blob: 7a6ae146edc73b05eba43faf0d9a40c0f7323f98 [file] [log] [blame]
"id": "<p>Component ID, not specified by default. If specified, it can be used to refer the component in option or API.</p>\n",
"coordinateSystem": "<p>The coordinate used in the series, whose options are:</p>\n<ul>\n<li><p><code class=\"codespan\">&#39;parallel&#39;</code></p>\n<p> Use parallel coordinates, with <a href=\"#series-parallel.parallelIndex\">parallelIndex</a> to assign the corresponding parallel coordinate components.</p>\n</li>\n</ul>\n",
"parallelIndex": "<p>Index of <a href=\"#parallel\">parallel coordinates</a> to combine with, which is useful for multiple parallel axes in one chart.</p>\n",
"name": "<p>Series name used for displaying in <a href=\"#tooltip\">tooltip</a> and filtering with <a href=\"#legend\">legend</a>, or updating data and configuration with <code class=\"codespan\">setOption</code>.</p>\n",
"lineStyle": "<p>Line style.</p>\n",
"lineStyle.color": "<p>Line color. </p>\n<blockquote>\n<p>Color can be represented in RGB, for example <code class=\"codespan\">&#39;rgb(128, 128, 128)&#39;</code>. RGBA can be used when you need alpha channel, for example <code class=\"codespan\">&#39;rgba(128, 128, 128, 0.5)&#39;</code>. You may also use hexadecimal format, for example <code class=\"codespan\">&#39;#ccc&#39;</code>. Gradient color and texture are also supported besides single colors.</p>\n<pre><code class=\"lang-js\">// Linear gradient. First four parameters are x0, y0, x2, and y2, each ranged from 0 to 1, standing for percentage in the bounding box. If global is `true`, then the first four parameters are in absolute pixel positions.\ncolor: {\n type: &#39;linear&#39;,\n x: 0,\n y: 0,\n x2: 0,\n y2: 1,\n colorStops: [{\n offset: 0, color: &#39;red&#39; // color at 0% position\n }, {\n offset: 1, color: &#39;blue&#39; // color at 100% position\n }],\n global: false // false by default\n}\n// Radial gradient. First three parameters are x and y positions of center, and radius, similar to linear gradient.\ncolor: {\n type: &#39;radial&#39;,\n x: 0.5,\n y: 0.5,\n r: 0.5,\n colorStops: [{\n offset: 0, color: &#39;red&#39; // color at 0% position\n }, {\n offset: 1, color: &#39;blue&#39; // color at 100% position\n }],\n global: false // false by default\n}\n// Fill with texture\ncolor: {\n image: imageDom, // HTMLImageElement, and HTMLCanvasElement are supported, while string path is not supported\n repeat: &#39;repeat&#39; // whether to repeat texture, whose value can be repeat-x, repeat-y, or no-repeat\n}\n</code></pre>\n</blockquote>\n",
"lineStyle.width": "<p> line width.</p>\n",
"lineStyle.type": "<p> line type.</p>\n<p>Options are: </p>\n<ul>\n<li><code class=\"codespan\">&#39;solid&#39;</code></li>\n<li><code class=\"codespan\">&#39;dashed&#39;</code></li>\n<li><code class=\"codespan\">&#39;dotted&#39;</code></li>\n</ul>\n",
"lineStyle.shadowBlur": "<p>Size of shadow blur. This attribute should be used along with <code class=\"codespan\">shadowColor</code>,<code class=\"codespan\">shadowOffsetX</code>, <code class=\"codespan\">shadowOffsetY</code> to set shadow to component.</p>\n<p>For example:</p>\n<pre><code class=\"lang-js\">{\n shadowColor: &#39;rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)&#39;,\n shadowBlur: 10\n}\n</code></pre>\n",
"lineStyle.shadowColor": "<p>Shadow color. Support same format as <code class=\"codespan\">color</code>.</p>\n",
"lineStyle.shadowOffsetX": "<p>Offset distance on the horizontal direction of shadow.</p>\n",
"lineStyle.shadowOffsetY": "<p>Offset distance on the vertical direction of shadow.</p>\n",
"lineStyle.opacity": "<p>Opacity of the component. Supports value from 0 to 1, and the component will not be drawn when set to 0.</p>\n",
"emphasis.lineStyle.color": "<p>Line color. </p>\n<blockquote>\n<p>Color can be represented in RGB, for example <code class=\"codespan\">&#39;rgb(128, 128, 128)&#39;</code>. RGBA can be used when you need alpha channel, for example <code class=\"codespan\">&#39;rgba(128, 128, 128, 0.5)&#39;</code>. You may also use hexadecimal format, for example <code class=\"codespan\">&#39;#ccc&#39;</code>. Gradient color and texture are also supported besides single colors.</p>\n<pre><code class=\"lang-js\">// Linear gradient. First four parameters are x0, y0, x2, and y2, each ranged from 0 to 1, standing for percentage in the bounding box. If global is `true`, then the first four parameters are in absolute pixel positions.