blob: e3dfa87606574f4963884b00f2368f1454348d07 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package constant
type DubboCtxKey string
const (
AsyncKey = "async" // it's value should be "true" or "false" of string type
const (
ClientNameKey = "remote-client-name"
const (
GroupKey = "group"
VersionKey = "version"
InterfaceKey = "interface"
MessageSizeKey = "message_size"
PathKey = "path"
ServiceKey = "service"
MethodsKey = "methods"
TimeoutKey = "timeout"
CategoryKey = "category"
CheckKey = "check"
EnabledKey = "enabled"
SideKey = "side"
OverrideProvidersKey = "providerAddresses"
BeanNameKey = ""
GenericKey = "generic"
ClassifierKey = "classifier"
TokenKey = "token"
LocalAddr = "local-addr"
RemoteAddr = "remote-addr"
DefaultRemotingTimeout = 3000
ReleaseKey = "release"
AnyhostKey = "anyhost"
PortKey = "port"
ProtocolKey = "protocol"
PathSeparator = "/"
DotSeparator = "."
CommaSeparator = ","
SslEnabledKey = "ssl-enabled"
ParamsTypeKey = "parameter-type-names" // key used in pass through invoker factory, to define param type
MetadataTypeKey = "metadata-type"
MaxCallSendMsgSize = "max-call-send-msg-size"
MaxServerSendMsgSize = "max-server-send-msg-size"
MaxCallRecvMsgSize = "max-call-recv-msg-size"
MaxServerRecvMsgSize = "max-server-recv-msg-size"
// tls constant
const (
TLSKey = "tls_key"
TLSCert = "tls_cert"
CACert = "ca_cert"
TLSServerNAME = "tls_server_name"
const (
ServiceFilterKey = "service.filter"
ReferenceFilterKey = "reference.filter"
// Filter Keys
const (
AccessLogFilterKey = "accesslog"
ActiveFilterKey = "active"
AdaptiveServiceProviderFilterKey = "padasvc"
AuthConsumerFilterKey = "sign"
AuthProviderFilterKey = "auth"
EchoFilterKey = "echo"
ExecuteLimitFilterKey = "execute"
GenericFilterKey = "generic"
GenericServiceFilterKey = "generic_service"
GracefulShutdownProviderFilterKey = "pshutdown"
GracefulShutdownConsumerFilterKey = "cshutdown"
GracefulShutdownFilterShutdownConfig = "GracefulShutdownFilterShutdownConfig"
HystrixConsumerFilterKey = "hystrix_consumer"
HystrixProviderFilterKey = "hystrix_provider"
MetricsFilterKey = "metrics"
SeataFilterKey = "seata"
SentinelProviderFilterKey = "sentinel-provider"
SentinelConsumerFilterKey = "sentinel-consumer"
TokenFilterKey = "token"
TpsLimitFilterKey = "tps"
TracingFilterKey = "tracing"
XdsCircuitBreakerKey = "xds_circuit_reaker"
OTELServerTraceKey = "otelServerTrace"
OTELClientTraceKey = "otelClientTrace"
const (
TimestampKey = "timestamp"
RemoteTimestampKey = "remote.timestamp"
ClusterKey = "cluster"
LoadbalanceKey = "loadbalance"
WeightKey = "weight"
WarmupKey = "warmup"
RetriesKey = "retries"
StickyKey = "sticky"
BeanName = ""
FailBackTasksKey = "failbacktasks"
ForksKey = "forks"
DefaultForks = 2
DefaultTimeout = 1000
TPSLimiterKey = "tps.limiter"
TPSRejectedExecutionHandlerKey = "tps.limit.rejected.handler"
TPSLimitRateKey = "tps.limit.rate"
DefaultTPSLimitRate = -1
TPSLimitIntervalKey = "tps.limit.interval"
DefaultTPSLimitInterval = -1
TPSLimitStrategyKey = "tps.limit.strategy"
ExecuteLimitKey = "execute.limit"
DefaultExecuteLimit = "-1"
ExecuteRejectedExecutionHandlerKey = "execute.limit.rejected.handler"
SerializationKey = "serialization"
PIDKey = "pid"
SyncReportKey = ""
RetryPeriodKey = "retry.period"
RetryTimesKey = "retry.times"
CycleReportKey = ""
DefaultBlackListRecoverBlock = 16
CallTypeKey = "call-type"
