {
"desc": "\n\n<p>File suffix of the image saved.</p>\n<ul>\n<li>If the <code class=\"codespan\">renderer</code> is set to be <code class=\"codespan\">&#39;canvas&#39;</code> when chart <a href=\"api.html#echarts.init\" target=\"_blank\">initialized</a> (default), then <code class=\"codespan\">&#39;png&#39;</code> (default) and <code class=\"codespan\">&#39;jpg&#39;</code> are supported.</li>\n<li>If the <code class=\"codespan\">renderer</code> is set to be <code class=\"codespan\">&#39;svg&#39;</code> when when chart <a href=\"api.html#echarts.init\" target=\"_blank\">initialized</a>, then only <code class=\"codespan\">&#39;svg&#39;</code> is supported for <code class=\"codespan\">type</code> (<code class=\"codespan\">&#39;svg&#39;</code> type is supported since <code class=\"codespan\">v4.8.0</code>).</li>\n</ul>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "enum",
"options": "png,jpg"
"": {
"desc": "\n\n<p>Name to save the image, whose default value is <a href=\"#title.text\">title.text</a>.</p>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "text"
"feature.saveAsImage.backgroundColor": {
"desc": "\n\n<p>Background color to save the image, whose default value is <a href=\"#backgroundColor\">backgroundColor</a>. If <code class=\"codespan\">backgroundColor</code> is not set, white color is used.</p>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "color"
"feature.saveAsImage.connectedBackgroundColor": {
"desc": "\n\n<p>When <a href=\"api.html#echarts.connect\" target=\"_blank\">echarts.connect</a> is used to connect the interaction of multiple chart series, they will all be included in the exported image. This option sets the background color between these charts.</p>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "color"
"feature.saveAsImage.excludeComponents": {
"desc": "<p>Components to be excluded when export. By default, toolbox is excluded.</p>\n"
"": {
"desc": "<p>Whether to show the tool.</p>\n"
"feature.saveAsImage.icon": {
"desc": "<p>It can be set to an image with <code class=\"codespan\">&#39;image://url&#39;</code> , in which URL is the link to an image, or <code class=\"codespan\">dataURI</code> of an image.</p>\n<p>An image URL example:</p>\n<pre><code>&#39;image://;\n</code></pre><p>A <code class=\"codespan\">dataURI</code> example:</p>\n<pre><code>&#39;image://&#39;\n</code></pre><p>Icons can be set to arbitrary vector path via <code class=\"codespan\">&#39;path://&#39;</code> in ECharts. As compared with a raster image, vector paths prevent jagging and blurring when scaled, and have better control over changing colors. The size of the vector icon will be adapted automatically. Refer to <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">SVG PathData</a> for more information about the format of the path. You may export vector paths from tools like Adobe </p>\n<p>For example:</p>\n<pre><code>&#39;path://M30.9,53.2C16.8,53.2,5.3,41.7,5.3,27.6S16.8,2,30.9,2C45,2,56.4,13.5,56.4,27.6S45,53.2,30.9,53.2z M30.9,3.5C17.6,3.5,6.8,14.4,6.8,27.6c0,13.3,10.8,24.1,24.101,24.1C44.2,51.7,55,40.9,55,27.6C54.9,14.4,44.1,3.5,30.9,3.5z M36.9,35.8c0,0.601-0.4,1-0.9,1h-1.3c-0.5,0-0.9-0.399-0.9-1V19.5c0-0.6,0.4-1,0.9-1H36c0.5,0,0.9,0.4,0.9,1V35.8z M27.8,35.8 c0,0.601-0.4,1-0.9,1h-1.3c-0.5,0-0.9-0.399-0.9-1V19.5c0-0.6,0.4-1,0.9-1H27c0.5,0,0.9,0.4,0.9,1L27.8,35.8L27.8,35.8z&#39;\n</code></pre>"
"feature.saveAsImage.iconStyle": {
"desc": "<p>The style setting of save as image icon. Since icon label is displayed only when hovering on the icon, the label configuration options are available under <code class=\"codespan\">emphasis</code>.</p>\n"
"feature.saveAsImage.iconStyle.color": {
"desc": "\n\n<p> color. </p>\n<blockquote>\n<p>Color can be represented in RGB, for example <code class=\"codespan\">&#39;rgb(128, 128, 128)&#39;</code>. RGBA can be used when you need alpha channel, for example <code class=\"codespan\">&#39;rgba(128, 128, 128, 0.5)&#39;</code>. You may also use hexadecimal format, for example <code class=\"codespan\">&#39;#ccc&#39;</code>. Gradient color and texture are also supported besides single colors.</p>\n<pre><code class=\"lang-js\">// Linear gradient. First four parameters are x0, y0, x2, and y2, each ranged from 0 to 1, standing for percentage in the bounding box. If global is `true`, then the first four parameters are in absolute pixel positions.\ncolor: {\n type: &#39;linear&#39;,\n x: 0,\n y: 0,\n x2: 0,\n y2: 1,\n colorStops: [{\n offset: 0, color: &#39;red&#39; // color at 0% position\n }, {\n offset: 1, color: &#39;blue&#39; // color at 100% position\n }],\n global: false // false by default\n}\n// Radial gradient. First three parameters are x and y positions of center, and radius, similar to linear gradient.\ncolor: {\n type: &#39;radial&#39;,\n x: 0.5,\n y: 0.5,\n r: 0.5,\n colorStops: [{\n offset: 0, color: &#39;red&#39; // color at 0% position\n }, {\n offset: 1, color: &#39;blue&#39; // color at 100% position\n }],\n global: false // false by default\n}\n// Fill with texture\ncolor: {\n image: imageDom, // HTMLImageElement, and HTMLCanvasElement are supported, while string path is not supported\n repeat: &#39;repeat&#39; // whether to repeat texture, whose value can be repeat-x, repeat-y, or no-repeat\n}\n</code></pre>\n</blockquote>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "color"
"feature.saveAsImage.iconStyle.borderColor": {
"desc": "\n\n<p> border color, whose format is similar to that of <code class=\"codespan\">color</code>.</p>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "color"
"feature.saveAsImage.iconStyle.borderWidth": {
"desc": "\n\n<p> border width. No border when it is set to be 0.</p>\n<p> border width. No border when it is set to be 0.</p>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "number",
"value": "1",
"min": "0",
"step": "0.5"
"feature.saveAsImage.iconStyle.borderType": {
"desc": "\n\n\n<p> border type.</p>\n<p>Possible values are:</p>\n<ul>\n<li><code class=\"codespan\">&#39;solid&#39;</code></li>\n<li><code class=\"codespan\">&#39;dashed&#39;</code></li>\n<li><code class=\"codespan\">&#39;dotted&#39;</code></li>\n</ul>\n<p>Since <code class=\"codespan\">v5.0.0</code>, it can also be a number or a number array to specify the <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">dash array</a> of the line. With \n<code class=\"codespan\">borderDashOffset</code>\n, we can make the line style more flexible.</p>\n<p>For example:</p>\n<pre><code class=\"lang-js\">{\n\nborderType: [5, 10],\n\nborderDashOffset: 5\n}\n</code></pre>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "enum",
"default": "solid",
"options": "solid,dashed,dotted"
"feature.saveAsImage.iconStyle.borderDashOffset": {
"desc": "<blockquote>\n<p>Since <code class=\"codespan\">v5.0.0</code></p>\n</blockquote>\n\n\n<p>To set the line dash offset. With \n<code class=\"codespan\">borderType</code>\n, we can make the line style more flexible.</p>\n<p>Refer to MDN <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">lineDashOffset</a> for more details.</p>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "number",
"min": "0",
"step": "1",
"default": "0"
"feature.saveAsImage.iconStyle.borderCap": {
"desc": "<blockquote>\n<p>Since <code class=\"codespan\">v5.0.0</code></p>\n</blockquote>\n\n\n<p>To specify how to draw the end points of the line.\nPossible values are:</p>\n<ul>\n<li><code class=\"codespan\">&#39;butt&#39;</code>: The ends of lines are squared off at the endpoints.</li>\n<li><code class=\"codespan\">&#39;round&#39;</code>: The ends of lines are rounded.</li>\n<li><code class=\"codespan\">&#39;square&#39;</code>: The ends of lines are squared off by adding a box with an equal width and half the height of the line&#39;s thickness.</li>\n</ul>\n<p>Default value is <code class=\"codespan\">&#39;butt&#39;</code>. Refer to MDN <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">lineCap</a> for more details.</p>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "enum",
"default": "butt",
"options": "butt,round,square"
"feature.saveAsImage.iconStyle.borderJoin": {
"desc": "<blockquote>\n<p>Since <code class=\"codespan\">v5.0.0</code></p>\n</blockquote>\n\n\n<p>To determine the shape used to join two line segments where they meet.</p>\n<p>Possible values are:</p>\n<ul>\n<li><code class=\"codespan\">&#39;bevel&#39;</code>: Fills an additional triangular area between the common endpoint of connected segments, and the separate outside rectangular corners of each segment.</li>\n<li><code class=\"codespan\">&#39;round&#39;</code>: Rounds off the corners of a shape by filling an additional sector of disc centered at the common endpoint of connected segments. The radius for these rounded corners is equal to the line width.</li>\n<li><code class=\"codespan\">&#39;miter&#39;</code>: Connected segments are joined by extending their outside edges to connect at a single point, with the effect of filling an additional lozenge-shaped area. This setting is affected by the \n<code class=\"codespan\">borderMiterLimit</code>\nproperty.</li>\n</ul>\n<p>Default value is <code class=\"codespan\">&#39;bevel&#39;</code>. Refer to MDN <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">lineJoin</a> for more details.</p>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "enum",
"default": "bevel",
"options": "bevel,round,miter"
"feature.saveAsImage.iconStyle.borderMiterLimit": {
"desc": "<blockquote>\n<p>Since <code class=\"codespan\">v5.0.0</code></p>\n</blockquote>\n\n\n<p>To set the miter limit ratio. Only works when \n<code class=\"codespan\">borderJoin</code>\n is set as <code class=\"codespan\">miter</code>.</p>\n<p>Default value is <code class=\"codespan\">10</code>. Negative、<code class=\"codespan\">0</code>、<code class=\"codespan\">Infinity</code> and <code class=\"codespan\">NaN</code> values are ignored.</p>\n<p>Refer to MDN <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">miterLimit</a> for more details.</p>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "number",
"min": "0",
"step": "1",
"default": "10"
"feature.saveAsImage.iconStyle.shadowBlur": {
"desc": "\n\n<p>Size of shadow blur. This attribute should be used along with <code class=\"codespan\">shadowColor</code>,<code class=\"codespan\">shadowOffsetX</code>, <code class=\"codespan\">shadowOffsetY</code> to set shadow to component.</p>\n<p>For example:</p>\n<pre><code class=\"lang-js\">{\n shadowColor: &#39;rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)&#39;,\n shadowBlur: 10\n}\n</code></pre>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "number",
"default": "",
"min": "0",
"step": "0.5"
"feature.saveAsImage.iconStyle.shadowColor": {
"desc": "\n\n<p>Shadow color. Support same format as <code class=\"codespan\">color</code>.</p>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "color",
"default": ""
"feature.saveAsImage.iconStyle.shadowOffsetX": {
"desc": "\n\n<p>Offset distance on the horizontal direction of shadow.</p>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "number",
"default": "0",
"step": "0.5"
"feature.saveAsImage.iconStyle.shadowOffsetY": {
"desc": "\n\n<p>Offset distance on the vertical direction of shadow.</p>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "number",
"default": "0",
"step": "0.5"
"feature.saveAsImage.iconStyle.opacity": {
"desc": "\n\n<p>Opacity of the component. Supports value from 0 to 1, and the component will not be drawn when set to 0.</p>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "number",
"default": "1",
"min": "0",
"max": "1",
"step": "0.01"
"feature.saveAsImage.emphasis.iconStyle.color": {
"desc": "\n\n<p> color. </p>\n<blockquote>\n<p>Color can be represented in RGB, for example <code class=\"codespan\">&#39;rgb(128, 128, 128)&#39;</code>. RGBA can be used when you need alpha channel, for example <code class=\"codespan\">&#39;rgba(128, 128, 128, 0.5)&#39;</code>. You may also use hexadecimal format, for example <code class=\"codespan\">&#39;#ccc&#39;</code>. Gradient color and texture are also supported besides single colors.</p>\n<pre><code class=\"lang-js\">// Linear gradient. First four parameters are x0, y0, x2, and y2, each ranged from 0 to 1, standing for percentage in the bounding box. If global is `true`, then the first four parameters are in absolute pixel positions.\ncolor: {\n type: &#39;linear&#39;,\n x: 0,\n y: 0,\n x2: 0,\n y2: 1,\n colorStops: [{\n offset: 0, color: &#39;red&#39; // color at 0% position\n }, {\n offset: 1, color: &#39;blue&#39; // color at 100% position\n }],\n global: false // false by default\n}\n// Radial gradient. First three parameters are x and y positions of center, and radius, similar to linear gradient.\ncolor: {\n type: &#39;radial&#39;,\n x: 0.5,\n y: 0.5,\n r: 0.5,\n colorStops: [{\n offset: 0, color: &#39;red&#39; // color at 0% position\n }, {\n offset: 1, color: &#39;blue&#39; // color at 100% position\n }],\n global: false // false by default\n}\n// Fill with texture\ncolor: {\n image: imageDom, // HTMLImageElement, and HTMLCanvasElement are supported, while string path is not supported\n repeat: &#39;repeat&#39; // whether to repeat texture, whose value can be repeat-x, repeat-y, or no-repeat\n}\n</code></pre>\n</blockquote>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "color"
"feature.saveAsImage.emphasis.iconStyle.borderColor": {
"desc": "\n\n<p> border color, whose format is similar to that of <code class=\"codespan\">color</code>.</p>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "color"
"feature.saveAsImage.emphasis.iconStyle.borderWidth": {
"desc": "\n\n<p> border width. No border when it is set to be 0.</p>\n<p> border width. No border when it is set to be 0.</p>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "number",
"value": "0",
"min": "0",
"step": "0.5"
"feature.saveAsImage.emphasis.iconStyle.borderType": {
"desc": "\n\n\n<p> border type.</p>\n<p>Possible values are:</p>\n<ul>\n<li><code class=\"codespan\">&#39;solid&#39;</code></li>\n<li><code class=\"codespan\">&#39;dashed&#39;</code></li>\n<li><code class=\"codespan\">&#39;dotted&#39;</code></li>\n</ul>\n<p>Since <code class=\"codespan\">v5.0.0</code>, it can also be a number or a number array to specify the <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">dash array</a> of the line. With \n<code class=\"codespan\">borderDashOffset</code>\n, we can make the line style more flexible.</p>\n<p>For example:</p>\n<pre><code class=\"lang-js\">{\n\nborderType: [5, 10],\n\nborderDashOffset: 5\n}\n</code></pre>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "enum",
"default": "solid",
"options": "solid,dashed,dotted"
"feature.saveAsImage.emphasis.iconStyle.borderDashOffset": {
"desc": "<blockquote>\n<p>Since <code class=\"codespan\">v5.0.0</code></p>\n</blockquote>\n\n\n<p>To set the line dash offset. With \n<code class=\"codespan\">borderType</code>\n, we can make the line style more flexible.</p>\n<p>Refer to MDN <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">lineDashOffset</a> for more details.</p>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "number",
"min": "0",
"step": "1",
"default": "0"
"feature.saveAsImage.emphasis.iconStyle.borderCap": {
"desc": "<blockquote>\n<p>Since <code class=\"codespan\">v5.0.0</code></p>\n</blockquote>\n\n\n<p>To specify how to draw the end points of the line.\nPossible values are:</p>\n<ul>\n<li><code class=\"codespan\">&#39;butt&#39;</code>: The ends of lines are squared off at the endpoints.</li>\n<li><code class=\"codespan\">&#39;round&#39;</code>: The ends of lines are rounded.</li>\n<li><code class=\"codespan\">&#39;square&#39;</code>: The ends of lines are squared off by adding a box with an equal width and half the height of the line&#39;s thickness.</li>\n</ul>\n<p>Default value is <code class=\"codespan\">&#39;butt&#39;</code>. Refer to MDN <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">lineCap</a> for more details.</p>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "enum",
"default": "butt",
"options": "butt,round,square"
"feature.saveAsImage.emphasis.iconStyle.borderJoin": {
"desc": "<blockquote>\n<p>Since <code class=\"codespan\">v5.0.0</code></p>\n</blockquote>\n\n\n<p>To determine the shape used to join two line segments where they meet.</p>\n<p>Possible values are:</p>\n<ul>\n<li><code class=\"codespan\">&#39;bevel&#39;</code>: Fills an additional triangular area between the common endpoint of connected segments, and the separate outside rectangular corners of each segment.</li>\n<li><code class=\"codespan\">&#39;round&#39;</code>: Rounds off the corners of a shape by filling an additional sector of disc centered at the common endpoint of connected segments. The radius for these rounded corners is equal to the line width.</li>\n<li><code class=\"codespan\">&#39;miter&#39;</code>: Connected segments are joined by extending their outside edges to connect at a single point, with the effect of filling an additional lozenge-shaped area. This setting is affected by the \n<code class=\"codespan\">borderMiterLimit</code>\nproperty.</li>\n</ul>\n<p>Default value is <code class=\"codespan\">&#39;bevel&#39;</code>. Refer to MDN <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">lineJoin</a> for more details.</p>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "enum",
"default": "bevel",
"options": "bevel,round,miter"
"feature.saveAsImage.emphasis.iconStyle.borderMiterLimit": {
"desc": "<blockquote>\n<p>Since <code class=\"codespan\">v5.0.0</code></p>\n</blockquote>\n\n\n<p>To set the miter limit ratio. Only works when \n<code class=\"codespan\">borderJoin</code>\n is set as <code class=\"codespan\">miter</code>.</p>\n<p>Default value is <code class=\"codespan\">10</code>. Negative、<code class=\"codespan\">0</code>、<code class=\"codespan\">Infinity</code> and <code class=\"codespan\">NaN</code> values are ignored.</p>\n<p>Refer to MDN <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">miterLimit</a> for more details.</p>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "number",
"min": "0",
"step": "1",
"default": "10"
"feature.saveAsImage.emphasis.iconStyle.shadowBlur": {
"desc": "\n\n<p>Size of shadow blur. This attribute should be used along with <code class=\"codespan\">shadowColor</code>,<code class=\"codespan\">shadowOffsetX</code>, <code class=\"codespan\">shadowOffsetY</code> to set shadow to component.</p>\n<p>For example:</p>\n<pre><code class=\"lang-js\">{\n shadowColor: &#39;rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)&#39;,\n shadowBlur: 10\n}\n</code></pre>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "number",
