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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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* Copyright 2021 gRPC authors.
package clusterresolver
import (
import (
dubbogoLogger ""
import (
internalserviceconfig ""
const million = 1000000
// priorityConfig is config for one priority. For example, if there an EDS and a
// DNS, the priority list will be [priorityConfig{EDS}, priorityConfig{DNS}].
// Each priorityConfig corresponds to one discovery mechanism from the LBConfig
// generated by the CDS balancer. The CDS balancer resolves the cluster name to
// an ordered list of discovery mechanisms (if the top cluster is an aggregated
// cluster), one for each underlying cluster.
type priorityConfig struct {
mechanism DiscoveryMechanism
// edsResp is set only if type is EDS.
edsResp resource.EndpointsUpdate
// addresses is set only if type is DNS.
addresses []string
// buildPriorityConfigJSON builds balancer config for the passed in
// priorities.
// The built tree of balancers (see test for the output struct).
// If xds lb policy is ROUND_ROBIN, the children will be weighted_target for
// locality picking, and round_robin for endpoint picking.
// ┌────────┐
// │priority│
// └┬──────┬┘
// │ │
// ┌───────────▼┐ ┌▼───────────┐
// │cluster_impl│ │cluster_impl│
// └─┬──────────┘ └──────────┬─┘
// │ │
// ┌──────────────▼─┐ ┌─▼──────────────┐
// │locality_picking│ │locality_picking│
// └┬──────────────┬┘ └┬──────────────┬┘
// │ │ │ │
// ┌─▼─┐ ┌─▼─┐ ┌─▼─┐ ┌─▼─┐
// │LRS│ │LRS│ │LRS│ │LRS│
// └─┬─┘ └─┬─┘ └─┬─┘ └─┬─┘
// │ │ │ │
// ┌──────────▼─────┐ ┌─────▼──────────┐ ┌──────────▼─────┐ ┌─────▼──────────┐
// │endpoint_picking│ │endpoint_picking│ │endpoint_picking│ │endpoint_picking│
// └────────────────┘ └────────────────┘ └────────────────┘ └────────────────┘
// If xds lb policy is RING_HASH, the children will be just a ring_hash policy.
// The endpoints from all localities will be flattened to one addresses list,
// and the ring_hash policy will pick endpoints from it.
// ┌────────┐
// │priority│
// └┬──────┬┘
// │ │
// ┌──────────▼─┐ ┌─▼──────────┐
// │cluster_impl│ │cluster_impl│
// └──────┬─────┘ └─────┬──────┘
// │ │
// ┌──────▼─────┐ ┌─────▼──────┐
// │ ring_hash │ │ ring_hash │
// └────────────┘ └────────────┘
// If endpointPickingPolicy is nil, roundrobin will be used.
// Custom locality picking policy isn't support, and weighted_target is always
// used.
func buildPriorityConfigJSON(priorities []priorityConfig, xdsLBPolicy *internalserviceconfig.BalancerConfig) ([]byte, []resolver.Address, error) {
pc, addrs, err := buildPriorityConfig(priorities, xdsLBPolicy)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to build priority config: %v", err)
ret, err := json.Marshal(pc)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to marshal built priority config struct into json: %v", err)
return ret, addrs, nil
func buildPriorityConfig(priorities []priorityConfig, xdsLBPolicy *internalserviceconfig.BalancerConfig) (*priority.LBConfig, []resolver.Address, error) {
var (
retConfig = &priority.LBConfig{Children: make(map[string]*priority.Child)}
retAddrs []resolver.Address
for i, p := range priorities {
switch p.mechanism.Type {
case DiscoveryMechanismTypeEDS:
names, configs, addrs, err := buildClusterImplConfigForEDS(i, p.edsResp, p.mechanism, xdsLBPolicy)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
retConfig.Priorities = append(retConfig.Priorities, names...)
for n, c := range configs {
retConfig.Children[n] = &priority.Child{
Config: &internalserviceconfig.BalancerConfig{Name: clusterimpl.Name, Config: c},
// Ignore all re-resolution from EDS children.
IgnoreReresolutionRequests: true,
retAddrs = append(retAddrs, addrs...)
case DiscoveryMechanismTypeLogicalDNS:
name, config, addrs := buildClusterImplConfigForDNS(i, p.addresses)
retConfig.Priorities = append(retConfig.Priorities, name)
retConfig.Children[name] = &priority.Child{
Config: &internalserviceconfig.BalancerConfig{Name: clusterimpl.Name, Config: config},
// Not ignore re-resolution from DNS children, they will trigger
// DNS to re-resolve.
