blob: 4861818bbb3db482487ed55e3f3048c42724df04 [file] [log] [blame]
package triple
import (
import (
import (
type TripleInvoker struct {
quitOnce sync.Once
clientGuard *sync.RWMutex
clientManager *clientManager
func (gni *TripleInvoker) setClientManager(cm *clientManager) {
defer gni.clientGuard.Unlock()
gni.clientManager = cm
func (gni *TripleInvoker) getClientManager() *clientManager {
defer gni.clientGuard.RUnlock()
return gni.clientManager
// Invoke is used to call client-side method.
func (ti *TripleInvoker) Invoke(ctx context.Context, invocation protocol.Invocation) protocol.Result {
var result protocol.RPCResult
if !ti.BaseInvoker.IsAvailable() {
// Generally, the case will not happen, because the invoker has been removed
// from the invoker list before destroy,so no new request will enter the destroyed invoker
logger.Warnf("TripleInvoker is destroyed")
result.Err = protocol.ErrDestroyedInvoker
return &result
defer ti.clientGuard.RUnlock()
if ti.clientManager == nil {
result.Err = protocol.ErrClientClosed
return &result
callTypeRaw, ok := invocation.GetAttribute(constant.CallTypeKey)
if !ok {
panic("Miss CallType to invoke TripleInvoker")
callType, ok := callTypeRaw.(string)
if !ok {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("CallType should be string, but got %v", callTypeRaw))
inRaw := invocation.ParameterRawValues()
inRawLen := len(inRaw)
method := invocation.MethodName()
switch callType {
case constant.CallUnary:
if len(inRaw) != 2 {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("Wrong parameter Values number for CallUnary, want 2, but got %d", inRawLen))
if err := ti.clientManager.callUnary(ctx, method, inRaw[0], inRaw[1]); err != nil {
return &result
case constant.CallClientStream:
stream, err := ti.clientManager.callClientStream(ctx, method)
if err != nil {
return &result
case constant.CallServerStream:
if inRawLen != 1 {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("Wrong parameter Values number for CallServerStream, want 1, but got %d", inRawLen))
stream, err := ti.clientManager.callServerStream(ctx, method, inRaw[0])
if err != nil {
result.Err = err
return &result
case constant.CallBidiStream:
stream, err := ti.clientManager.callBidiStream(ctx, method)
if err != nil {
result.Err = err
return &result
panic(fmt.Sprintf("Unsupported CallType: %s", callType))
return &result
// IsAvailable get available status
func (gni *TripleInvoker) IsAvailable() bool {
if gni.getClientManager() != nil {
return gni.BaseInvoker.IsAvailable()
return false
// IsDestroyed get destroyed status
func (gni *TripleInvoker) IsDestroyed() bool {
if gni.getClientManager() != nil {
return gni.BaseInvoker.IsDestroyed()
return false
// Destroy will destroy Triple's invoker and client, so it is only called once
func (ti *TripleInvoker) Destroy() {
ti.quitOnce.Do(func() {
if cm := ti.getClientManager(); cm != nil {
// todo:// find a better way to destroy these resources
func NewTripleInvoker(url *common.URL) (*TripleInvoker, error) {
cm, err := newClientManager(url)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &TripleInvoker{
BaseInvoker: *protocol.NewBaseInvoker(url),
quitOnce: sync.Once{},
clientGuard: &sync.RWMutex{},
clientManager: cm,
}, nil