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<h3 id="file">File</h3>
<p><strong>[MUST]</strong> JavaScript Source files must be encoded in UTF-8 without BOM.</p>
<h3 id="indentation">Indentation</h3>
<p><strong>[MUST]</strong> 4 space indentation. tabs and 2 space are not allowed.</p>
<p><strong>[MUST]</strong> <code>case</code> and <code>default</code> in <code>switch</code> must be indented.</p>
<pre><code class="lang-js">// good
switch (variable) {
case &#39;1&#39;:
// do...
case &#39;2&#39;:
// do...
// do...
// bad
switch (variable) {
case &#39;1&#39;:
// do...
case &#39;2&#39;:
// do...
// do...
<h3 id="space">Space</h3>
<p><strong>[MUST]</strong> Set off binary operator with spaces. But place no space between unary operator and its operand.</p>
<pre><code class="lang-js">var a = !arr.length;
a = b + c;
<p><strong>[MUST]</strong> Place 1 space before the leading brace.</p>
<pre><code class="lang-js">// good
if (condition) {
set(&#39;attr&#39;, {
some: &#39;xxx&#39;,
any: &#39;yyy&#39;
function funcName() {
// bad
if (condition){
some: &#39;xxx&#39;,
any: &#39;yyy&#39;
function funcName(){
<p><strong>[MUST]</strong> Place 1 space after <code>if</code> / <code>else</code> / <code>for</code> / <code>while</code> / <code>function</code> / <code>switch</code> / <code>do</code> / <code>try</code> / <code>catch</code> / <code>finally</code>.</p>
<pre><code class="lang-js">// good
if (condition) {
while (condition) {
(function () {
// bad
if(condition) {
while(condition) {
(function() {
<p><strong>[MUST]</strong> In the object creating statement, place 1 space after <code>:</code>, but no space before it.</p>
<pre><code class="lang-js">// good
var obj = {
a: 1,
b: 2,
c: 3
// bad
var obj = {
a : 1,
c :3
<p><strong>[MUST]</strong> Place no space between the function name and <code>(</code> in function declaration, expression of named function and function call.</p>
<pre><code class="lang-js">// good
function funcName() {
var funcName = function funcName() {
// bad
function funcName () {
var funcName = function funcName () {
funcName ();
<p><strong>[MUST]</strong> Place no space between <code>,</code> and <code>;</code>.</p>
<pre><code class="lang-js">// good
callFunc(a, b);
// bad
callFunc(a , b) ;
<p><strong>[MUST]</strong> Place no space after <code>(</code> and <code>[</code> and before <code>)</code> and <code>]</code>.</p>
<pre><code class="lang-js">// good
callFunc(param1, param2, param3);
needIncream &amp;&amp; (variable += increament);
if (num &gt; list.length) {
while (len--) {
// bad
callFunc( param1, param2, param3 );
save( this.list[ this.indexes[ i ] ] );
needIncreament &amp;&amp; ( variable += increament );
if ( num &gt; list.length ) {
while ( len-- ) {
// good
var arr1 = [];
var arr2 = [1, 2, 3];
var obj1 = {};
var obj2 = {name: &#39;obj&#39;};
var obj3 = {
name: &#39;obj&#39;,
age: 20,
sex: 1
// bad
var arr1 = [ ];
var arr2 = [ 1, 2, 3 ];
var obj1 = { };
var obj2 = { name: &#39;obj&#39; };
var obj3 = {name: &#39;obj&#39;, age: 20, sex: 1};
<p><strong>[MUST]</strong> Must no trailing space in each line.</p>
<h3 id="line-break">Line Break</h3>
<p><strong>[MUST]</strong> Place line break in the end of a statement.</p>
<p><strong>[MUST]</strong> No more than 120 characters per line.</p>
<p><strong>[MUST]</strong> Place operator at the beginning of a line if it break lines.</p>
<pre><code class="lang-js">// good
if (user.isAuthenticated()
&amp;&amp; user.isInRole(&#39;admin&#39;)
&amp;&amp; user.hasAuthority(&#39;add-admin&#39;)
|| user.hasAuthority(&#39;delete-admin&#39;)
) {
// Code
var result = number1 + number2 + number3
+ number4 + number5;
// bad
if (user.isAuthenticated() &amp;&amp;
user.isInRole(&#39;admin&#39;) &amp;&amp;
user.hasAuthority(&#39;add-admin&#39;) ||
user.hasAuthority(&#39;delete-admin&#39;)) {
// Code
var result = number1 + number2 + number3 +
number4 + number5;
<p><strong>[MUST]</strong> Start a new line for <code>)</code>, <code>]</code>, <code>}</code> if the content inside the brackets occupies multiple lines.