\ncolor: {\n type: &#39;linear&#39;,\n x: 0,\n y: 0,\n x2: 0,\n y2: 1,\n colorStops: [{\n offset: 0, color: &#39;red&#39; // color at 0% position\n }, {\n offset: 1, color: &#39;blue&#39; // color at 100% position\n }],\n global: false // false by default\n}\n// Radial gradient. First three parameters are x and y positions of center, and radius, similar to linear gradient.\ncolor: {\n type: &#39;radial&#39;,\n x: 0.5,\n y: 0.5,\n r: 0.5,\n colorStops: [{\n offset: 0, color: &#39;red&#39; // color at 0% position\n }, {\n offset: 1, color: &#39;blue&#39; // color at 100% position\n }],\n global: false // false by default\n}\n// Fill with texture\ncolor: {\n image: imageDom, // HTMLImageElement, and HTMLCanvasElement are supported, while string path is not supported\n repeat: &#39;repeat&#39; // whether to repeat texture, whose value can be repeat-x, repeat-y, or no-repeat\n}\n</code></pre>\n</blockquote>\n",
"emphasis.lineStyle.width": "<p> line width.</p>\n",
"emphasis.lineStyle.type": "<p> line type.</p>\n<p>Options are: </p>\n<ul>\n<li><code class=\"codespan\">&#39;solid&#39;</code></li>\n<li><code class=\"codespan\">&#39;dashed&#39;</code></li>\n<li><code class=\"codespan\">&#39;dotted&#39;</code></li>\n</ul>\n",
"emphasis.lineStyle.shadowBlur": "<p>Size of shadow blur. This attribute should be used along with <code class=\"codespan\">shadowColor</code>,<code class=\"codespan\">shadowOffsetX</code>, <code class=\"codespan\">shadowOffsetY</code> to set shadow to component.</p>\n<p>For example:</p>\n<pre><code class=\"lang-js\">{\n shadowColor: &#39;rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)&#39;,\n shadowBlur: 10\n}\n</code></pre>\n",
"emphasis.lineStyle.shadowColor": "<p>Shadow color. Support same format as <code class=\"codespan\">color</code>.</p>\n",
"emphasis.lineStyle.shadowOffsetX": "<p>Offset distance on the horizontal direction of shadow.</p>\n",
"emphasis.lineStyle.shadowOffsetY": "<p>Offset distance on the vertical direction of shadow.</p>\n",
"emphasis.lineStyle.opacity": "<p>Opacity of the component. Supports value from 0 to 1, and the component will not be drawn when set to 0.</p>\n",
"inactiveOpacity": "<p>When perform brush selection, the unselected lines will be set as this transparency rate (which could darken those lines).</p>\n",
"activeOpacity": "<p>When perform brush selection, the selected lines will be set as this transparency rate (which could highlight those lines).</p>\n",
"realtime": "<p>Whether to update view in realtime.</p>\n",
"smooth": "<p>Whether to smooth the line. It defaults to be <code class=\"codespan\">false</code> and can be set as <code class=\"codespan\">true</code> or the values from 0 to 1 which indicating the smoothness.</p>\n",
"progressive": "<p><code class=\"codespan\">progressive</code> specifies the amount of graphic elements that can be rendered within a frame (about 16ms) if &quot;progressive rendering&quot; enabled.</p>\n<p>When data amount is from thousand to more than 10 million, it will take too long time to render all of the graphic elements. Since ECharts 4, &quot;progressive rendering&quot; is supported in its workflow, which processes and renders data chunk by chunk alone with each frame, avoiding to block the UI thread of the browser.</p>\n<p>Set <code class=\"codespan\">progressive: 0</code> to disable progressive permanently. By default, progressive is auto-enabled when data amount is bigger than <code class=\"codespan\">progressiveThreshold</code>.</p>\n",
"progressiveThreshold": "<p>If current data amount is over the threshold, &quot;progressive rendering&quot; is enabled.</p>\n",
"progressiveChunkMode": "<p>Chunk approach, optional values:</p>\n<ul>\n<li><code class=\"codespan\">&#39;sequential&#39;</code>: slice data by data index.</li>\n<li><code class=\"codespan\">&#39;mod&#39;</code>: slice data by mod, which make the data items of each chunk coming from all over the data, bringing better visual effect while progressive rendering.</li>\n</ul>\n",
"data": "<p>For example, <a href=\"\"></a> is the following data:</p>\n<pre><code class=\"lang-javascript\">[\n [1, 55, 9, 56, 0.46, 18, 6, &#39;good&#39;],\n [2, 25, 11, 21, 0.65, 34, 9, &#39;excellent&#39;],\n [3, 56, 7, 63, 0.3, 14, 5, &#39;good&#39;],\n [4, 33, 7, 29, 0.33, 16, 6, &#39;excellent&#39;],\n { // Data item can also be an Object, so that perticular settings of its line can be set here.\n value: [5, 42, 24, 44, 0.76, 40, 16, &#39;excellent&#39;]\n lineStyle: {...},\n }\n ...\n]\n</code></pre>\n<p>In data above, each row is a &quot;data item&quot;, and each column represents a &quot;dimension&quot;. For example, the meanings of columns above are: &quot;data&quot;, &quot;AQI&quot;, &quot;PM2.5&quot;, &quot;PM10&quot;, &quot;carbon monoxide level&quot;, &quot;nitrogen dioxide level&quot;, and &quot;sulfur dioxide level&quot;.</p>\n",
