blob: 95d634549b91878c725e24bd8a6a20ca6c59fe8a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021-2023 Buf Technologies, Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package triple_protocol
import (
// A Code is one of the Connect protocol's error codes. There are no user-defined
// codes, so only the codes enumerated below are valid. In both name and
// semantics, these codes match the gRPC status codes.
// The descriptions below are optimized for brevity rather than completeness.
// See the [Connect protocol specification] for detailed descriptions of each
// code and example usage.
// [Connect protocol specification]:
type Code uint32
const (
// The zero code in gRPC is OK, which indicates that the operation was a
// success. We don't define a constant for it because it overlaps awkwardly
// with Go's error semantics: what does it mean to have a non-nil error with
// an OK status? (Also, the Connect protocol doesn't use a code for
// successes.)
// CodeCanceled indicates that the operation was canceled, typically by the
// caller.
CodeCanceled Code = 1
// CodeUnknown indicates that the operation failed for an unknown reason.
CodeUnknown Code = 2
// CodeInvalidArgument indicates that client supplied an invalid argument.
CodeInvalidArgument Code = 3
// CodeDeadlineExceeded indicates that deadline expired before the operation
// could complete.
CodeDeadlineExceeded Code = 4
// CodeNotFound indicates that some requested entity (for example, a file or
// directory) was not found.
CodeNotFound Code = 5
// CodeAlreadyExists indicates that client attempted to create an entity (for
// example, a file or directory) that already exists.
CodeAlreadyExists Code = 6
// CodePermissionDenied indicates that the caller doesn't have permission to
// execute the specified operation.
CodePermissionDenied Code = 7
// CodeResourceExhausted indicates that some resource has been exhausted. For
// example, a per-user quota may be exhausted or the entire file system may
// be full.
CodeResourceExhausted Code = 8
// CodeFailedPrecondition indicates that the system is not in a state
// required for the operation's execution.
CodeFailedPrecondition Code = 9
// CodeAborted indicates that operation was aborted by the system, usually
// because of a concurrency issue such as a sequencer check failure or
// transaction abort.
CodeAborted Code = 10
// CodeOutOfRange indicates that the operation was attempted past the valid
// range (for example, seeking past end-of-file).
CodeOutOfRange Code = 11
// CodeUnimplemented indicates that the operation isn't implemented,
// supported, or enabled in this service.
CodeUnimplemented Code = 12
// CodeInternal indicates that some invariants expected by the underlying
// system have been broken. This code is reserved for serious errors.
CodeInternal Code = 13
// CodeUnavailable indicates that the service is currently unavailable. This
// is usually temporary, so clients can back off and retry idempotent
// operations.
CodeUnavailable Code = 14
// CodeDataLoss indicates that the operation has resulted in unrecoverable
// data loss or corruption.
CodeDataLoss Code = 15
// CodeUnauthenticated indicates that the request does not have valid
// authentication credentials for the operation.
CodeUnauthenticated Code = 16
minCode = CodeCanceled
maxCode = CodeUnauthenticated
func (c Code) String() string {
switch c {
case CodeCanceled:
return "canceled"
case CodeUnknown:
return "unknown"
case CodeInvalidArgument:
return "invalid_argument"
case CodeDeadlineExceeded:
return "deadline_exceeded"
case CodeNotFound:
return "not_found"
case CodeAlreadyExists:
return "already_exists"
case CodePermissionDenied:
return "permission_denied"
case CodeResourceExhausted:
return "resource_exhausted"
case CodeFailedPrecondition:
return "failed_precondition"
case CodeAborted:
return "aborted"
case CodeOutOfRange:
return "out_of_range"
case CodeUnimplemented:
return "unimplemented"
case CodeInternal:
return "internal"
case CodeUnavailable:
return "unavailable"
case CodeDataLoss:
return "data_loss"
case CodeUnauthenticated:
return "unauthenticated"
return fmt.Sprintf("code_%d", c)
// MarshalText implements [encoding.TextMarshaler].
func (c Code) MarshalText() ([]byte, error) {
return []byte(c.String()), nil
// UnmarshalText implements [encoding.TextUnmarshaler].
func (c *Code) UnmarshalText(data []byte) error {
dataStr := string(data)
switch dataStr {
case "canceled":
*c = CodeCanceled
return nil
case "unknown":
*c = CodeUnknown
return nil
case "invalid_argument":
*c = CodeInvalidArgument
return nil
case "deadline_exceeded":
*c = CodeDeadlineExceeded
return nil
case "not_found":
*c = CodeNotFound
return nil
case "already_exists":
*c = CodeAlreadyExists
return nil
case "permission_denied":
*c = CodePermissionDenied
return nil
case "resource_exhausted":
*c = CodeResourceExhausted
return nil
case "failed_precondition":
*c = CodeFailedPrecondition
return nil
case "aborted":
*c = CodeAborted
return nil
case "out_of_range":
*c = CodeOutOfRange
return nil
case "unimplemented":
*c = CodeUnimplemented
return nil
case "internal":
*c = CodeInternal
return nil
case "unavailable":
*c = CodeUnavailable
return nil
case "data_loss":
*c = CodeDataLoss
return nil
case "unauthenticated":
*c = CodeUnauthenticated
return nil
// Ensure that non-canonical codes round-trip through MarshalText and
// UnmarshalText.
if strings.HasPrefix(dataStr, "code_") {
dataStr = strings.TrimPrefix(dataStr, "code_")
code, err := strconv.ParseUint(dataStr, 10 /* base */, 64 /* bitsize */)
if err == nil && (code < uint64(minCode) || code > uint64(maxCode)) {
*c = Code(code)
return nil
return fmt.Errorf("invalid code %q", dataStr)
// CodeOf returns the error's status code if it is or wraps an [*Error] and
// [CodeUnknown] otherwise.
func CodeOf(err error) Code {
if connectErr, ok := asError(err); ok {
return connectErr.Code()
return CodeUnknown