blob: ba3890889de8b482ab094b7ad2a330a14ddccabc [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package rest
//import (
// "context"
// "testing"
// "time"
//import (
// ""
// ""
//import (
// ""
// ""
// ""
// ""
// ""
// ""
// rest_config ""
// ""
//const (
// mockRestCommonUrl = "rest://" +
// "application=BDTService&category=providers&default.timeout=10000&dubbo=dubbo-provider-golang-1.0.0&" +
// "environment=dev&interface=com.ikurento.user.UserProvider&ip=" +
// "module=dubbogo+user-info+server&" +
// "side=provider&timeout=3000&timestamp=1556509797245&"
//func TestRestInvokerInvoke(t *testing.T) {
// // Refer
// proto := GetRestProtocol()
// defer proto.Destroy()
// var filterNum int
// server_impl.AddGoRestfulServerFilter(func(request *restful.Request, response *restful.Response, chain *restful.FilterChain) {
// println(request.SelectedRoutePath())
// filterNum = filterNum + 1
// chain.ProcessFilter(request, response)
// })
// server_impl.AddGoRestfulServerFilter(func(request *restful.Request, response *restful.Response, chain *restful.FilterChain) {
// println("filter2")
// filterNum = filterNum + 1
// chain.ProcessFilter(request, response)
// })
// url, err := common.NewURL(mockRestCommonUrl)
// assert.NoError(t, err)
// _, err = common.ServiceMap.Register(url.Service(), url.Protocol, "", "", &UserProvider{})
// assert.NoError(t, err)
// con := config.ProviderConfig{}
// config.SetProviderConfig(con)
// configMap := make(map[string]*rest_config.RestServiceConfig)
// methodConfigMap := make(map[string]*rest_config.RestMethodConfig)
// queryParamsMap := make(map[int]string)
// queryParamsMap[1] = "age"
// queryParamsMap[2] = "name"
// pathParamsMap := make(map[int]string)
// pathParamsMap[0] = "userid"
// headersMap := make(map[int]string)
// headersMap[3] = "Content-Type"
// methodConfigMap["GetUserOne"] = &rest_config.RestMethodConfig{
// InterfaceName: "",
// MethodName: "GetUserOne",
// Path: "/GetUserOne",
// Produces: "application/json",
// Consumes: "application/json",
// MethodType: "POST",
// PathParams: "",
// PathParamsMap: nil,
// QueryParams: "",
// QueryParamsMap: nil,
// Body: 0,
// }
// methodConfigMap["GetUserTwo"] = &rest_config.RestMethodConfig{
// InterfaceName: "",
// MethodName: "GetUserTwo",
// Path: "/GetUserTwo",
// Produces: "application/json",
// Consumes: "application/json",
// MethodType: "POST",
// PathParams: "",
// PathParamsMap: nil,
// QueryParams: "",
// QueryParamsMap: nil,
// Body: 0,
// }
// methodConfigMap["GetUserThree"] = &rest_config.RestMethodConfig{
// InterfaceName: "",
// MethodName: "GetUserThree",
// Path: "/GetUserThree",
// Produces: "application/json",
// Consumes: "application/json",
// MethodType: "POST",
// PathParams: "",
// PathParamsMap: nil,
// QueryParams: "",
// QueryParamsMap: nil,
// Body: 0,
// }
// methodConfigMap["GetUserFour"] = &rest_config.RestMethodConfig{
// InterfaceName: "",
// MethodName: "GetUserFour",
// Path: "/GetUserFour",
// Produces: "application/json",
// Consumes: "application/json",
// MethodType: "POST",
// PathParams: "",
// PathParamsMap: nil,
// QueryParams: "",
// QueryParamsMap: nil,
// Body: 0,
// }
// methodConfigMap["GetUserFive"] = &rest_config.RestMethodConfig{
// InterfaceName: "",
// MethodName: "GetUserFive",
// Path: "/GetUserFive",
// Produces: "*/*",
// Consumes: "*/*",
// MethodType: "GET",
// }
// methodConfigMap["GetUser"] = &rest_config.RestMethodConfig{
// InterfaceName: "",
// MethodName: "GetUser",
// Path: "/GetUser/{userid}",