"default": "",
"min": "0",
"step": "0.5"
"feature.saveAsImage.emphasis.iconStyle.shadowColor": {
"desc": "\n\n<p>Shadow color. Support same format as <code class=\"codespan\">color</code>.</p>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "color",
"default": ""
"feature.saveAsImage.emphasis.iconStyle.shadowOffsetX": {
"desc": "\n\n<p>Offset distance on the horizontal direction of shadow.</p>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "number",
"default": "0",
"step": "0.5"
"feature.saveAsImage.emphasis.iconStyle.shadowOffsetY": {
"desc": "\n\n<p>Offset distance on the vertical direction of shadow.</p>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "number",
"default": "0",
"step": "0.5"
"feature.saveAsImage.emphasis.iconStyle.opacity": {
"desc": "\n\n<p>Opacity of the component. Supports value from 0 to 1, and the component will not be drawn when set to 0.</p>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "number",
"default": "1",
"min": "0",
"max": "1",
"step": "0.01"
"feature.saveAsImage.emphasis.iconStyle.textPosition": {
"desc": "<p>Text position: <code class=\"codespan\">&#39;left&#39;</code> / <code class=\"codespan\">&#39;right&#39;</code> / <code class=\"codespan\">&#39;top&#39;</code> / <code class=\"codespan\">&#39;bottom&#39;</code>.</p>\n"
"feature.saveAsImage.emphasis.iconStyle.textFill": {
"desc": "\n\n<p>Fill color of text. If it&#39;s not set, it will use in the order of icon&#39;s fill color, stroke color, and <code class=\"codespan\">&#39;#000&#39;</code>.</p>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "color"
"feature.saveAsImage.emphasis.iconStyle.textAlign": {
"desc": "\n\n<p>Text align: <code class=\"codespan\">&#39;left&#39;</code> / <code class=\"codespan\">&#39;center&#39;</code> / <code class=\"codespan\">&#39;right&#39;</code>.</p>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "enum",
"options": "left,center,right"
"feature.saveAsImage.emphasis.iconStyle.textBackgroundColor": {
"desc": "\n\n<p>Text background color.</p>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "color"
"feature.saveAsImage.emphasis.iconStyle.textBorderRadius": {
"desc": "\n\n<p>Border radius of text area.</p>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "vector",
"min": "0",
"dims": "LT,RT,RB,LB"
"feature.saveAsImage.emphasis.iconStyle.textPadding": {
"desc": "\n\n<p>Padding of text area.</p>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "vector",
"min": "0",
"dims": "T,R,B,L"
"feature.saveAsImage.pixelRatio": {
"desc": "\n\n<p>Resolution ratio to save image, whose default value is that of the container. Values larger than 1 (e.g.: 2) is supported when you need higher resolution.</p>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "number",
"min": "0.5",
"max": "5",
"step": "0.5"
"feature.restore": {
"desc": "<p>Restore configuration item.</p>\n"
"": {
"desc": "<p>Whether to show the tool.</p>\n"
"feature.restore.icon": {
"desc": "<p>It can be set to an image with <code class=\"codespan\">&#39;image://url&#39;</code> , in which URL is the link to an image, or <code class=\"codespan\">dataURI</code> of an image.</p>\n<p>An image URL example:</p>\n<pre><code>&#39;image://;\n</code></pre><p>A <code class=\"codespan\">dataURI</code> example:</p>\n<pre><code>&#39;image://&#39;\n</code></pre><p>Icons can be set to arbitrary vector path via <code class=\"codespan\">&#39;path://&#39;</code> in ECharts. As compared with a raster image, vector paths prevent jagging and blurring when scaled, and have better control over changing colors. The size of the vector icon will be adapted automatically. Refer to <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">SVG PathData</a> for more information about the format of the path. You may export vector paths from tools like Adobe </p>\n<p>For example:</p>\n<pre><code>&#39;path://M30.9,53.2C16.8,53.2,5.3,41.7,5.3,27.6S16.8,2,30.9,2C45,2,56.4,13.5,56.4,27.6S45,53.2,30.9,53.2z M30.9,3.5C17.6,3.5,6.8,14.4,6.8,27.6c0,13.3,10.8,24.1,24.101,24.1C44.2,51.7,55,40.9,55,27.6C54.9,14.4,44.1,3.5,30.9,3.5z M36.9,35.8c0,0.601-0.4,1-0.9,1h-1.3c-0.5,0-0.9-0.399-0.9-1V19.5c0-0.6,0.4-1,0.9-1H36c0.5,0,0.9,0.4,0.9,1V35.8z M27.8,35.8 c0,0.601-0.4,1-0.9,1h-1.3c-0.5,0-0.9-0.399-0.9-1V19.5c0-0.6,0.4-1,0.9-1H27c0.5,0,0.9,0.4,0.9,1L27.8,35.8L27.8,35.8z&#39;\n</code></pre>"
"feature.restore.iconStyle": {
"desc": "<p>The style setting of restore icon. Since icon label is displayed only when hovering on the icon, the label configuration options are available under <code class=\"codespan\">emphasis</code>.</p>\n"
"feature.restore.iconStyle.color": {
"desc": "\n\n<p> color. </p>\n<blockquote>\n<p>Color can be represented in RGB, for example <code class=\"codespan\">&#39;rgb(128, 128, 128)&#39;</code>. RGBA can be used when you need alpha channel, for example <code class=\"codespan\">&#39;rgba(128, 128, 128, 0.5)&#39;</code>. You may also use hexadecimal format, for example <code class=\"codespan\">&#39;#ccc&#39;</code>. Gradient color and texture are also supported besides single colors.</p>\n<pre><code class=\"lang-js\">// Linear gradient. First four parameters are x0, y0, x2, and y2, each ranged from 0 to 1, standing for percentage in the bounding box. If global is `true`, then the first four parameters are in absolute pixel positions.\ncolor: {\n type: &#39;linear&#39;,\n x: 0,\n y: 0,\n x2: 0,\n y2: 1,\n colorStops: [{\n offset: 0, color: &#39;red&#39; // color at 0% position\n }, {\n offset: 1, color: &#39;blue&#39; // color at 100% position\n }],\n global: false // false by default\n}\n// Radial gradient. First three parameters are x and y positions of center, and radius, similar to linear gradient.\ncolor: {\n type: &#39;radial&#39;,\n x: 0.5,\n y: 0.5,\n r: 0.5,\n colorStops: [{\n offset: 0, color: &#39;red&#39; // color at 0% position\n }, {\n offset: 1, color: &#39;blue&#39; // color at 100% position\n }],\n global: false // false by default\n}\n// Fill with texture\ncolor: {\n image: imageDom, // HTMLImageElement, and HTMLCanvasElement are supported, while string path is not supported\n repeat: &#39;repeat&#39; // whether to repeat texture, whose value can be repeat-x, repeat-y, or no-repeat\n}\n</code></pre>\n</blockquote>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "color"
"feature.restore.iconStyle.borderColor": {
"desc": "\n\n<p> border color, whose format is similar to that of <code class=\"codespan\">color</code>.</p>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "color"
"feature.restore.iconStyle.borderWidth": {
"desc": "\n\n<p> border width. No border when it is set to be 0.</p>\n<p> border width. No border when it is set to be 0.</p>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "number",
"value": "1",
"min": "0",
"step": "0.5"
"feature.restore.iconStyle.borderType": {
"desc": "\n\n\n<p> border type.</p>\n<p>Possible values are:</p>\n<ul>\n<li><code class=\"codespan\">&#39;solid&#39;</code></li>\n<li><code class=\"codespan\">&#39;dashed&#39;</code></li>\n<li><code class=\"codespan\">&#39;dotted&#39;</code></li>\n</ul>\n<p>Since <code class=\"codespan\">v5.0.0</code>, it can also be a number or a number array to specify the <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">dash array</a> of the line. With \n<code class=\"codespan\">borderDashOffset</code>\n, we can make the line style more flexible.</p>\n<p>For example:</p>\n<pre><code class=\"lang-js\">{\n\nborderType: [5, 10],\n\nborderDashOffset: 5\n}\n</code></pre>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "enum",
"default": "solid",
"options": "solid,dashed,dotted"
"feature.restore.iconStyle.borderDashOffset": {
"desc": "<blockquote>\n<p>Since <code class=\"codespan\">v5.0.0</code></p>\n</blockquote>\n\n\n<p>To set the line dash offset. With \n<code class=\"codespan\">borderType</code>\n, we can make the line style more flexible.</p>\n<p>Refer to MDN <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">lineDashOffset</a> for more details.</p>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "number",
"min": "0",
"step": "1",
"default": "0"
"feature.restore.iconStyle.borderCap": {
"desc": "<blockquote>\n<p>Since <code class=\"codespan\">v5.0.0</code></p>\n</blockquote>\n\n\n<p>To specify how to draw the end points of the line.\nPossible values are:</p>\n<ul>\n<li><code class=\"codespan\">&#39;butt&#39;</code>: The ends of lines are squared off at the endpoints.</li>\n<li><code class=\"codespan\">&#39;round&#39;</code>: The ends of lines are rounded.</li>\n<li><code class=\"codespan\">&#39;square&#39;</code>: The ends of lines are squared off by adding a box with an equal width and half the height of the line&#39;s thickness.</li>\n</ul>\n<p>Default value is <code class=\"codespan\">&#39;butt&#39;</code>. Refer to MDN <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">lineCap</a> for more details.</p>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "enum",
"default": "butt",
"options": "butt,round,square"
"feature.restore.iconStyle.borderJoin": {
"desc": "<blockquote>\n<p>Since <code class=\"codespan\">v5.0.0</code></p>\n</blockquote>\n\n\n<p>To determine the shape used to join two line segments where they meet.</p>\n<p>Possible values are:</p>\n<ul>\n<li><code class=\"codespan\">&#39;bevel&#39;</code>: Fills an additional triangular area between the common endpoint of connected segments, and the separate outside rectangular corners of each segment.</li>\n<li><code class=\"codespan\">&#39;round&#39;</code>: Rounds off the corners of a shape by filling an additional sector of disc centered at the common endpoint of connected segments. The radius for these rounded corners is equal to the line width.</li>\n<li><code class=\"codespan\">&#39;miter&#39;</code>: Connected segments are joined by extending their outside edges to connect at a single point, with the effect of filling an additional lozenge-shaped area. This setting is affected by the \n<code class=\"codespan\">borderMiterLimit</code>\nproperty.</li>\n</ul>\n<p>Default value is <code class=\"codespan\">&#39;bevel&#39;</code>. Refer to MDN <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">lineJoin</a> for more details.</p>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "enum",
"default": "bevel",
"options": "bevel,round,miter"
"feature.restore.iconStyle.borderMiterLimit": {
"desc": "<blockquote>\n<p>Since <code class=\"codespan\">v5.0.0</code></p>\n</blockquote>\n\n\n<p>To set the miter limit ratio. Only works when \n<code class=\"codespan\">borderJoin</code>\n is set as <code class=\"codespan\">miter</code>.</p>\n<p>Default value is <code class=\"codespan\">10</code>. Negative、<code class=\"codespan\">0</code>、<code class=\"codespan\">Infinity</code> and <code class=\"codespan\">NaN</code> values are ignored.</p>\n<p>Refer to MDN <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">miterLimit</a> for more details.</p>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "number",
"min": "0",
"step": "1",
"default": "10"
"feature.restore.iconStyle.shadowBlur": {
"desc": "\n\n<p>Size of shadow blur. This attribute should be used along with <code class=\"codespan\">shadowColor</code>,<code class=\"codespan\">shadowOffsetX</code>, <code class=\"codespan\">shadowOffsetY</code> to set shadow to component.</p>\n<p>For example:</p>\n<pre><code class=\"lang-js\">{\n shadowColor: &#39;rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)&#39;,\n shadowBlur: 10\n}\n</code></pre>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "number",
"default": "",
"min": "0",
"step": "0.5"
"feature.restore.iconStyle.shadowColor": {
"desc": "\n\n<p>Shadow color. Support same format as <code class=\"codespan\">color</code>.</p>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "color",
"default": ""
"feature.restore.iconStyle.shadowOffsetX": {
"desc": "\n\n<p>Offset distance on the horizontal direction of shadow.</p>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "number",
"default": "0",
"step": "0.5"
"feature.restore.iconStyle.shadowOffsetY": {
"desc": "\n\n<p>Offset distance on the vertical direction of shadow.</p>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "number",
"default": "0",
"step": "0.5"
"feature.restore.iconStyle.opacity": {
"desc": "\n\n<p>Opacity of the component. Supports value from 0 to 1, and the component will not be drawn when set to 0.</p>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "number",
"default": "1",
"min": "0",
"max": "1",
"step": "0.01"
"feature.restore.emphasis.iconStyle.color": {
"desc": "\n\n<p> color. </p>\n<blockquote>\n<p>Color can be represented in RGB, for example <code class=\"codespan\">&#39;rgb(128, 128, 128)&#39;</code>. RGBA can be used when you need alpha channel, for example <code class=\"codespan\">&#39;rgba(128, 128, 128, 0.5)&#39;</code>. You may also use hexadecimal format, for example <code class=\"codespan\">&#39;#ccc&#39;</code>. Gradient color and texture are also supported besides single colors.</p>\n<pre><code class=\"lang-js\">// Linear gradient. First four parameters are x0, y0, x2, and y2, each ranged from 0 to 1, standing for percentage in the bounding box. If global is `true`, then the first four parameters are in absolute pixel positions.\ncolor: {\n type: &#39;linear&#39;,\n x: 0,\n y: 0,\n x2: 0,\n y2: 1,\n colorStops: [{\n offset: 0, color: &#39;red&#39; // color at 0% position\n }, {\n offset: 1, color: &#39;blue&#39; // color at 100% position\n }],\n global: false // false by default\n}\n// Radial gradient. First three parameters are x and y positions of center, and radius, similar to linear gradient.\ncolor: {\n type: &#39;radial&#39;,\n x: 0.5,\n y: 0.5,\n r: 0.5,\n colorStops: [{\n offset: 0, color: &#39;red&#39; // color at 0% position\n }, {\n offset: 1, color: &#39;blue&#39; // color at 100% position\n }],\n global: false // false by default\n}\n// Fill with texture\ncolor: {\n image: imageDom, // HTMLImageElement, and HTMLCanvasElement are supported, while string path is not supported\n repeat: &#39;repeat&#39; // whether to repeat texture, whose value can be repeat-x, repeat-y, or no-repeat\n}\n</code></pre>\n</blockquote>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "color"
"feature.restore.emphasis.iconStyle.borderColor": {
"desc": "\n\n<p> border color, whose format is similar to that of <code class=\"codespan\">color</code>.</p>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "color"
"feature.restore.emphasis.iconStyle.borderWidth": {
"desc": "\n\n<p> border width. No border when it is set to be 0.</p>\n<p> border width. No border when it is set to be 0.</p>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "number",
"value": "0",
"min": "0",
"step": "0.5"
"feature.restore.emphasis.iconStyle.borderType": {
"desc": "\n\n\n<p> border type.</p>\n<p>Possible values are:</p>\n<ul>\n<li><code class=\"codespan\">&#39;solid&#39;</code></li>\n<li><code class=\"codespan\">&#39;dashed&#39;</code></li>\n<li><code class=\"codespan\">&#39;dotted&#39;</code></li>\n</ul>\n<p>Since <code class=\"codespan\">v5.0.0</code>, it can also be a number or a number array to specify the <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">dash array</a> of the line. With \n<code class=\"codespan\">borderDashOffset</code>\n, we can make the line style more flexible.</p>\n<p>For example:</p>\n<pre><code class=\"lang-js\">{\n\nborderType: [5, 10],\n\nborderDashOffset: 5\n}\n</code></pre>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "enum",
"default": "solid",
"options": "solid,dashed,dotted"
"feature.restore.emphasis.iconStyle.borderDashOffset": {
"desc": "<blockquote>\n<p>Since <code class=\"codespan\">v5.0.0</code></p>\n</blockquote>\n\n\n<p>To set the line dash offset. With \n<code class=\"codespan\">borderType</code>\n, we can make the line style more flexible.</p>\n<p>Refer to MDN <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">lineDashOffset</a> for more details.</p>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "number",
"min": "0",
"step": "1",
"default": "0"
"feature.restore.emphasis.iconStyle.borderCap": {
"desc": "<blockquote>\n<p>Since <code class=\"codespan\">v5.0.0</code></p>\n</blockquote>\n\n\n<p>To specify how to draw the end points of the line.\nPossible values are:</p>\n<ul>\n<li><code class=\"codespan\">&#39;butt&#39;</code>: The ends of lines are squared off at the endpoints.</li>\n<li><code class=\"codespan\">&#39;round&#39;</code>: The ends of lines are rounded.</li>\n<li><code class=\"codespan\">&#39;square&#39;</code>: The ends of lines are squared off by adding a box with an equal width and half the height of the line&#39;s thickness.</li>\n</ul>\n<p>Default value is <code class=\"codespan\">&#39;butt&#39;</code>. Refer to MDN <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">lineCap</a> for more details.</p>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "enum",
"default": "butt",
"options": "butt,round,square"
"feature.restore.emphasis.iconStyle.borderJoin": {
"desc": "<blockquote>\n<p>Since <code class=\"codespan\">v5.0.0</code></p>\n</blockquote>\n\n\n<p>To determine the shape used to join two line segments where they meet.</p>\n<p>Possible values are:</p>\n<ul>\n<li><code class=\"codespan\">&#39;bevel&#39;</code>: Fills an additional triangular area between the common endpoint of connected segments, and the separate outside rectangular corners of each segment.</li>\n<li><code class=\"codespan\">&#39;round&#39;</code>: Rounds off the corners of a shape by filling an additional sector of disc centered at the common endpoint of connected segments. The radius for these rounded corners is equal to the line width.</li>\n<li><code class=\"codespan\">&#39;miter&#39;</code>: Connected segments are joined by extending their outside edges to connect at a single point, with the effect of filling an additional lozenge-shaped area. This setting is affected by the \n<code class=\"codespan\">borderMiterLimit</code>\nproperty.</li>\n</ul>\n<p>Default value is <code class=\"codespan\">&#39;bevel&#39;</code>. Refer to MDN <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">lineJoin</a> for more details.</p>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "enum",
