Apache ECharts Website

Clone this repo:
  1. 7a093c6 Deploying to asf-site from @ apache/echarts-website@9c79d1baed0da916927d781fd2f802073c26fc7f 馃殌 by plainheart 路 3 weeks ago asf-site
  2. 9c79d1b Deploying to asf-site from @ apache/echarts-website@1b6d176d736d2a67730b7137bc76b4e75fb97e70 馃殌 by plainheart 路 5 weeks ago
  3. 1b6d176 Deploying to asf-site from @ apache/echarts-website@9ef0ed70fc7532c3f9b2904ad203eb6b3ce54382 馃殌 by plainheart 路 7 weeks ago
  4. 9ef0ed7 Deploying to asf-site from @ apache/echarts-website@7f9adf39b28cf2adca534925ea9ba16433d69976 馃殌 by plainheart 路 3 months ago
  5. 7f9adf3 Deploying to asf-site from @ apache/echarts-website@a043cd133d6bdc78f617cb99eceaadc50754b1ec 馃殌 by plainheart 路 3 months ago

Apache ECharts Website


Clone this project, alone with echarts, echarts-www, echarts-examples, echarts-doc under the same directory.

Debug Locally

Edit echarts-www/config/env.debug.js and echarts-examples/config/env.debug.js. Change host to be the path to local debug server and examples.

For example, if you use http-server to start a server under echarts-website directory, host in the two projects should be and accordingly.

  1. Run gulp release --dev under echarts-examples.

  2. Run sh release.sh under echarts-doc.

  3. Run gulp release --dev under echarts-www.

  4. Run a server under echarts-website directory and test.

Build Release

Check the “echarts release guide” please.