Make the same indent as the line where the corresponding <code>(</code>, <code>[</code>, <code>{</code> placed.</p>
<pre><code class="lang-js">// good
if (product) {
if (user.isAuthenticated()
&amp;&amp; user.isInRole(&#39;admin&#39;)
&amp;&amp; user.hasAuthority(&#39;add-admin&#39;)
) {
sendProduct(user, product);
var arr = [
&#39;candy&#39;, &#39;sugar&#39;
// bad
if (product) {
if (user.isAuthenticated()
&amp;&amp; user.isInRole(&#39;admin&#39;)
&amp;&amp; user.hasAuthority(&#39;add-admin&#39;)) {
sendProduct(user, product);
var arr = [
&#39;candy&#39;, &#39;sugar&#39;
<p><strong>[MUST]</strong> Must not break lines before <code>,</code> or <code>;</code>.</p>
<pre><code class="lang-js">// good
var obj = {
a: 1,
b: 2,
c: 3
// bad
var obj = {
a: 1
, b: 2
, c: 3
, anotherVeryLongArgument
, callback
<p><strong>[SUGGEST]</strong> Suggestion about line break and indent:</p>
<pre><code class="lang-js">if (user.isAuthenticated()
&amp;&amp; user.isInRole(&#39;admin&#39;)
&amp;&amp; user.hasAuthority(&#39;add-admin&#39;)
) {
// Code
year, month, date, hour, minute, second
var result = thisIsAVeryVeryLongCondition
? resultA : resultB;
var result = condition
? thisIsAVeryVeryLongResult
: resultB;
<p><strong>[MUST]</strong> Start a new line for <code>else</code> and <code>catch</code> if using multi-line blocks.</p>
<pre><code class="lang-js">// good
if (condition) {
// some statements;
else {
// some statements;
try {
// some statements;
catch (ex) {
// some statements;
// bad
if (condition) {
// some statements;
} else {
// some statements;
try {
// some statements;
} catch (ex) {
// some statements;
<h3 id="statement">Statement</h3>
<p><strong>[MUST]</strong> The comma must not be ignored at the end of a statement.</p>
<p><strong>[MUST]</strong> The <code>{}</code> must not be ignored even if there is only one line.</p>
<pre><code class="lang-js">// good
if (condition) {
// bad
if (condition) callFunc();
if (condition)
<p><strong>[MUST]</strong> Place no comma at the end of a function definition.</p>
<pre><code class="lang-js">// good
function funcName() {
// bad
function funcName() {
// For function expression, the comma must not be ignored.
var funcName = function () {
<p><strong>[MUST]</strong> No trailing comma in object and array declarations.</p>
<pre><code class="lang-js">// good
var obj = {
attr1: &#39;xxx&#39;,
attr2: &#39;yyy&#39;
var arr = [
// bad
var obj = {
attr1: &#39;xxx&#39;,
attr2: &#39;yyy&#39;,
var arr = [
<h3 id="naming-conventions">Naming Conventions</h3>
<p><strong>[MUST]</strong> Use lowerCamelCase for variables, properties and function names.</p>
<pre><code class="lang-js">var loadingModules = {};
function loadProduct() {
<p><strong>[MUST]</strong> Use UpperCamelCase (Pascal) for class names.</p>
<pre><code class="lang-js">function Element(options) {
<p><strong>[SUGGEST]</strong> All of the letters of a abbreviation should be both upper cases or both lower cases.</p>
<pre><code class="lang-js">function parseSVG() {
var svgParser;
<h2 id="language-features">Language features</h2>
<h3 id="compatibility">Compatibility</h3>
<p><strong>[MUST]</strong> The JavaScript code of ECharts should be based on <code>ECMAScript Language Specification Edition 3 (ES3)</code>. The language features that not supported by ES3 (namely, features that are only supported by ES5, ES6 or upper versions) must not be used.</p>
<p>But there is an exception that ES Module can be used.</p>
<p>Language features can be polyfilled by some utilities, but must not by modifying the prototype of the built-in JS objects.</p>
<pre><code class="lang-js">// good
import * as zrUtil from &#39;zrender/src/core/util&#39;;
zrUtil.each(array, function (val, index) {
sum += val;
var result =, function (val) {
return parse(val);
var pos = zrUtil.indexOf(array, val);
var obj2 = zrUtil.extend({}, obj1);
function Element() {
// ...
