blob: 41017a88332297ff6f2932fd49b51847ed73e119 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021-2023 Buf Technologies, Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package triple_protocol
import (
// A ClientOption configures a [Client].
// In addition to any options grouped in the documentation below, remember that
// any [Option] is also a valid ClientOption.
type ClientOption interface {
// WithAcceptCompression makes a compression algorithm available to a client.
// Clients ask servers to compress responses using any of the registered
// algorithms. The first registered algorithm is treated as the least
// preferred, and the last registered algorithm is the most preferred.
// It's safe to use this option liberally: servers will ignore any
// compression algorithms they don't support. To compress requests, pair this
// option with [WithSendCompression]. To remove support for a
// previously-registered compression algorithm, use WithAcceptCompression with
// nil decompressor and compressor constructors.
// Clients accept gzipped responses by default, using a compressor backed by the
// standard library's [gzip] package with the default compression level. Use
// [WithSendGzip] to compress requests with gzip.
// Calling WithAcceptCompression with an empty name is a no-op.
func WithAcceptCompression(
name string,
newDecompressor func() Decompressor,
newCompressor func() Compressor,
) ClientOption {
return &compressionOption{
Name: name,
CompressionPool: newCompressionPool(newDecompressor, newCompressor),
// WithClientOptions composes multiple ClientOptions into one.
func WithClientOptions(options ...ClientOption) ClientOption {
return &clientOptionsOption{options}
// WithGRPC configures clients to use the HTTP/2 gRPC protocol.
func WithGRPC() ClientOption {
return &grpcOption{}
// WithProtoJSON configures a client to send JSON-encoded data instead of
// binary Protobuf. It uses the standard Protobuf JSON mapping as implemented
// by []: fields are named using
// lowerCamelCase, zero values are omitted, missing required fields are errors,
// enums are emitted as strings, etc.
func WithProtoJSON() ClientOption {
return WithCodec(&protoJSONCodec{codecNameJSON})
// WithSendCompression configures the client to use the specified algorithm to
// compress request messages. If the algorithm has not been registered using
// [WithAcceptCompression], the client will return errors at runtime.
// Because some servers don't support compression, clients default to sending
// uncompressed requests.
func WithSendCompression(name string) ClientOption {
return &sendCompressionOption{Name: name}
// WithSendGzip configures the client to gzip requests. Since clients have
// access to a gzip compressor by default, WithSendGzip doesn't require
// [WithSendCompression].
// Some servers don't support gzip, so clients default to sending uncompressed
// requests.
func WithSendGzip() ClientOption {
return WithSendCompression(compressionGzip)
// A HandlerOption configures a [Handler].
// In addition to any options grouped in the documentation below, remember that
// any [Option] is also a HandlerOption.
type HandlerOption interface {
// WithCompression configures handlers to support a compression algorithm.
// Clients may send messages compressed with that algorithm and/or request
// compressed responses. The [Compressor] and [Decompressor] produced by the
// supplied constructors must use the same algorithm. Internally, Connect pools
// compressors and decompressors.
// By default, handlers support gzip using the standard library's
// [compress/gzip] package at the default compression level. To remove support for
// a previously-registered compression algorithm, use WithCompression with nil
// decompressor and compressor constructors.
// Calling WithCompression with an empty name is a no-op.
func WithCompression(
name string,
newDecompressor func() Decompressor,
newCompressor func() Compressor,
) HandlerOption {
return &compressionOption{
Name: name,
CompressionPool: newCompressionPool(newDecompressor, newCompressor),
// WithHandlerOptions composes multiple HandlerOptions into one.
func WithHandlerOptions(options ...HandlerOption) HandlerOption {
return &handlerOptionsOption{options}
// WithRecover adds an interceptor that recovers from panics. The supplied
// function receives the context, [Spec], request headers, and the recovered
// value (which may be nil). It must return an error to send back to the
// client. It may also log the panic, emit metrics, or execute other
// error-handling logic. Handler functions must be safe to call concurrently.
// To preserve compatibility with [net/http]'s semantics, this interceptor
// doesn't handle panics with [http.ErrAbortHandler].