CallUnary = "unary"
CallClientStream = "client-stream"
CallServerStream = "server-stream"
CallBidiStream = "bidi-stream"
CallHTTPTypeKey = "call-http-type"
CallHTTP = "http"
CallHTTP2 = "http2"
ServiceInfoKey = "service-info"
ClientInfoKey = "client-info"
const (
DubboGoCtxKey = DubboCtxKey("dubbogo-ctx")
// metadata report keys
const (
MetadataReportNamespaceKey = "metadata-report.namespace"
MetadataReportGroupKey = ""
MetadataReportUsernameKey = "metadata-report.username"
MetadataReportPasswordKey = "metadata-report.password"
MetadataReportProtocolKey = "metadata-report.protocol"
// registry keys
const (
RegistryKey = "registry"
RegistryProtocol = "registry"
ServiceRegistryProtocol = "service-discovery-registry"
RegistryRoleKey = "registry.role"
RegistryDefaultKey = "registry.default"
RegistryAccessKey = "registry.accesskey"
RegistrySecretKey = "registry.secretkey"
RegistryTimeoutKey = "registry.timeout"
RegistryLabelKey = "label"
PreferredKey = "preferred"
RegistryZoneKey = "zone"
RegistryZoneForceKey = "zone.force"
RegistryTTLKey = "registry.ttl"
RegistrySimplifiedKey = "simplified"
RegistryNamespaceKey = "registry.namespace"
RegistryGroupKey = ""
RegistryTypeInterface = "interface"
RegistryTypeService = "service"
RegistryTypeAll = "all"
const (
ApplicationKey = "application"
OrganizationKey = "organization"
NameKey = "name"
ModuleKey = "module"
AppVersionKey = "app.version"
OwnerKey = "owner"
EnvironmentKey = "environment"
MethodKey = "method"
MethodKeys = "methods"
RuleKey = "rule"
RuntimeKey = "runtime"
BackupKey = "backup"
RoutersCategory = "routers"
RouteProtocol = "route"
ConditionRouteProtocol = "condition"
TagRouteProtocol = "tag"
ProvidersCategory = "providers"
RouterKey = "router"
ExportKey = "export"
// config center keys
const (
ConfigNamespaceKey = "config-center.namespace"
ConfigGroupKey = ""
ConfigAppIDKey = "config-center.appId"
ConfigClusterKey = "config-center.cluster"
ConfigTimeoutKey = "config-center.timeout"
ConfigUsernameKey = "config-center.username"
ConfigAccessKey = "config-center.access"
ConfigPasswordKey = "config-center.password"
ConfigLogDirKey = "config-center.logDir"
ConfigVersionKey = "config-center.configVersion"
CompatibleConfigKey = "config-center.compatible_config"
ConfigSecretKey = "config-center.secret"
ConfigBackupConfigKey = "config-center.isBackupConfig"
ConfigBackupConfigPathKey = "config-center.backupConfigPath"
const (
RegistryConfigPrefix = "dubbo.registries"
ApplicationConfigPrefix = "dubbo.application"
ConfigCenterPrefix = "dubbo.config-center"
SingleRegistryConfigPrefix = "dubbo.registry"
ReferenceConfigPrefix = "dubbo.reference"
ServiceConfigPrefix = "dubbo.service"
ConfigBasePrefix = "dubbo.base"
RemotePrefix = "dubbo.remote"
ServiceDiscPrefix = "dubbo.service-discovery"
ProtocolConfigPrefix = "dubbo.protocols"
ProviderConfigPrefix = "dubbo.provider"
ConsumerConfigPrefix = "dubbo.consumer"
ShutdownConfigPrefix = "dubbo.shutdown"
MetadataReportPrefix = "dubbo.metadata-report"
RouterConfigPrefix = "dubbo.router"
TracingConfigPrefix = "dubbo.tracing"
LoggerConfigPrefix = "dubbo.logger"
CustomConfigPrefix = "dubbo.custom"
ProfilesConfigPrefix = "dubbo.profiles"
TLSConfigPrefix = "dubbo.tls_config"
const (
ConfiguratorSuffix = ".configurators"
const (
NacosKey = "nacos"
NacosGroupKey = ""
NacosDefaultRoleType = 3
