blob: c3dcdf298ecb96b39733b90a424f77072ba69db4 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package filter_impl
import (
import (
hessian ""
perrors ""
import (
invocation2 ""
const (
// GENERIC_SERVICE defines the filter name
GENERIC_SERVICE = "generic_service"
// nolint
func init() {
extension.SetFilter(GENERIC_SERVICE, GetGenericServiceFilter)
// nolint
type GenericServiceFilter struct{}
// Invoke is used to call service method by invocation
func (ef *GenericServiceFilter) Invoke(ctx context.Context, invoker protocol.Invoker, invocation protocol.Invocation) protocol.Result {
if invocation.MethodName() != constant.GENERIC || len(invocation.Arguments()) != 3 {
return invoker.Invoke(ctx, invocation)
// get real invocation info from the generic invocation
mtdname := invocation.Arguments()[0].(string)
// types are not required in dubbo-go, for dubbo-go client to dubbo-go server, types could be nil
types := invocation.Arguments()[1]
args := invocation.Arguments()[2].([]hessian.Object)
logger.Debugf(`received a generic invocation:
MethodName: %s,
Types: %s,
Args: %s
`, mtdname, types, args)
// get the type of the argument
ivkUrl := invoker.GetURL()
svc := common.ServiceMap.GetServiceByServiceKey(ivkUrl.Protocol, ivkUrl.ServiceKey())
method := svc.Method()[mtdname]
if method == nil {
return &protocol.RPCResult{
Err: perrors.Errorf("\"%s\" method is not found, service key: %s", mtdname, ivkUrl.ServiceKey()),
argsType := method.ArgsType()
// get generic info from attachments of invocation, the default value is "true"
//generic := invocation.AttachmentsByKey(constant.GENERIC_KEY, GENERIC_SERIALIZATION_DEFAULT)
// get generalizer according to value in the `generic`
g := GetMapGeneralizer()
if len(args) != len(argsType) {
return &protocol.RPCResult{
Err: perrors.Errorf("the number of args(=%d) is not matched with \"%s\" method", len(args), mtdname),
// realize
newargs := make([]interface{}, len(argsType))
for i := 0; i < len(argsType); i++ {
newarg, err := g.Realize(args[i], argsType[i])
if err != nil {
return &protocol.RPCResult{
Err: perrors.Errorf("realization failed, %v", err),
newargs[i] = newarg
// build a normal invocation
newivc := invocation2.NewRPCInvocation(mtdname, newargs, invocation.Attachments())
return invoker.Invoke(ctx, newivc)
// nolint
func (ef *GenericServiceFilter) OnResponse(ctx context.Context, result protocol.Result, invoker protocol.Invoker, invocation protocol.Invocation) protocol.Result {
if invocation.MethodName() == constant.GENERIC && len(invocation.Arguments()) == 3 && result.Result() != nil {
// get generic info from attachments of invocation, the default value is "true"
//generic := invocation.AttachmentsByKey(constant.GENERIC_KEY, constant.GenericSerializationDefault)
// get generalizer according to value in the `generic`
g := GetMapGeneralizer()
obj, err := g.Generalize(result.Result())
if err != nil {
err = perrors.Errorf("generalizaion failed, %v", err)
return result
return result
// nolint
func GetGenericServiceFilter() filter.Filter {
return &GenericServiceFilter{}