// By default, handlers don't recover from panics. Because the standard
// library's [http.Server] recovers from panics by default, this option isn't
// usually necessary to prevent crashes. Instead, it helps servers collect
// RPC-specific data during panics and send a more detailed error to
// clients.
func WithRecover(handle func(context.Context, Spec, http.Header, any) error) HandlerOption {
return WithInterceptors(&recoverHandlerInterceptor{handle: handle})
// WithRequireConnectProtocolHeader configures the Handler to require requests
// using the Connect RPC protocol to include the Connect-Protocol-Version
// header. This ensures that HTTP proxies and net/http middleware can easily
// identify valid Connect requests, even if they use a common Content-Type like
// application/json. However, it makes ad-hoc requests with tools like cURL
// more laborious.
// This option has no effect if the client uses the gRPC or gRPC-Web protocols.
func WithRequireConnectProtocolHeader() HandlerOption {
return &requireConnectProtocolHeaderOption{}
// Option implements both [ClientOption] and [HandlerOption], so it can be
// applied both client-side and server-side.
type Option interface {
// WithCodec registers a serialization method with a client or handler.
// Handlers may have multiple codecs registered, and use whichever the client
// chooses. Clients may only have a single codec.
// By default, handlers and clients support binary Protocol Buffer data using
// []. Handlers also support JSON by default,
// using the standard Protobuf JSON mapping. Users with more specialized needs
// may override the default codecs by registering a new codec under the "proto"
// or "json" names. When supplying a custom "proto" codec, keep in mind that
// some unexported, protocol-specific messages are serialized using Protobuf -
// take care to fall back to the standard Protobuf implementation if
// necessary.
// Registering a codec with an empty name is a no-op.
func WithCodec(codec Codec) Option {
return &codecOption{Codec: codec}
// WithCompressMinBytes sets a minimum size threshold for compression:
// regardless of compressor configuration, messages smaller than the configured
// minimum are sent uncompressed.
// The default minimum is zero. Setting a minimum compression threshold may
// improve overall performance, because the CPU cost of compressing very small
// messages usually isn't worth the small reduction in network I/O.
func WithCompressMinBytes(min int) Option {
return &compressMinBytesOption{Min: min}
// WithReadMaxBytes limits the performance impact of pathologically large
// messages sent by the other party. For handlers, WithReadMaxBytes limits the size
// of a message that the client can send. For clients, WithReadMaxBytes limits the
// size of a message that the server can respond with. Limits apply to each Protobuf
// message, not to the stream as a whole.
// Setting WithReadMaxBytes to zero allows any message size. Both clients and
// handlers default to allowing any request size.
// Handlers may also use [http.MaxBytesHandler] to limit the total size of the
// HTTP request stream (rather than the per-message size). Connect handles
// [http.MaxBytesError] specially, so clients still receive errors with the
// appropriate error code and informative messages.
func WithReadMaxBytes(max int) Option {
return &readMaxBytesOption{Max: max}
// WithSendMaxBytes prevents sending messages too large for the client/handler
// to handle without significant performance overhead. For handlers, WithSendMaxBytes
// limits the size of a message that the handler can respond with. For clients,
// WithSendMaxBytes limits the size of a message that the client can send. Limits
// apply to each message, not to the stream as a whole.
// Setting WithSendMaxBytes to zero allows any message size. Both clients and
// handlers default to allowing any message size.
func WithSendMaxBytes(max int) Option {
return &sendMaxBytesOption{Max: max}
// WithIdempotency declares the idempotency of the procedure. This can determine
// whether a procedure call can safely be retried, and may affect which request
// modalities are allowed for a given procedure call.
// In most cases, you should not need to manually set this. It is normally set
// by the code generator for your schema. For protobuf schemas, it can be set like this:
// rpc Ping(PingRequest) returns (PingResponse) {
// option idempotency_level = NO_SIDE_EFFECTS;
// }
func WithIdempotency(idempotencyLevel IdempotencyLevel) Option {
return &idempotencyOption{idempotencyLevel: idempotencyLevel}
// WithHTTPGet allows Connect-protocol clients to use HTTP GET requests for
// side-effect free unary RPC calls. Typically, the service schema indicates
// which procedures are idempotent (see [WithIdempotency] for an example
// protobuf schema). The gRPC and gRPC-Web protocols are POST-only, so this
// option has no effect when combined with [WithGRPC] or [WithGRPCWeb].
