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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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package delegate
import (
import (
perrors ""
import (
const (
defaultMetadataReportRetryTimes int64 = 100 // max times to retry
defaultMetadataReportRetryPeriod int64 = 3 // cycle interval to retry, the unit is second
defaultMetadataReportCycleReport bool = true // cycle report or not
// metadataReportRetry is a scheduler for retrying task
type metadataReportRetry struct {
retryPeriod int64
retryLimit int64
scheduler *gocron.Scheduler
job *gocron.Job
retryCounter *atomic.Int64
// if no failed report, wait how many times to run retry task.
retryTimesIfNonFail int64
// newMetadataReportRetry will create a scheduler for retry task
func newMetadataReportRetry(retryPeriod int64, retryLimit int64, retryFunc func() bool) (*metadataReportRetry, error) {
s1 := gocron.NewScheduler(time.UTC)
mrr := &metadataReportRetry{
retryPeriod: retryPeriod,
retryLimit: retryLimit,
scheduler: s1,
retryCounter: atomic.NewInt64(0),
retryTimesIfNonFail: 600,
newJob, err := mrr.scheduler.Every(int(mrr.retryPeriod)).Seconds().Do(
func() {
logger.Infof("start to retry task for metadata report. retry times: %v", mrr.retryCounter.Load())
if mrr.retryCounter.Load() > mrr.retryLimit {
} else if retryFunc() && mrr.retryCounter.Load() > mrr.retryTimesIfNonFail {
mrr.scheduler.Clear() // may not interrupt the running job
mrr.job = newJob
return mrr, err
// startRetryTask will make scheduler with retry task run
func (mrr *metadataReportRetry) startRetryTask() {
mrr.scheduler.StartAt(time.Now().Add(500 * time.Millisecond))
// MetadataReport is a absolute delegate for MetadataReport
type MetadataReport struct {
reportUrl *common.URL
syncReport bool
metadataReportRetry *metadataReportRetry
failedReports map[*identifier.MetadataIdentifier]interface{}
failedReportsLock sync.RWMutex
// allMetadataReports store all the metdadata reports records in memory
allMetadataReports map[*identifier.MetadataIdentifier]interface{}
allMetadataReportsLock sync.RWMutex
// NewMetadataReport will create a MetadataReport with initiation
func NewMetadataReport() (*MetadataReport, error) {
url := instance.GetMetadataReportUrl()
if url == nil {
logger.Warn("the metadataReport URL is not configured, you should configure it.")
return nil, perrors.New("the metadataReport URL is not configured, you should configure it.")
bmr := &MetadataReport{
reportUrl: url,
syncReport: url.GetParamBool(constant.SyncReportKey, false),
failedReports: make(map[*identifier.MetadataIdentifier]interface{}, 4),
allMetadataReports: make(map[*identifier.MetadataIdentifier]interface{}, 4),
mrr, err := newMetadataReportRetry(
url.GetParamInt(constant.RetryPeriodKey, defaultMetadataReportRetryPeriod),
url.GetParamInt(constant.RetryTimesKey, defaultMetadataReportRetryTimes),
if err != nil {
return nil, err
bmr.metadataReportRetry = mrr
if url.GetParamBool(constant.CycleReportKey, defaultMetadataReportCycleReport) {
scheduler := gocron.NewScheduler(time.UTC)
_, err := scheduler.Every(1).Day().Do(
func() {
logger.Infof("start to publish all metadata in metadata report %s.", url.String())
if err != nil {
return nil, err
scheduler.StartAt(time.Now().Add(500 * time.Millisecond))
return bmr, nil
// PublishAppMetadata delegate publish metadata info
func (mr *MetadataReport) PublishAppMetadata(identifier *identifier.SubscriberMetadataIdentifier, info *common.MetadataInfo) error {
report := instance.GetMetadataReportInstance()
return report.PublishAppMetadata(identifier, info)
// GetAppMetadata delegate get metadata info
func (mr *MetadataReport) GetAppMetadata(identifier *identifier.SubscriberMetadataIdentifier) (*common.MetadataInfo, error) {
report := instance.GetMetadataReportInstance()
return report.GetAppMetadata(identifier)
// retry will do metadata failed reports collection by call metadata report sdk
func (mr *MetadataReport) retry() bool {
defer mr.failedReportsLock.RUnlock()
return mr.doHandlerMetadataCollection(mr.failedReports)
// StoreProviderMetadata will delegate to call remote metadata's sdk to store provider service definition
func (mr *MetadataReport) StoreProviderMetadata(identifier *identifier.MetadataIdentifier, definer definition.ServiceDefiner) {
if mr.syncReport {
mr.storeMetadataTask(common.PROVIDER, identifier, definer)
go mr.storeMetadataTask(common.PROVIDER, identifier, definer)
// storeMetadataTask will delegate to call remote metadata's sdk to store
func (mr *MetadataReport) storeMetadataTask(role int, identifier *identifier.MetadataIdentifier, definer interface{}) {