"default": "bevel",
"options": "bevel,round,miter"
"feature.restore.emphasis.iconStyle.borderMiterLimit": {
"desc": "<blockquote>\n<p>Since <code class=\"codespan\">v5.0.0</code></p>\n</blockquote>\n\n\n<p>To set the miter limit ratio. Only works when \n<code class=\"codespan\">borderJoin</code>\n is set as <code class=\"codespan\">miter</code>.</p>\n<p>Default value is <code class=\"codespan\">10</code>. Negative、<code class=\"codespan\">0</code>、<code class=\"codespan\">Infinity</code> and <code class=\"codespan\">NaN</code> values are ignored.</p>\n<p>Refer to MDN <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">miterLimit</a> for more details.</p>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "number",
"min": "0",
"step": "1",
"default": "10"
"feature.restore.emphasis.iconStyle.shadowBlur": {
"desc": "\n\n<p>Size of shadow blur. This attribute should be used along with <code class=\"codespan\">shadowColor</code>,<code class=\"codespan\">shadowOffsetX</code>, <code class=\"codespan\">shadowOffsetY</code> to set shadow to component.</p>\n<p>For example:</p>\n<pre><code class=\"lang-js\">{\n shadowColor: &#39;rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)&#39;,\n shadowBlur: 10\n}\n</code></pre>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "number",
"default": "",
"min": "0",
"step": "0.5"
"feature.restore.emphasis.iconStyle.shadowColor": {
"desc": "\n\n<p>Shadow color. Support same format as <code class=\"codespan\">color</code>.</p>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "color",
"default": ""
"feature.restore.emphasis.iconStyle.shadowOffsetX": {
"desc": "\n\n<p>Offset distance on the horizontal direction of shadow.</p>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "number",
"default": "0",
"step": "0.5"
"feature.restore.emphasis.iconStyle.shadowOffsetY": {
"desc": "\n\n<p>Offset distance on the vertical direction of shadow.</p>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "number",
"default": "0",
"step": "0.5"
"feature.restore.emphasis.iconStyle.opacity": {
"desc": "\n\n<p>Opacity of the component. Supports value from 0 to 1, and the component will not be drawn when set to 0.</p>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "number",
"default": "1",
"min": "0",
"max": "1",
"step": "0.01"
"feature.restore.emphasis.iconStyle.textPosition": {
"desc": "<p>Text position: <code class=\"codespan\">&#39;left&#39;</code> / <code class=\"codespan\">&#39;right&#39;</code> / <code class=\"codespan\">&#39;top&#39;</code> / <code class=\"codespan\">&#39;bottom&#39;</code>.</p>\n"
"feature.restore.emphasis.iconStyle.textFill": {
"desc": "\n\n<p>Fill color of text. If it&#39;s not set, it will use in the order of icon&#39;s fill color, stroke color, and <code class=\"codespan\">&#39;#000&#39;</code>.</p>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "color"
"feature.restore.emphasis.iconStyle.textAlign": {
"desc": "\n\n<p>Text align: <code class=\"codespan\">&#39;left&#39;</code> / <code class=\"codespan\">&#39;center&#39;</code> / <code class=\"codespan\">&#39;right&#39;</code>.</p>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "enum",
"options": "left,center,right"
"feature.restore.emphasis.iconStyle.textBackgroundColor": {
"desc": "\n\n<p>Text background color.</p>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "color"
"feature.restore.emphasis.iconStyle.textBorderRadius": {
"desc": "\n\n<p>Border radius of text area.</p>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "vector",
"min": "0",
"dims": "LT,RT,RB,LB"
"feature.restore.emphasis.iconStyle.textPadding": {
"desc": "\n\n<p>Padding of text area.</p>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "vector",
"min": "0",
"dims": "T,R,B,L"
"feature.dataView": {
"desc": "<p>Data view tool, which could display data in current chart and updates chart after being edited.</p>\n"
"": {
"desc": "<p>Whether to show the tool.</p>\n"
"feature.dataView.icon": {
"desc": "<p>It can be set to an image with <code class=\"codespan\">&#39;image://url&#39;</code> , in which URL is the link to an image, or <code class=\"codespan\">dataURI</code> of an image.</p>\n<p>An image URL example:</p>\n<pre><code>&#39;image://;\n</code></pre><p>A <code class=\"codespan\">dataURI</code> example:</p>\n<pre><code>&#39;image://&#39;\n</code></pre><p>Icons can be set to arbitrary vector path via <code class=\"codespan\">&#39;path://&#39;</code> in ECharts. As compared with a raster image, vector paths prevent jagging and blurring when scaled, and have better control over changing colors. The size of the vector icon will be adapted automatically. Refer to <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">SVG PathData</a> for more information about the format of the path. You may export vector paths from tools like Adobe </p>\n<p>For example:</p>\n<pre><code>&#39;path://M30.9,53.2C16.8,53.2,5.3,41.7,5.3,27.6S16.8,2,30.9,2C45,2,56.4,13.5,56.4,27.6S45,53.2,30.9,53.2z M30.9,3.5C17.6,3.5,6.8,14.4,6.8,27.6c0,13.3,10.8,24.1,24.101,24.1C44.2,51.7,55,40.9,55,27.6C54.9,14.4,44.1,3.5,30.9,3.5z M36.9,35.8c0,0.601-0.4,1-0.9,1h-1.3c-0.5,0-0.9-0.399-0.9-1V19.5c0-0.6,0.4-1,0.9-1H36c0.5,0,0.9,0.4,0.9,1V35.8z M27.8,35.8 c0,0.601-0.4,1-0.9,1h-1.3c-0.5,0-0.9-0.399-0.9-1V19.5c0-0.6,0.4-1,0.9-1H27c0.5,0,0.9,0.4,0.9,1L27.8,35.8L27.8,35.8z&#39;\n</code></pre>"
"feature.dataView.iconStyle": {
"desc": "<p>The style setting of data view icon. Since icon label is displayed only when hovering on the icon, the label configuration options are available under <code class=\"codespan\">emphasis</code>.</p>\n"
"feature.dataView.iconStyle.color": {
"desc": "\n\n<p> color. </p>\n<blockquote>\n<p>Color can be represented in RGB, for example <code class=\"codespan\">&#39;rgb(128, 128, 128)&#39;</code>. RGBA can be used when you need alpha channel, for example <code class=\"codespan\">&#39;rgba(128, 128, 128, 0.5)&#39;</code>. You may also use hexadecimal format, for example <code class=\"codespan\">&#39;#ccc&#39;</code>. Gradient color and texture are also supported besides single colors.</p>\n<pre><code class=\"lang-js\">// Linear gradient. First four parameters are x0, y0, x2, and y2, each ranged from 0 to 1, standing for percentage in the bounding box. If global is `true`, then the first four parameters are in absolute pixel positions.\ncolor: {\n type: &#39;linear&#39;,\n x: 0,\n y: 0,\n x2: 0,\n y2: 1,\n colorStops: [{\n offset: 0, color: &#39;red&#39; // color at 0% position\n }, {\n offset: 1, color: &#39;blue&#39; // color at 100% position\n }],\n global: false // false by default\n}\n// Radial gradient. First three parameters are x and y positions of center, and radius, similar to linear gradient.\ncolor: {\n type: &#39;radial&#39;,\n x: 0.5,\n y: 0.5,\n r: 0.5,\n colorStops: [{\n offset: 0, color: &#39;red&#39; // color at 0% position\n }, {\n offset: 1, color: &#39;blue&#39; // color at 100% position\n }],\n global: false // false by default\n}\n// Fill with texture\ncolor: {\n image: imageDom, // HTMLImageElement, and HTMLCanvasElement are supported, while string path is not supported\n repeat: &#39;repeat&#39; // whether to repeat texture, whose value can be repeat-x, repeat-y, or no-repeat\n}\n</code></pre>\n</blockquote>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "color"
"feature.dataView.iconStyle.borderColor": {
"desc": "\n\n<p> border color, whose format is similar to that of <code class=\"codespan\">color</code>.</p>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "color"
"feature.dataView.iconStyle.borderWidth": {
"desc": "\n\n<p> border width. No border when it is set to be 0.</p>\n<p> border width. No border when it is set to be 0.</p>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "number",
"value": "1",
"min": "0",
"step": "0.5"
"feature.dataView.iconStyle.borderType": {
"desc": "\n\n\n<p> border type.</p>\n<p>Possible values are:</p>\n<ul>\n<li><code class=\"codespan\">&#39;solid&#39;</code></li>\n<li><code class=\"codespan\">&#39;dashed&#39;</code></li>\n<li><code class=\"codespan\">&#39;dotted&#39;</code></li>\n</ul>\n<p>Since <code class=\"codespan\">v5.0.0</code>, it can also be a number or a number array to specify the <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">dash array</a> of the line. With \n<code class=\"codespan\">borderDashOffset</code>\n, we can make the line style more flexible.</p>\n<p>For example:</p>\n<pre><code class=\"lang-js\">{\n\nborderType: [5, 10],\n\nborderDashOffset: 5\n}\n</code></pre>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "enum",
"default": "solid",
"options": "solid,dashed,dotted"
"feature.dataView.iconStyle.borderDashOffset": {
"desc": "<blockquote>\n<p>Since <code class=\"codespan\">v5.0.0</code></p>\n</blockquote>\n\n\n<p>To set the line dash offset. With \n<code class=\"codespan\">borderType</code>\n, we can make the line style more flexible.</p>\n<p>Refer to MDN <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">lineDashOffset</a> for more details.</p>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "number",
"min": "0",
"step": "1",
"default": "0"
"feature.dataView.iconStyle.borderCap": {
"desc": "<blockquote>\n<p>Since <code class=\"codespan\">v5.0.0</code></p>\n</blockquote>\n\n\n<p>To specify how to draw the end points of the line.\nPossible values are:</p>\n<ul>\n<li><code class=\"codespan\">&#39;butt&#39;</code>: The ends of lines are squared off at the endpoints.</li>\n<li><code class=\"codespan\">&#39;round&#39;</code>: The ends of lines are rounded.</li>\n<li><code class=\"codespan\">&#39;square&#39;</code>: The ends of lines are squared off by adding a box with an equal width and half the height of the line&#39;s thickness.</li>\n</ul>\n<p>Default value is <code class=\"codespan\">&#39;butt&#39;</code>. Refer to MDN <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">lineCap</a> for more details.</p>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "enum",
"default": "butt",
"options": "butt,round,square"
"feature.dataView.iconStyle.borderJoin": {
"desc": "<blockquote>\n<p>Since <code class=\"codespan\">v5.0.0</code></p>\n</blockquote>\n\n\n<p>To determine the shape used to join two line segments where they meet.</p>\n<p>Possible values are:</p>\n<ul>\n<li><code class=\"codespan\">&#39;bevel&#39;</code>: Fills an additional triangular area between the common endpoint of connected segments, and the separate outside rectangular corners of each segment.</li>\n<li><code class=\"codespan\">&#39;round&#39;</code>: Rounds off the corners of a shape by filling an additional sector of disc centered at the common endpoint of connected segments. The radius for these rounded corners is equal to the line width.</li>\n<li><code class=\"codespan\">&#39;miter&#39;</code>: Connected segments are joined by extending their outside edges to connect at a single point, with the effect of filling an additional lozenge-shaped area. This setting is affected by the \n<code class=\"codespan\">borderMiterLimit</code>\nproperty.</li>\n</ul>\n<p>Default value is <code class=\"codespan\">&#39;bevel&#39;</code>. Refer to MDN <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">lineJoin</a> for more details.</p>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "enum",
"default": "bevel",
"options": "bevel,round,miter"
"feature.dataView.iconStyle.borderMiterLimit": {
"desc": "<blockquote>\n<p>Since <code class=\"codespan\">v5.0.0</code></p>\n</blockquote>\n\n\n<p>To set the miter limit ratio. Only works when \n<code class=\"codespan\">borderJoin</code>\n is set as <code class=\"codespan\">miter</code>.</p>\n<p>Default value is <code class=\"codespan\">10</code>. Negative、<code class=\"codespan\">0</code>、<code class=\"codespan\">Infinity</code> and <code class=\"codespan\">NaN</code> values are ignored.</p>\n<p>Refer to MDN <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">miterLimit</a> for more details.</p>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "number",
"min": "0",
"step": "1",
"default": "10"
"feature.dataView.iconStyle.shadowBlur": {
"desc": "\n\n<p>Size of shadow blur. This attribute should be used along with <code class=\"codespan\">shadowColor</code>,<code class=\"codespan\">shadowOffsetX</code>, <code class=\"codespan\">shadowOffsetY</code> to set shadow to component.</p>\n<p>For example:</p>\n<pre><code class=\"lang-js\">{\n shadowColor: &#39;rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)&#39;,\n shadowBlur: 10\n}\n</code></pre>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "number",
"default": "",
"min": "0",
"step": "0.5"
"feature.dataView.iconStyle.shadowColor": {
"desc": "\n\n<p>Shadow color. Support same format as <code class=\"codespan\">color</code>.</p>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "color",
"default": ""
"feature.dataView.iconStyle.shadowOffsetX": {
"desc": "\n\n<p>Offset distance on the horizontal direction of shadow.</p>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "number",
"default": "0",
"step": "0.5"
"feature.dataView.iconStyle.shadowOffsetY": {
"desc": "\n\n<p>Offset distance on the vertical direction of shadow.</p>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "number",
"default": "0",
"step": "0.5"
"feature.dataView.iconStyle.opacity": {
"desc": "\n\n<p>Opacity of the component. Supports value from 0 to 1, and the component will not be drawn when set to 0.</p>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "number",
"default": "1",
"min": "0",
"max": "1",
"step": "0.01"
"feature.dataView.emphasis.iconStyle.color": {
"desc": "\n\n<p> color. </p>\n<blockquote>\n<p>Color can be represented in RGB, for example <code class=\"codespan\">&#39;rgb(128, 128, 128)&#39;</code>. RGBA can be used when you need alpha channel, for example <code class=\"codespan\">&#39;rgba(128, 128, 128, 0.5)&#39;</code>. You may also use hexadecimal format, for example <code class=\"codespan\">&#39;#ccc&#39;</code>. Gradient color and texture are also supported besides single colors.</p>\n<pre><code class=\"lang-js\">// Linear gradient. First four parameters are x0, y0, x2, and y2, each ranged from 0 to 1, standing for percentage in the bounding box. If global is `true`, then the first four parameters are in absolute pixel positions.\ncolor: {\n type: &#39;linear&#39;,\n x: 0,\n y: 0,\n x2: 0,\n y2: 1,\n colorStops: [{\n offset: 0, color: &#39;red&#39; // color at 0% position\n }, {\n offset: 1, color: &#39;blue&#39; // color at 100% position\n }],\n global: false // false by default\n}\n// Radial gradient. First three parameters are x and y positions of center, and radius, similar to linear gradient.\ncolor: {\n type: &#39;radial&#39;,\n x: 0.5,\n y: 0.5,\n r: 0.5,\n colorStops: [{\n offset: 0, color: &#39;red&#39; // color at 0% position\n }, {\n offset: 1, color: &#39;blue&#39; // color at 100% position\n }],\n global: false // false by default\n}\n// Fill with texture\ncolor: {\n image: imageDom, // HTMLImageElement, and HTMLCanvasElement are supported, while string path is not supported\n repeat: &#39;repeat&#39; // whether to repeat texture, whose value can be repeat-x, repeat-y, or no-repeat\n}\n</code></pre>\n</blockquote>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "color"
"feature.dataView.emphasis.iconStyle.borderColor": {
"desc": "\n\n<p> border color, whose format is similar to that of <code class=\"codespan\">color</code>.</p>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "color"
"feature.dataView.emphasis.iconStyle.borderWidth": {
"desc": "\n\n<p> border width. No border when it is set to be 0.</p>\n<p> border width. No border when it is set to be 0.</p>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "number",
"value": "0",
"min": "0",
"step": "0.5"
"feature.dataView.emphasis.iconStyle.borderType": {
"desc": "\n\n\n<p> border type.</p>\n<p>Possible values are:</p>\n<ul>\n<li><code class=\"codespan\">&#39;solid&#39;</code></li>\n<li><code class=\"codespan\">&#39;dashed&#39;</code></li>\n<li><code class=\"codespan\">&#39;dotted&#39;</code></li>\n</ul>\n<p>Since <code class=\"codespan\">v5.0.0</code>, it can also be a number or a number array to specify the <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">dash array</a> of the line. With \n<code class=\"codespan\">borderDashOffset</code>\n, we can make the line style more flexible.</p>\n<p>For example:</p>\n<pre><code class=\"lang-js\">{\n\nborderType: [5, 10],\n\nborderDashOffset: 5\n}\n</code></pre>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "enum",
"default": "solid",
"options": "solid,dashed,dotted"
"feature.dataView.emphasis.iconStyle.borderDashOffset": {
"desc": "<blockquote>\n<p>Since <code class=\"codespan\">v5.0.0</code></p>\n</blockquote>\n\n\n<p>To set the line dash offset. With \n<code class=\"codespan\">borderType</code>\n, we can make the line style more flexible.</p>\n<p>Refer to MDN <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">lineDashOffset</a> for more details.</p>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "number",
"min": "0",
"step": "1",
"default": "0"
"feature.dataView.emphasis.iconStyle.borderCap": {
"desc": "<blockquote>\n<p>Since <code class=\"codespan\">v5.0.0</code></p>\n</blockquote>\n\n\n<p>To specify how to draw the end points of the line.\nPossible values are:</p>\n<ul>\n<li><code class=\"codespan\">&#39;butt&#39;</code>: The ends of lines are squared off at the endpoints.</li>\n<li><code class=\"codespan\">&#39;round&#39;</code>: The ends of lines are rounded.</li>\n<li><code class=\"codespan\">&#39;square&#39;</code>: The ends of lines are squared off by adding a box with an equal width and half the height of the line&#39;s thickness.</li>\n</ul>\n<p>Default value is <code class=\"codespan\">&#39;butt&#39;</code>. Refer to MDN <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">lineCap</a> for more details.</p>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "enum",
"default": "butt",
"options": "butt,round,square"
"feature.dataView.emphasis.iconStyle.borderJoin": {