// Using HTTP GET requests makes it easier to take advantage of CDNs, caching
// reverse proxies, and browsers' built-in caching. Note, however, that servers
// don't automatically set any cache headers; you can set cache headers using
// interceptors or by adding headers in individual procedure implementations.
// By default, all requests are made as HTTP POSTs.
func WithHTTPGet() ClientOption {
return &enableGet{}
// WithInterceptors configures a client or handler's interceptor stack. Repeated
// WithInterceptors options are applied in order, so
// WithInterceptors(A) + WithInterceptors(B, C) == WithInterceptors(A, B, C)
// Unary interceptors compose like an onion. The first interceptor provided is
// the outermost layer of the onion: it acts first on the context and request,
// and last on the response and error.
// Stream interceptors also behave like an onion: the first interceptor
// provided is the outermost wrapper for the [StreamingClientConn] or
// [StreamingHandlerConn]. It's the first to see sent messages and the last to
// see received messages.
// Applied to client and handler, WithInterceptors(A, B, ..., Y, Z) produces:
// client.Send() client.Receive()
// | ^
// v |
// A --- --- A
// B --- --- B
// : ... ... :
// Y --- --- Y
// Z --- --- Z
// | ^
// v |
// = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
// network
// = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
// | ^
// v |
// A --- --- A
// B --- --- B
// : ... ... :
// Y --- --- Y
// Z --- --- Z
// | ^
// v |
// handler.Receive() handler.Send()
// | ^
// | |
// '-> handler logic >-'
// Note that in clients, Send handles the request message(s) and Receive
// handles the response message(s). For handlers, it's the reverse. Depending
// on your interceptor's logic, you may need to wrap one method in clients and
// the other in handlers.
func WithInterceptors(interceptors ...Interceptor) Option {
return &interceptorsOption{interceptors}
// WithOptions composes multiple Options into one.
func WithOptions(options ...Option) Option {
return &optionsOption{options}
type clientOptionsOption struct {
options []ClientOption
func (o *clientOptionsOption) applyToClient(config *clientConfig) {
for _, option := range o.options {
type codecOption struct {
Codec Codec
func (o *codecOption) applyToClient(config *clientConfig) {
if o.Codec == nil || o.Codec.Name() == "" {
config.Codec = o.Codec
func (o *codecOption) applyToHandler(config *handlerConfig) {
if o.Codec == nil || o.Codec.Name() == "" {
config.Codecs[o.Codec.Name()] = o.Codec
type compressionOption struct {
Name string
CompressionPool *compressionPool
func (o *compressionOption) applyToClient(config *clientConfig) {
o.apply(&config.CompressionNames, config.CompressionPools)
func (o *compressionOption) applyToHandler(config *handlerConfig) {
o.apply(&config.CompressionNames, config.CompressionPools)
func (o *compressionOption) apply(configuredNames *[]string, configuredPools map[string]*compressionPool) {
if o.Name == "" {
if o.CompressionPool == nil {
delete(configuredPools, o.Name)
var names []string
for _, name := range *configuredNames {
if name == o.Name {
names = append(names, name)
*configuredNames = names
configuredPools[o.Name] = o.CompressionPool
*configuredNames = append(*configuredNames, o.Name)
type compressMinBytesOption struct {
Min int
func (o *compressMinBytesOption) applyToClient(config *clientConfig) {
config.CompressMinBytes = o.Min
func (o *compressMinBytesOption) applyToHandler(config *handlerConfig) {
config.CompressMinBytes = o.Min
type readMaxBytesOption struct {
Max int
func (o *readMaxBytesOption) applyToClient(config *clientConfig) {
config.ReadMaxBytes = o.Max
func (o *readMaxBytesOption) applyToHandler(config *handlerConfig) {
config.ReadMaxBytes = o.Max
type sendMaxBytesOption struct {
