blob: 461e0850c52c483b1309bd3d79c0935aa88bdd4c [file] [log] [blame]
// // Copyright 2021-2023 Buf Technologies, Inc.
// //
// // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// // You may obtain a copy of the License at
// //
// //
// //
// // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
// // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// // limitations under the License.
package triple_protocol_test
//import (
// "context"
// "net/http"
// pingv1 ""
// ""
//// ExamplePingServer implements some trivial business logic. The Protobuf
//// definition for this API is in proto/connect/ping/v1/ping.proto.
//type ExamplePingServer struct {
// pingv1connect.UnimplementedPingServiceHandler
//// Ping implements pingv1connect.PingServiceHandler.
//func (*ExamplePingServer) Ping(
// _ context.Context,
// request *pingv1.PingRequest,
//) (*pingv1.PingResponse, error) {
// return &pingv1.PingResponse{
// Number: request.Number,
// Text: request.Text,
// }, nil
//func Example_handler() {
// // protoc-gen-connect-go generates constructors that return plain net/http
// // Handlers, so they're compatible with most Go HTTP routers and middleware
// // (for example, net/http's StripPrefix). Each handler automatically supports
// // the Connect, gRPC, and gRPC-Web protocols.
// mux := http.NewServeMux()
// mux.Handle(
// pingv1connect.NewPingServiceHandler(
// &ExamplePingServer{}, // our business logic
// ),
// )
// // You can serve gRPC's health and server reflection APIs using
// // and
// //
// _ = http.ListenAndServeTLS(
// "localhost:8080",
// "internal/testdata/server.crt",
// "internal/testdata/server.key",
// mux,
// )
// // To serve HTTP/2 requests without TLS (as many gRPC clients expect), import
// // and and change to:
// // _ = http.ListenAndServe(
// // "localhost:8080",
// // h2c.NewHandler(mux, &http2.Server{}),
// // )