// bad
array.forEach(function (val, index) {
sum += val;
let result = (val) {
return parse(val);
const pos = array.indexOf(val);
var obj2 = Object.assign({}, obj1);
class Element {
// ...
String.prototype.trim = function () {
<h3 id="variable">Variable</h3>
<p><strong>[MUST]</strong> Variables must be declared by <code>var</code>. And a <code>var</code> can not declares more than one variable.</p>
<pre><code class="lang-js">// good
var name = &#39;MyName&#39;;
var hangModules = [];
var missModules = [];
var visited = {};
// bad
name = &#39;MyName&#39;;
var hangModules = [],
missModules = [],
visited = {};
<h3 id="condition">Condition</h3>
<p><strong>[MUST]</strong> In equality expression, <code>==</code> can only be used on <code>null</code> or <code>undefined</code> detection. <code>===</code> should be used in the rest of cases .</p>
<pre><code class="lang-js">// good
if (age === 30) {
// ...
if (type == null) {
// ...
// bad
if (age == 30) {
// ......
<p><strong>[SUGGEST]</strong> Use <code>xxx == null</code> to determine <code>null</code> or <code>undefined</code>.</p>
<p><strong>[SUGGEST]</strong> Try best to make the meaning of <code>null</code> and <code>undefined</code> the same, namely, do not make users or developers distinguishing whether a variable is <code>null</code> or <code>undefined</code>.</p>
<p><strong>[SUGGEST]</strong> The function expression or function declaration should not be placed inside a loop body.</p>
<pre><code class="lang-js">// good
function clicker() {
// ......
for (var i = 0, len = elements.length; i &lt; len; i++) {
var element = elements[i];
addListener(element, &#39;click&#39;, clicker);
// bad
for (var i = 0, len = elements.length; i &lt; len; i++) {
var element = elements[i];
addListener(element, &#39;click&#39;, function () {});
<h3 id="type-conversion">Type Conversion</h3>
<p><strong>[SUGGEST]</strong> Use <code>+ &#39;&#39;</code> to convert a value to string.</p>
<pre><code class="lang-js">// good
num + &#39;&#39;;
// bad
new String(num);
<p><strong>[SUGGEST]</strong> Use <code>+</code> to convert a value to number.</p>
<pre><code class="lang-js">// good
// bad
<p><strong>[MUST]</strong> The second parameter must not be ignored when using <code>parseInt</code>.</p>
<pre><code class="lang-js">// good
parseInt(str, 10);
// bad
<h3 id="string-object-array">String, Object, Array</h3>
<p><strong>[MUST]</strong> Use <code>&#39;</code> but not <code>&quot;</code> to define a string.</p>
<p><strong>[MUST]</strong> Use object literal <code>{}</code> to create a plain object.</p>
<pre><code class="lang-js">// good
var obj = {};
// bad
var obj = new Object();
<p><strong>[MUST]</strong> If all of the properties of an object literal do not need quotation marks, they should ignore them. If quotation marks is necessary, use <code>&#39;</code> but not <code>&quot;</code>.</p>
<pre><code class="lang-js">// good
var info = {
name: &#39;someone&#39;,
age: 28
// bad
var info = {
&#39;name&#39;: &#39;someone&#39;,
&#39;age&#39;: 28
var info2 = {
&quot;age&quot;: 40
<p><strong>[MUST]</strong> The prototype of built-in objects must not be modified.</p>
<pre><code class="lang-js">// Forbidden
String.prototype.trim = function () {
<p><strong>[SUGGEST]</strong> Try best to use <code>.</code> but not <code>[]</code> to visit properties of an object.</p>
<p><strong>[SUGGEST]</strong> <code>hasOwnProperty</code> should be used to when using <code>for ... in ...</code>, in case that some extra properties is added on the prototype of <code>Object</code> in some runtime environment.</p>
<pre><code class="lang-js">var newInfo = {};
for (var key in info) {
if (info.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
newInfo[key] = info[key];
<p><strong>[MUST]</strong> Use array literal <code>[]</code> to create an array, except intending to create an array with a given length.</p>
<pre><code class="lang-js">// good
var arr = [];
var arr2 = new Array(1e4);
// bad
var arr = new Array();
<p><strong>[MUST]</strong> Do not use <code>for in</code> in array traverse.</p>
<h3 id="others">Others</h3>
<p><strong>[MUST]</strong> Do not use <code>eval</code> and <code>with</code>. <code>new Function</code> can be used.</p>
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