"desc": "<blockquote>\n<p>Since <code class=\"codespan\">v5.0.0</code></p>\n</blockquote>\n\n\n<p>To determine the shape used to join two line segments where they meet.</p>\n<p>Possible values are:</p>\n<ul>\n<li><code class=\"codespan\">&#39;bevel&#39;</code>: Fills an additional triangular area between the common endpoint of connected segments, and the separate outside rectangular corners of each segment.</li>\n<li><code class=\"codespan\">&#39;round&#39;</code>: Rounds off the corners of a shape by filling an additional sector of disc centered at the common endpoint of connected segments. The radius for these rounded corners is equal to the line width.</li>\n<li><code class=\"codespan\">&#39;miter&#39;</code>: Connected segments are joined by extending their outside edges to connect at a single point, with the effect of filling an additional lozenge-shaped area. This setting is affected by the \n<code class=\"codespan\">borderMiterLimit</code>\nproperty.</li>\n</ul>\n<p>Default value is <code class=\"codespan\">&#39;bevel&#39;</code>. Refer to MDN <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">lineJoin</a> for more details.</p>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "enum",
"default": "bevel",
"options": "bevel,round,miter"
"feature.dataView.emphasis.iconStyle.borderMiterLimit": {
"desc": "<blockquote>\n<p>Since <code class=\"codespan\">v5.0.0</code></p>\n</blockquote>\n\n\n<p>To set the miter limit ratio. Only works when \n<code class=\"codespan\">borderJoin</code>\n is set as <code class=\"codespan\">miter</code>.</p>\n<p>Default value is <code class=\"codespan\">10</code>. Negative、<code class=\"codespan\">0</code>、<code class=\"codespan\">Infinity</code> and <code class=\"codespan\">NaN</code> values are ignored.</p>\n<p>Refer to MDN <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">miterLimit</a> for more details.</p>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "number",
"min": "0",
"step": "1",
"default": "10"
"feature.dataView.emphasis.iconStyle.shadowBlur": {
"desc": "\n\n<p>Size of shadow blur. This attribute should be used along with <code class=\"codespan\">shadowColor</code>,<code class=\"codespan\">shadowOffsetX</code>, <code class=\"codespan\">shadowOffsetY</code> to set shadow to component.</p>\n<p>For example:</p>\n<pre><code class=\"lang-js\">{\n shadowColor: &#39;rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)&#39;,\n shadowBlur: 10\n}\n</code></pre>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "number",
"default": "",
"min": "0",
"step": "0.5"
"feature.dataView.emphasis.iconStyle.shadowColor": {
"desc": "\n\n<p>Shadow color. Support same format as <code class=\"codespan\">color</code>.</p>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "color",
"default": ""
"feature.dataView.emphasis.iconStyle.shadowOffsetX": {
"desc": "\n\n<p>Offset distance on the horizontal direction of shadow.</p>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "number",
"default": "0",
"step": "0.5"
"feature.dataView.emphasis.iconStyle.shadowOffsetY": {
"desc": "\n\n<p>Offset distance on the vertical direction of shadow.</p>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "number",
"default": "0",
"step": "0.5"
"feature.dataView.emphasis.iconStyle.opacity": {
"desc": "\n\n<p>Opacity of the component. Supports value from 0 to 1, and the component will not be drawn when set to 0.</p>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "number",
"default": "1",
"min": "0",
"max": "1",
"step": "0.01"
"feature.dataView.emphasis.iconStyle.textPosition": {
"desc": "<p>Text position: <code class=\"codespan\">&#39;left&#39;</code> / <code class=\"codespan\">&#39;right&#39;</code> / <code class=\"codespan\">&#39;top&#39;</code> / <code class=\"codespan\">&#39;bottom&#39;</code>.</p>\n"
"feature.dataView.emphasis.iconStyle.textFill": {
"desc": "\n\n<p>Fill color of text. If it&#39;s not set, it will use in the order of icon&#39;s fill color, stroke color, and <code class=\"codespan\">&#39;#000&#39;</code>.</p>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "color"
"feature.dataView.emphasis.iconStyle.textAlign": {
"desc": "\n\n<p>Text align: <code class=\"codespan\">&#39;left&#39;</code> / <code class=\"codespan\">&#39;center&#39;</code> / <code class=\"codespan\">&#39;right&#39;</code>.</p>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "enum",
"options": "left,center,right"
"feature.dataView.emphasis.iconStyle.textBackgroundColor": {
"desc": "\n\n<p>Text background color.</p>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "color"
"feature.dataView.emphasis.iconStyle.textBorderRadius": {
"desc": "\n\n<p>Border radius of text area.</p>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "vector",
"min": "0",
"dims": "LT,RT,RB,LB"
"feature.dataView.emphasis.iconStyle.textPadding": {
"desc": "\n\n<p>Padding of text area.</p>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "vector",
"min": "0",
"dims": "T,R,B,L"
"feature.dataView.readOnly": {
"desc": "\n\n<p>Whether it is read-only.</p>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "boolean"
"feature.dataView.optionToContent": {
"desc": "<pre><code class=\"lang-js\">(option:Object) =&gt; HTMLDomElement|string\n</code></pre>\n<p>Define a function to present dataView. It is used to replace default textarea for richer data editing. It can return a DOM object, or an HTML string.</p>\n<p>For example:</p>\n<pre><code class=\"lang-js\">optionToContent: function(opt) {\n var axisData = opt.xAxis[0].data;\n var series = opt.series;\n var table = &#39;&lt;table style=&quot;width:100%;text-align:center&quot;&gt;&lt;tbody&gt;&lt;tr&gt;&#39;\n + &#39;&lt;td&gt;Time:&lt;/td&gt;&#39;\n + &#39;&lt;td&gt;&#39; + series[0].name + &#39;&lt;/td&gt;&#39;\n + &#39;&lt;td&gt;&#39; + series[1].name + &#39;&lt;/td&gt;&#39;\n + &#39;&lt;/tr&gt;&#39;;\n for (var i = 0, l = axisData.length; i &lt; l; i++) {\n table += &#39;&lt;tr&gt;&#39;\n + &#39;&lt;td&gt;&#39; + axisData[i] + &#39;&lt;/td&gt;&#39;\n + &#39;&lt;td&gt;&#39; + series[0].data[i] + &#39;&lt;/td&gt;&#39;\n + &#39;&lt;td&gt;&#39; + series[1].data[i] + &#39;&lt;/td&gt;&#39;\n + &#39;&lt;/tr&gt;&#39;;\n }\n table += &#39;&lt;/tbody&gt;&lt;/table&gt;&#39;;\n return table;\n}\n</code></pre>\n"
"feature.dataView.contentToOption": {
"desc": "<pre><code class=\"lang-js\">(container:HTMLDomElement, option:Object) =&gt; Object\n</code></pre>\n<p>When optionToContent is used, if you want to support refreshing chart after data changes, you need to implement the logic to merge options in this function.</p>\n"
"feature.dataView.lang": {
"desc": "<p>There are 3 names in data view, which are <code class=\"codespan\">[&#39;data view&#39;, &#39;turn off&#39; and &#39;refresh&#39;]</code>.</p>\n"
"feature.dataView.backgroundColor": {
"desc": "\n\n<p>Background color of the floating layer in data view.</p>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "color",
"default": "#fff"
"feature.dataView.textareaColor": {
"desc": "\n\n<p>Background color of input area of the floating layer in data view.</p>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "color",
"default": "#fff"
"feature.dataView.textareaBorderColor": {
"desc": "\n\n<p>Border color of input area of the floating layer in data view.</p>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "color",
"default": "#333"
"feature.dataView.textColor": {
"desc": "\n\n<p>Text color.</p>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "color",
"default": "#000"
"feature.dataView.buttonColor": {
"desc": "\n\n<p>Button color.</p>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "color",
"default": "#c23531"
"feature.dataView.buttonTextColor": {
"desc": "\n\n<p>Color of button text.</p>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "color",
"default": "#fff"
"feature.dataZoom": {
"desc": "<p>Data area zooming, which only supports rectangular coordinate by now.</p>\n"
"": {
"desc": "<p>Whether to show the tool.</p>\n"
"feature.dataZoom.title": {
"desc": "<p>Restored and zoomed title text.</p>\n"
"feature.dataZoom.icon": {
"desc": "<p>Zooming and restore icon path.</p>\n"
"feature.dataZoom.icon.zoom": {
"desc": "<p>It can be set to an image with <code class=\"codespan\">&#39;image://url&#39;</code> , in which URL is the link to an image, or <code class=\"codespan\">dataURI</code> of an image.</p>\n<p>An image URL example:</p>\n<pre><code>&#39;image://;\n</code></pre><p>A <code class=\"codespan\">dataURI</code> example:</p>\n<pre><code>&#39;image://&#39;\n</code></pre><p>Icons can be set to arbitrary vector path via <code class=\"codespan\">&#39;path://&#39;</code> in ECharts. As compared with a raster image, vector paths prevent jagging and blurring when scaled, and have better control over changing colors. The size of the vector icon will be adapted automatically. Refer to <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">SVG PathData</a> for more information about the format of the path. You may export vector paths from tools like Adobe </p>\n<p>For example:</p>\n<pre><code>&#39;path://M30.9,53.2C16.8,53.2,5.3,41.7,5.3,27.6S16.8,2,30.9,2C45,2,56.4,13.5,56.4,27.6S45,53.2,30.9,53.2z M30.9,3.5C17.6,3.5,6.8,14.4,6.8,27.6c0,13.3,10.8,24.1,24.101,24.1C44.2,51.7,55,40.9,55,27.6C54.9,14.4,44.1,3.5,30.9,3.5z M36.9,35.8c0,0.601-0.4,1-0.9,1h-1.3c-0.5,0-0.9-0.399-0.9-1V19.5c0-0.6,0.4-1,0.9-1H36c0.5,0,0.9,0.4,0.9,1V35.8z M27.8,35.8 c0,0.601-0.4,1-0.9,1h-1.3c-0.5,0-0.9-0.399-0.9-1V19.5c0-0.6,0.4-1,0.9-1H27c0.5,0,0.9,0.4,0.9,1L27.8,35.8L27.8,35.8z&#39;\n</code></pre>"
"feature.dataZoom.icon.back": {
"desc": "<p>It can be set to an image with <code class=\"codespan\">&#39;image://url&#39;</code> , in which URL is the link to an image, or <code class=\"codespan\">dataURI</code> of an image.</p>\n<p>An image URL example:</p>\n<pre><code>&#39;image://;\n</code></pre><p>A <code class=\"codespan\">dataURI</code> example:</p>\n<pre><code>&#39;image://&#39;\n</code></pre><p>Icons can be set to arbitrary vector path via <code class=\"codespan\">&#39;path://&#39;</code> in ECharts. As compared with a raster image, vector paths prevent jagging and blurring when scaled, and have better control over changing colors. The size of the vector icon will be adapted automatically. Refer to <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">SVG PathData</a> for more information about the format of the path. You may export vector paths from tools like Adobe </p>\n<p>For example:</p>\n<pre><code>&#39;path://M30.9,53.2C16.8,53.2,5.3,41.7,5.3,27.6S16.8,2,30.9,2C45,2,56.4,13.5,56.4,27.6S45,53.2,30.9,53.2z M30.9,3.5C17.6,3.5,6.8,14.4,6.8,27.6c0,13.3,10.8,24.1,24.101,24.1C44.2,51.7,55,40.9,55,27.6C54.9,14.4,44.1,3.5,30.9,3.5z M36.9,35.8c0,0.601-0.4,1-0.9,1h-1.3c-0.5,0-0.9-0.399-0.9-1V19.5c0-0.6,0.4-1,0.9-1H36c0.5,0,0.9,0.4,0.9,1V35.8z M27.8,35.8 c0,0.601-0.4,1-0.9,1h-1.3c-0.5,0-0.9-0.399-0.9-1V19.5c0-0.6,0.4-1,0.9-1H27c0.5,0,0.9,0.4,0.9,1L27.8,35.8L27.8,35.8z&#39;\n</code></pre>"
"feature.dataZoom.iconStyle": {
"desc": "<p>The style setting of data area zooming icon. Since icon label is displayed only when hovering on the icon, the label configuration options are available under <code class=\"codespan\">emphasis</code>.</p>\n"
"feature.dataZoom.iconStyle.color": {
"desc": "\n\n<p> color. </p>\n<blockquote>\n<p>Color can be represented in RGB, for example <code class=\"codespan\">&#39;rgb(128, 128, 128)&#39;</code>. RGBA can be used when you need alpha channel, for example <code class=\"codespan\">&#39;rgba(128, 128, 128, 0.5)&#39;</code>. You may also use hexadecimal format, for example <code class=\"codespan\">&#39;#ccc&#39;</code>. Gradient color and texture are also supported besides single colors.</p>\n<pre><code class=\"lang-js\">// Linear gradient. First four parameters are x0, y0, x2, and y2, each ranged from 0 to 1, standing for percentage in the bounding box. If global is `true`, then the first four parameters are in absolute pixel positions.\ncolor: {\n type: &#39;linear&#39;,\n x: 0,\n y: 0,\n x2: 0,\n y2: 1,\n colorStops: [{\n offset: 0, color: &#39;red&#39; // color at 0% position\n }, {\n offset: 1, color: &#39;blue&#39; // color at 100% position\n }],\n global: false // false by default\n}\n// Radial gradient. First three parameters are x and y positions of center, and radius, similar to linear gradient.\ncolor: {\n type: &#39;radial&#39;,\n x: 0.5,\n y: 0.5,\n r: 0.5,\n colorStops: [{\n offset: 0, color: &#39;red&#39; // color at 0% position\n }, {\n offset: 1, color: &#39;blue&#39; // color at 100% position\n }],\n global: false // false by default\n}\n// Fill with texture\ncolor: {\n image: imageDom, // HTMLImageElement, and HTMLCanvasElement are supported, while string path is not supported\n repeat: &#39;repeat&#39; // whether to repeat texture, whose value can be repeat-x, repeat-y, or no-repeat\n}\n</code></pre>\n</blockquote>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "color"
"feature.dataZoom.iconStyle.borderColor": {
"desc": "\n\n<p> border color, whose format is similar to that of <code class=\"codespan\">color</code>.</p>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "color"
"feature.dataZoom.iconStyle.borderWidth": {
"desc": "\n\n<p> border width. No border when it is set to be 0.</p>\n<p> border width. No border when it is set to be 0.</p>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "number",
"value": "1",
"min": "0",
"step": "0.5"
"feature.dataZoom.iconStyle.borderType": {
"desc": "\n\n\n<p> border type.</p>\n<p>Possible values are:</p>\n<ul>\n<li><code class=\"codespan\">&#39;solid&#39;</code></li>\n<li><code class=\"codespan\">&#39;dashed&#39;</code></li>\n<li><code class=\"codespan\">&#39;dotted&#39;</code></li>\n</ul>\n<p>Since <code class=\"codespan\">v5.0.0</code>, it can also be a number or a number array to specify the <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">dash array</a> of the line. With \n<code class=\"codespan\">borderDashOffset</code>\n, we can make the line style more flexible.</p>\n<p>For example:</p>\n<pre><code class=\"lang-js\">{\n\nborderType: [5, 10],\n\nborderDashOffset: 5\n}\n</code></pre>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "enum",
"default": "solid",
"options": "solid,dashed,dotted"
"feature.dataZoom.iconStyle.borderDashOffset": {
"desc": "<blockquote>\n<p>Since <code class=\"codespan\">v5.0.0</code></p>\n</blockquote>\n\n\n<p>To set the line dash offset. With \n<code class=\"codespan\">borderType</code>\n, we can make the line style more flexible.</p>\n<p>Refer to MDN <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">lineDashOffset</a> for more details.</p>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "number",
"min": "0",
"step": "1",
"default": "0"
"feature.dataZoom.iconStyle.borderCap": {
"desc": "<blockquote>\n<p>Since <code class=\"codespan\">v5.0.0</code></p>\n</blockquote>\n\n\n<p>To specify how to draw the end points of the line.\nPossible values are:</p>\n<ul>\n<li><code class=\"codespan\">&#39;butt&#39;</code>: The ends of lines are squared off at the endpoints.</li>\n<li><code class=\"codespan\">&#39;round&#39;</code>: The ends of lines are rounded.</li>\n<li><code class=\"codespan\">&#39;square&#39;</code>: The ends of lines are squared off by adding a box with an equal width and half the height of the line&#39;s thickness.</li>\n</ul>\n<p>Default value is <code class=\"codespan\">&#39;butt&#39;</code>. Refer to MDN <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">lineCap</a> for more details.</p>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "enum",
"default": "butt",
"options": "butt,round,square"
"feature.dataZoom.iconStyle.borderJoin": {
"desc": "<blockquote>\n<p>Since <code class=\"codespan\">v5.0.0</code></p>\n</blockquote>\n\n\n<p>To determine the shape used to join two line segments where they meet.</p>\n<p>Possible values are:</p>\n<ul>\n<li><code class=\"codespan\">&#39;bevel&#39;</code>: Fills an additional triangular area between the common endpoint of connected segments, and the separate outside rectangular corners of each segment.</li>\n<li><code class=\"codespan\">&#39;round&#39;</code>: Rounds off the corners of a shape by filling an additional sector of disc centered at the common endpoint of connected segments. The radius for these rounded corners is equal to the line width.</li>\n<li><code class=\"codespan\">&#39;miter&#39;</code>: Connected segments are joined by extending their outside edges to connect at a single point, with the effect of filling an additional lozenge-shaped area. This setting is affected by the \n<code class=\"codespan\">borderMiterLimit</code>\nproperty.</li>\n</ul>\n<p>Default value is <code class=\"codespan\">&#39;bevel&#39;</code>. Refer to MDN <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">lineJoin</a> for more details.</p>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "enum",
"default": "bevel",
"options": "bevel,round,miter"
"feature.dataZoom.iconStyle.borderMiterLimit": {
"desc": "<blockquote>\n<p>Since <code class=\"codespan\">v5.0.0</code></p>\n</blockquote>\n\n\n<p>To set the miter limit ratio. Only works when \n<code class=\"codespan\">borderJoin</code>\n is set as <code class=\"codespan\">miter</code>.</p>\n<p>Default value is <code class=\"codespan\">10</code>. Negative、<code class=\"codespan\">0</code>、<code class=\"codespan\">Infinity</code> and <code class=\"codespan\">NaN</code> values are ignored.</p>\n<p>Refer to MDN <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">miterLimit</a> for more details.</p>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "number",
"min": "0",
"step": "1",
"default": "10"
"feature.dataZoom.iconStyle.shadowBlur": {
"desc": "\n\n<p>Size of shadow blur. This attribute should be used along with <code class=\"codespan\">shadowColor</code>,<code class=\"codespan\">shadowOffsetX</code>, <code class=\"codespan\">shadowOffsetY</code> to set shadow to component.</p>\n<p>For example:</p>\n<pre><code class=\"lang-js\">{\n shadowColor: &#39;rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)&#39;,\n shadowBlur: 10\n}\n</code></pre>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "number",
"default": "",
"min": "0",
"step": "0.5"
"feature.dataZoom.iconStyle.shadowColor": {
"desc": "\n\n<p>Shadow color. Support same format as <code class=\"codespan\">color</code>.</p>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "color",
"default": ""
"feature.dataZoom.iconStyle.shadowOffsetX": {
"desc": "\n\n<p>Offset distance on the horizontal direction of shadow.</p>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "number",
"default": "0",
"step": "0.5"
"feature.dataZoom.iconStyle.shadowOffsetY": {
"desc": "\n\n<p>Offset distance on the vertical direction of shadow.</p>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "number",
