blob: de92d12c385b3d9dcb6f6e96142d535f343e5c35 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package proxy
import (
import (
perrors ""
import (
invocation_impl ""
// nolint
type Proxy struct {
rpc common.RPCService
invoke protocol.Invoker
callback interface{}
attachments map[string]string
implement ImplementFunc
once sync.Once
type (
// ProxyOption a function to init Proxy with options
ProxyOption func(p *Proxy)
// ImplementFunc function for proxy impl of RPCService functions
ImplementFunc func(p *Proxy, v common.RPCService)
var (
typError = reflect.Zero(reflect.TypeOf((*error)(nil)).Elem()).Type()
// NewProxy create service proxy.
func NewProxy(invoke protocol.Invoker, callback interface{}, attachments map[string]string) *Proxy {
return NewProxyWithOptions(invoke, callback, attachments,
// NewProxyWithOptions create service proxy with options.
func NewProxyWithOptions(invoke protocol.Invoker, callback interface{}, attachments map[string]string, opts ...ProxyOption) *Proxy {
p := &Proxy{
invoke: invoke,
callback: callback,
attachments: attachments,
for _, opt := range opts {
return p
// WithProxyImplementFunc an option function to setup proxy.ImplementFunc
func WithProxyImplementFunc(f ImplementFunc) ProxyOption {
return func(p *Proxy) {
p.implement = f
// Implement
// proxy implement
// In consumer, RPCService like:
// type XxxProvider struct {
// Yyy func(ctx context.Context, args []interface{}, rsp *Zzz) error
// }
func (p *Proxy) Implement(v common.RPCService) {
p.once.Do(func() {
p.implement(p, v)
p.rpc = v
// Get gets rpc service instance.
func (p *Proxy) Get() common.RPCService {
return p.rpc
// GetCallback gets callback.
func (p *Proxy) GetCallback() interface{} {
return p.callback
// GetInvoker gets Invoker.
func (p *Proxy) GetInvoker() protocol.Invoker {
return p.invoke
// DefaultProxyImplementFunc the default function for proxy impl
func DefaultProxyImplementFunc(p *Proxy, v common.RPCService) {
// check parameters, incoming interface must be a elem's pointer.
valueOf := reflect.ValueOf(v)
logger.Debugf("[Implement] reflect.TypeOf: %s", valueOf.String())
valueOfElem := valueOf.Elem()
typeOf := valueOfElem.Type()
// check incoming interface, incoming interface's elem must be a struct.
if typeOf.Kind() != reflect.Struct {
logger.Errorf("%s must be a struct ptr", valueOf.String())
makeDubboCallProxy := func(methodName string, outs []reflect.Type) func(in []reflect.Value) []reflect.Value {
return func(in []reflect.Value) []reflect.Value {
var (
err error
inv *invocation_impl.RPCInvocation
inIArr []interface{}
inVArr []reflect.Value
reply reflect.Value
if methodName == "Echo" {
methodName = "$echo"
if len(outs) == 2 {
if outs[0].Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
reply = reflect.New(outs[0].Elem())
} else {
reply = reflect.New(outs[0])
} else {
reply = valueOf
start := 0
end := len(in)
invCtx := context.Background()
if end > 0 {
if in[0].Type().String() == "context.Context" {
if !in[0].IsNil() {
// the user declared context as method's parameter
invCtx = in[0].Interface().(context.Context)
start += 1
if len(outs) == 1 && in[end-1].Type().Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
end -= 1
reply = in[len(in)-1]
if end-start <= 0 {
inIArr = []interface{}{}
inVArr = []reflect.Value{}
} else if v, ok := in[start].Interface().([]interface{}); ok && end-start == 1 {
inIArr = v
inVArr = []reflect.Value{in[start]}
} else {
inIArr = make([]interface{}, end-start)
inVArr = make([]reflect.Value, end-start)
index := 0
for i := start; i < end; i++ {
inIArr[index] = in[i].Interface()
inVArr[index] = in[i]
inv = invocation_impl.NewRPCInvocationWithOptions(invocation_impl.WithMethodName(methodName),
invocation_impl.WithArguments(inIArr), invocation_impl.WithReply(reply.Interface()),
invocation_impl.WithCallBack(p.callback), invocation_impl.WithParameterValues(inVArr))
for k, value := range p.attachments {
inv.SetAttachments(k, value)
// add user setAttachment. It is compatibility with previous versions.
atm := invCtx.Value(constant.AttachmentKey)
if m, ok := atm.(map[string]string); ok {
for k, value := range m {
inv.SetAttachments(k, value)
} else if m2, ok2 := atm.(map[string]interface{}); ok2 {
// it is support to transfer map[string]interface{}. It refers to dubbo-java 2.7.
for k, value := range m2 {
inv.SetAttachments(k, value)
result := p.invoke.Invoke(invCtx, inv)
err = result.Error()
if err != nil {
// the cause reason
err = perrors.Cause(err)
// if some error happened, it should be log some info in the separate file.
if throwabler, ok := err.(java_exception.Throwabler); ok {
logger.Warnf("invoke service throw exception: %v , stackTraceElements: %v", err.Error(), throwabler.GetStackTrace())
} else {
logger.Warnf("result err: %v", err)
} else {
logger.Debugf("[makeDubboCallProxy] result: %v, err: %v", result.Result(), err)
if len(outs) == 1 {
return []reflect.Value{reflect.ValueOf(&err).Elem()}
if len(outs) == 2 && outs[0].Kind() != reflect.Ptr {
return []reflect.Value{reply.Elem(), reflect.ValueOf(&err).Elem()}
return []reflect.Value{reply, reflect.ValueOf(&err).Elem()}
numField := valueOfElem.NumField()
for i := 0; i < numField; i++ {
t := typeOf.Field(i)
methodName := t.Tag.Get("dubbo")
if methodName == "" {
methodName = t.Name
f := valueOfElem.Field(i)
if f.Kind() == reflect.Func && f.IsValid() && f.CanSet() {
outNum := t.Type.NumOut()
if outNum != 1 && outNum != 2 {
logger.Warnf("method %s of mtype %v has wrong number of in out parameters %d; needs exactly 1/2",
t.Name, t.Type.String(), outNum)
// The latest return type of the method must be error.
if returnType := t.Type.Out(outNum - 1); returnType != typError {
logger.Warnf("the latest return type %s of method %q is not error", returnType, t.Name)
var funcOuts = make([]reflect.Type, outNum)
for i := 0; i < outNum; i++ {
funcOuts[i] = t.Type.Out(i)
// do method proxy here:
f.Set(reflect.MakeFunc(f.Type(), makeDubboCallProxy(methodName, funcOuts)))
logger.Debugf("set method [%s]", methodName)