"": "<p>The name of a data item.</p>\n",
"data.value": "<p>The value of a data item.</p>\n",
"data.lineStyle": "<p>Line style.</p>\n",
"data.color": "<p>Line color. </p>\n<blockquote>\n<p>Color can be represented in RGB, for example <code class=\"codespan\">&#39;rgb(128, 128, 128)&#39;</code>. RGBA can be used when you need alpha channel, for example <code class=\"codespan\">&#39;rgba(128, 128, 128, 0.5)&#39;</code>. You may also use hexadecimal format, for example <code class=\"codespan\">&#39;#ccc&#39;</code>. Gradient color and texture are also supported besides single colors.</p>\n<pre><code class=\"lang-js\">// Linear gradient. First four parameters are x0, y0, x2, and y2, each ranged from 0 to 1, standing for percentage in the bounding box. If global is `true`, then the first four parameters are in absolute pixel positions.\ncolor: {\n type: &#39;linear&#39;,\n x: 0,\n y: 0,\n x2: 0,\n y2: 1,\n colorStops: [{\n offset: 0, color: &#39;red&#39; // color at 0% position\n }, {\n offset: 1, color: &#39;blue&#39; // color at 100% position\n }],\n global: false // false by default\n}\n// Radial gradient. First three parameters are x and y positions of center, and radius, similar to linear gradient.\ncolor: {\n type: &#39;radial&#39;,\n x: 0.5,\n y: 0.5,\n r: 0.5,\n colorStops: [{\n offset: 0, color: &#39;red&#39; // color at 0% position\n }, {\n offset: 1, color: &#39;blue&#39; // color at 100% position\n }],\n global: false // false by default\n}\n// Fill with texture\ncolor: {\n image: imageDom, // HTMLImageElement, and HTMLCanvasElement are supported, while string path is not supported\n repeat: &#39;repeat&#39; // whether to repeat texture, whose value can be repeat-x, repeat-y, or no-repeat\n}\n</code></pre>\n</blockquote>\n",
"data.width": "<p> line width.</p>\n",
"data.type": "<p> line type.</p>\n<p>Options are: </p>\n<ul>\n<li><code class=\"codespan\">&#39;solid&#39;</code></li>\n<li><code class=\"codespan\">&#39;dashed&#39;</code></li>\n<li><code class=\"codespan\">&#39;dotted&#39;</code></li>\n</ul>\n",
"data.shadowBlur": "<p>Size of shadow blur. This attribute should be used along with <code class=\"codespan\">shadowColor</code>,<code class=\"codespan\">shadowOffsetX</code>, <code class=\"codespan\">shadowOffsetY</code> to set shadow to component.</p>\n<p>For example:</p>\n<pre><code class=\"lang-js\">{\n shadowColor: &#39;rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)&#39;,\n shadowBlur: 10\n}\n</code></pre>\n",
"data.shadowColor": "<p>Shadow color. Support same format as <code class=\"codespan\">color</code>.</p>\n",
"data.shadowOffsetX": "<p>Offset distance on the horizontal direction of shadow.</p>\n",
"data.shadowOffsetY": "<p>Offset distance on the vertical direction of shadow.</p>\n",
"data.opacity": "<p>Opacity of the component. Supports value from 0 to 1, and the component will not be drawn when set to 0.</p>\n",
"data.emphasis.lineStyle.color": "<p>Line color. </p>\n<blockquote>\n<p>Color can be represented in RGB, for example <code class=\"codespan\">&#39;rgb(128, 128, 128)&#39;</code>. RGBA can be used when you need alpha channel, for example <code class=\"codespan\">&#39;rgba(128, 128, 128, 0.5)&#39;</code>. You may also use hexadecimal format, for example <code class=\"codespan\">&#39;#ccc&#39;</code>. Gradient color and texture are also supported besides single colors.</p>\n<pre><code class=\"lang-js\">// Linear gradient. First four parameters are x0, y0, x2, and y2, each ranged from 0 to 1, standing for percentage in the bounding box. If global is `true`, then the first four parameters are in absolute pixel positions.\ncolor: {\n type: &#39;linear&#39;,\n x: 0,\n y: 0,\n x2: 0,\n y2: 1,\n colorStops: [{\n offset: 0, color: &#39;red&#39; // color at 0% position\n }, {\n offset: 1, color: &#39;blue&#39; // color at 100% position\n }],\n global: false // false by default\n}\n// Radial gradient. First three parameters are x and y positions of center, and radius, similar to linear gradient.\ncolor: {\n type: &#39;radial&#39;,\n x: 0.5,\n y: 0.5,\n r: 0.5,\n colorStops: [{\n offset: 0, color: &#39;red&#39; // color at 0% position\n }, {\n offset: 1, color: &#39;blue&#39; // color at 100% position\n }],\n global: false // false by default\n}\n// Fill with texture\ncolor: {\n image: imageDom, // HTMLImageElement, and HTMLCanvasElement are supported, while string path is not supported\n repeat: &#39;repeat&#39; // whether to repeat texture, whose value can be repeat-x, repeat-y, or no-repeat\n}\n</code></pre>\n</blockquote>\n",
