whats new in echarts 5
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+{{ import: whats-new-in-echarts-v5 }}
+{{ import: upgrade-guide-v5 }}
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 {{ import: aria }}
-{{ import: upgrade-guide-v5 }}
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+{{target: whats-new-in-echarts-v5}}
+# New features in ECharts 5
+Data visualization has come a long way in the last few years. Developers no longer expect visualization products to be simple chart creation tools, but have more advanced needs in terms of interaction, performance, data processing, and more.
+Apache ECharts has always been committed to making it easier for developers to create flexible and rich visualizations. In the latest release of Apache ECharts 5, we have focused on enhancing the narrative capabilities of charts, allowing developers to tell the story behind the data in a simpler way.
+! [Apache ECharts 5](~echarts-5.png)
+"The core of Apache ECharts 5 is "table-delivery", which is a comprehensive upgrade of five modules and fifteen features around the narrative expression ability of visualization works, so that the chart "table" can better convey the story behind the data. It helps developers to create visualizations that meet the needs of various scenarios more easily.
+## Dynamic Narrative
+The importance of animation to human cognition cannot be overstated. In our previous work, we used initialization animations and transition animations to help users understand the connection between data transformations, making the appearance of charts and transformations seem less rigid. This time, we have even enhanced our animation narrative capabilities, even more significantly. We hope to further exploit the role of animation to help users' cognition, and help them understand the story behind the chart more easily with the dynamic narrative function of the chart.
+#### Dynamic Sorting Charts
+Apache ECharts 5 adds support for dynamically sorted bar-racing and dynamically sorted line-racing charts to help developers easily create time-series charts that show how data changes over time and tell the evolution of the data.
+The dynamic sorting graph shows how the data changes, allowing the user to understand how the data evolves gradually over time. And developers can achieve such effect with Apache ECharts by simply configuring items.
+#### Custom Series Animation
+In addition to dynamic sorting charts, Apache ECharts 5 provides even richer and more powerful animation effects in the custom series, supporting interpolation animations for label value text, transition animations for morph, combine, and separate effects of graphs.
+Imagine what amazing visualizations you can create with these dynamic effects!
+## Visual Design
+The role of visual design is not only to make the chart look better, but more importantly, a design that conforms to the principles of visualization can help users understand what the chart is trying to say more quickly and eliminate as many misunderstandings as possible from poor design.
+#### Default Design
+We have found that a large percentage of developers use ECharts' default theme style, so it is important to design an elegant, visual default theme. In Apache ECharts 5, we redesigned the default theme style, optimizing it for different families and components. The theme colors, for example, take into account factors such as differentiation between colors, contrast with background colors, and harmony with adjacent colors, and ensure that people with color vision impairments can clearly distinguish data.
+For scenarios that require further high contrast, we provide additional high contrast theme styles, so developers can easily provide special styles for people who need special help.
+#### labels
+Labels are one of the core elements of a chart, and clear and unambiguous labels help users to have a more accurate understanding of the data. Apache ECharts 5 provides a variety of new labeling features that allow dense labels to be clearly displayed and accurately represented.
+By default, Apache ECharts 5 will automatically hide overlapping labels. Labels that are outside the display area are automatically truncated or line wrapped. Dense pie chart labels now have a more aesthetically pleasing automatic layout.
+These features can help avoid too dense text affecting readability. Also, no additional code needs to be written by the developer for this to take effect by default, greatly simplifying development costs for developers.
+We also provide several configuration options to allow developers to actively control the layout strategy of tabs, such as tab dragging, displaying them as a whole at the edge of the canvas, connecting them with guide lines and graphic elements, and still linking to highlight to express the association.
+#### Timeline
+Apache ECharts 5 brings a timeline suitable for expressing timestamp scales. The default design of the timeline highlights important information and provides more flexible customization capabilities, allowing developers to tailor the timeline's label content to different needs.
+First of all, the timeline is no longer split absolutely evenly as before, but instead selects more meaningful points like year, month, day, and whole point to display, and can show different levels of scales at the same time. The `formatter` of labels supports templates for time (e.g. `{yyyy}-{MM}-{dd}`), and different `formatter`s can be specified for labels with different time granularity, which can be combined with existing rich text labels to create eye-catching and diverse time effects.