Max int
func (o *sendMaxBytesOption) applyToClient(config *clientConfig) {
config.SendMaxBytes = o.Max
func (o *sendMaxBytesOption) applyToHandler(config *handlerConfig) {
config.SendMaxBytes = o.Max
type handlerOptionsOption struct {
options []HandlerOption
func (o *handlerOptionsOption) applyToHandler(config *handlerConfig) {
for _, option := range o.options {
type requireConnectProtocolHeaderOption struct{}
func (o *requireConnectProtocolHeaderOption) applyToHandler(config *handlerConfig) {
config.RequireConnectProtocolHeader = true
type idempotencyOption struct {
idempotencyLevel IdempotencyLevel
func (o *idempotencyOption) applyToClient(config *clientConfig) {
config.IdempotencyLevel = o.idempotencyLevel
func (o *idempotencyOption) applyToHandler(config *handlerConfig) {
config.IdempotencyLevel = o.idempotencyLevel
type grpcOption struct {
func (o *grpcOption) applyToClient(config *clientConfig) {
config.Protocol = &protocolGRPC{}
type enableGet struct{}
func (o *enableGet) applyToClient(config *clientConfig) {
config.EnableGet = true
// withHTTPGetMaxURLSize sets the maximum allowable URL length for GET requests
// made using the Connect protocol. It has no effect on gRPC or gRPC-Web
// clients, since those protocols are POST-only.
// Limiting the URL size is useful as most user agents, proxies, and servers
// have limits on the allowable length of a URL. For example, Apache and Nginx
// limit the size of a request line to around 8 KiB, meaning that maximum
// length of a URL is a bit smaller than this. If you run into URL size
// limitations imposed by your network infrastructure and don't know the
// maximum allowable size, or if you'd prefer to be cautious from the start, a
// 4096 byte (4 KiB) limit works with most common proxies and CDNs.
// If fallback is set to true and the URL would be longer than the configured
// maximum value, the request will be sent as an HTTP POST instead. If fallback
// is set to false, the request will fail with [CodeResourceExhausted].
// By default, Connect-protocol clients with GET requests enabled may send a
// URL of any size.
func withHTTPGetMaxURLSize(bytes int, fallback bool) ClientOption {
return &getURLMaxBytes{Max: bytes, Fallback: fallback}
type getURLMaxBytes struct {
Max int
Fallback bool
func (o *getURLMaxBytes) applyToClient(config *clientConfig) {
config.GetURLMaxBytes = o.Max
config.GetUseFallback = o.Fallback
type interceptorsOption struct {
Interceptors []Interceptor
func (o *interceptorsOption) applyToClient(config *clientConfig) {
config.Interceptor = o.chainWith(config.Interceptor)
func (o *interceptorsOption) applyToHandler(config *handlerConfig) {
config.Interceptor = o.chainWith(config.Interceptor)
func (o *interceptorsOption) chainWith(current Interceptor) Interceptor {
if len(o.Interceptors) == 0 {
return current
if current == nil && len(o.Interceptors) == 1 {
return o.Interceptors[0]
if current == nil && len(o.Interceptors) > 1 {
return newChain(o.Interceptors)
return newChain(append([]Interceptor{current}, o.Interceptors...))
type optionsOption struct {
options []Option
func (o *optionsOption) applyToClient(config *clientConfig) {
for _, option := range o.options {
func (o *optionsOption) applyToHandler(config *handlerConfig) {
for _, option := range o.options {
type sendCompressionOption struct {
Name string
func (o *sendCompressionOption) applyToClient(config *clientConfig) {
config.RequestCompressionName = o.Name
func withGzip() Option {
return &compressionOption{
Name: compressionGzip,
CompressionPool: newCompressionPool(
func() Decompressor { return &gzip.Reader{} },
func() Compressor { return gzip.NewWriter(io.Discard) },
func withProtoBinaryCodec() Option {
return WithCodec(&protoBinaryCodec{})
func withProtoJSONCodecs() HandlerOption {
return WithHandlerOptions(