"default": "0",
"step": "0.5"
"feature.dataZoom.iconStyle.opacity": {
"desc": "\n\n<p>Opacity of the component. Supports value from 0 to 1, and the component will not be drawn when set to 0.</p>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "number",
"default": "1",
"min": "0",
"max": "1",
"step": "0.01"
"feature.dataZoom.emphasis.iconStyle.color": {
"desc": "\n\n<p> color. </p>\n<blockquote>\n<p>Color can be represented in RGB, for example <code class=\"codespan\">&#39;rgb(128, 128, 128)&#39;</code>. RGBA can be used when you need alpha channel, for example <code class=\"codespan\">&#39;rgba(128, 128, 128, 0.5)&#39;</code>. You may also use hexadecimal format, for example <code class=\"codespan\">&#39;#ccc&#39;</code>. Gradient color and texture are also supported besides single colors.</p>\n<pre><code class=\"lang-js\">// Linear gradient. First four parameters are x0, y0, x2, and y2, each ranged from 0 to 1, standing for percentage in the bounding box. If global is `true`, then the first four parameters are in absolute pixel positions.\ncolor: {\n type: &#39;linear&#39;,\n x: 0,\n y: 0,\n x2: 0,\n y2: 1,\n colorStops: [{\n offset: 0, color: &#39;red&#39; // color at 0% position\n }, {\n offset: 1, color: &#39;blue&#39; // color at 100% position\n }],\n global: false // false by default\n}\n// Radial gradient. First three parameters are x and y positions of center, and radius, similar to linear gradient.\ncolor: {\n type: &#39;radial&#39;,\n x: 0.5,\n y: 0.5,\n r: 0.5,\n colorStops: [{\n offset: 0, color: &#39;red&#39; // color at 0% position\n }, {\n offset: 1, color: &#39;blue&#39; // color at 100% position\n }],\n global: false // false by default\n}\n// Fill with texture\ncolor: {\n image: imageDom, // HTMLImageElement, and HTMLCanvasElement are supported, while string path is not supported\n repeat: &#39;repeat&#39; // whether to repeat texture, whose value can be repeat-x, repeat-y, or no-repeat\n}\n</code></pre>\n</blockquote>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "color"
"feature.dataZoom.emphasis.iconStyle.borderColor": {
"desc": "\n\n<p> border color, whose format is similar to that of <code class=\"codespan\">color</code>.</p>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "color"
"feature.dataZoom.emphasis.iconStyle.borderWidth": {
"desc": "\n\n<p> border width. No border when it is set to be 0.</p>\n<p> border width. No border when it is set to be 0.</p>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "number",
"value": "0",
"min": "0",
"step": "0.5"
"feature.dataZoom.emphasis.iconStyle.borderType": {
"desc": "\n\n\n<p> border type.</p>\n<p>Possible values are:</p>\n<ul>\n<li><code class=\"codespan\">&#39;solid&#39;</code></li>\n<li><code class=\"codespan\">&#39;dashed&#39;</code></li>\n<li><code class=\"codespan\">&#39;dotted&#39;</code></li>\n</ul>\n<p>Since <code class=\"codespan\">v5.0.0</code>, it can also be a number or a number array to specify the <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">dash array</a> of the line. With \n<code class=\"codespan\">borderDashOffset</code>\n, we can make the line style more flexible.</p>\n<p>For example:</p>\n<pre><code class=\"lang-js\">{\n\nborderType: [5, 10],\n\nborderDashOffset: 5\n}\n</code></pre>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "enum",
"default": "solid",
"options": "solid,dashed,dotted"
"feature.dataZoom.emphasis.iconStyle.borderDashOffset": {
"desc": "<blockquote>\n<p>Since <code class=\"codespan\">v5.0.0</code></p>\n</blockquote>\n\n\n<p>To set the line dash offset. With \n<code class=\"codespan\">borderType</code>\n, we can make the line style more flexible.</p>\n<p>Refer to MDN <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">lineDashOffset</a> for more details.</p>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "number",
"min": "0",
"step": "1",
"default": "0"
"feature.dataZoom.emphasis.iconStyle.borderCap": {
"desc": "<blockquote>\n<p>Since <code class=\"codespan\">v5.0.0</code></p>\n</blockquote>\n\n\n<p>To specify how to draw the end points of the line.\nPossible values are:</p>\n<ul>\n<li><code class=\"codespan\">&#39;butt&#39;</code>: The ends of lines are squared off at the endpoints.</li>\n<li><code class=\"codespan\">&#39;round&#39;</code>: The ends of lines are rounded.</li>\n<li><code class=\"codespan\">&#39;square&#39;</code>: The ends of lines are squared off by adding a box with an equal width and half the height of the line&#39;s thickness.</li>\n</ul>\n<p>Default value is <code class=\"codespan\">&#39;butt&#39;</code>. Refer to MDN <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">lineCap</a> for more details.</p>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "enum",
"default": "butt",
"options": "butt,round,square"
"feature.dataZoom.emphasis.iconStyle.borderJoin": {
"desc": "<blockquote>\n<p>Since <code class=\"codespan\">v5.0.0</code></p>\n</blockquote>\n\n\n<p>To determine the shape used to join two line segments where they meet.</p>\n<p>Possible values are:</p>\n<ul>\n<li><code class=\"codespan\">&#39;bevel&#39;</code>: Fills an additional triangular area between the common endpoint of connected segments, and the separate outside rectangular corners of each segment.</li>\n<li><code class=\"codespan\">&#39;round&#39;</code>: Rounds off the corners of a shape by filling an additional sector of disc centered at the common endpoint of connected segments. The radius for these rounded corners is equal to the line width.</li>\n<li><code class=\"codespan\">&#39;miter&#39;</code>: Connected segments are joined by extending their outside edges to connect at a single point, with the effect of filling an additional lozenge-shaped area. This setting is affected by the \n<code class=\"codespan\">borderMiterLimit</code>\nproperty.</li>\n</ul>\n<p>Default value is <code class=\"codespan\">&#39;bevel&#39;</code>. Refer to MDN <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">lineJoin</a> for more details.</p>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "enum",
"default": "bevel",
"options": "bevel,round,miter"
"feature.dataZoom.emphasis.iconStyle.borderMiterLimit": {
"desc": "<blockquote>\n<p>Since <code class=\"codespan\">v5.0.0</code></p>\n</blockquote>\n\n\n<p>To set the miter limit ratio. Only works when \n<code class=\"codespan\">borderJoin</code>\n is set as <code class=\"codespan\">miter</code>.</p>\n<p>Default value is <code class=\"codespan\">10</code>. Negative、<code class=\"codespan\">0</code>、<code class=\"codespan\">Infinity</code> and <code class=\"codespan\">NaN</code> values are ignored.</p>\n<p>Refer to MDN <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">miterLimit</a> for more details.</p>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "number",
"min": "0",
"step": "1",
"default": "10"
"feature.dataZoom.emphasis.iconStyle.shadowBlur": {
"desc": "\n\n<p>Size of shadow blur. This attribute should be used along with <code class=\"codespan\">shadowColor</code>,<code class=\"codespan\">shadowOffsetX</code>, <code class=\"codespan\">shadowOffsetY</code> to set shadow to component.</p>\n<p>For example:</p>\n<pre><code class=\"lang-js\">{\n shadowColor: &#39;rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)&#39;,\n shadowBlur: 10\n}\n</code></pre>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "number",
"default": "",
"min": "0",
"step": "0.5"
"feature.dataZoom.emphasis.iconStyle.shadowColor": {
"desc": "\n\n<p>Shadow color. Support same format as <code class=\"codespan\">color</code>.</p>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "color",
"default": ""
"feature.dataZoom.emphasis.iconStyle.shadowOffsetX": {
"desc": "\n\n<p>Offset distance on the horizontal direction of shadow.</p>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "number",
"default": "0",
"step": "0.5"
"feature.dataZoom.emphasis.iconStyle.shadowOffsetY": {
"desc": "\n\n<p>Offset distance on the vertical direction of shadow.</p>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "number",
"default": "0",
"step": "0.5"
"feature.dataZoom.emphasis.iconStyle.opacity": {
"desc": "\n\n<p>Opacity of the component. Supports value from 0 to 1, and the component will not be drawn when set to 0.</p>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "number",
"default": "1",
"min": "0",
"max": "1",
"step": "0.01"
"feature.dataZoom.emphasis.iconStyle.textPosition": {
"desc": "<p>Text position: <code class=\"codespan\">&#39;left&#39;</code> / <code class=\"codespan\">&#39;right&#39;</code> / <code class=\"codespan\">&#39;top&#39;</code> / <code class=\"codespan\">&#39;bottom&#39;</code>.</p>\n"
"feature.dataZoom.emphasis.iconStyle.textFill": {
"desc": "\n\n<p>Fill color of text. If it&#39;s not set, it will use in the order of icon&#39;s fill color, stroke color, and <code class=\"codespan\">&#39;#000&#39;</code>.</p>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "color"
"feature.dataZoom.emphasis.iconStyle.textAlign": {
"desc": "\n\n<p>Text align: <code class=\"codespan\">&#39;left&#39;</code> / <code class=\"codespan\">&#39;center&#39;</code> / <code class=\"codespan\">&#39;right&#39;</code>.</p>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "enum",
"options": "left,center,right"
"feature.dataZoom.emphasis.iconStyle.textBackgroundColor": {
"desc": "\n\n<p>Text background color.</p>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "color"
"feature.dataZoom.emphasis.iconStyle.textBorderRadius": {
"desc": "\n\n<p>Border radius of text area.</p>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "vector",
"min": "0",
"dims": "LT,RT,RB,LB"
"feature.dataZoom.emphasis.iconStyle.textPadding": {
"desc": "\n\n<p>Padding of text area.</p>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "vector",
"min": "0",
"dims": "T,R,B,L"
"feature.dataZoom.filterMode": {
"desc": "<p>The same meaning as <a href=\"#dataZoom.filterMode\">dataZoom.filterMode</a>.</p>\n"
"feature.dataZoom.xAxisIndex": {
"desc": "<p>Defines which <a href=\"#xAxis\">xAxis</a> should be controlled. By default, it controls all x axes. If it is set to be <code class=\"codespan\">false</code>, then no x axis is controlled. If it is set to be then it controls axis with axisIndex of <code class=\"codespan\">3</code>. If it is set to be <code class=\"codespan\">[0, 3]</code>, it controls the x-axes with axisIndex of <code class=\"codespan\">0</code> and <code class=\"codespan\">3</code>.</p>\n"
"feature.dataZoom.yAxisIndex": {
"desc": "<p>Defines which <a href=\"#yAxis\">yAxis</a> should be controlled. By default, it controls all y axes. If it is set to be <code class=\"codespan\">false</code>, then no y axis is controlled. If it is set to be then it controls axis with axisIndex of <code class=\"codespan\">3</code>. If it is set to be <code class=\"codespan\">[0, 3]</code>, it controls the x-axes with axisIndex of <code class=\"codespan\">0</code> and <code class=\"codespan\">3</code>.</p>\n"
"feature.dataZoom.brushStyle": {
"desc": "<p>Style of brush rectangle.</p>\n"
"feature.dataZoom.brushStyle.color": {
"desc": "\n\n<p> color. </p>\n<blockquote>\n<p>Color can be represented in RGB, for example <code class=\"codespan\">&#39;rgb(128, 128, 128)&#39;</code>. RGBA can be used when you need alpha channel, for example <code class=\"codespan\">&#39;rgba(128, 128, 128, 0.5)&#39;</code>. You may also use hexadecimal format, for example <code class=\"codespan\">&#39;#ccc&#39;</code>. Gradient color and texture are also supported besides single colors.</p>\n<pre><code class=\"lang-js\">// Linear gradient. First four parameters are x0, y0, x2, and y2, each ranged from 0 to 1, standing for percentage in the bounding box. If global is `true`, then the first four parameters are in absolute pixel positions.\ncolor: {\n type: &#39;linear&#39;,\n x: 0,\n y: 0,\n x2: 0,\n y2: 1,\n colorStops: [{\n offset: 0, color: &#39;red&#39; // color at 0% position\n }, {\n offset: 1, color: &#39;blue&#39; // color at 100% position\n }],\n global: false // false by default\n}\n// Radial gradient. First three parameters are x and y positions of center, and radius, similar to linear gradient.\ncolor: {\n type: &#39;radial&#39;,\n x: 0.5,\n y: 0.5,\n r: 0.5,\n colorStops: [{\n offset: 0, color: &#39;red&#39; // color at 0% position\n }, {\n offset: 1, color: &#39;blue&#39; // color at 100% position\n }],\n global: false // false by default\n}\n// Fill with texture\ncolor: {\n image: imageDom, // HTMLImageElement, and HTMLCanvasElement are supported, while string path is not supported\n repeat: &#39;repeat&#39; // whether to repeat texture, whose value can be repeat-x, repeat-y, or no-repeat\n}\n</code></pre>\n</blockquote>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "color"
"feature.dataZoom.brushStyle.borderColor": {
"desc": "\n\n<p> border color, whose format is similar to that of <code class=\"codespan\">color</code>.</p>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "color"
"feature.dataZoom.brushStyle.borderWidth": {
"desc": "\n\n<p> border width. No border when it is set to be 0.</p>\n<p> border width. No border when it is set to be 0.</p>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "number",
"value": "0",
"min": "0",
"step": "0.5"
"feature.dataZoom.brushStyle.borderType": {
"desc": "\n\n\n<p> border type.</p>\n<p>Possible values are:</p>\n<ul>\n<li><code class=\"codespan\">&#39;solid&#39;</code></li>\n<li><code class=\"codespan\">&#39;dashed&#39;</code></li>\n<li><code class=\"codespan\">&#39;dotted&#39;</code></li>\n</ul>\n<p>Since <code class=\"codespan\">v5.0.0</code>, it can also be a number or a number array to specify the <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">dash array</a> of the line. With \n<code class=\"codespan\">borderDashOffset</code>\n, we can make the line style more flexible.</p>\n<p>For example:</p>\n<pre><code class=\"lang-js\">{\n\nborderType: [5, 10],\n\nborderDashOffset: 5\n}\n</code></pre>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "enum",
"default": "solid",
"options": "solid,dashed,dotted"
"feature.dataZoom.brushStyle.borderDashOffset": {
"desc": "<blockquote>\n<p>Since <code class=\"codespan\">v5.0.0</code></p>\n</blockquote>\n\n\n<p>To set the line dash offset. With \n<code class=\"codespan\">borderType</code>\n, we can make the line style more flexible.</p>\n<p>Refer to MDN <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">lineDashOffset</a> for more details.</p>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "number",
"min": "0",
"step": "1",
"default": "0"
"feature.dataZoom.brushStyle.borderCap": {
"desc": "<blockquote>\n<p>Since <code class=\"codespan\">v5.0.0</code></p>\n</blockquote>\n\n\n<p>To specify how to draw the end points of the line.\nPossible values are:</p>\n<ul>\n<li><code class=\"codespan\">&#39;butt&#39;</code>: The ends of lines are squared off at the endpoints.</li>\n<li><code class=\"codespan\">&#39;round&#39;</code>: The ends of lines are rounded.</li>\n<li><code class=\"codespan\">&#39;square&#39;</code>: The ends of lines are squared off by adding a box with an equal width and half the height of the line&#39;s thickness.</li>\n</ul>\n<p>Default value is <code class=\"codespan\">&#39;butt&#39;</code>. Refer to MDN <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">lineCap</a> for more details.</p>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "enum",
"default": "butt",
"options": "butt,round,square"
"feature.dataZoom.brushStyle.borderJoin": {
"desc": "<blockquote>\n<p>Since <code class=\"codespan\">v5.0.0</code></p>\n</blockquote>\n\n\n<p>To determine the shape used to join two line segments where they meet.</p>\n<p>Possible values are:</p>\n<ul>\n<li><code class=\"codespan\">&#39;bevel&#39;</code>: Fills an additional triangular area between the common endpoint of connected segments, and the separate outside rectangular corners of each segment.</li>\n<li><code class=\"codespan\">&#39;round&#39;</code>: Rounds off the corners of a shape by filling an additional sector of disc centered at the common endpoint of connected segments. The radius for these rounded corners is equal to the line width.</li>\n<li><code class=\"codespan\">&#39;miter&#39;</code>: Connected segments are joined by extending their outside edges to connect at a single point, with the effect of filling an additional lozenge-shaped area. This setting is affected by the \n<code class=\"codespan\">borderMiterLimit</code>\nproperty.</li>\n</ul>\n<p>Default value is <code class=\"codespan\">&#39;bevel&#39;</code>. Refer to MDN <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">lineJoin</a> for more details.</p>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "enum",
"default": "bevel",
"options": "bevel,round,miter"
"feature.dataZoom.brushStyle.borderMiterLimit": {
"desc": "<blockquote>\n<p>Since <code class=\"codespan\">v5.0.0</code></p>\n</blockquote>\n\n\n<p>To set the miter limit ratio. Only works when \n<code class=\"codespan\">borderJoin</code>\n is set as <code class=\"codespan\">miter</code>.</p>\n<p>Default value is <code class=\"codespan\">10</code>. Negative、<code class=\"codespan\">0</code>、<code class=\"codespan\">Infinity</code> and <code class=\"codespan\">NaN</code> values are ignored.</p>\n<p>Refer to MDN <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">miterLimit</a> for more details.</p>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "number",
"min": "0",
"step": "1",
"default": "10"
"feature.dataZoom.brushStyle.shadowBlur": {
"desc": "\n\n<p>Size of shadow blur. This attribute should be used along with <code class=\"codespan\">shadowColor</code>,<code class=\"codespan\">shadowOffsetX</code>, <code class=\"codespan\">shadowOffsetY</code> to set shadow to component.</p>\n<p>For example:</p>\n<pre><code class=\"lang-js\">{\n shadowColor: &#39;rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)&#39;,\n shadowBlur: 10\n}\n</code></pre>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "number",
"default": "",
"min": "0",
"step": "0.5"
"feature.dataZoom.brushStyle.shadowColor": {
"desc": "\n\n<p>Shadow color. Support same format as <code class=\"codespan\">color</code>.</p>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "color",
"default": ""
"feature.dataZoom.brushStyle.shadowOffsetX": {
"desc": "\n\n<p>Offset distance on the horizontal direction of shadow.</p>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "number",