+#### Tooltips
+Tooltip is one of the most commonly used visualization components to help users interactively understand the details of data. In Apache ECharts 5, we have optimized the style of the tooltip box to provide a visualization-compliant design for different chart families. And the rendering logic of rich text has been improved to ensure that the display is consistent with the HTML way, allowing users to choose different technical solutions to achieve the same effect in different scenarios.
+#### dashboard
+We have seen many cool dashboard charts created by community users, but the way they are configured is often complex and tricky. Therefore, we have upgraded the dashboard to support image or vector path drawing pointers, anchor configurations, progress bars, rounded corner effects, and more.
+These upgrades not only allow developers to achieve cool effects with simpler configuration items, but also bring richer customization capabilities.
+#### Scalloped rounded corners
+Apache ECharts 5 supports scalloped rounded corners for pie charts, sunburst charts, and rectangular tree charts. Don't underestimate the simplicity of the rounded corners configuration, but combine them with other effects to create a more personalized visualization.
+## Interactivity
+The interactive capabilities of the visual artwork help users to explore and understand the artwork and deepen their understanding of the main idea of the chart.
+#### State Management
+In ECharts 4, there are two interactive states, highlight and normal, which will enter the highlight state when the mouse moves over the graph to distinguish the data.
+This time in Apache ECharts 5, we have added a new effect of **fade out** other non-related elements to the original mouse hover highlighting, so that the target data can be focused.
+For example, in this [bar chart](https://echarts.apache.org/examples/zh/editor.html?c=bar-y-category-stack) example, when the mouse hovers over a series, the other non-related series will fade out, so that you can more clearly highlight the contrast of the data in the focused series. On diagrams with more complex data structures such as relationship, tree, sunburst, sankey, etc., it is also possible to see the connections between data by fading out non-related elements. Also, colors, shadows, and other styles that can be set in highlighting (emphasis) can now be set in blur.
+In addition, we've added **click to select** to all series, an interaction that was previously only available in a few series such as pie charts and maps, allowing developers to set it to single or multiple selection mode, and to listen to the `selectchanged` event to get all the selected shapes for further processing. As with highlighting and fading, the selection style can also be configured in `select`.
+#### Performance Improvements
+Apache ECharts 5 now supports dirty rectangle rendering to address performance bottlenecks in scenarios with only local changes. And the rendering performance of line graphs has been further optimized.
+When using the Canvas renderer, the dirty rectangle rendering technique detects and updates only the parts of the view that have changed, rather than causing a complete redraw of the canvas with any change. This can help improve rendering frame rates in special scenarios, such as scenes where the mouse frequently triggers some graphical highlighting during graphical many times. Previously for such scenes, additional Canvas layers were used to optimize performance, but this approach had unsolvable bugs for translucent scenes. dirty rectangle rendering is perfect for both performance and functional correctness.
+Line graphs with large amounts of data are a more common drawing scenario, such as various real-time timing data. Apache ECharts 5 optimizes CPU consumption, memory usage, and initialization time for these scenarios so that million-dollar data can be updated in tens of milliseconds with several times less memory usage than before, and interactions such as tooltip boxes remain frame-free.
+## Development Experience
+We hope that such a powerful visualization tool can be used by more developers in an easier way, so the developer experience is also a very important aspect for us.
+#### datasets
+ECharts 5 enhances the data transformation capabilities of datasets, allowing developers to implement common data manipulations such as filtering, sorting, aggregating, histogram, simple clustering, regression line calculation, etc. in a simple way. regression), etc. Developers can use these functions in a uniform and declarative way, and can easily implement common data operations.
+#### Internationalization
+The original internationalization scheme of ECharts takes the form of different deployment files packaged according to different language parameters. In this way, the dynamic language and static code package are bound together, and the only way to switch languages is to reload different language versions of ECharts code when using it.