NacosCacheDirKey = "nacos.cacheDir"
NacosLogDirKey = "nacos.logDir"
NacosBeatIntervalKey = "nacos.beatInterval"
NacosEndpoint = "endpoint"
NacosServiceNameSeparator = ":"
NacosCategoryKey = "nacos.category"
NacosProtocolKey = "protocol"
NacosPathKey = "path"
NacosNamespaceID = "nacos.namespaceId"
NacosNotLoadLocalCache = "nacos.not.load.cache"
NacosAppNameKey = "appName"
NacosRegionIDKey = "nacos.regionId"
NacosAccessKey = "nacos.access"
NacosSecretKey = "nacos.secret"
NacosOpenKmsKey = "kms"
NacosUpdateThreadNumKey = "updateThreadNum"
NacosLogLevelKey = "nacos.logLevel"
NacosUsername = "nacos.username"
NacosPassword = "nacos.password"
NacosTimeout = "nacos.timeout"
NacosUpdateCacheWhenEmpty = "nacos.updateCacheWhenEmpty"
const (
FileKey = "file"
const (
ZookeeperKey = "zookeeper"
const (
XDSRegistryKey = "xds"
const (
EtcdV3Key = "etcdv3"
const (
// PassThroughProxyFactoryKey is key of proxy factory with raw data input service
PassThroughProxyFactoryKey = "dubbo-raw"
const (
TracingRemoteSpanCtx = DubboCtxKey("tracing.remote.span.ctx")
TracingConfigKey = "config.tracing"
// Use for router module
const (
TagRouterRuleSuffix = ".tag-router"
ConditionRouterRuleSuffix = ".condition-router" // Specify condition router suffix
MeshRouteSuffix = ".MESHAPPRULE" // Specify mesh router suffix
ForceUseTag = "dubbo.force.tag" // the tag in attachment
ForceUseCondition = "dubbo.force.condition"
Tagkey = "dubbo.tag" // key of tag
ConditionKey = "dubbo.condition"
AttachmentKey = DubboCtxKey("attachment") // key in context in invoker
TagRouterFactoryKey = "tag"
ConditionAppRouterFactoryKey = "provider.condition"
ConditionServiceRouterFactoryKey = "service.condition"
ForceKey = "force"
Arguments = "arguments"
Attachments = "attachments"
Param = "param"
Scope = "scope"
Wildcard = "wildcard"
MeshRouterFactoryKey = "mesh"
// Auth filter
const (
ServiceAuthKey = "auth" // name of service filter
AuthenticatorKey = "authenticator" // key of authenticator
DefaultAuthenticator = "accesskeys" // name of default authenticator
DefaultAccessKeyStorage = "urlstorage" // name of default url storage
AccessKeyStorageKey = "" // key of storage
RequestTimestampKey = "timestamp" // key of request timestamp
RequestSignatureKey = "signature" // key of request signature
AKKey = "ak" // AK key
SignatureStringFormat = "%s#%s#%s#%s" // signature format
ParameterSignatureEnableKey = "param.sign" // key whether enable signature
Consumer = "consumer" // consumer
AccessKeyIDKey = ".accessKeyId" // key of access key id
SecretAccessKeyKey = ".secretAccessKey" // key of secret access key
// metadata report
const (
MetaConfigRemote = "remote"
MetaConfigLocal = "local"
KeySeparator = ":"
DefaultPathTag = "metadata"
KeyRevisionPrefix = "revision"
MetadataServiceName = "org.apache.dubbo.metadata.MetadataService" // metadata service
// service discovery
const (
SubscribedServiceNamesKey = "subscribed-services"
ProvidedBy = "provided-by"
ExportedServicesRevisionPropertyName = "dubbo.metadata.revision"
SubscribedServicesRevisionPropertyName = "dubbo.subscribed-services.revision"
ServiceInstanceSelector = "service-instance-selector"
MetadataStorageTypePropertyName = ""
DefaultMetadataStorageType = "local"
RemoteMetadataStorageType = "remote"
ServiceInstanceEndpoints = "dubbo.endpoints"
MetadataServicePrefix = "dubbo.metadata-service."
