blob: fd8182c270838f39c6d7abe0e59543d2e3349df3 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package nacos
import (
import (
gxset ""
nacosClient ""
perrors ""
import (
const (
// the number is a little big tricky
// it will be used in query which looks up all keys with the target group
// now, one key represents one application
// so only a group has more than 9999 applications will failed
maxKeysNum = 9999
func init() {
mf := &nacosMetadataReportFactory{}
extension.SetMetadataReportFactory("nacos", func() factory.MetadataReportFactory {
return mf
// nacosMetadataReport is the implementation
// of MetadataReport based on nacos.
type nacosMetadataReport struct {
client *nacosClient.NacosConfigClient
group string
// GetAppMetadata get metadata info from nacos
func (n *nacosMetadataReport) GetAppMetadata(metadataIdentifier *identifier.SubscriberMetadataIdentifier) (*common.MetadataInfo, error) {
data, err := n.getConfig(vo.ConfigParam{
DataId: metadataIdentifier.GetIdentifierKey(),
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var metadataInfo common.MetadataInfo
err = json.Unmarshal([]byte(data), &metadataInfo)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &metadataInfo, nil
// PublishAppMetadata publish metadata info to nacos
func (n *nacosMetadataReport) PublishAppMetadata(metadataIdentifier *identifier.SubscriberMetadataIdentifier, info *common.MetadataInfo) error {
data, err := json.Marshal(info)
if err != nil {
return err
return n.storeMetadata(vo.ConfigParam{
DataId: metadataIdentifier.GetIdentifierKey(),
Content: string(data),
// StoreProviderMetadata stores the metadata.
func (n *nacosMetadataReport) StoreProviderMetadata(providerIdentifier *identifier.MetadataIdentifier, serviceDefinitions string) error {
return n.storeMetadata(vo.ConfigParam{
DataId: providerIdentifier.GetIdentifierKey(),
Content: serviceDefinitions,
// StoreConsumerMetadata stores the metadata.
func (n *nacosMetadataReport) StoreConsumerMetadata(consumerMetadataIdentifier *identifier.MetadataIdentifier, serviceParameterString string) error {
return n.storeMetadata(vo.ConfigParam{
DataId: consumerMetadataIdentifier.GetIdentifierKey(),
Content: serviceParameterString,
// SaveServiceMetadata saves the metadata.
func (n *nacosMetadataReport) SaveServiceMetadata(metadataIdentifier *identifier.ServiceMetadataIdentifier, url *common.URL) error {
return n.storeMetadata(vo.ConfigParam{
DataId: metadataIdentifier.GetIdentifierKey(),
Content: url.String(),
// RemoveServiceMetadata removes the metadata.
func (n *nacosMetadataReport) RemoveServiceMetadata(metadataIdentifier *identifier.ServiceMetadataIdentifier) error {
return n.deleteMetadata(vo.ConfigParam{
DataId: metadataIdentifier.GetIdentifierKey(),
// GetExportedURLs gets the urls.
func (n *nacosMetadataReport) GetExportedURLs(metadataIdentifier *identifier.ServiceMetadataIdentifier) ([]string, error) {
return n.getConfigAsArray(vo.ConfigParam{
DataId: metadataIdentifier.GetIdentifierKey(),
// SaveSubscribedData saves the urls.
func (n *nacosMetadataReport) SaveSubscribedData(subscriberMetadataIdentifier *identifier.SubscriberMetadataIdentifier, urls string) error {
return n.storeMetadata(vo.ConfigParam{
DataId: subscriberMetadataIdentifier.GetIdentifierKey(),
Content: urls,
// GetSubscribedURLs gets the urls.
func (n *nacosMetadataReport) GetSubscribedURLs(subscriberMetadataIdentifier *identifier.SubscriberMetadataIdentifier) ([]string, error) {
return n.getConfigAsArray(vo.ConfigParam{
DataId: subscriberMetadataIdentifier.GetIdentifierKey(),
// GetServiceDefinition gets the service definition.
func (n *nacosMetadataReport) GetServiceDefinition(metadataIdentifier *identifier.MetadataIdentifier) (string, error) {
return n.getConfig(vo.ConfigParam{
DataId: metadataIdentifier.GetIdentifierKey(),
// storeMetadata will publish the metadata to Nacos
// if failed or error is not nil, error will be returned
func (n *nacosMetadataReport) storeMetadata(param vo.ConfigParam) error {
res, err := n.client.Client().PublishConfig(param)
if err != nil {
return perrors.WithMessage(err, "Could not publish the metadata")
if !res {
return perrors.New("Publish the metadata failed.")
return nil
// deleteMetadata will delete the metadata
func (n *nacosMetadataReport) deleteMetadata(param vo.ConfigParam) error {
res, err := n.client.Client().DeleteConfig(param)
if err != nil {
return perrors.WithMessage(err, "Could not delete the metadata")
if !res {
return perrors.New("Deleting the metadata failed.")