"data.emphasis.lineStyle.width": "<p> line width.</p>\n",
"data.emphasis.lineStyle.type": "<p> line type.</p>\n<p>Options are: </p>\n<ul>\n<li><code class=\"codespan\">&#39;solid&#39;</code></li>\n<li><code class=\"codespan\">&#39;dashed&#39;</code></li>\n<li><code class=\"codespan\">&#39;dotted&#39;</code></li>\n</ul>\n",
"data.emphasis.lineStyle.shadowBlur": "<p>Size of shadow blur. This attribute should be used along with <code class=\"codespan\">shadowColor</code>,<code class=\"codespan\">shadowOffsetX</code>, <code class=\"codespan\">shadowOffsetY</code> to set shadow to component.</p>\n<p>For example:</p>\n<pre><code class=\"lang-js\">{\n shadowColor: &#39;rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)&#39;,\n shadowBlur: 10\n}\n</code></pre>\n",
"data.emphasis.lineStyle.shadowColor": "<p>Shadow color. Support same format as <code class=\"codespan\">color</code>.</p>\n",
"data.emphasis.lineStyle.shadowOffsetX": "<p>Offset distance on the horizontal direction of shadow.</p>\n",
"data.emphasis.lineStyle.shadowOffsetY": "<p>Offset distance on the vertical direction of shadow.</p>\n",
"data.emphasis.lineStyle.opacity": "<p>Opacity of the component. Supports value from 0 to 1, and the component will not be drawn when set to 0.</p>\n",
"zlevel": "<p><code class=\"codespan\">zlevel</code> value of all graphical elements in parallel.</p>\n<p><code class=\"codespan\">zlevel</code> is used to make layers with Canvas. Graphical elements with different <code class=\"codespan\">zlevel</code> values will be placed in different Canvases, which is a common optimization technique. We can put those frequently changed elements (like those with animations) to a separate <code class=\"codespan\">zlevel</code>. Notice that too many Canvases will increase memory cost, and should be used carefully on mobile phones to avoid crash.</p>\n<p>Canvases with bigger <code class=\"codespan\">zlevel</code> will be placed on Canvases with smaller <code class=\"codespan\">zlevel</code>.</p>\n",
"z": "<p><code class=\"codespan\">z</code> value of all graphical elements in parallel, which controls order of drawing graphical components. Components with smaller <code class=\"codespan\">z</code> values may be overwritten by those with larger <code class=\"codespan\">z</code> values.</p>\n<p><code class=\"codespan\">z</code> has a lower priority to <code class=\"codespan\">zlevel</code>, and will not create new Canvas.</p>\n",
"silent": "<p>Whether to ignore mouse events. Default value is false, for triggering and responding to mouse events.</p>\n",
"animation": "<p>Whether to enable animation.</p>\n",
"animationThreshold": "<p>Whether to set graphic number threshold to animation. Animation will be disabled when graphic number is larger than threshold.</p>\n",
"animationDuration": "<p>Duration of the first animation, which supports callback function for different data to have different animation effect:</p>\n<pre><code class=\"lang-js\">animationDuration: function (idx) {\n // delay for later data is larger\n return idx * 100;\n}\n</code></pre>\n",
"animationEasing": "<p>Easing method used for the first animation. Varied easing effects can be found at <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">easing effect example</a>.</p>\n",
"animationDelay": "<p>Delay before updating the first animation, which supports callback function for different data to have different animation effect.</p>\n<p>For example:</p>\n<pre><code class=\"lang-js\">animationDelay: function (idx) {\n // delay for later data is larger\n return idx * 100;\n}\n</code></pre>\n<p>See <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">this example</a> for more information.</p>\n",
"animationDurationUpdate": "<p>Time for animation to complete, which supports callback function for different data to have different animation effect:</p>\n<pre><code class=\"lang-js\">animationDurationUpdate: function (idx) {\n // delay for later data is larger\n return idx * 100;\n}\n</code></pre>\n",
"animationEasingUpdate": "<p>Easing method used for animation.</p>\n",
"animationDelayUpdate": "<p>Delay before updating animation, which supports callback function for different data to have different animation effects.</p>\n<p>For example:</p>\n<pre><code class=\"lang-js\">animationDelayUpdate: function (idx) {\n // delay for later data is larger\n return idx * 100;\n}\n</code></pre>\n<p>See <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">this example</a> for more information.</p>\n",
"tooltip": "<p>tooltip settings in this series.</p>\n",
