blob: 6a1f519074e37da46797b67ddaacc332450e39bd [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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package metrics
import (
import (
import (
const (
DefaultCompression = 100
DefaultBucketNum = 10
DefaultTimeWindowSeconds = 120
var (
registries = make(map[string]func(*common.URL) MetricRegistry)
collectors = make([]CollectorFunc, 0)
registry MetricRegistry
once sync.Once
// CollectorFunc used to extend more indicators
type CollectorFunc func(MetricRegistry, *common.URL)
// Init Metrics module
func Init(url *common.URL) {
once.Do(func() {
InitAppInfo(url.GetParam(constant.ApplicationKey, ""), url.GetParam(constant.AppVersionKey, ""))
// default protocol is already set in metricConfig
regFunc, ok := registries[url.Protocol]
if ok {
registry = regFunc(url)
for _, co := range collectors {
co(registry, url)
// SetRegistry extend more MetricRegistry, default PrometheusRegistry
func SetRegistry(name string, v func(*common.URL) MetricRegistry) {
registries[name] = v
// AddCollector add more indicators, like metadata, sla, config-center etc.
func AddCollector(name string, fun CollectorFunc) {
collectors = append(collectors, fun)
// MetricRegistry data container,data compute、expose、agg
type MetricRegistry interface {
Counter(*MetricId) CounterMetric // add or update a counter
Gauge(*MetricId) GaugeMetric // add or update a gauge
Histogram(*MetricId) ObservableMetric // add a metric num to a histogram
Summary(*MetricId) ObservableMetric // add a metric num to a summary
Rt(*MetricId, *RtOpts) ObservableMetric // add a metric num to a rt
Export() // expose metric data, such as Prometheus http exporter
// GetMetrics() []*MetricSample // get all metric data
// GetMetricsString() (string, error) // get text format metric data
type RtOpts struct {
Aggregate bool
BucketNum int // only for aggRt
TimeWindowSeconds int64 // only for aggRt
// multi registry,like micrometer CompositeMeterRegistry
// type CompositeRegistry struct {
// rs []MetricRegistry
// }
// Type metric type, same with micrometer
type Type uint8 // TODO check if Type is is useful
const (
Counter Type = iota
// MetricId
// # HELP dubbo_metadata_store_provider_succeed_total Succeed Store Provider Metadata
// # TYPE dubbo_metadata_store_provider_succeed_total gauge
// dubbo_metadata_store_provider_succeed_total{application_name="provider",hostname="localhost",interface="org.example.DemoService",ip="",} 1.0
// other properties except value
type MetricId struct {
Name string
Desc string
Tags map[string]string // also named label
Type Type // TODO check if this field is useful
func (m *MetricId) TagKeys() []string {
keys := make([]string, 0, len(m.Tags))
for k := range m.Tags {
keys = append(keys, k)
return keys
func NewMetricId(key *MetricKey, level MetricLevel) *MetricId {
return &MetricId{Name: key.Name, Desc: key.Desc, Tags: level.Tags()}
// NewMetricIdByLabels create a MetricId by key and labels
func NewMetricIdByLabels(key *MetricKey, labels map[string]string) *MetricId {
return &MetricId{Name: key.Name, Desc: key.Desc, Tags: labels}
// MetricSample a metric sample,This is the final data presentation,
// not an intermediate result(like summary,histogram they will export to a set of MetricSample)
type MetricSample struct {
value float64
// CounterMetric counter metric
type CounterMetric interface {
// GaugeMetric gauge metric
type GaugeMetric interface {
// histogram summary rt metric
type ObservableMetric interface {
type BaseCollector struct {
R MetricRegistry
func (c *BaseCollector) StateCount(total, succ, fail *MetricKey, level MetricLevel, succed bool) {
c.R.Counter(NewMetricId(total, level)).Inc()
if succed {
c.R.Counter(NewMetricId(succ, level)).Inc()
} else {
c.R.Counter(NewMetricId(fail, level)).Inc()
// CounterVec means a set of counters with the same metricKey but different labels
type CounterVec interface {
Inc(labels map[string]string)
Add(labels map[string]string, v float64)
// NewCounterVec create a CounterVec default implementation.