"default": "0",
"step": "0.5"
"feature.dataZoom.brushStyle.shadowOffsetY": {
"desc": "\n\n<p>Offset distance on the vertical direction of shadow.</p>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "number",
"default": "0",
"step": "0.5"
"feature.dataZoom.brushStyle.opacity": {
"desc": "\n\n<p>Opacity of the component. Supports value from 0 to 1, and the component will not be drawn when set to 0.</p>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "number",
"default": "1",
"min": "0",
"max": "1",
"step": "0.01"
"feature.magicType": {
"desc": "<p>Magic type switching.\n<strong>示例: </strong></p>\n<pre><code class=\"lang-js\">feature: {\n magicType: {\n type: [&#39;line&#39;, &#39;bar&#39;, &#39;stack&#39;]\n }\n}\n</code></pre>\n"
"": {
"desc": "<p>Whether to show the tool.</p>\n"
"feature.magicType.type": {
"desc": "<p>Enabled magic types, including <code class=\"codespan\">&#39;line&#39;</code> (for line charts), <code class=\"codespan\">&#39;bar&#39;</code> (for bar charts), <code class=\"codespan\">&#39;stack&#39;</code> (for stacked charts).</p>\n"
"feature.magicType.title": {
"desc": "<p>Title for different types, can be configured seperately.</p>\n"
"feature.magicType.icon": {
"desc": "<p>the different types of icon path , which could be configurated individually.</p>\n"
"feature.magicType.icon.line": {
"desc": "<p>It can be set to an image with <code class=\"codespan\">&#39;image://url&#39;</code> , in which URL is the link to an image, or <code class=\"codespan\">dataURI</code> of an image.</p>\n<p>An image URL example:</p>\n<pre><code>&#39;image://;\n</code></pre><p>A <code class=\"codespan\">dataURI</code> example:</p>\n<pre><code>&#39;image://&#39;\n</code></pre><p>Icons can be set to arbitrary vector path via <code class=\"codespan\">&#39;path://&#39;</code> in ECharts. As compared with a raster image, vector paths prevent jagging and blurring when scaled, and have better control over changing colors. The size of the vector icon will be adapted automatically. Refer to <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">SVG PathData</a> for more information about the format of the path. You may export vector paths from tools like Adobe </p>\n<p>For example:</p>\n<pre><code>&#39;path://M30.9,53.2C16.8,53.2,5.3,41.7,5.3,27.6S16.8,2,30.9,2C45,2,56.4,13.5,56.4,27.6S45,53.2,30.9,53.2z M30.9,3.5C17.6,3.5,6.8,14.4,6.8,27.6c0,13.3,10.8,24.1,24.101,24.1C44.2,51.7,55,40.9,55,27.6C54.9,14.4,44.1,3.5,30.9,3.5z M36.9,35.8c0,0.601-0.4,1-0.9,1h-1.3c-0.5,0-0.9-0.399-0.9-1V19.5c0-0.6,0.4-1,0.9-1H36c0.5,0,0.9,0.4,0.9,1V35.8z M27.8,35.8 c0,0.601-0.4,1-0.9,1h-1.3c-0.5,0-0.9-0.399-0.9-1V19.5c0-0.6,0.4-1,0.9-1H27c0.5,0,0.9,0.4,0.9,1L27.8,35.8L27.8,35.8z&#39;\n</code></pre>"
"": {
"desc": "<p>It can be set to an image with <code class=\"codespan\">&#39;image://url&#39;</code> , in which URL is the link to an image, or <code class=\"codespan\">dataURI</code> of an image.</p>\n<p>An image URL example:</p>\n<pre><code>&#39;image://;\n</code></pre><p>A <code class=\"codespan\">dataURI</code> example:</p>\n<pre><code>&#39;image://&#39;\n</code></pre><p>Icons can be set to arbitrary vector path via <code class=\"codespan\">&#39;path://&#39;</code> in ECharts. As compared with a raster image, vector paths prevent jagging and blurring when scaled, and have better control over changing colors. The size of the vector icon will be adapted automatically. Refer to <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">SVG PathData</a> for more information about the format of the path. You may export vector paths from tools like Adobe </p>\n<p>For example:</p>\n<pre><code>&#39;path://M30.9,53.2C16.8,53.2,5.3,41.7,5.3,27.6S16.8,2,30.9,2C45,2,56.4,13.5,56.4,27.6S45,53.2,30.9,53.2z M30.9,3.5C17.6,3.5,6.8,14.4,6.8,27.6c0,13.3,10.8,24.1,24.101,24.1C44.2,51.7,55,40.9,55,27.6C54.9,14.4,44.1,3.5,30.9,3.5z M36.9,35.8c0,0.601-0.4,1-0.9,1h-1.3c-0.5,0-0.9-0.399-0.9-1V19.5c0-0.6,0.4-1,0.9-1H36c0.5,0,0.9,0.4,0.9,1V35.8z M27.8,35.8 c0,0.601-0.4,1-0.9,1h-1.3c-0.5,0-0.9-0.399-0.9-1V19.5c0-0.6,0.4-1,0.9-1H27c0.5,0,0.9,0.4,0.9,1L27.8,35.8L27.8,35.8z&#39;\n</code></pre>"
"feature.magicType.icon.stack": {
"desc": "<p>It can be set to an image with <code class=\"codespan\">&#39;image://url&#39;</code> , in which URL is the link to an image, or <code class=\"codespan\">dataURI</code> of an image.</p>\n<p>An image URL example:</p>\n<pre><code>&#39;image://;\n</code></pre><p>A <code class=\"codespan\">dataURI</code> example:</p>\n<pre><code>&#39;image://&#39;\n</code></pre><p>Icons can be set to arbitrary vector path via <code class=\"codespan\">&#39;path://&#39;</code> in ECharts. As compared with a raster image, vector paths prevent jagging and blurring when scaled, and have better control over changing colors. The size of the vector icon will be adapted automatically. Refer to <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">SVG PathData</a> for more information about the format of the path. You may export vector paths from tools like Adobe </p>\n<p>For example:</p>\n<pre><code>&#39;path://M30.9,53.2C16.8,53.2,5.3,41.7,5.3,27.6S16.8,2,30.9,2C45,2,56.4,13.5,56.4,27.6S45,53.2,30.9,53.2z M30.9,3.5C17.6,3.5,6.8,14.4,6.8,27.6c0,13.3,10.8,24.1,24.101,24.1C44.2,51.7,55,40.9,55,27.6C54.9,14.4,44.1,3.5,30.9,3.5z M36.9,35.8c0,0.601-0.4,1-0.9,1h-1.3c-0.5,0-0.9-0.399-0.9-1V19.5c0-0.6,0.4-1,0.9-1H36c0.5,0,0.9,0.4,0.9,1V35.8z M27.8,35.8 c0,0.601-0.4,1-0.9,1h-1.3c-0.5,0-0.9-0.399-0.9-1V19.5c0-0.6,0.4-1,0.9-1H27c0.5,0,0.9,0.4,0.9,1L27.8,35.8L27.8,35.8z&#39;\n</code></pre>"
"feature.magicType.iconStyle": {
"desc": "<p>The style setting of magic type switching icon. Since icon label is displayed only when hovering on the icon, the label configuration options are available under <code class=\"codespan\">emphasis</code>.</p>\n"
"feature.magicType.iconStyle.color": {
"desc": "\n\n<p> color. </p>\n<blockquote>\n<p>Color can be represented in RGB, for example <code class=\"codespan\">&#39;rgb(128, 128, 128)&#39;</code>. RGBA can be used when you need alpha channel, for example <code class=\"codespan\">&#39;rgba(128, 128, 128, 0.5)&#39;</code>. You may also use hexadecimal format, for example <code class=\"codespan\">&#39;#ccc&#39;</code>. Gradient color and texture are also supported besides single colors.</p>\n<pre><code class=\"lang-js\">// Linear gradient. First four parameters are x0, y0, x2, and y2, each ranged from 0 to 1, standing for percentage in the bounding box. If global is `true`, then the first four parameters are in absolute pixel positions.\ncolor: {\n type: &#39;linear&#39;,\n x: 0,\n y: 0,\n x2: 0,\n y2: 1,\n colorStops: [{\n offset: 0, color: &#39;red&#39; // color at 0% position\n }, {\n offset: 1, color: &#39;blue&#39; // color at 100% position\n }],\n global: false // false by default\n}\n// Radial gradient. First three parameters are x and y positions of center, and radius, similar to linear gradient.\ncolor: {\n type: &#39;radial&#39;,\n x: 0.5,\n y: 0.5,\n r: 0.5,\n colorStops: [{\n offset: 0, color: &#39;red&#39; // color at 0% position\n }, {\n offset: 1, color: &#39;blue&#39; // color at 100% position\n }],\n global: false // false by default\n}\n// Fill with texture\ncolor: {\n image: imageDom, // HTMLImageElement, and HTMLCanvasElement are supported, while string path is not supported\n repeat: &#39;repeat&#39; // whether to repeat texture, whose value can be repeat-x, repeat-y, or no-repeat\n}\n</code></pre>\n</blockquote>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "color"
"feature.magicType.iconStyle.borderColor": {
"desc": "\n\n<p> border color, whose format is similar to that of <code class=\"codespan\">color</code>.</p>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "color"
"feature.magicType.iconStyle.borderWidth": {
"desc": "\n\n<p> border width. No border when it is set to be 0.</p>\n<p> border width. No border when it is set to be 0.</p>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "number",
"value": "1",
"min": "0",
"step": "0.5"
"feature.magicType.iconStyle.borderType": {
"desc": "\n\n\n<p> border type.</p>\n<p>Possible values are:</p>\n<ul>\n<li><code class=\"codespan\">&#39;solid&#39;</code></li>\n<li><code class=\"codespan\">&#39;dashed&#39;</code></li>\n<li><code class=\"codespan\">&#39;dotted&#39;</code></li>\n</ul>\n<p>Since <code class=\"codespan\">v5.0.0</code>, it can also be a number or a number array to specify the <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">dash array</a> of the line. With \n<code class=\"codespan\">borderDashOffset</code>\n, we can make the line style more flexible.</p>\n<p>For example:</p>\n<pre><code class=\"lang-js\">{\n\nborderType: [5, 10],\n\nborderDashOffset: 5\n}\n</code></pre>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "enum",
"default": "solid",
"options": "solid,dashed,dotted"
"feature.magicType.iconStyle.borderDashOffset": {
"desc": "<blockquote>\n<p>Since <code class=\"codespan\">v5.0.0</code></p>\n</blockquote>\n\n\n<p>To set the line dash offset. With \n<code class=\"codespan\">borderType</code>\n, we can make the line style more flexible.</p>\n<p>Refer to MDN <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">lineDashOffset</a> for more details.</p>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "number",
"min": "0",
"step": "1",
"default": "0"
"feature.magicType.iconStyle.borderCap": {
"desc": "<blockquote>\n<p>Since <code class=\"codespan\">v5.0.0</code></p>\n</blockquote>\n\n\n<p>To specify how to draw the end points of the line.\nPossible values are:</p>\n<ul>\n<li><code class=\"codespan\">&#39;butt&#39;</code>: The ends of lines are squared off at the endpoints.</li>\n<li><code class=\"codespan\">&#39;round&#39;</code>: The ends of lines are rounded.</li>\n<li><code class=\"codespan\">&#39;square&#39;</code>: The ends of lines are squared off by adding a box with an equal width and half the height of the line&#39;s thickness.</li>\n</ul>\n<p>Default value is <code class=\"codespan\">&#39;butt&#39;</code>. Refer to MDN <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">lineCap</a> for more details.</p>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "enum",
"default": "butt",
"options": "butt,round,square"
"feature.magicType.iconStyle.borderJoin": {
"desc": "<blockquote>\n<p>Since <code class=\"codespan\">v5.0.0</code></p>\n</blockquote>\n\n\n<p>To determine the shape used to join two line segments where they meet.</p>\n<p>Possible values are:</p>\n<ul>\n<li><code class=\"codespan\">&#39;bevel&#39;</code>: Fills an additional triangular area between the common endpoint of connected segments, and the separate outside rectangular corners of each segment.</li>\n<li><code class=\"codespan\">&#39;round&#39;</code>: Rounds off the corners of a shape by filling an additional sector of disc centered at the common endpoint of connected segments. The radius for these rounded corners is equal to the line width.</li>\n<li><code class=\"codespan\">&#39;miter&#39;</code>: Connected segments are joined by extending their outside edges to connect at a single point, with the effect of filling an additional lozenge-shaped area. This setting is affected by the \n<code class=\"codespan\">borderMiterLimit</code>\nproperty.</li>\n</ul>\n<p>Default value is <code class=\"codespan\">&#39;bevel&#39;</code>. Refer to MDN <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">lineJoin</a> for more details.</p>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "enum",
"default": "bevel",
"options": "bevel,round,miter"
"feature.magicType.iconStyle.borderMiterLimit": {
"desc": "<blockquote>\n<p>Since <code class=\"codespan\">v5.0.0</code></p>\n</blockquote>\n\n\n<p>To set the miter limit ratio. Only works when \n<code class=\"codespan\">borderJoin</code>\n is set as <code class=\"codespan\">miter</code>.</p>\n<p>Default value is <code class=\"codespan\">10</code>. Negative、<code class=\"codespan\">0</code>、<code class=\"codespan\">Infinity</code> and <code class=\"codespan\">NaN</code> values are ignored.</p>\n<p>Refer to MDN <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">miterLimit</a> for more details.</p>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "number",
"min": "0",
"step": "1",
"default": "10"
"feature.magicType.iconStyle.shadowBlur": {
"desc": "\n\n<p>Size of shadow blur. This attribute should be used along with <code class=\"codespan\">shadowColor</code>,<code class=\"codespan\">shadowOffsetX</code>, <code class=\"codespan\">shadowOffsetY</code> to set shadow to component.</p>\n<p>For example:</p>\n<pre><code class=\"lang-js\">{\n shadowColor: &#39;rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)&#39;,\n shadowBlur: 10\n}\n</code></pre>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "number",
"default": "",
"min": "0",
"step": "0.5"
"feature.magicType.iconStyle.shadowColor": {
"desc": "\n\n<p>Shadow color. Support same format as <code class=\"codespan\">color</code>.</p>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "color",
"default": ""
"feature.magicType.iconStyle.shadowOffsetX": {
"desc": "\n\n<p>Offset distance on the horizontal direction of shadow.</p>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "number",
"default": "0",
"step": "0.5"
"feature.magicType.iconStyle.shadowOffsetY": {
"desc": "\n\n<p>Offset distance on the vertical direction of shadow.</p>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "number",
"default": "0",
"step": "0.5"
"feature.magicType.iconStyle.opacity": {
"desc": "\n\n<p>Opacity of the component. Supports value from 0 to 1, and the component will not be drawn when set to 0.</p>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "number",
"default": "1",
"min": "0",
"max": "1",
"step": "0.01"
"feature.magicType.emphasis.iconStyle.color": {
"desc": "\n\n<p> color. </p>\n<blockquote>\n<p>Color can be represented in RGB, for example <code class=\"codespan\">&#39;rgb(128, 128, 128)&#39;</code>. RGBA can be used when you need alpha channel, for example <code class=\"codespan\">&#39;rgba(128, 128, 128, 0.5)&#39;</code>. You may also use hexadecimal format, for example <code class=\"codespan\">&#39;#ccc&#39;</code>. Gradient color and texture are also supported besides single colors.</p>\n<pre><code class=\"lang-js\">// Linear gradient. First four parameters are x0, y0, x2, and y2, each ranged from 0 to 1, standing for percentage in the bounding box. If global is `true`, then the first four parameters are in absolute pixel positions.\ncolor: {\n type: &#39;linear&#39;,\n x: 0,\n y: 0,\n x2: 0,\n y2: 1,\n colorStops: [{\n offset: 0, color: &#39;red&#39; // color at 0% position\n }, {\n offset: 1, color: &#39;blue&#39; // color at 100% position\n }],\n global: false // false by default\n}\n// Radial gradient. First three parameters are x and y positions of center, and radius, similar to linear gradient.\ncolor: {\n type: &#39;radial&#39;,\n x: 0.5,\n y: 0.5,\n r: 0.5,\n colorStops: [{\n offset: 0, color: &#39;red&#39; // color at 0% position\n }, {\n offset: 1, color: &#39;blue&#39; // color at 100% position\n }],\n global: false // false by default\n}\n// Fill with texture\ncolor: {\n image: imageDom, // HTMLImageElement, and HTMLCanvasElement are supported, while string path is not supported\n repeat: &#39;repeat&#39; // whether to repeat texture, whose value can be repeat-x, repeat-y, or no-repeat\n}\n</code></pre>\n</blockquote>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "color"
"feature.magicType.emphasis.iconStyle.borderColor": {
"desc": "\n\n<p> border color, whose format is similar to that of <code class=\"codespan\">color</code>.</p>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "color"
"feature.magicType.emphasis.iconStyle.borderWidth": {
"desc": "\n\n<p> border width. No border when it is set to be 0.</p>\n<p> border width. No border when it is set to be 0.</p>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "number",
"value": "0",
"min": "0",
"step": "0.5"
"feature.magicType.emphasis.iconStyle.borderType": {
"desc": "\n\n\n<p> border type.</p>\n<p>Possible values are:</p>\n<ul>\n<li><code class=\"codespan\">&#39;solid&#39;</code></li>\n<li><code class=\"codespan\">&#39;dashed&#39;</code></li>\n<li><code class=\"codespan\">&#39;dotted&#39;</code></li>\n</ul>\n<p>Since <code class=\"codespan\">v5.0.0</code>, it can also be a number or a number array to specify the <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">dash array</a> of the line. With \n<code class=\"codespan\">borderDashOffset</code>\n, we can make the line style more flexible.</p>\n<p>For example:</p>\n<pre><code class=\"lang-js\">{\n\nborderType: [5, 10],\n\nborderDashOffset: 5\n}\n</code></pre>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "enum",
"default": "solid",
"options": "solid,dashed,dotted"
"feature.magicType.emphasis.iconStyle.borderDashOffset": {
"desc": "<blockquote>\n<p>Since <code class=\"codespan\">v5.0.0</code></p>\n</blockquote>\n\n\n<p>To set the line dash offset. With \n<code class=\"codespan\">borderType</code>\n, we can make the line style more flexible.</p>\n<p>Refer to MDN <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">lineDashOffset</a> for more details.</p>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "number",
"min": "0",
"step": "1",
"default": "0"
"feature.magicType.emphasis.iconStyle.borderCap": {
"desc": "<blockquote>\n<p>Since <code class=\"codespan\">v5.0.0</code></p>\n</blockquote>\n\n\n<p>To specify how to draw the end points of the line.\nPossible values are:</p>\n<ul>\n<li><code class=\"codespan\">&#39;butt&#39;</code>: The ends of lines are squared off at the endpoints.</li>\n<li><code class=\"codespan\">&#39;round&#39;</code>: The ends of lines are rounded.</li>\n<li><code class=\"codespan\">&#39;square&#39;</code>: The ends of lines are squared off by adding a box with an equal width and half the height of the line&#39;s thickness.</li>\n</ul>\n<p>Default value is <code class=\"codespan\">&#39;butt&#39;</code>. Refer to MDN <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">lineCap</a> for more details.</p>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "enum",
"default": "butt",
"options": "butt,round,square"
"feature.magicType.emphasis.iconStyle.borderJoin": {