"tooltip.position": "<p><br></p>\n<blockquote>\n<p><strong>Notice:</strong>series.tooltip only works when <a href=\"#tooltip.trigger\">tooltip.trigger</a> is <code class=\"codespan\">&#39;item&#39;</code>.<br></p>\n</blockquote>\n<p>The position of the tooltip&#39;s floating layer, which would follow the position of mouse by default.</p>\n<p>Options:</p>\n<ul>\n<li><p><code class=\"codespan\">Array</code></p>\n<p> Display the position of tooltip&#39;s floating layer through array, which supports absolute position and relative percentage.</p>\n<p> Example:</p>\n<pre><code class=\"lang-js\"> // absolute position, which is 10px to the left side and 10px to the top side of the container\n position: [10, 10]\n // relative position, in the exact center of the container\n position: [&#39;50%&#39;, &#39;50%&#39;]\n</code></pre>\n</li>\n<li><p><code class=\"codespan\">Function</code></p>\n<p> Callback function in the following form:</p>\n<pre><code class=\"lang-js\"> (point: Array, params: Object|Array.&lt;Object&gt;, dom: HTMLDomElement, rect: Object, size: Object) =&gt; Array\n</code></pre>\n<p> <strong>Parameters:</strong><br>\n point: Mouse position.<br>\n param: The same as formatter.<br>\n dom: The DOM object of tooltip.<br>\n rect: It is valid only when mouse is on graphic elements, which stands for a bounding box with <code class=\"codespan\">x</code>, <code class=\"codespan\">y</code>, <code class=\"codespan\">width</code>, and <code class=\"codespan\">height</code>.<br>\n size: The size of dom echarts container. For example: <code class=\"codespan\">{contentSize: [width, height], viewSize: [width, height]}</code>. <br></p>\n<p> <strong>Return:</strong><br>\n Return value is an array standing for tooltip position, which can be absolute pixels, or relative percentage.<br>\n Or can be an object, like <code class=\"codespan\">{left: 10, top: 30}</code>, or <code class=\"codespan\">{right: &#39;20%&#39;, bottom: 40}</code>.<br></p>\n<p> For example:</p>\n<pre><code class=\"lang-js\"> position: function (point, params, dom, rect, size) {\n // fixed at top\n return [point[0], &#39;10%&#39;];\n }\n</code></pre>\n<p> Or:</p>\n<pre><code class=\"lang-js\"> position: function (pos, params, dom, rect, size) {\n // tooltip will be fixed on the right if mouse hovering on the left,\n // and on the left if hovering on the right.\n var obj = {top: 60};\n obj[[&#39;left&#39;, &#39;right&#39;][+(pos[0] &lt; size.viewSize[0] / 2)]] = 5;\n return obj;\n }\n</code></pre>\n</li>\n<li><p><code class=\"codespan\">&#39;inside&#39;</code></p>\n<p> Center position of the graphic element where the mouse is in, which is only valid when <a href=\"#tooltip.trigger\">trigger</a> is <code class=\"codespan\">&#39;item&#39;</code>.</p>\n</li>\n<li><p><code class=\"codespan\">&#39;top&#39;</code></p>\n<p> Top position of the graphic element where the mouse is in, which is only valid when <a href=\"#tooltip.trigger\">trigger</a> is <code class=\"codespan\">&#39;item&#39;</code>.</p>\n</li>\n<li><p><code class=\"codespan\">&#39;left&#39;</code></p>\n<p> Left position of the graphic element where the mouse is in, which is only valid when <a href=\"#tooltip.trigger\">trigger</a> is <code class=\"codespan\">&#39;item&#39;</code>.</p>\n</li>\n<li><p><code class=\"codespan\">&#39;right&#39;</code></p>\n<p> Right position of the graphic element where the mouse is in, which is only valid when <a href=\"#tooltip.trigger\">trigger</a> is <code class=\"codespan\">&#39;item&#39;</code>.</p>\n</li>\n<li><p><code class=\"codespan\">&#39;bottom&#39;</code></p>\n<p> Bottom position of the graphic element where the mouse is in, which is only valid when <a href=\"#tooltip.trigger\">trigger</a> is <code class=\"codespan\">&#39;item&#39;</code>.</p>\n</li>\n</ul>\n",
"tooltip.formatter": "<p><br></p>\n<blockquote>\n<p><strong>Notice:</strong>series.tooltip only works when <a href=\"#tooltip.trigger\">tooltip.trigger</a> is <code class=\"codespan\">&#39;item&#39;</code>.<br></p>\n</blockquote>\n<p>The content formatter of tooltip&#39;s floating layer which supports string template and callback function.</p>\n<p><strong>1. String template</strong></p>\n<p>The template variables are <code class=\"codespan\">{a}</code>, <code class=\"codespan\">{b}</code>, <code class=\"codespan\">{c}</code>, <code class=\"codespan\">{d}</code> and <code class=\"codespan\">{e}</code>, which stands for series name, data name and data value and ect. When <a href=\"#tooltip.trigger\">trigger</a> is set to be <code class=\"codespan\">&#39;axis&#39;</code>, there may be data from multiple series. In this time, series index can be refered as <code class=\"codespan\">{a0}</code>, <code class=\"codespan\">{a1}</code>, or <code class=\"codespan\">{a2}</code>.