+Therefore, starting with Apache ECharts 5, the dynamic language package is separated from the static code package. To switch languages, you only need to load the corresponding language package, use the `registerLocale` function to mount the language package object in a similar way to mount the theme, and then reinitialize it to complete the language switch.
+// import the lang object and set when init
+echarts.registerLocale('EN', lang).
+echarts.init(DomElement, null, {
+   locale: 'EN'
+#### TypeScript Refactoring
+In the past 8 years, Apache ECharts has grown into a very complex visualization library. In order to continue to refactor and develop new features more safely and efficiently, we started the development of Apache ECharts 5 by rewriting the code using TypeScript. The strong typing that TypeScript brings gives us the confidence to refactor the code in a radical way to implement more exciting features during ECharts 5 development.
+For developers, we can also generate better and more code-compliant `DTS` type description files directly from TypeScript code. Until now, ECharts type description files have been maintained by community developers and published to [DefinityTyped](https://github.com/DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped/tree/master/types/echarts ), which is a lot of work, so thanks for your contribution.
+In addition, if a developer's component is introduced on-demand, we provide a `ComposeOption` type method that can combine a configuration item type that contains only the introduced components, which can bring stricter type checking and help you detect unintroduced component types in advance.
+## Accessibility
+Apache ECharts has always taken accessibility design seriously, and we want to make the information conveyed by charts equally accessible to the visually impaired. We also want to make this possible for chart developers at a very low development cost, thus making developers more willing to support the visually impaired.
+In the last major release, we supported automatic one-click intelligent generation of chart descriptions based on different chart types and data, making it very easy for developers to support DOM description information for charts. In ECharts 5, we have also made more accessibility improvements to help people with visual impairments better understand the chart content.
+#### Theme color scheme
+When we designed the new default theme style, we took accessibility design as an important consideration and repeatedly tested the color brightness and color values to help users with visual impairment to clearly identify the chart data.
+Moreover, for developers with further accessibility needs, we also provide special high-contrast themes to further differentiate the data with higher contrast color themes.