func NewCounterVec(metricRegistry MetricRegistry, metricKey *MetricKey) CounterVec {
return &DefaultCounterVec{
metricRegistry: metricRegistry,
metricKey: metricKey,
// DefaultCounterVec is a default CounterVec implementation.
type DefaultCounterVec struct {
metricRegistry MetricRegistry
metricKey *MetricKey
func (d *DefaultCounterVec) Inc(labels map[string]string) {
d.metricRegistry.Counter(NewMetricIdByLabels(d.metricKey, labels)).Inc()
func (d *DefaultCounterVec) Add(labels map[string]string, v float64) {
d.metricRegistry.Counter(NewMetricIdByLabels(d.metricKey, labels)).Add(v)
// GaugeVec means a set of gauges with the same metricKey but different labels
type GaugeVec interface {
Set(labels map[string]string, v float64)
Inc(labels map[string]string)
Dec(labels map[string]string)
Add(labels map[string]string, v float64)
Sub(labels map[string]string, v float64)
// NewGaugeVec create a GaugeVec default implementation.
func NewGaugeVec(metricRegistry MetricRegistry, metricKey *MetricKey) GaugeVec {
return &DefaultGaugeVec{
metricRegistry: metricRegistry,
metricKey: metricKey,
// DefaultGaugeVec is a default GaugeVec implementation.
type DefaultGaugeVec struct {
metricRegistry MetricRegistry
metricKey *MetricKey
func (d *DefaultGaugeVec) Set(labels map[string]string, v float64) {
d.metricRegistry.Gauge(NewMetricIdByLabels(d.metricKey, labels)).Set(v)
func (d *DefaultGaugeVec) Inc(labels map[string]string) {
d.metricRegistry.Gauge(NewMetricIdByLabels(d.metricKey, labels)).Inc()
func (d *DefaultGaugeVec) Dec(labels map[string]string) {
d.metricRegistry.Gauge(NewMetricIdByLabels(d.metricKey, labels)).Dec()
func (d *DefaultGaugeVec) Add(labels map[string]string, v float64) {
d.metricRegistry.Gauge(NewMetricIdByLabels(d.metricKey, labels)).Add(v)
func (d *DefaultGaugeVec) Sub(labels map[string]string, v float64) {
d.metricRegistry.Gauge(NewMetricIdByLabels(d.metricKey, labels)).Sub(v)
// RtVec means a set of rt metrics with the same metricKey but different labels
type RtVec interface {
Record(labels map[string]string, v float64)
// NewRtVec create a RtVec default implementation DefaultRtVec.
func NewRtVec(metricRegistry MetricRegistry, metricKey *MetricKey, rtOpts *RtOpts) RtVec {
return &DefaultRtVec{
metricRegistry: metricRegistry,
metricKey: metricKey,
rtOpts: rtOpts,
// DefaultRtVec is a default RtVec implementation.
// If rtOpts.Aggregate is true, it will use the aggregate.TimeWindowAggregator with local aggregation,
// else it will use the aggregate.Result without aggregation.
type DefaultRtVec struct {
metricRegistry MetricRegistry
metricKey *MetricKey
rtOpts *RtOpts
func (d *DefaultRtVec) Record(labels map[string]string, v float64) {
d.metricRegistry.Rt(NewMetricIdByLabels(d.metricKey, labels), d.rtOpts).Observe(v)
// labelsToString convert @labels to json format string for cache key
func labelsToString(labels map[string]string) string {
labelsJson, err := json.Marshal(labels)
if err != nil {
logger.Errorf("json.Marshal(labels) = error:%v", err)
return ""
return string(labelsJson)
// QpsMetricVec means a set of qps metrics with the same metricKey but different labels.
type QpsMetricVec interface {
Record(labels map[string]string)
func NewQpsMetricVec(metricRegistry MetricRegistry, metricKey *MetricKey) QpsMetricVec {
return &DefaultQpsMetricVec{
metricRegistry: metricRegistry,
metricKey: metricKey,
mux: sync.RWMutex{},
cache: make(map[string]*aggregate.TimeWindowCounter),
// DefaultQpsMetricVec is a default QpsMetricVec implementation.