</p>\n<p><code class=\"codespan\">{a}</code>, <code class=\"codespan\">{b}</code>, <code class=\"codespan\">{c}</code>, <code class=\"codespan\">{d}</code> have different meanings for different series types:</p>\n<ul>\n<li><p>Line (area) charts, bar (column) charts, K charts: <code class=\"codespan\">{a}</code> for series name, <code class=\"codespan\">{b}</code> for category name, <code class=\"codespan\">{c}</code> for data value, <code class=\"codespan\">{d}</code> for none;</p>\n</li>\n<li><p>Scatter (bubble) charts: <code class=\"codespan\">{a}</code> for series name, <code class=\"codespan\">{b}</code> for data name, <code class=\"codespan\">{c}</code> for data value, <code class=\"codespan\">{d}</code> for none;</p>\n</li>\n<li><p>Map: <code class=\"codespan\">{a}</code> for series name, <code class=\"codespan\">{b}</code> for area name, <code class=\"codespan\">{c}</code> for merging data, <code class=\"codespan\">{d}</code> for none;</p>\n</li>\n<li><p>Pie charts, gauge charts, funnel charts: <code class=\"codespan\">{a}</code> for series name, <code class=\"codespan\">{b}</code> for data item name, <code class=\"codespan\">{c}</code> for data value, <code class=\"codespan\">{d}</code> for percentage.</p>\n</li>\n</ul>\n<p><strong>Example: </strong></p>\n<pre><code class=\"lang-js\">formatter: &#39;{b0}: {c0}&lt;br /&gt;{b1}: {c1}&#39;\n</code></pre>\n<p><strong>2. Callback function</strong></p>\n<p>The format of callback function:</p>\n<pre><code class=\"lang-js\">(params: Object|Array, ticket: string, callback: (ticket: string, html: string)) =&gt; string\n</code></pre>\n<p>The first parameter <code class=\"codespan\">params</code> is the data that the formatter needs. Its format is shown as follows:</p>\n<pre><code class=\"lang-js\">{\n componentType: &#39;series&#39;,\n // Series type\n seriesType: string,\n // Series index in option.series\n seriesIndex: number,\n // Series name\n seriesName: string,\n // Data name, or category name\n name: string,\n // Data index in input data array\n dataIndex: number,\n // Original data as input\n data: Object,\n // Value of data. In most series it is the same as data.\n // But in some series it is some part of the data (e.g., in map, radar)\n value: number|Array|Object,\n // encoding info of coordinate system\n // Key: coord, like (&#39;x&#39; &#39;y&#39; &#39;radius&#39; &#39;angle&#39;)\n // value: Must be an array, not null/undefined. Contain dimension indices, like:\n // {\n // x: [2] // values on dimension index 2 are mapped to x axis.\n // y: [0] // values on dimension index 0 are mapped to y axis.\n // }\n encode: Object,\n // dimension names list\n dimensionNames: Array&lt;String&gt;,\n // data dimension index, for example 0 or 1 or 2 ...\n // Only work in `radar` series.\n dimensionIndex: number,\n // Color of data\n color: string,\n\n // the percentage of pie chart\n percent: number,\n\n}\n</code></pre>\n<p>Note: the usage of encode and dimensionNames can be:</p>\n<p>If data is:</p>\n<pre><code class=\"lang-js\">dataset: {\n source: [\n [&#39;Matcha Latte&#39;, 43.3, 85.8, 93.7],\n [&#39;Milk Tea&#39;, 83.1, 73.4, 55.1],\n [&#39;Cheese Cocoa&#39;, 86.4, 65.2, 82.5],\n [&#39;Walnut Brownie&#39;, 72.4, 53.9, 39.1]\n ]\n}\n</code></pre>\n<p>We can get values that corresponding to y axis by:</p>\n<pre><code class=\"lang-js\">params.value[params.encode.y[0]]\n</code></pre>\n<p>If data is:</p>\n<pre><code class=\"lang-js\">dataset: {\n dimensions: [&#39;product&#39;, &#39;2015&#39;, &#39;2016&#39;, &#39;2017&#39;],\n source: [\n {product: &#39;Matcha Latte&#39;, &#39;2015&#39;: 43.3, &#39;2016&#39;: 85.8, &#39;2017&#39;: 93.7},\n {product: &#39;Milk Tea&#39;, &#39;2015&#39;: 83.1, &#39;2016&#39;: 73.4, &#39;2017&#39;: 55.1},\n {product: &#39;Cheese Cocoa&#39;, &#39;2015&#39;: 86.4, &#39;2016&#39;: 65.2, &#39;2017&#39;: 82.5},\n {product: &#39;Walnut Brownie&#39;, &#39;2015&#39;: 72.4, &#39;2016&#39;: 53.9, &#39;2017&#39;: 39.1}\n ]\n}\n</code></pre>\n<p>We can get values that corresponding to y axis by:</p>\n<pre><code class=\"lang-js\">params.value[params.dimensionNames[params.encode.y[0]]]\n</code></pre>\n<p>When <a href=\"#tooltip.trigger\">trigger</a> is <code class=\"codespan\">&#39;axis&#39;</code>, or when tooltip is triggered by <a href=\"#xAxis.axisPointer\">axisPointer</a>, <code class=\"codespan\">params</code> is the data array of multiple series. The content of each item of the array is the same as above. Besides,</p>\n<pre><code class=\"lang-js\">{\n componentType: &#39;series&#39;,\n // Series type\n seriesType: string,\n // Series index in option.series\n seriesIndex: number,\n // Series name\n seriesName: string,\n // Data name, or category name\n name: string,\n // Data index in input data array\n dataIndex: number,\n // Original data as input\n data: Object,\n // Value of data. In most series it is the same as data.