blob: c011c9e40b7b55bf176a9882c39beba30d6b8cdc [file] [log] [blame]
# dubbo client yaml configure file
filter: ""
# client
request_timeout : "100ms"
# connect timeout
connect_timeout : "100ms"
check: true
# application config
organization : ""
name : "BDTService"
module : "dubbogo user-info client"
version : "0.0.1"
owner : "ZX"
environment : "dev"
registries :
protocol: "zookeeper"
timeout : "3s"
address: ""
username: ""
password: ""
protocol: "zookeeper"
timeout : "3s"
address: ""
username: ""
password: ""
registry: "hangzhouzk,shanghaizk"
filter: ""
protocol : "dubbo"
version: "1.0"
group: "as"
interface : "com.ikurento.user.UserProvider"
url: "dubbo://"
cluster: "failover"
timeout: "3s"
methods :
- name: "GetUser"
retries: "3"
timeout: "5s"
"forks": 5
timeout: 60s
step_timeout: 10s
# when you choose the Dubbo protocol, the following configuration takes effect
reconnect_interval: 0
# reconnect_interval is the actual number of connections a session can use
connection_number: 2
# heartbeat_period is heartbeat interval between server and client connection.
# Effective by client configuration
heartbeat_period: "30s"
# when the session is inactive for more than session_timeout, the session may be closed
session_timeout: "30s"
# a reference has the size of the session connection pool
# that is the maximum number of sessions it may have
pool_size: 4
# dubbo-go uses getty as the network connection library.
# The following is the relevant configuration of getty
pool_ttl: 600
# gr_pool_size is recommended to be set to [cpu core number] * 100
gr_pool_size: 1200
# queue_len is recommended to be set to 64 or 128
queue_len: 64
# queue_number is recommended to be set to gr_pool_size / 20
queue_number: 60
# dubbo-go uses getty as the network connection library.
# The following is the relevant configuration of getty
compress_encoding: false
tcp_no_delay: true
tcp_keep_alive: true
keep_alive_period: "120s"
tcp_r_buf_size: 262144
tcp_w_buf_size: 65536
tcp_read_timeout: "1s"
tcp_write_timeout: "5s"
wait_timeout: "1s"
# maximum len of data per request
# this refers to the total amount of data requested or returned
max_msg_len: 102400
session_name: "client"