"desc": "<blockquote>\n<p>Since <code class=\"codespan\">v5.0.0</code></p>\n</blockquote>\n\n\n<p>To determine the shape used to join two line segments where they meet.</p>\n<p>Possible values are:</p>\n<ul>\n<li><code class=\"codespan\">&#39;bevel&#39;</code>: Fills an additional triangular area between the common endpoint of connected segments, and the separate outside rectangular corners of each segment.</li>\n<li><code class=\"codespan\">&#39;round&#39;</code>: Rounds off the corners of a shape by filling an additional sector of disc centered at the common endpoint of connected segments. The radius for these rounded corners is equal to the line width.</li>\n<li><code class=\"codespan\">&#39;miter&#39;</code>: Connected segments are joined by extending their outside edges to connect at a single point, with the effect of filling an additional lozenge-shaped area. This setting is affected by the \n<code class=\"codespan\">borderMiterLimit</code>\nproperty.</li>\n</ul>\n<p>Default value is <code class=\"codespan\">&#39;bevel&#39;</code>. Refer to MDN <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">lineJoin</a> for more details.</p>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "enum",
"default": "bevel",
"options": "bevel,round,miter"
"feature.magicType.emphasis.iconStyle.borderMiterLimit": {
"desc": "<blockquote>\n<p>Since <code class=\"codespan\">v5.0.0</code></p>\n</blockquote>\n\n\n<p>To set the miter limit ratio. Only works when \n<code class=\"codespan\">borderJoin</code>\n is set as <code class=\"codespan\">miter</code>.</p>\n<p>Default value is <code class=\"codespan\">10</code>. Negative、<code class=\"codespan\">0</code>、<code class=\"codespan\">Infinity</code> and <code class=\"codespan\">NaN</code> values are ignored.</p>\n<p>Refer to MDN <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">miterLimit</a> for more details.</p>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "number",
"min": "0",
"step": "1",
"default": "10"
"feature.magicType.emphasis.iconStyle.shadowBlur": {
"desc": "\n\n<p>Size of shadow blur. This attribute should be used along with <code class=\"codespan\">shadowColor</code>,<code class=\"codespan\">shadowOffsetX</code>, <code class=\"codespan\">shadowOffsetY</code> to set shadow to component.</p>\n<p>For example:</p>\n<pre><code class=\"lang-js\">{\n shadowColor: &#39;rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)&#39;,\n shadowBlur: 10\n}\n</code></pre>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "number",
"default": "",
"min": "0",
"step": "0.5"
"feature.magicType.emphasis.iconStyle.shadowColor": {
"desc": "\n\n<p>Shadow color. Support same format as <code class=\"codespan\">color</code>.</p>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "color",
"default": ""
"feature.magicType.emphasis.iconStyle.shadowOffsetX": {
"desc": "\n\n<p>Offset distance on the horizontal direction of shadow.</p>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "number",
"default": "0",
"step": "0.5"
"feature.magicType.emphasis.iconStyle.shadowOffsetY": {
"desc": "\n\n<p>Offset distance on the vertical direction of shadow.</p>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "number",
"default": "0",
"step": "0.5"
"feature.magicType.emphasis.iconStyle.opacity": {
"desc": "\n\n<p>Opacity of the component. Supports value from 0 to 1, and the component will not be drawn when set to 0.</p>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "number",
"default": "1",
"min": "0",
"max": "1",
"step": "0.01"
"feature.magicType.emphasis.iconStyle.textPosition": {
"desc": "<p>Text position: <code class=\"codespan\">&#39;left&#39;</code> / <code class=\"codespan\">&#39;right&#39;</code> / <code class=\"codespan\">&#39;top&#39;</code> / <code class=\"codespan\">&#39;bottom&#39;</code>.</p>\n"
"feature.magicType.emphasis.iconStyle.textFill": {
"desc": "\n\n<p>Fill color of text. If it&#39;s not set, it will use in the order of icon&#39;s fill color, stroke color, and <code class=\"codespan\">&#39;#000&#39;</code>.</p>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "color"
"feature.magicType.emphasis.iconStyle.textAlign": {
"desc": "\n\n<p>Text align: <code class=\"codespan\">&#39;left&#39;</code> / <code class=\"codespan\">&#39;center&#39;</code> / <code class=\"codespan\">&#39;right&#39;</code>.</p>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "enum",
"options": "left,center,right"
"feature.magicType.emphasis.iconStyle.textBackgroundColor": {
"desc": "\n\n<p>Text background color.</p>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "color"
"feature.magicType.emphasis.iconStyle.textBorderRadius": {
"desc": "\n\n<p>Border radius of text area.</p>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "vector",
"min": "0",
"dims": "LT,RT,RB,LB"
"feature.magicType.emphasis.iconStyle.textPadding": {
"desc": "\n\n<p>Padding of text area.</p>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "vector",
"min": "0",
"dims": "T,R,B,L"
"feature.magicType.option": {
"desc": "<p>Configuration item for each type, which will be used when switching to certain type.</p>\n"
"feature.magicType.seriesIndex": {
"desc": "<p>Series list for each type.</p>\n"
"feature.brush": {
"desc": "<p>Brush-selecting icon.</p>\n<p>It can also be configured at <a href=\"#brush.toolbox\">brush.toolbox</a>.</p>\n"
"feature.brush.type": {
"desc": "<p>Icons used, whose values are:</p>\n<ul>\n<li><code class=\"codespan\">&#39;rect&#39;</code>: Enabling selecting with rectangle area.</li>\n<li><code class=\"codespan\">&#39;polygon&#39;</code>: Enabling selecting with any shape.</li>\n<li><code class=\"codespan\">&#39;lineX&#39;</code>: Enabling horizontal selecting.</li>\n<li><code class=\"codespan\">&#39;lineY&#39;</code>: Enabling vertical selecting.</li>\n<li><code class=\"codespan\">&#39;keep&#39;</code>: Switching between <em>single selecting</em> and <em>multiple selecting</em>. The latter one can select multiple areas, while the former one cancels previous selection.</li>\n<li><code class=\"codespan\">&#39;clear&#39;</code>: Clearing all selection.</li>\n</ul>\n"
"feature.brush.icon": {
"desc": "<p>Icon path for each icon.</p>\n"
"feature.brush.icon.rect": {
"desc": "<p>It can be set to an image with <code class=\"codespan\">&#39;image://url&#39;</code> , in which URL is the link to an image, or <code class=\"codespan\">dataURI</code> of an image.</p>\n<p>An image URL example:</p>\n<pre><code>&#39;image://;\n</code></pre><p>A <code class=\"codespan\">dataURI</code> example:</p>\n<pre><code>&#39;image://&#39;\n</code></pre><p>Icons can be set to arbitrary vector path via <code class=\"codespan\">&#39;path://&#39;</code> in ECharts. As compared with a raster image, vector paths prevent jagging and blurring when scaled, and have better control over changing colors. The size of the vector icon will be adapted automatically. Refer to <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">SVG PathData</a> for more information about the format of the path. You may export vector paths from tools like Adobe </p>\n<p>For example:</p>\n<pre><code>&#39;path://M30.9,53.2C16.8,53.2,5.3,41.7,5.3,27.6S16.8,2,30.9,2C45,2,56.4,13.5,56.4,27.6S45,53.2,30.9,53.2z M30.9,3.5C17.6,3.5,6.8,14.4,6.8,27.6c0,13.3,10.8,24.1,24.101,24.1C44.2,51.7,55,40.9,55,27.6C54.9,14.4,44.1,3.5,30.9,3.5z M36.9,35.8c0,0.601-0.4,1-0.9,1h-1.3c-0.5,0-0.9-0.399-0.9-1V19.5c0-0.6,0.4-1,0.9-1H36c0.5,0,0.9,0.4,0.9,1V35.8z M27.8,35.8 c0,0.601-0.4,1-0.9,1h-1.3c-0.5,0-0.9-0.399-0.9-1V19.5c0-0.6,0.4-1,0.9-1H27c0.5,0,0.9,0.4,0.9,1L27.8,35.8L27.8,35.8z&#39;\n</code></pre>"
"feature.brush.icon.polygon": {
"desc": "<p>It can be set to an image with <code class=\"codespan\">&#39;image://url&#39;</code> , in which URL is the link to an image, or <code class=\"codespan\">dataURI</code> of an image.</p>\n<p>An image URL example:</p>\n<pre><code>&#39;image://;\n</code></pre><p>A <code class=\"codespan\">dataURI</code> example:</p>\n<pre><code>&#39;image://&#39;\n</code></pre><p>Icons can be set to arbitrary vector path via <code class=\"codespan\">&#39;path://&#39;</code> in ECharts. As compared with a raster image, vector paths prevent jagging and blurring when scaled, and have better control over changing colors. The size of the vector icon will be adapted automatically. Refer to <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">SVG PathData</a> for more information about the format of the path. You may export vector paths from tools like Adobe </p>\n<p>For example:</p>\n<pre><code>&#39;path://M30.9,53.2C16.8,53.2,5.3,41.7,5.3,27.6S16.8,2,30.9,2C45,2,56.4,13.5,56.4,27.6S45,53.2,30.9,53.2z M30.9,3.5C17.6,3.5,6.8,14.4,6.8,27.6c0,13.3,10.8,24.1,24.101,24.1C44.2,51.7,55,40.9,55,27.6C54.9,14.4,44.1,3.5,30.9,3.5z M36.9,35.8c0,0.601-0.4,1-0.9,1h-1.3c-0.5,0-0.9-0.399-0.9-1V19.5c0-0.6,0.4-1,0.9-1H36c0.5,0,0.9,0.4,0.9,1V35.8z M27.8,35.8 c0,0.601-0.4,1-0.9,1h-1.3c-0.5,0-0.9-0.399-0.9-1V19.5c0-0.6,0.4-1,0.9-1H27c0.5,0,0.9,0.4,0.9,1L27.8,35.8L27.8,35.8z&#39;\n</code></pre>"
"feature.brush.icon.lineX": {
"desc": "<p>It can be set to an image with <code class=\"codespan\">&#39;image://url&#39;</code> , in which URL is the link to an image, or <code class=\"codespan\">dataURI</code> of an image.</p>\n<p>An image URL example:</p>\n<pre><code>&#39;image://;\n</code></pre><p>A <code class=\"codespan\">dataURI</code> example:</p>\n<pre><code>&#39;image://&#39;\n</code></pre><p>Icons can be set to arbitrary vector path via <code class=\"codespan\">&#39;path://&#39;</code> in ECharts. As compared with a raster image, vector paths prevent jagging and blurring when scaled, and have better control over changing colors. The size of the vector icon will be adapted automatically. Refer to <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">SVG PathData</a> for more information about the format of the path. You may export vector paths from tools like Adobe </p>\n<p>For example:</p>\n<pre><code>&#39;path://M30.9,53.2C16.8,53.2,5.3,41.7,5.3,27.6S16.8,2,30.9,2C45,2,56.4,13.5,56.4,27.6S45,53.2,30.9,53.2z M30.9,3.5C17.6,3.5,6.8,14.4,6.8,27.6c0,13.3,10.8,24.1,24.101,24.1C44.2,51.7,55,40.9,55,27.6C54.9,14.4,44.1,3.5,30.9,3.5z M36.9,35.8c0,0.601-0.4,1-0.9,1h-1.3c-0.5,0-0.9-0.399-0.9-1V19.5c0-0.6,0.4-1,0.9-1H36c0.5,0,0.9,0.4,0.9,1V35.8z M27.8,35.8 c0,0.601-0.4,1-0.9,1h-1.3c-0.5,0-0.9-0.399-0.9-1V19.5c0-0.6,0.4-1,0.9-1H27c0.5,0,0.9,0.4,0.9,1L27.8,35.8L27.8,35.8z&#39;\n</code></pre>"
"feature.brush.icon.lineY": {
"desc": "<p>It can be set to an image with <code class=\"codespan\">&#39;image://url&#39;</code> , in which URL is the link to an image, or <code class=\"codespan\">dataURI</code> of an image.</p>\n<p>An image URL example:</p>\n<pre><code>&#39;image://;\n</code></pre><p>A <code class=\"codespan\">dataURI</code> example:</p>\n<pre><code>&#39;image://&#39;\n</code></pre><p>Icons can be set to arbitrary vector path via <code class=\"codespan\">&#39;path://&#39;</code> in ECharts. As compared with a raster image, vector paths prevent jagging and blurring when scaled, and have better control over changing colors. The size of the vector icon will be adapted automatically. Refer to <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">SVG PathData</a> for more information about the format of the path. You may export vector paths from tools like Adobe </p>\n<p>For example:</p>\n<pre><code>&#39;path://M30.9,53.2C16.8,53.2,5.3,41.7,5.3,27.6S16.8,2,30.9,2C45,2,56.4,13.5,56.4,27.6S45,53.2,30.9,53.2z M30.9,3.5C17.6,3.5,6.8,14.4,6.8,27.6c0,13.3,10.8,24.1,24.101,24.1C44.2,51.7,55,40.9,55,27.6C54.9,14.4,44.1,3.5,30.9,3.5z M36.9,35.8c0,0.601-0.4,1-0.9,1h-1.3c-0.5,0-0.9-0.399-0.9-1V19.5c0-0.6,0.4-1,0.9-1H36c0.5,0,0.9,0.4,0.9,1V35.8z M27.8,35.8 c0,0.601-0.4,1-0.9,1h-1.3c-0.5,0-0.9-0.399-0.9-1V19.5c0-0.6,0.4-1,0.9-1H27c0.5,0,0.9,0.4,0.9,1L27.8,35.8L27.8,35.8z&#39;\n</code></pre>"
"feature.brush.icon.keep": {
"desc": "<p>It can be set to an image with <code class=\"codespan\">&#39;image://url&#39;</code> , in which URL is the link to an image, or <code class=\"codespan\">dataURI</code> of an image.</p>\n<p>An image URL example:</p>\n<pre><code>&#39;image://;\n</code></pre><p>A <code class=\"codespan\">dataURI</code> example:</p>\n<pre><code>&#39;image://&#39;\n</code></pre><p>Icons can be set to arbitrary vector path via <code class=\"codespan\">&#39;path://&#39;</code> in ECharts. As compared with a raster image, vector paths prevent jagging and blurring when scaled, and have better control over changing colors. The size of the vector icon will be adapted automatically. Refer to <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">SVG PathData</a> for more information about the format of the path. You may export vector paths from tools like Adobe </p>\n<p>For example:</p>\n<pre><code>&#39;path://M30.9,53.2C16.8,53.2,5.3,41.7,5.3,27.6S16.8,2,30.9,2C45,2,56.4,13.5,56.4,27.6S45,53.2,30.9,53.2z M30.9,3.5C17.6,3.5,6.8,14.4,6.8,27.6c0,13.3,10.8,24.1,24.101,24.1C44.2,51.7,55,40.9,55,27.6C54.9,14.4,44.1,3.5,30.9,3.5z M36.9,35.8c0,0.601-0.4,1-0.9,1h-1.3c-0.5,0-0.9-0.399-0.9-1V19.5c0-0.6,0.4-1,0.9-1H36c0.5,0,0.9,0.4,0.9,1V35.8z M27.8,35.8 c0,0.601-0.4,1-0.9,1h-1.3c-0.5,0-0.9-0.399-0.9-1V19.5c0-0.6,0.4-1,0.9-1H27c0.5,0,0.9,0.4,0.9,1L27.8,35.8L27.8,35.8z&#39;\n</code></pre>"
"feature.brush.icon.clear": {
"desc": "<p>It can be set to an image with <code class=\"codespan\">&#39;image://url&#39;</code> , in which URL is the link to an image, or <code class=\"codespan\">dataURI</code> of an image.</p>\n<p>An image URL example:</p>\n<pre><code>&#39;image://;\n</code></pre><p>A <code class=\"codespan\">dataURI</code> example:</p>\n<pre><code>&#39;image://&#39;\n</code></pre><p>Icons can be set to arbitrary vector path via <code class=\"codespan\">&#39;path://&#39;</code> in ECharts. As compared with a raster image, vector paths prevent jagging and blurring when scaled, and have better control over changing colors. The size of the vector icon will be adapted automatically. Refer to <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">SVG PathData</a> for more information about the format of the path. You may export vector paths from tools like Adobe </p>\n<p>For example:</p>\n<pre><code>&#39;path://M30.9,53.2C16.8,53.2,5.3,41.7,5.3,27.6S16.8,2,30.9,2C45,2,56.4,13.5,56.4,27.6S45,53.2,30.9,53.2z M30.9,3.5C17.6,3.5,6.8,14.4,6.8,27.6c0,13.3,10.8,24.1,24.101,24.1C44.2,51.7,55,40.9,55,27.6C54.9,14.4,44.1,3.5,30.9,3.5z M36.9,35.8c0,0.601-0.4,1-0.9,1h-1.3c-0.5,0-0.9-0.399-0.9-1V19.5c0-0.6,0.4-1,0.9-1H36c0.5,0,0.9,0.4,0.9,1V35.8z M27.8,35.8 c0,0.601-0.4,1-0.9,1h-1.3c-0.5,0-0.9-0.399-0.9-1V19.5c0-0.6,0.4-1,0.9-1H27c0.5,0,0.9,0.4,0.9,1L27.8,35.8L27.8,35.8z&#39;\n</code></pre>"
"feature.brush.title": {
"desc": "<p>Title.</p>\n"
"iconStyle": {
"desc": "<p>The style setting of Shared icon. Since icon label is displayed only when hovering on the icon, the label configuration options are available under <code class=\"codespan\">emphasis</code>.</p>\n"
"iconStyle.color": {
"desc": "\n\n<p> color. </p>\n<blockquote>\n<p>Color can be represented in RGB, for example <code class=\"codespan\">&#39;rgb(128, 128, 128)&#39;</code>. RGBA can be used when you need alpha channel, for example <code class=\"codespan\">&#39;rgba(128, 128, 128, 0.5)&#39;</code>. You may also use hexadecimal format, for example <code class=\"codespan\">&#39;#ccc&#39;</code>. Gradient color and texture are also supported besides single colors.</p>\n<pre><code class=\"lang-js\">// Linear gradient. First four parameters are x0, y0, x2, and y2, each ranged from 0 to 1, standing for percentage in the bounding box. If global is `true`, then the first four parameters are in absolute pixel positions.\ncolor: {\n type: &#39;linear&#39;,\n x: 0,\n y: 0,\n x2: 0,\n y2: 1,\n colorStops: [{\n offset: 0, color: &#39;red&#39; // color at 0% position\n }, {\n offset: 1, color: &#39;blue&#39; // color at 100% position\n }],\n global: false // false by default\n}\n// Radial gradient. First three parameters are x and y positions of center, and radius, similar to linear gradient.\ncolor: {\n type: &#39;radial&#39;,\n x: 0.5,\n y: 0.5,\n r: 0.5,\n colorStops: [{\n offset: 0, color: &#39;red&#39; // color at 0% position\n }, {\n offset: 1, color: &#39;blue&#39; // color at 100% position\n }],\n global: false // false by default\n}\n// Fill with texture\ncolor: {\n image: imageDom, // HTMLImageElement, and HTMLCanvasElement are supported, while string path is not supported\n repeat: &#39;repeat&#39; // whether to repeat texture, whose value can be repeat-x, repeat-y, or no-repeat\n}\n</code></pre>\n</blockquote>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "color"
"iconStyle.borderColor": {
"desc": "\n\n<p> border color, whose format is similar to that of <code class=\"codespan\">color</code>.</p>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "color"
"iconStyle.borderWidth": {
"desc": "\n\n<p> border width. No border when it is set to be 0.</p>\n<p> border width. No border when it is set to be 0.</p>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "number",
"value": "1",
"min": "0",
"step": "0.5"
"iconStyle.borderType": {
"desc": "\n\n\n<p> border type.</p>\n<p>Possible values are:</p>\n<ul>\n<li><code class=\"codespan\">&#39;solid&#39;</code></li>\n<li><code class=\"codespan\">&#39;dashed&#39;</code></li>\n<li><code class=\"codespan\">&#39;dotted&#39;</code></li>\n</ul>\n<p>Since <code class=\"codespan\">v5.0.0</code>, it can also be a number or a number array to specify the <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">dash array</a> of the line. With \n<code class=\"codespan\">borderDashOffset</code>\n, we can make the line style more flexible.</p>\n<p>For example:</p>\n<pre><code class=\"lang-js\">{\n\nborderType: [5, 10],\n\nborderDashOffset: 5\n}\n</code></pre>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "enum",
"default": "solid",
"options": "solid,dashed,dotted"
"iconStyle.borderDashOffset": {
"desc": "<blockquote>\n<p>Since <code class=\"codespan\">v5.0.0</code></p>\n</blockquote>\n\n\n<p>To set the line dash offset. With \n<code class=\"codespan\">borderType</code>\n, we can make the line style more flexible.</p>\n<p>Refer to MDN <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">lineDashOffset</a> for more details.</p>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "number",
"min": "0",
"step": "1",
"default": "0"
"iconStyle.borderCap": {