\n // But in some series it is some part of the data (e.g., in map, radar)\n value: number|Array|Object,\n // encoding info of coordinate system\n // Key: coord, like (&#39;x&#39; &#39;y&#39; &#39;radius&#39; &#39;angle&#39;)\n // value: Must be an array, not null/undefined. Contain dimension indices, like:\n // {\n // x: [2] // values on dimension index 2 are mapped to x axis.\n // y: [0] // values on dimension index 0 are mapped to y axis.\n // }\n encode: Object,\n // dimension names list\n dimensionNames: Array&lt;String&gt;,\n // data dimension index, for example 0 or 1 or 2 ...\n // Only work in `radar` series.\n dimensionIndex: number,\n // Color of data\n color: string,\n\n}\n</code></pre>\n<p>Note: the usage of encode and dimensionNames can be:</p>\n<p>If data is:</p>\n<pre><code class=\"lang-js\">dataset: {\n source: [\n [&#39;Matcha Latte&#39;, 43.3, 85.8, 93.7],\n [&#39;Milk Tea&#39;, 83.1, 73.4, 55.1],\n [&#39;Cheese Cocoa&#39;, 86.4, 65.2, 82.5],\n [&#39;Walnut Brownie&#39;, 72.4, 53.9, 39.1]\n ]\n}\n</code></pre>\n<p>We can get values that corresponding to y axis by:</p>\n<pre><code class=\"lang-js\">params.value[params.encode.y[0]]\n</code></pre>\n<p>If data is:</p>\n<pre><code class=\"lang-js\">dataset: {\n dimensions: [&#39;product&#39;, &#39;2015&#39;, &#39;2016&#39;, &#39;2017&#39;],\n source: [\n {product: &#39;Matcha Latte&#39;, &#39;2015&#39;: 43.3, &#39;2016&#39;: 85.8, &#39;2017&#39;: 93.7},\n {product: &#39;Milk Tea&#39;, &#39;2015&#39;: 83.1, &#39;2016&#39;: 73.4, &#39;2017&#39;: 55.1},\n {product: &#39;Cheese Cocoa&#39;, &#39;2015&#39;: 86.4, &#39;2016&#39;: 65.2, &#39;2017&#39;: 82.5},\n {product: &#39;Walnut Brownie&#39;, &#39;2015&#39;: 72.4, &#39;2016&#39;: 53.9, &#39;2017&#39;: 39.1}\n ]\n}\n</code></pre>\n<p>We can get values that corresponding to y axis by:</p>\n<pre><code class=\"lang-js\">params.value[params.dimensionNames[params.encode.y[0]]]\n</code></pre>\n<p><strong>Note: </strong>Using array to present all the parameters in ECharts 2.x is not supported anymore.</p>\n<p>The second parameter <code class=\"codespan\">ticket</code> is the asynchronous callback flag which should be used along with the third parameter <code class=\"codespan\">callback</code> when it is used.</p>\n<p>The third parameter <code class=\"codespan\">callback</code> is asynchronous callback. When the content of tooltip is acquired asynchronously, <code class=\"codespan\">ticket</code> and <code class=\"codespan\">htm</code> as introduced above can be used to update tooltip with callback.</p>\n<p>Example:</p>\n<pre><code class=\"lang-js\">formatter: function (params, ticket, callback) {\n $.get(&#39;detail?name=&#39; +, function (content) {\n callback(ticket, toHTML(content));\n });\n return &#39;Loading&#39;;\n}\n</code></pre>\n",
"tooltip.backgroundColor": "<p><br></p>\n<blockquote>\n<p><strong>Notice:</strong>series.tooltip only works when <a href=\"#tooltip.trigger\">tooltip.trigger</a> is <code class=\"codespan\">&#39;item&#39;</code>.<br></p>\n</blockquote>\n<p>The background color of tooltip&#39;s floating layer.</p>\n",
"tooltip.borderColor": "<p><br></p>\n<blockquote>\n<p><strong>Notice:</strong>series.tooltip only works when <a href=\"#tooltip.trigger\">tooltip.trigger</a> is <code class=\"codespan\">&#39;item&#39;</code>.<br></p>\n</blockquote>\n<p>The border color of tooltip&#39;s floating layer.</p>\n",
"tooltip.borderWidth": "<p><br></p>\n<blockquote>\n<p><strong>Notice:</strong>series.tooltip only works when <a href=\"#tooltip.trigger\">tooltip.trigger</a> is <code class=\"codespan\">&#39;item&#39;</code>.<br></p>\n</blockquote>\n<p>The border width of tooltip&#39;s floating layer.</p>\n",
"tooltip.padding": "<p><br></p>\n<blockquote>\n<p><strong>Notice:</strong>series.tooltip only works when <a href=\"#tooltip.trigger\">tooltip.trigger</a> is <code class=\"codespan\">&#39;item&#39;</code>.<br></p>\n</blockquote>\n<p>The floating layer of tooltip space around content. The unit is px. Default values for each position are 5. And they can be set to different values with left, right, top, and bottom.</p>\n<p>Examples: </p>\n<pre><code class=\"lang-js\">// Set padding to be 5\npadding: 5\n// Set the top and bottom paddings to be 5, and left and right paddings to be 10\npadding: [5, 10]\n// Set each of the four paddings seperately\npadding: [\n 5, // up\n 10, // right\n 5, // down\n 10, // left\n]\n</code></pre>\n",
