blob: 3f1daee98fa253e7a85367b483f549578f820860 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
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package cluster_impl
import (
perrors ""
import (
type baseClusterInvoker struct {
directory cluster.Directory
availablecheck bool
destroyed *atomic.Bool
stickyInvoker protocol.Invoker
// healthState
serviceHealthState *protocol.ServiceHealthState
func newBaseClusterInvoker(directory cluster.Directory) baseClusterInvoker {
return baseClusterInvoker{
directory: directory,
availablecheck: true,
destroyed: atomic.NewBool(false),
// init from directory
serviceHealthState: directory.ServiceHealthState(),
func (invoker *baseClusterInvoker) getServiceHealthState() *protocol.ServiceHealthState {
if invoker.serviceHealthState == nil {
invoker.serviceHealthState = protocol.NewServiceState(invoker.GetURL().ServiceKey())
return invoker.serviceHealthState
func (invoker *baseClusterInvoker) GetURL() *common.URL {
func (invoker *baseClusterInvoker) Destroy() {
//this is must atom operation
if invoker.destroyed.CAS(false, true) {
func (invoker *baseClusterInvoker) IsAvailable() bool {
if invoker.stickyInvoker != nil {
return invoker.stickyInvoker.IsAvailable()
//check invokers availables
func (invoker *baseClusterInvoker) checkInvokers(invokers []protocol.Invoker, invocation protocol.Invocation) error {
if len(invokers) == 0 {
ip := common.GetLocalIp()
return perrors.Errorf("Failed to invoke the method %v. No provider available for the service %v from "+
"registry %v on the consumer %v using the dubbo version %v .Please check if the providers have been started and registered.",
invocation.MethodName(),,, ip, constant.Version)
return nil
//check cluster invoker is destroyed or not
func (invoker *baseClusterInvoker) checkWhetherDestroyed() error {
if invoker.destroyed.Load() {
ip := common.GetLocalIp()
return perrors.Errorf("Rpc cluster invoker for %v on consumer %v use dubbo version %v is now destroyed! can not invoke any more. ",, ip, constant.Version)
return nil
func (invoker *baseClusterInvoker) doSelect(lb cluster.LoadBalance, invocation protocol.Invocation, invokers []protocol.Invoker, invoked []protocol.Invoker) protocol.Invoker {
var selectedInvoker protocol.Invoker
if len(invokers) <= 0 {
return selectedInvoker
url := invokers[0].GetURL()
sticky := url.GetParamBool(constant.STICKY_KEY, false)
//Get the service method sticky config if have
sticky = url.GetMethodParamBool(invocation.MethodName(), constant.STICKY_KEY, sticky)
if invoker.stickyInvoker != nil && !isInvoked(invoker.stickyInvoker, invokers) {
invoker.stickyInvoker = nil
if sticky && invoker.availablecheck &&
invoker.stickyInvoker != nil && invoker.stickyInvoker.IsAvailable() &&
(invoked == nil || !isInvoked(invoker.stickyInvoker, invoked)) {
return invoker.stickyInvoker
selectedInvoker = invoker.doSelectInvoker(lb, invocation, invokers, invoked)
if sticky {
invoker.stickyInvoker = selectedInvoker
return selectedInvoker
func (invoker *baseClusterInvoker) doSelectInvoker(lb cluster.LoadBalance, invocation protocol.Invocation, invokers []protocol.Invoker, invoked []protocol.Invoker) protocol.Invoker {
if len(invokers) == 0 {
return nil
if len(invokers) == 1 {
if invokers[0].IsAvailable() {
return invokers[0]
logger.Errorf("the invokers of %s is nil. ", invokers[0].GetURL().ServiceKey())
return nil
selectedInvoker := lb.Select(invokers, invocation)
//judge if the selected Invoker is invoked and available
if (!selectedInvoker.IsAvailable() && invoker.availablecheck) || isInvoked(selectedInvoker, invoked) {
otherInvokers := getOtherInvokers(invokers, selectedInvoker)
// do reselect
for i := 0; i < 5; i++ {
if len(otherInvokers) == 0 {
// no other ivk to reselect, return to fallback
reselectedInvoker := lb.Select(otherInvokers, invocation)
if isInvoked(reselectedInvoker, invoked) {
otherInvokers = getOtherInvokers(otherInvokers, reselectedInvoker)
if !reselectedInvoker.IsAvailable() {
logger.Infof("the invoker of %s is not available, maybe some network error happened or the server is shutdown.",
otherInvokers = getOtherInvokers(otherInvokers, reselectedInvoker)
return reselectedInvoker
} else {
return selectedInvoker
logger.Errorf("all %d invokers is unavailable for %s.", len(invokers), selectedInvoker.GetURL().String())
return nil
func isInvoked(selectedInvoker protocol.Invoker, invoked []protocol.Invoker) bool {
for _, i := range invoked {
if i == selectedInvoker {
return true
return false
func getLoadBalance(invoker protocol.Invoker, methodName string) cluster.LoadBalance {
url := invoker.GetURL()
//Get the service loadbalance config
lb := url.GetParam(constant.LOADBALANCE_KEY, constant.DEFAULT_LOADBALANCE)
//Get the service method loadbalance config if have
if v := url.GetMethodParam(methodName, constant.LOADBALANCE_KEY, ""); len(v) > 0 {
lb = v
return extension.GetLoadbalance(lb)
func getOtherInvokers(invokers []protocol.Invoker, invoker protocol.Invoker) []protocol.Invoker {
otherInvokers := make([]protocol.Invoker, 0)
for _, i := range invokers {
if i != invoker {
otherInvokers = append(otherInvokers, i)
return otherInvokers