blob: c5dc78d917a5018120ab830b526e35c6aeca2076 [file] [log] [blame]
# Site settings
title: Eagle
description: Eagle - Analyze Big Data Platforms for Security and Performance
baseurl: "" # the subpath of your site, e.g. /blog/
url: "" # the base hostname & protocol for your site
# twitter_username: eagle
# github_username: eagle
# Build settings
markdown: kramdown
permalink: date
#port: 4000
- category: Getting Started
- title: Introduction
url: /docs/index.html
- title: Use Cases
url: /docs/usecases.html
- title: Terminology
url: /docs/terminology.html
- title: Ecosystem
url: /docs/ecosystem.html
- title: Community
url: /docs/community.html
- title: FAQ
url: /docs/FAQ.html
- category: Documentations
- title: Latest version (v0.5.0)
url: /docs/latest/
- category: Download
- title: Latest version (v0.5.0)
url: /docs/download-latest.html
- title: Archived
url: /docs/download.html
# - category: Installation
# links:
# - title: Get Started with Sandbox
# url: /docs/quick-start.html
# - title: Get Started with Docker
# url: /docs/deployment-in-docker.html
# - title: Setup Environment
# url: /docs/deployment-env.html
# - title: Setup Eagle in Production
# url: /docs/deployment-in-production.html
# - title: Eagle Application Configuration
# url: /docs/configuration.html
# - title: Eagle Service Configuration
# url: /docs/serviceconfiguration.html
# - title: Eagle LDAP Authentication
# url: /docs/tutorial/ldap.html
# - category: Tutorial
# links:
# - title: Site Management
# url: /docs/tutorial/site.html
# - title: Policy Management
# url: /docs/tutorial/policy.html
# - title: Policy Engine Capabilities
# url: /docs/tutorial/policy-capabilities.html
# - title: HDFS Data Activity Monitoring
# url: /docs/hdfs-data-activity-monitoring.html
# - title: HIVE Query Activity Monitoring
# url: /docs/hive-query-activity-monitoring.html
# - title: HBASE Data Activity Monitoring
# url: /docs/hbase-data-activity-monitoring.html
# - title: MapR FS Data Activity Monitoring
# url: /docs/mapr-integration.html
# - title: Cloudera FS Data Activity Monitoring
# url: /docs/cloudera-integration.html
# - title: Hadoop JMX Metrics Monitoring
# url: /docs/jmx-metric-monitoring.html
# - title: Stream HDFS audit logs into Kafka
# url: /docs/import-hdfs-auditLog.html
# - title: User Profile Feature
# url: /docs/tutorial/userprofile.html
# - title: Data Classification Feature
# url: /docs/tutorial/classification.html
# - title: Topology Management Feature
# url: /docs/tutorial/topologymanagement.html
# - title: Alert Notification Plugin
# url: /docs/tutorial/notificationplugin.html
# - title: Metadata RESTful API
# url: /docs/metadata-api.html
# - category: Development Guide
# links:
# - title: Development Quick Guide
# url: /docs/development-quick-guide.html
# - title: Development in Mac OSX
# url: /docs/development-in-macosx.html
# - title: Development in Intellij
# url: /docs/development-in-intellij.html
# - category: Advanced
# links:
# - title: User Profile Machine Learning
# url: /docs/user-profile-ml.html
- category: Supplement
- title: Security
url: /docs/security.html