+#### Decal Patterns
+ECharts 5 also provides a new feature of decals to help users further differentiate data by using patterns to assist with color representation.
+In addition, decal patterns can help in some other scenarios, such as: helping to better distinguish data in printed materials like newspapers and books that have only a single color or very few colors; using graphical elements to facilitate a more intuitive understanding of the data by the user.
+## Summary
+In addition to the features described above, Apache ECharts has been improved in a very large number of details to help developers more easily create charts that work well by default, are flexible in configuration, and tell the story behind the data with charts.
+Thank you to all the developers who have used ECharts, and even participated in community contributions, for making Apache ECharts 5 possible. We'll be working on future developments with even more enthusiasm, and we'll see you all in 6 with even more enthusiasm!
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 ## 图表描述
-### 采用整体描述
+#### 采用整体描述
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@
 这时候,用户可以通过 [aria.label.description](option.html#aria.label.description) 配置项指定图表的整体描述。
-### 定制模板描述
+#### 定制模板描述
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+{{ import: whats-new-in-echarts-v5 }}
+{{ import: upgrade-guide-v5 }}
 {{ import: tree-shaking }}
 {{ import: basic-concept-overview }}
 {{ import: styling }}
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 {{ import: aria }}
 {{ import: echarts-gl }}
 {{ import: weixin-application }}
-{{ import: upgrade-guide-v5 }}
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+# ECharts 5 新特性
+Apache ECharts 始终致力于让开发者以更方便的方式创造灵活丰富的可视化作品。在最新推出的 Apache ECharts 5,我们着力加强了图表的叙事能力,让开发者可以以更简单的方式,讲述数据背后的故事。
+![Apache ECharts 5](~echarts-5.png)
+“表·达”是 Apache ECharts 5 的核心,通过五大模块、十五项特性的全面升级,围绕可视化作品的叙事表达能力,让图“表”更能传“达”数据背后的故事,帮助开发者更轻松地创造满足各种场景需求的可视化作品。
+## 动态叙事
+#### 动态排序图
+Apache ECharts 5 新增支持动态排序柱状图(bar-racing)以及动态排序折线图(line-racing),帮助开发者方便地创建带有时序性的图表,展现数据在不同时间的变化,讲述数据的演变过程。
+动态排序图展现了数据的变化过程,让用户了解数据是如何随着时间而逐渐演变的。而开发者只需要通过简单的配置项,就能用 Apache ECharts 实现这样的效果。
+#### 自定义系列动画
+除了动态排序图,Apache ECharts 5 在自定义系列中提供了更加丰富强大的动画效果,支持标签数值文本的插值动画,图形的形变(morph)、分裂(combine)、合并(separate)等效果的过渡动画。
+## 视觉设计
+#### 默认设计
+我们发现,有很大一部分开发者使用了 ECharts 默认的主题样式,因而设计优雅、符合可视化原理的默认主题设计是非常重要的。在 Apache ECharts 5 中,我们重新设计了默认的主题样式,针对不同的系列和组件分别做了优化调整。以主题色为例,我们考量了颜色之间的区分度、与背景色的对比度、相邻颜色的和谐度等因素,并且确保色觉辨识障碍人士也能清楚地区分数据。
+#### 标签
+标签是图表中的核心元素之一,清晰而明确的标签可以帮助用户对数据有更准确的理解。Apache ECharts 5 提供了多种新的标签功能,让密集的标签能清晰显示、准确表意。
+Apache ECharts 5 在默认情况下,将自动隐藏重叠的标签。对于超出显示区域的标签,将会自动截断或者换行。密集的饼图标签,现在有了更美观的自动排布。
+#### 时间轴
+Apache ECharts 5 带来了适于表达时间标签刻度的时间轴。时间轴的默认设计更突出重要的信息,并且提供了更灵活的定制化能力,让开发者根据不同的需求定制时间轴的标签内容。