logger.Infof("publish provider identifier and definition: Identifier :%v ; definition: %v .", identifier, definer)
mr.allMetadataReports[identifier] = definer
delete(mr.failedReports, identifier)
// data is store the json marshaled definition
var (
data []byte
err error
defer func() {
if r := recover(); r != nil {
mr.failedReports[identifier] = definer
logger.Errorf("Failed to put provider metadata %v in %v, cause: %v\n%s\n",
identifier, string(data), r, string(debug.Stack()))
data, err = json.Marshal(definer)
if err != nil {
logger.Errorf("storeProviderMetadataTask error in stage json.Marshal, msg is %+v", err)
report := instance.GetMetadataReportInstance()
if role == common.PROVIDER {
err = report.StoreProviderMetadata(identifier, string(data))
} else if role == common.CONSUMER {
err = report.StoreConsumerMetadata(identifier, string(data))
if err != nil {
logger.Errorf("storeProviderMetadataTask error in stage call metadata report to StoreProviderMetadata, msg is %+v", err)
// StoreConsumerMetadata will delegate to call remote metadata's sdk to store consumer side service definition
func (mr *MetadataReport) StoreConsumerMetadata(identifier *identifier.MetadataIdentifier, definer map[string]string) {
if mr.syncReport {
mr.storeMetadataTask(common.CONSUMER, identifier, definer)
go mr.storeMetadataTask(common.CONSUMER, identifier, definer)
// SaveServiceMetadata will delegate to call remote metadata's sdk to save service metadata
func (mr *MetadataReport) SaveServiceMetadata(identifier *identifier.ServiceMetadataIdentifier, url *common.URL) error {
report := instance.GetMetadataReportInstance()
if mr.syncReport {
return report.SaveServiceMetadata(identifier, url)
go func() {
if err := report.SaveServiceMetadata(identifier, url); err != nil {
logger.Warnf("report.SaveServiceMetadata(identifier:%v, url:%v) = error:%v", identifier, url, err)
return nil
// RemoveServiceMetadata will delegate to call remote metadata's sdk to remove service metadata
func (mr *MetadataReport) RemoveServiceMetadata(identifier *identifier.ServiceMetadataIdentifier) error {
report := instance.GetMetadataReportInstance()
if mr.syncReport {
return report.RemoveServiceMetadata(identifier)
go func() {
if err := report.RemoveServiceMetadata(identifier); err != nil {
logger.Warnf("report.RemoveServiceMetadata(identifier:%v) = error:%v", identifier, err)
return nil
// GetExportedURLs will delegate to call remote metadata's sdk to get exported urls
func (mr *MetadataReport) GetExportedURLs(identifier *identifier.ServiceMetadataIdentifier) ([]string, error) {
report := instance.GetMetadataReportInstance()
return report.GetExportedURLs(identifier)
// SaveSubscribedData will delegate to call remote metadata's sdk to save subscribed data
func (mr *MetadataReport) SaveSubscribedData(identifier *identifier.SubscriberMetadataIdentifier, urls []*common.URL) error {
urlStrList := make([]string, 0, len(urls))
for _, url := range urls {
urlStrList = append(urlStrList, url.String())
bytes, err := json.Marshal(urlStrList)
if err != nil {
return perrors.WithMessage(err, "Could not convert the array to json")
report := instance.GetMetadataReportInstance()
if mr.syncReport {
return report.SaveSubscribedData(identifier, string(bytes))
go func() {
if err := report.SaveSubscribedData(identifier, string(bytes)); err != nil {
logger.Warnf("report.SaveSubscribedData(identifier:%v, string(bytes):%v) = error: %v",
identifier, string(bytes), err)
return nil
// GetSubscribedURLs will delegate to call remote metadata's sdk to get subscribed urls
func (mr *MetadataReport) GetSubscribedURLs(identifier *identifier.SubscriberMetadataIdentifier) ([]string, error) {
report := instance.GetMetadataReportInstance()
return report.GetSubscribedURLs(identifier)
// GetServiceDefinition will delegate to call remote metadata's sdk to get service definitions
func (mr *MetadataReport) GetServiceDefinition(identifier *identifier.MetadataIdentifier) (string, error) {
report := instance.GetMetadataReportInstance()
return report.GetServiceDefinition(identifier)
// doHandlerMetadataCollection will store metadata to metadata support with given metadataMap
func (mr *MetadataReport) doHandlerMetadataCollection(metadataMap map[*identifier.MetadataIdentifier]interface{}) bool {
if len(metadataMap) == 0 {
return true
for e := range metadataMap {
if common.RoleType(common.PROVIDER).Role() == e.Side {
mr.StoreProviderMetadata(e, metadataMap[e].(*definition.ServiceDefinition))
} else if common.RoleType(common.CONSUMER).Role() == e.Side {
mr.StoreConsumerMetadata(e, metadataMap[e].(map[string]string))
return false