return nil
// getConfigAsArray will read the config and then convert it as an one-element array
// error or config not found, an empty list will be returned.
func (n *nacosMetadataReport) getConfigAsArray(param vo.ConfigParam) ([]string, error) {
res := make([]string, 0, 1)
cfg, err := n.getConfig(param)
if err != nil || len(cfg) == 0 {
return res, err
decodeCfg, err := url.QueryUnescape(cfg)
if err != nil {
logger.Errorf("The config is invalid: %s", cfg)
return res, err
res = append(res, decodeCfg)
return res, nil
// getConfig will read the config
func (n *nacosMetadataReport) getConfig(param vo.ConfigParam) (string, error) {
cfg, err := n.client.Client().GetConfig(param)
if err != nil {
logger.Errorf("Finding the configuration failed: %v", param)
return "", err
return cfg, nil
func (n *nacosMetadataReport) addListener(key string, group string, notify registry.MappingListener) error {
return n.client.Client().ListenConfig(vo.ConfigParam{
DataId: key,
Group: group,
OnChange: func(namespace, group, dataId, data string) {
go callback(notify, dataId, data)
func callback(notify registry.MappingListener, dataId, data string) {
appNames := strings.Split(data, constant.CommaSeparator)
set := gxset.NewSet()
for _, app := range appNames {
if err := notify.OnEvent(registry.NewServiceMappingChangedEvent(dataId, set)); err != nil {
logger.Errorf("serviceMapping callback err: %s", err.Error())
func (n *nacosMetadataReport) removeServiceMappingListener(key string, group string) error {
return n.client.Client().CancelListenConfig(vo.ConfigParam{
DataId: key,
Group: group,
// RegisterServiceAppMapping map the specified Dubbo service interface to current Dubbo app name
func (n *nacosMetadataReport) RegisterServiceAppMapping(key string, group string, value string) error {
oldVal, _ := n.getConfig(vo.ConfigParam{
DataId: key,
Group: group,
if oldVal != "" {
oldApps := strings.Split(oldVal, constant.CommaSeparator)
if len(oldApps) > 0 {
for _, app := range oldApps {
if app == value {
return nil
value = oldVal + constant.CommaSeparator + value
return n.storeMetadata(vo.ConfigParam{
DataId: key,
Group: group,
Content: value,
// GetServiceAppMapping get the app names from the specified Dubbo service interface
func (n *nacosMetadataReport) GetServiceAppMapping(key string, group string, listener registry.MappingListener) (*gxset.HashSet, error) {
// add service mapping listener
if listener != nil {
if err := n.addListener(key, group, listener); err != nil {
logger.Errorf("add serviceMapping listener err: %s", err.Error())
v, err := n.getConfig(vo.ConfigParam{
DataId: key,
Group: group,
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if v == "" {
return nil, perrors.New("There is no service app mapping data.")
appNames := strings.Split(v, constant.CommaSeparator)
set := gxset.NewSet()
for _, e := range appNames {
return set, nil
// GetConfigKeysByGroup will return all keys with the group
func (n *nacosMetadataReport) GetConfigKeysByGroup(group string) (*gxset.HashSet, error) {
group = n.resolvedGroup(group)
page, err := n.client.Client().SearchConfig(vo.SearchConfigParam{
Search: "accurate",
Group: group,
PageNo: 1,
// actually it's impossible for user to create 9999 application under one group
PageSize: maxKeysNum,
result := gxset.NewSet()
if err != nil {
return result, perrors.WithMessage(err, "can not find the configClient config")
for _, itm := range page.PageItems {
return result, nil
// resolvedGroup will regular the group. Now, it will replace the '/' with '-'.
// '/' is a special character for nacos
func (n *nacosMetadataReport) resolvedGroup(group string) string {
if len(group) <= 0 {
group = metadata.DefaultGroup
return group
return strings.ReplaceAll(group, "/", "-")
// RemoveServiceAppMappingListener remove the serviceMapping listener from metadata center
func (n *nacosMetadataReport) RemoveServiceAppMappingListener(key string, group string) error {
return n.removeServiceMappingListener(key, group)
type nacosMetadataReportFactory struct{}
// nolint
func (n *nacosMetadataReportFactory) CreateMetadataReport(url *common.URL) report.MetadataReport {
url.SetParam(constant.NacosNamespaceID, url.GetParam(constant.MetadataReportNamespaceKey, ""))
url.SetParam(constant.TimeoutKey, url.GetParam(constant.TimeoutKey, constant.DefaultRegTimeout))
group := url.GetParam(constant.MetadataReportGroupKey, constant.ServiceDiscoveryDefaultGroup)
url.SetParam(constant.NacosGroupKey, group)
url.SetParam(constant.NacosUsername, url.Username)
url.SetParam(constant.NacosPassword, url.Password)
client, err := nacos.NewNacosConfigClientByUrl(url)
if err != nil {
logger.Errorf("Could not create nacos metadata report. URL: %s", url.String())
return nil
return &nacosMetadataReport{client: client, group: group}