MetadataServiceURLParamsPropertyName = MetadataServicePrefix + "url-params"
MetadataServiceURLsPropertyName = MetadataServicePrefix + "urls"
ServiceDiscoveryKey = "service_discovery" // indicate which service discovery instance will be used
// Generic Filter
const (
GenericSerializationDefault = "true"
GenericSerializationGson = "gson"
// AdaptiveService Filter
// goland:noinspection ALL
const (
AdaptiveServiceUpdaterKey = "adaptive-service.updater"
AdaptiveServiceRemainingKey = "adaptive-service.remaining"
AdaptiveServiceInflightKey = "adaptive-service.inflight"
AdaptiveServiceEnabledKey = "adaptive-service.enabled"
AdaptiveServiceIsEnabled = "1"
// reflection service
const (
ReflectionServiceTypeName = "ReflectionServer"
ReflectionServiceInterface = "grpc.reflection.v1alpha.ServerReflection"
// healthcheck service
const (
HealthCheckServiceTypeName = "HealthCheckServer"
HealthCheckServiceInterface = ""
const (
LoggerLevelKey = "logger.level"
LoggerDriverKey = "logger.driver"
LoggerFormatKey = "logger.format"
LoggerAppenderKey = "logger.appender"
LoggerFileNameKey = ""
LoggerFileNaxSizeKey = "logger.file.max-size"
LoggerFileMaxBackupsKey = "logger.file.max-backups"
LoggerFileMaxAgeKey = "logger.file.max-age"
LoggerFileLocalTimeKey = "logger.file.local-time"
LoggerFileCompressKey = "logger.file.compress"
// metrics key
const (
MetadataEnabledKey = "metrics.metadata.enabled"
RegistryEnabledKey = "metrics.registry.enabled"
ConfigCenterEnabledKey = "metrics.config-center.enabled"
RpcEnabledKey = "metrics.rpc.enabled"
AggregationEnabledKey = "aggregation.enabled"
AggregationBucketNumKey = "aggregation.bucket.num"
AggregationTimeWindowSecondsKey = "aggregation.time.window.seconds"
HistogramEnabledKey = "histogram.enabled"
PrometheusExporterEnabledKey = "prometheus.exporter.enabled"
PrometheusExporterMetricsPortKey = "prometheus.exporter.metrics.port"
PrometheusExporterMetricsPathKey = "prometheus.exporter.metrics.path"
PrometheusPushgatewayEnabledKey = "prometheus.pushgateway.enabled"
PrometheusPushgatewayBaseUrlKey = "prometheus.pushgateway.base.url"
PrometheusPushgatewayUsernameKey = "prometheus.pushgateway.username"
PrometheusPushgatewayPasswordKey = "prometheus.pushgateway.password"
PrometheusPushgatewayPushIntervalKey = "prometheus.pushgateway.push.interval"
PrometheusPushgatewayJobKey = "prometheus.pushgateway.job"
// default meta cache config
const (
DefaultMetaCacheName = "dubbo.meta"
DefaultMetaFileName = "dubbo.metadata."
DefaultEntrySize = 100