"desc": "<blockquote>\n<p>Since <code class=\"codespan\">v5.0.0</code></p>\n</blockquote>\n\n\n<p>To specify how to draw the end points of the line.\nPossible values are:</p>\n<ul>\n<li><code class=\"codespan\">&#39;butt&#39;</code>: The ends of lines are squared off at the endpoints.</li>\n<li><code class=\"codespan\">&#39;round&#39;</code>: The ends of lines are rounded.</li>\n<li><code class=\"codespan\">&#39;square&#39;</code>: The ends of lines are squared off by adding a box with an equal width and half the height of the line&#39;s thickness.</li>\n</ul>\n<p>Default value is <code class=\"codespan\">&#39;butt&#39;</code>. Refer to MDN <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">lineCap</a> for more details.</p>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "enum",
"default": "butt",
"options": "butt,round,square"
"iconStyle.borderJoin": {
"desc": "<blockquote>\n<p>Since <code class=\"codespan\">v5.0.0</code></p>\n</blockquote>\n\n\n<p>To determine the shape used to join two line segments where they meet.</p>\n<p>Possible values are:</p>\n<ul>\n<li><code class=\"codespan\">&#39;bevel&#39;</code>: Fills an additional triangular area between the common endpoint of connected segments, and the separate outside rectangular corners of each segment.</li>\n<li><code class=\"codespan\">&#39;round&#39;</code>: Rounds off the corners of a shape by filling an additional sector of disc centered at the common endpoint of connected segments. The radius for these rounded corners is equal to the line width.</li>\n<li><code class=\"codespan\">&#39;miter&#39;</code>: Connected segments are joined by extending their outside edges to connect at a single point, with the effect of filling an additional lozenge-shaped area. This setting is affected by the \n<code class=\"codespan\">borderMiterLimit</code>\nproperty.</li>\n</ul>\n<p>Default value is <code class=\"codespan\">&#39;bevel&#39;</code>. Refer to MDN <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">lineJoin</a> for more details.</p>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "enum",
"default": "bevel",
"options": "bevel,round,miter"
"iconStyle.borderMiterLimit": {
"desc": "<blockquote>\n<p>Since <code class=\"codespan\">v5.0.0</code></p>\n</blockquote>\n\n\n<p>To set the miter limit ratio. Only works when \n<code class=\"codespan\">borderJoin</code>\n is set as <code class=\"codespan\">miter</code>.</p>\n<p>Default value is <code class=\"codespan\">10</code>. Negative、<code class=\"codespan\">0</code>、<code class=\"codespan\">Infinity</code> and <code class=\"codespan\">NaN</code> values are ignored.</p>\n<p>Refer to MDN <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">miterLimit</a> for more details.</p>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "number",
"min": "0",
"step": "1",
"default": "10"
"iconStyle.shadowBlur": {
"desc": "\n\n<p>Size of shadow blur. This attribute should be used along with <code class=\"codespan\">shadowColor</code>,<code class=\"codespan\">shadowOffsetX</code>, <code class=\"codespan\">shadowOffsetY</code> to set shadow to component.</p>\n<p>For example:</p>\n<pre><code class=\"lang-js\">{\n shadowColor: &#39;rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)&#39;,\n shadowBlur: 10\n}\n</code></pre>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "number",
"default": "",
"min": "0",
"step": "0.5"
"iconStyle.shadowColor": {
"desc": "\n\n<p>Shadow color. Support same format as <code class=\"codespan\">color</code>.</p>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "color",
"default": ""
"iconStyle.shadowOffsetX": {
"desc": "\n\n<p>Offset distance on the horizontal direction of shadow.</p>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "number",
"default": "0",
"step": "0.5"
"iconStyle.shadowOffsetY": {
"desc": "\n\n<p>Offset distance on the vertical direction of shadow.</p>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "number",
"default": "0",
"step": "0.5"
"iconStyle.opacity": {
"desc": "\n\n<p>Opacity of the component. Supports value from 0 to 1, and the component will not be drawn when set to 0.</p>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "number",
"default": "1",
"min": "0",
"max": "1",
"step": "0.01"
"emphasis.iconStyle.color": {
"desc": "\n\n<p> color. </p>\n<blockquote>\n<p>Color can be represented in RGB, for example <code class=\"codespan\">&#39;rgb(128, 128, 128)&#39;</code>. RGBA can be used when you need alpha channel, for example <code class=\"codespan\">&#39;rgba(128, 128, 128, 0.5)&#39;</code>. You may also use hexadecimal format, for example <code class=\"codespan\">&#39;#ccc&#39;</code>. Gradient color and texture are also supported besides single colors.</p>\n<pre><code class=\"lang-js\">// Linear gradient. First four parameters are x0, y0, x2, and y2, each ranged from 0 to 1, standing for percentage in the bounding box. If global is `true`, then the first four parameters are in absolute pixel positions.\ncolor: {\n type: &#39;linear&#39;,\n x: 0,\n y: 0,\n x2: 0,\n y2: 1,\n colorStops: [{\n offset: 0, color: &#39;red&#39; // color at 0% position\n }, {\n offset: 1, color: &#39;blue&#39; // color at 100% position\n }],\n global: false // false by default\n}\n// Radial gradient. First three parameters are x and y positions of center, and radius, similar to linear gradient.\ncolor: {\n type: &#39;radial&#39;,\n x: 0.5,\n y: 0.5,\n r: 0.5,\n colorStops: [{\n offset: 0, color: &#39;red&#39; // color at 0% position\n }, {\n offset: 1, color: &#39;blue&#39; // color at 100% position\n }],\n global: false // false by default\n}\n// Fill with texture\ncolor: {\n image: imageDom, // HTMLImageElement, and HTMLCanvasElement are supported, while string path is not supported\n repeat: &#39;repeat&#39; // whether to repeat texture, whose value can be repeat-x, repeat-y, or no-repeat\n}\n</code></pre>\n</blockquote>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "color"
"emphasis.iconStyle.borderColor": {
"desc": "\n\n<p> border color, whose format is similar to that of <code class=\"codespan\">color</code>.</p>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "color"
"emphasis.iconStyle.borderWidth": {
"desc": "\n\n<p> border width. No border when it is set to be 0.</p>\n<p> border width. No border when it is set to be 0.</p>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "number",
"value": "0",
"min": "0",
"step": "0.5"
"emphasis.iconStyle.borderType": {
"desc": "\n\n\n<p> border type.</p>\n<p>Possible values are:</p>\n<ul>\n<li><code class=\"codespan\">&#39;solid&#39;</code></li>\n<li><code class=\"codespan\">&#39;dashed&#39;</code></li>\n<li><code class=\"codespan\">&#39;dotted&#39;</code></li>\n</ul>\n<p>Since <code class=\"codespan\">v5.0.0</code>, it can also be a number or a number array to specify the <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">dash array</a> of the line. With \n<code class=\"codespan\">borderDashOffset</code>\n, we can make the line style more flexible.</p>\n<p>For example:</p>\n<pre><code class=\"lang-js\">{\n\nborderType: [5, 10],\n\nborderDashOffset: 5\n}\n</code></pre>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "enum",
"default": "solid",
"options": "solid,dashed,dotted"
"emphasis.iconStyle.borderDashOffset": {
"desc": "<blockquote>\n<p>Since <code class=\"codespan\">v5.0.0</code></p>\n</blockquote>\n\n\n<p>To set the line dash offset. With \n<code class=\"codespan\">borderType</code>\n, we can make the line style more flexible.</p>\n<p>Refer to MDN <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">lineDashOffset</a> for more details.</p>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "number",
"min": "0",
"step": "1",
"default": "0"
"emphasis.iconStyle.borderCap": {
"desc": "<blockquote>\n<p>Since <code class=\"codespan\">v5.0.0</code></p>\n</blockquote>\n\n\n<p>To specify how to draw the end points of the line.\nPossible values are:</p>\n<ul>\n<li><code class=\"codespan\">&#39;butt&#39;</code>: The ends of lines are squared off at the endpoints.</li>\n<li><code class=\"codespan\">&#39;round&#39;</code>: The ends of lines are rounded.</li>\n<li><code class=\"codespan\">&#39;square&#39;</code>: The ends of lines are squared off by adding a box with an equal width and half the height of the line&#39;s thickness.</li>\n</ul>\n<p>Default value is <code class=\"codespan\">&#39;butt&#39;</code>. Refer to MDN <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">lineCap</a> for more details.</p>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "enum",
"default": "butt",
"options": "butt,round,square"
"emphasis.iconStyle.borderJoin": {
"desc": "<blockquote>\n<p>Since <code class=\"codespan\">v5.0.0</code></p>\n</blockquote>\n\n\n<p>To determine the shape used to join two line segments where they meet.</p>\n<p>Possible values are:</p>\n<ul>\n<li><code class=\"codespan\">&#39;bevel&#39;</code>: Fills an additional triangular area between the common endpoint of connected segments, and the separate outside rectangular corners of each segment.</li>\n<li><code class=\"codespan\">&#39;round&#39;</code>: Rounds off the corners of a shape by filling an additional sector of disc centered at the common endpoint of connected segments. The radius for these rounded corners is equal to the line width.</li>\n<li><code class=\"codespan\">&#39;miter&#39;</code>: Connected segments are joined by extending their outside edges to connect at a single point, with the effect of filling an additional lozenge-shaped area. This setting is affected by the \n<code class=\"codespan\">borderMiterLimit</code>\nproperty.</li>\n</ul>\n<p>Default value is <code class=\"codespan\">&#39;bevel&#39;</code>. Refer to MDN <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">lineJoin</a> for more details.</p>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "enum",
"default": "bevel",
"options": "bevel,round,miter"
"emphasis.iconStyle.borderMiterLimit": {
"desc": "<blockquote>\n<p>Since <code class=\"codespan\">v5.0.0</code></p>\n</blockquote>\n\n\n<p>To set the miter limit ratio. Only works when \n<code class=\"codespan\">borderJoin</code>\n is set as <code class=\"codespan\">miter</code>.</p>\n<p>Default value is <code class=\"codespan\">10</code>. Negative、<code class=\"codespan\">0</code>、<code class=\"codespan\">Infinity</code> and <code class=\"codespan\">NaN</code> values are ignored.</p>\n<p>Refer to MDN <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">miterLimit</a> for more details.</p>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "number",
"min": "0",
"step": "1",
"default": "10"
"emphasis.iconStyle.shadowBlur": {
"desc": "\n\n<p>Size of shadow blur. This attribute should be used along with <code class=\"codespan\">shadowColor</code>,<code class=\"codespan\">shadowOffsetX</code>, <code class=\"codespan\">shadowOffsetY</code> to set shadow to component.</p>\n<p>For example:</p>\n<pre><code class=\"lang-js\">{\n shadowColor: &#39;rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)&#39;,\n shadowBlur: 10\n}\n</code></pre>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "number",
"default": "",
"min": "0",
"step": "0.5"
"emphasis.iconStyle.shadowColor": {
"desc": "\n\n<p>Shadow color. Support same format as <code class=\"codespan\">color</code>.</p>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "color",
"default": ""
"emphasis.iconStyle.shadowOffsetX": {
"desc": "\n\n<p>Offset distance on the horizontal direction of shadow.</p>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "number",
"default": "0",
"step": "0.5"
"emphasis.iconStyle.shadowOffsetY": {
"desc": "\n\n<p>Offset distance on the vertical direction of shadow.</p>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "number",
"default": "0",
"step": "0.5"
"emphasis.iconStyle.opacity": {
"desc": "\n\n<p>Opacity of the component. Supports value from 0 to 1, and the component will not be drawn when set to 0.</p>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "number",
"default": "1",
"min": "0",
"max": "1",
"step": "0.01"
"emphasis.iconStyle.textPosition": {
"desc": "<p>Text position: <code class=\"codespan\">&#39;left&#39;</code> / <code class=\"codespan\">&#39;right&#39;</code> / <code class=\"codespan\">&#39;top&#39;</code> / <code class=\"codespan\">&#39;bottom&#39;</code>.</p>\n"
"emphasis.iconStyle.textFill": {
"desc": "\n\n<p>Fill color of text. If it&#39;s not set, it will use in the order of icon&#39;s fill color, stroke color, and <code class=\"codespan\">&#39;#000&#39;</code>.</p>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "color"
"emphasis.iconStyle.textAlign": {
"desc": "\n\n<p>Text align: <code class=\"codespan\">&#39;left&#39;</code> / <code class=\"codespan\">&#39;center&#39;</code> / <code class=\"codespan\">&#39;right&#39;</code>.</p>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "enum",
"options": "left,center,right"
"emphasis.iconStyle.textBackgroundColor": {
"desc": "\n\n<p>Text background color.</p>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "color"
"emphasis.iconStyle.textBorderRadius": {
"desc": "\n\n<p>Border radius of text area.</p>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "vector",
"min": "0",
"dims": "LT,RT,RB,LB"
"emphasis.iconStyle.textPadding": {
"desc": "\n\n<p>Padding of text area.</p>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "vector",
"min": "0",
"dims": "T,R,B,L"
"zlevel": {
"desc": "<p><code class=\"codespan\">zlevel</code> value of all graphical elements in .</p>\n<p><code class=\"codespan\">zlevel</code> is used to make layers with Canvas. Graphical elements with different <code class=\"codespan\">zlevel</code> values will be placed in different Canvases, which is a common optimization technique. We can put those frequently changed elements (like those with animations) to a separate <code class=\"codespan\">zlevel</code>. Notice that too many Canvases will increase memory cost, and should be used carefully on mobile phones to avoid crash.</p>\n<p>Canvases with bigger <code class=\"codespan\">zlevel</code> will be placed on Canvases with smaller <code class=\"codespan\">zlevel</code>.</p>\n"
"z": {
"desc": "<p><code class=\"codespan\">z</code> value of all graphical elements in , which controls order of drawing graphical components. Components with smaller <code class=\"codespan\">z</code> values may be overwritten by those with larger <code class=\"codespan\">z</code> values.</p>\n<p><code class=\"codespan\">z</code> has a lower priority to <code class=\"codespan\">zlevel</code>, and will not create new Canvas.</p>\n"
"left": {
"desc": "<p>Distance between toolbox component and the left side of the container.</p>\n<p><code class=\"codespan\">left</code> value can be instant pixel value like <code class=\"codespan\">20</code>; it can also be a percentage value relative to container width like <code class=\"codespan\">&#39;20%&#39;</code>; and it can also be <code class=\"codespan\">&#39;left&#39;</code>, <code class=\"codespan\">&#39;center&#39;</code>, or <code class=\"codespan\">&#39;right&#39;</code>.</p>\n<p>If the <code class=\"codespan\">left</code> value is set to be <code class=\"codespan\">&#39;left&#39;</code>, <code class=\"codespan\">&#39;center&#39;</code>, or <code class=\"codespan\">&#39;right&#39;</code>, then the component will be aligned automatically based on position.</p>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "percent",
"default": "0%"
"top": {
"desc": "<p>Distance between toolbox component and the top side of the container.</p>\n<p><code class=\"codespan\">top</code> value can be instant pixel value like <code class=\"codespan\">20</code>; it can also be a percentage value relative to container width like <code class=\"codespan\">&#39;20%&#39;</code>; and it can also be <code class=\"codespan\">&#39;top&#39;</code>, <code class=\"codespan\">&#39;middle&#39;</code>, or <code class=\"codespan\">&#39;bottom&#39;</code>.</p>\n<p>If the <code class=\"codespan\">left</code> value is set to be <code class=\"codespan\">&#39;top&#39;</code>, <code class=\"codespan\">&#39;middle&#39;</code>, or <code class=\"codespan\">&#39;bottom&#39;</code>, then the component will be aligned automatically based on position.</p>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "percent",
"default": "0%"
"right": {
"desc": "<p>Distance between toolbox component and the right side of the container.</p>\n<p><code class=\"codespan\">right</code> value can be instant pixel value like <code class=\"codespan\">20</code>; it can also be a percentage value relative to container width like <code class=\"codespan\">&#39;20%&#39;</code>.</p>\n<p>Adaptive by default.</p>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "percent",
"default": "0%"
"bottom": {
"desc": "<p>Distance between toolbox component and the bottom side of the container.</p>\n<p><code class=\"codespan\">bottom</code> value can be instant pixel value like <code class=\"codespan\">20</code>; it can also be a percentage value relative to container width like <code class=\"codespan\">&#39;20%&#39;</code>.</p>\n<p>Adaptive by default.</p>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "percent",
"default": "0%"
"width": {
"desc": "<p>Width of toolbox component. Adaptive by default.</p>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "percent",
"default": "50%"
"height": {
"desc": "<p>Height of toolbox component. Adaptive by default.</p>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "percent",
"default": "50%"
"tooltip": {
"desc": "<p>Tooltip configuration for toolbox tooltip, which is similar to <a href=\"#tooltip\">tooltip</a>. It is not shown by default. If you wish to set special style for toolbox icon label (especially when using CSS to control text style), you may set as the following example:</p>\n<pre><code class=\"lang-js\">option = {\n tooltip: {\n show: true // include tooltip component for the feature\n },\n toolbox: {\n show: true,\n showTitle: false, // hide the default text so they don&#39;t overlap each other\n feature: {\n saveAsImage: {\n show: true,\n title: &#39;Save As Image&#39;\n },\n dataView: {\n show: true,\n title: &#39;Data View&#39;\n },\n },\n tooltip: { // same as option.tooltip\n show: true,\n formatter: function (param) {\n return return &#39;&lt;div&gt;&#39; + param.title + &#39;&lt;/div&gt;&#39;; // user-defined DOM structure\n },\n backgroundColor: &#39;#222&#39;,\n textStyle: {\n fontSize: 12,\n },\n extraCssText: &#39;box-shadow: 0 0 3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3);&#39; // user-defined CSS styles\n }\n },\n ...\n}\n</code></pre>\n"