+首先,时间轴不再如之前般绝对平均分割,而是选取年、月、日、整点这类更有意义的点来展示,并且能同时显示不同层级的刻度。标签的 `formatter` 支持了时间模版(例如 `{yyyy}-{MM}-{dd}`),并且可以为不同时间粒度的标签指定不同的 `formatter`,结合已有的富文本标签,可以定制出醒目而多样的时间效果。
+#### 提示框
+提示框(Tooltip)是一种最常用的可视化组件,可以帮助用户交互式地了解数据的详细信息。在 Apache ECharts 5 中,我们对提示框的样式进行了优化,针对不同的图表系列,提供符合可视化原则的设计。并且改进了富文本的渲染逻辑,确保显示效果与 HTML 方式一致,让用户在不同场景下可以选择不同的技术方案实现同样的效果。
+#### 仪表盘
+#### 扇形圆角
+圆角可以带来更美观而柔和的视觉,也能够赋予更多的创造力。Apache ECharts 5 支持了饼图、旭日图、矩形树图的扇形圆角。可不要小看了简单的圆角配置项,合理地搭配其他的效果,就可以形成更具个性的的可视化作品。
+## 交互能力
+#### 状态管理
+在 ECharts 4 中有高亮(emphasis)和普通(normal)两个交互的状态,在鼠标移到图形上的时候会进入高亮状态以区分该数据,开发者可以分别设置这两个状态的颜色,阴影等样式。
+这次在 Apache ECharts 5 中,我们在原先的鼠标 hover 高亮的基础上,新增加了**淡出**其它非相关元素的效果,从而可以达到聚焦目标数据的目的。
+除此之外,我们为所有系列还添加了**点击选中**这个之前只有在饼图、地图等少数系列中才能开启的交互,开发者可以设置为单选或多选模式,并且通过监听 `selectchanged` 事件获取到选中的所有图形然后进行更进一步的处理。与高亮和淡出一样,选中的样式也可以在 `select` 中配置。
+#### 性能提升
+Apache ECharts 5 新支持了脏矩形渲染,解决只有局部变化的场景下的性能瓶颈。并且针对折线图的渲染性能做了进一步的优化。
+在使用 Canvas 渲染器时,脏矩形渲染技术探测并只更新视图变化的部分,而不是任何变动都引起画布完全重绘。这能在一些特殊场景下帮助提高渲染帧率,例如在图形很多时候,鼠标频繁触发一些图形高亮的场景。以往这类场景,会使用额外的 Canvas 层以优化性能,但是这种方式对于半透明场景存在无法解决的 bug。脏矩形渲染完美地同时满足了性能和功能正确。
+大数据量的折线图是较为常见的一种绘图场景,例如各种实时时序数据。它们可能需要几百或者几十毫秒更新一次。Apache ECharts 5 对这些场景下的 CPU 消耗、内存占用、初始化时间都进行了优化,使得百万量级的数据也能在数十毫秒内更新完毕,且内存占用比之前有数倍下降,提示框(tooltip)等交互过程仍然不掉帧。
+## 开发体验
+#### 数据集
+ECharts 5 加强了数据集的数据转换能力,让开发者可以使用简单的方式实现常用的数据处理,如:数据过滤(filter)、排序(sort)、聚合(aggregate)、直方图(histogram)、简单聚类(clustering)、回归线计算(regression)等。开发者可以用统一的声明式方式来使用这些功能,可以方便地实现常用的数据操作。
+#### 国际化
+ECharts 原有的国际化方案,采用的是根据不同的语言参数打包出不同的部署文件的形式。​这种方式,使动态的语言和静态的代码包绑定在一起,使用的时候只能通过重新加载不同语言版本的 ECharts 代码来达到切换语言的目的。
+因此,从 Apache ECharts 5 开始,动态的语言包和静态的代码包分离开。切换语言的时候,只需要加载相应语言包​,通过类似挂载主题的方式,使用 `registerLocale` 函数挂载语言包对象​,重新初始化后就完成了语言的切换​。
+// import the lang object and set when init​
+echarts.registerLocale('EN', lang);​
+echarts.init(DomElement, null, {​
+   locale: 'EN'​
+#### TypeScript 重构
+在近 8 年的时间里,Apache ECharts 已经发展成一个非常复杂的可视化库了,为了续可以更安全高效的进行重构和新功能的开发,我们在 Apache ECharts 5 的开发之初,使用 TypeScript 对代码进行了重写,TypeScript 所带来的强类型让我们更有信心地在 ECharts 5 开发的时候对代码进行大刀阔斧的重构以实现更多令人激动人心的特性。
+对于开发者,我们也可以从 TypeScript 代码直接生成更好更符合代码的`DTS`类型描述文件。在此之前,ECharts 的类型描述文件一直是由社区开发者帮我们维护并发布到[DefinityTyped](https://github.com/DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped/tree/master/types/echarts),这个有着不小的工作量,非常感谢大家的贡献。
+除此之外,如果开发者的组件是按需引入的,我们还提供了一个 `ComposeOption` 类型方法,可以组合出一个只包含了引入组件的配置项类型,可以带来更严格的类型检查,帮助你提前检测到未引入的组件类型。
+## 可访问性
+Apache ECharts 一直非常重视无障碍设计,我们希望让视觉障碍人士也能平等了解图表传递的信息。并且也希望图表的开发者能以极低的开发成本实现这一点,因而有利于让开发者更愿意为视觉障碍人士提供支持。
+在上一个大版本中,我们支持了根据不同的图表类型和数据自动一键智能生成图表描述的功能,帮助开发者非常方便地支持图表的 DOM 描述信息。在 ECharts 5 中,我们也做了更多提高可访问性的设计,帮助视觉障碍人士更好地理解图表内容。
+#### 主题配色
+#### 贴花图案
+ECharts 5 还新增提供了贴花的功能,用图案辅助颜色表达,进一步帮助用户区分数据。
+## 小结
+除了以上介绍的功能,Apache ECharts 还在非常多的细节中做了改进,帮助开发者更轻松地创建默认好用、配置灵活的图表,用图表讲述数据背后的故事。
+感谢所有使用过 ECharts,甚至参与过社区贡献的开发者,正是你们才使得 Apache ECharts 5 成为可能。我们会以更大的热情投入到未来的开发中,Apache ECharts 也会以更大的诚意和大家在 6 相见!