// Produces: "application/json",
// Consumes: "application/json",
// MethodType: "GET",
// PathParams: "",
// PathParamsMap: pathParamsMap,
// QueryParams: "",
// QueryParamsMap: queryParamsMap,
// Body: -1,
// HeadersMap: headersMap,
// }
// configMap["com.ikurento.user.UserProvider"] = &rest_config.RestServiceConfig{
// Server: "go-restful",
// RestMethodConfigsMap: methodConfigMap,
// }
// rest_config.SetRestProviderServiceConfigMap(configMap)
// proxyFactory := extension.GetProxyFactory("default")
// proto.Export(proxyFactory.GetInvoker(url))
// time.Sleep(5 * time.Second)
// configMap = make(map[string]*rest_config.RestServiceConfig)
// configMap["com.ikurento.user.UserProvider"] = &rest_config.RestServiceConfig{
// RestMethodConfigsMap: methodConfigMap,
// }
// restClient := client_impl.NewRestyClient(&client.RestOptions{ConnectTimeout: 3 * time.Second, RequestTimeout: 3 * time.Second})
// invoker := NewRestInvoker(url, &restClient, methodConfigMap)
// user := &User{}
// inv := invocation.NewRPCInvocationWithOptions(invocation.WithMethodName("GetUser"),
// invocation.WithArguments([]interface{}{1, int32(23), "username", "application/json"}), invocation.WithReply(user))
// res := invoker.Invoke(context.Background(), inv)
// assert.NoError(t, res.Error())
// assert.Equal(t, User{ID: 1, Age: int32(23), Name: "username"}, *res.Result().(*User))
// now := time.Now()
// inv = invocation.NewRPCInvocationWithOptions(invocation.WithMethodName("GetUserOne"),
// invocation.WithArguments([]interface{}{&User{1, &now, int32(23), "username"}}), invocation.WithReply(user))
// res = invoker.Invoke(context.Background(), inv)
// assert.NoError(t, res.Error())
// assert.NotNil(t, res.Result())
// assert.Equal(t, 1, res.Result().(*User).ID)
// assert.Equal(t, now.Unix(), res.Result().(*User).Time.Unix())
// assert.Equal(t, int32(23), res.Result().(*User).Age)
// assert.Equal(t, "username", res.Result().(*User).Name)
// // test 1
// inv = invocation.NewRPCInvocationWithOptions(invocation.WithMethodName("GetUserTwo"),
// invocation.WithArguments([]interface{}{&User{1, &now, int32(23), "username"}}), invocation.WithReply(user))
// res = invoker.Invoke(context.Background(), inv)
// assert.NoError(t, res.Error())
// assert.NotNil(t, res.Result())
// assert.Equal(t, "username", res.Result().(*User).Name)
// // test 2
// inv = invocation.NewRPCInvocationWithOptions(invocation.WithMethodName("GetUserThree"),
// invocation.WithArguments([]interface{}{&User{1, &now, int32(23), "username"}}), invocation.WithReply(user))
// res = invoker.Invoke(context.Background(), inv)
// assert.NoError(t, res.Error())
// assert.NotNil(t, res.Result())
// assert.Equal(t, "username", res.Result().(*User).Name)
// // test 3
// inv = invocation.NewRPCInvocationWithOptions(invocation.WithMethodName("GetUserFour"),
// invocation.WithArguments([]interface{}{[]User{{1, nil, int32(23), "username"}}}), invocation.WithReply(user))
// res = invoker.Invoke(context.Background(), inv)
// assert.NoError(t, res.Error())
// assert.NotNil(t, res.Result())
// assert.Equal(t, "username", res.Result().(*User).Name)
// // test 4
// inv = invocation.NewRPCInvocationWithOptions(invocation.WithMethodName("GetUserFive"), invocation.WithReply(user))
// res = invoker.Invoke(context.Background(), inv)
// assert.Error(t, res.Error(), "test error")
// assert.Equal(t, filterNum, 12)
// err = common.ServiceMap.UnRegister(url.Service(), url.Protocol, url.ServiceKey())
// assert.NoError(t, err)