// It is concurrent safe, and it uses the aggregate.TimeWindowCounter to store and calculate the qps metrics.
type DefaultQpsMetricVec struct {
metricRegistry MetricRegistry
metricKey *MetricKey
mux sync.RWMutex
cache map[string]*aggregate.TimeWindowCounter // key: metrics labels, value: TimeWindowCounter
func (d *DefaultQpsMetricVec) Record(labels map[string]string) {
key := labelsToString(labels)
if key == "" {
twc, ok := d.cache[key]
if !ok {
twc, ok = d.cache[key]
if !ok {
twc = aggregate.NewTimeWindowCounter(DefaultBucketNum, DefaultTimeWindowSeconds)
d.cache[key] = twc
d.metricRegistry.Gauge(NewMetricIdByLabels(d.metricKey, labels)).Set(twc.Count() / float64(twc.LivedSeconds()))
// AggregateCounterVec means a set of aggregate counter metrics with the same metricKey but different labels.
type AggregateCounterVec interface {
Inc(labels map[string]string)
func NewAggregateCounterVec(metricRegistry MetricRegistry, metricKey *MetricKey) AggregateCounterVec {
return &DefaultAggregateCounterVec{
metricRegistry: metricRegistry,
metricKey: metricKey,
mux: sync.RWMutex{},
cache: make(map[string]*aggregate.TimeWindowCounter),
// DefaultAggregateCounterVec is a default AggregateCounterVec implementation.
// It is concurrent safe, and it uses the aggregate.TimeWindowCounter to store and calculate the aggregate counter metrics.
type DefaultAggregateCounterVec struct {
metricRegistry MetricRegistry
metricKey *MetricKey
mux sync.RWMutex
cache map[string]*aggregate.TimeWindowCounter // key: metrics labels, value: TimeWindowCounter
func (d *DefaultAggregateCounterVec) Inc(labels map[string]string) {
key := labelsToString(labels)
if key == "" {
twc, ok := d.cache[key]
if !ok {
twc, ok = d.cache[key]
if !ok {
twc = aggregate.NewTimeWindowCounter(DefaultBucketNum, DefaultTimeWindowSeconds)
d.cache[key] = twc
d.metricRegistry.Gauge(NewMetricIdByLabels(d.metricKey, labels)).Set(twc.Count())
// QuantileMetricVec means a set of quantile metrics with the same metricKey but different labels.
type QuantileMetricVec interface {
Record(labels map[string]string, v float64)
func NewQuantileMetricVec(metricRegistry MetricRegistry, metricKeys []*MetricKey, quantiles []float64) QuantileMetricVec {
return &DefaultQuantileMetricVec{
metricRegistry: metricRegistry,
metricKeys: metricKeys,
mux: sync.RWMutex{},
cache: make(map[string]*aggregate.TimeWindowQuantile),
quantiles: quantiles,
// DefaultQuantileMetricVec is a default QuantileMetricVec implementation.
// It is concurrent safe, and it uses the aggregate.TimeWindowQuantile to store and calculate the quantile metrics.
type DefaultQuantileMetricVec struct {
metricRegistry MetricRegistry
metricKeys []*MetricKey
mux sync.RWMutex
cache map[string]*aggregate.TimeWindowQuantile // key: metrics labels, value: TimeWindowQuantile
quantiles []float64
func (d *DefaultQuantileMetricVec) Record(labels map[string]string, v float64) {
key := labelsToString(labels)
if key == "" {
twq, ok := d.cache[key]
if !ok {
twq, ok = d.cache[key]
if !ok {
twq = aggregate.NewTimeWindowQuantile(DefaultCompression, DefaultBucketNum, DefaultTimeWindowSeconds)
d.cache[key] = twq
for i, q := range twq.Quantiles(d.quantiles) {
d.metricRegistry.Gauge(NewMetricIdByLabels(d.metricKeys[i], labels)).Set(q)