"tooltip.textStyle": "<p><br></p>\n<blockquote>\n<p><strong>Notice:</strong>series.tooltip only works when <a href=\"#tooltip.trigger\">tooltip.trigger</a> is <code class=\"codespan\">&#39;item&#39;</code>.<br></p>\n</blockquote>\n<p>The text syle of tooltip&#39;s floating layer.</p>\n",
"tooltip.textStyle.color": "<p> text color.</p>\n",
"tooltip.textStyle.fontStyle": "<p> font style</p>\n<p>Options are:</p>\n<ul>\n<li><code class=\"codespan\">&#39;normal&#39;</code></li>\n<li><code class=\"codespan\">&#39;italic&#39;</code></li>\n<li><code class=\"codespan\">&#39;oblique&#39;</code></li>\n</ul>\n",
"tooltip.textStyle.fontWeight": "<p> font thick weight</p>\n<p>Options are:</p>\n<ul>\n<li><code class=\"codespan\">&#39;normal&#39;</code></li>\n<li><code class=\"codespan\">&#39;bold&#39;</code></li>\n<li><code class=\"codespan\">&#39;bolder&#39;</code></li>\n<li><code class=\"codespan\">&#39;lighter&#39;</code></li>\n<li>100 | 200 | 300 | 400...</li>\n</ul>\n",
"tooltip.textStyle.fontFamily": "<p> font family</p>\n<p>Can also be &#39;serif&#39; , &#39;monospace&#39;, ...</p>\n",
"tooltip.textStyle.fontSize": "<p> font size</p>\n",
"tooltip.textStyle.lineHeight": "<p>Line height of the text fragment.</p>\n<p>If <code class=\"codespan\">lineHeight</code> is not set in <code class=\"codespan\">rich</code>, <code class=\"codespan\">lineHeight</code> in parent level will be used. For example:</p>\n<pre><code class=\"lang-js\">{\n lineHeight: 56,\n rich: {\n a: {\n // `lineHeight` is not set, then it will be 56\n }\n }\n}\n</code></pre>\n",
"tooltip.textStyle.width": "<p>Width of the text block. It is the width of the text by default. In most cases, there is no need to specify it. You may want to use it in some cases like make simple table or using background image (see <code class=\"codespan\">backgroundColor</code>).</p>\n<p>Notice, <code class=\"codespan\">width</code> and <code class=\"codespan\">height</code> specifies the width and height of the content, without <code class=\"codespan\">padding</code>.</p>\n<p><code class=\"codespan\">width</code> can also be percent string, like <code class=\"codespan\">&#39;100%&#39;</code>, which represents the percent of <code class=\"codespan\">contentWidth</code> (that is, the width without <code class=\"codespan\">padding</code>) of its container box. It is based on <code class=\"codespan\">contentWidth</code> because that each text fragment is layout based on the <code class=\"codespan\">content box</code>, where it makes no sense that calculating width based on <code class=\"codespan\">outerWith</code> in prectice.</p>\n<p>Notice, <code class=\"codespan\">width</code> and <code class=\"codespan\">height</code> only work when <code class=\"codespan\">rich</code> specified.</p>\n",
"tooltip.textStyle.height": "<p>Height of the text block. It is the width of the text by default. You may want to use it in some cases like using background image (see <code class=\"codespan\">backgroundColor</code>).</p>\n<p>Notice, <code class=\"codespan\">width</code> and <code class=\"codespan\">height</code> specifies the width and height of the content, without <code class=\"codespan\">padding</code>.</p>\n<p>Notice, <code class=\"codespan\">width</code> and <code class=\"codespan\">height</code> only work when <code class=\"codespan\">rich</code> specified.</p>\n",
"tooltip.textStyle.textBorderColor": "<p>Storke color of the text.</p>\n",
"tooltip.textStyle.textBorderWidth": "<p>Storke line width of the text.</p>\n",
"tooltip.textStyle.textShadowColor": "<p>Shadow color of the text itself.</p>\n",
"tooltip.textStyle.textShadowBlur": "<p>Shadow blue of the text itself.</p>\n",
"tooltip.textStyle.textShadowOffsetX": "<p>Shadow X offset of the text itself.</p>\n",
"tooltip.textStyle.textShadowOffsetY": "<p>Shadow Y offset of the text itself.</p>\n",
"tooltip.extraCssText": "<p><br></p>\n<blockquote>\n<p><strong>Notice:</strong>series.tooltip only works when <a href=\"#tooltip.trigger\">tooltip.trigger</a> is <code class=\"codespan\">&#39;item&#39;</code>.<br></p>\n</blockquote>\n<p>Extra CSS style for floating layer. The following is an example for adding shadow.</p>\n<pre><code class=\"lang-js\">extraCssText: &#39;box-shadow: 0 0 3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3);&#39;\n</code></pre>\n"