IgnoreReresolutionRequests: false,
retAddrs = append(retAddrs, addrs...)
return retConfig, retAddrs, nil
func buildClusterImplConfigForDNS(parentPriority int, addrStrs []string) (string, *clusterimpl.LBConfig, []resolver.Address) {
// Endpoint picking policy for DNS is hardcoded to pick_first.
const childPolicy = "pick_first"
retAddrs := make([]resolver.Address, 0, len(addrStrs))
pName := fmt.Sprintf("priority-%v", parentPriority)
for _, addrStr := range addrStrs {
retAddrs = append(retAddrs, hierarchy.Set(resolver.Address{Addr: addrStr}, []string{pName}))
return pName, &clusterimpl.LBConfig{ChildPolicy: &internalserviceconfig.BalancerConfig{Name: childPolicy}}, retAddrs
// buildClusterImplConfigForEDS returns a list of cluster_impl configs, one for
// each priority, sorted by priority, and the addresses for each priority (with
// hierarchy attributes set).
// For example, if there are two priorities, the returned values will be
// - ["p0", "p1"]
// - map{"p0":p0_config, "p1":p1_config}
// - [p0_address_0, p0_address_1, p1_address_0, p1_address_1]
// - p0 addresses' hierarchy attributes are set to p0
func buildClusterImplConfigForEDS(parentPriority int, edsResp resource.EndpointsUpdate, mechanism DiscoveryMechanism, xdsLBPolicy *internalserviceconfig.BalancerConfig) ([]string, map[string]*clusterimpl.LBConfig, []resolver.Address, error) {
drops := make([]clusterimpl.DropConfig, 0, len(edsResp.Drops))
for _, d := range edsResp.Drops {
drops = append(drops, clusterimpl.DropConfig{
Category: d.Category,
RequestsPerMillion: d.Numerator * million / d.Denominator,
priorityChildNames, priorities := groupLocalitiesByPriority(edsResp.Localities)
retNames := make([]string, 0, len(priorityChildNames))
retAddrs := make([]resolver.Address, 0, len(priorityChildNames))
retConfigs := make(map[string]*clusterimpl.LBConfig, len(priorityChildNames))
for _, priorityName := range priorityChildNames {
priorityLocalities := priorities[priorityName]
// Prepend parent priority to the priority names, to avoid duplicates.
pName := fmt.Sprintf("priority-%v-%v", parentPriority, priorityName)
retNames = append(retNames, pName)
cfg, addrs, err := priorityLocalitiesToClusterImpl(priorityLocalities, pName, mechanism, drops, xdsLBPolicy)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, nil, err
retConfigs[pName] = cfg
retAddrs = append(retAddrs, addrs...)
return retNames, retConfigs, retAddrs, nil
// groupLocalitiesByPriority returns the localities grouped by priority.
// It also returns a list of strings where each string represents a priority,
// and the list is sorted from higher priority to lower priority.
// For example, for L0-p0, L1-p0, L2-p1, results will be
// - ["p0", "p1"]
// - map{"p0":[L0, L1], "p1":[L2]}
func groupLocalitiesByPriority(localities []resource.Locality) ([]string, map[string][]resource.Locality) {
var priorityIntSlice []int
priorities := make(map[string][]resource.Locality)
for _, locality := range localities {
if locality.Weight == 0 {
priorityName := fmt.Sprintf("%v", locality.Priority)
priorities[priorityName] = append(priorities[priorityName], locality)
priorityIntSlice = append(priorityIntSlice, int(locality.Priority))
// Sort the priorities based on the int value, deduplicate, and then turn
// the sorted list into a string list. This will be child names, in priority
// order.
priorityIntSliceDeduped := dedupSortedIntSlice(priorityIntSlice)
priorityNameSlice := make([]string, 0, len(priorityIntSliceDeduped))
for _, p := range priorityIntSliceDeduped {
priorityNameSlice = append(priorityNameSlice, fmt.Sprintf("%v", p))
return priorityNameSlice, priorities
func dedupSortedIntSlice(a []int) []int {
if len(a) == 0 {
return a
i, j := 0, 1
for ; j < len(a); j++ {
if a[i] == a[j] {
if i != j {
a[i] = a[j]
return a[:i+1]
// rrBalancerConfig is a const roundrobin config, used as child of
// weighted-roundrobin. To avoid allocating memory everytime.
var rrBalancerConfig = &internalserviceconfig.BalancerConfig{Name: roundrobin.Name}
// priorityLocalitiesToClusterImpl takes a list of localities (with the same
// priority), and generates a cluster impl policy config, and a list of
// addresses.
func priorityLocalitiesToClusterImpl(localities []resource.Locality, priorityName string, mechanism DiscoveryMechanism, drops []clusterimpl.DropConfig, xdsLBPolicy *internalserviceconfig.BalancerConfig) (*clusterimpl.LBConfig, []resolver.Address, error) {
clusterImplCfg := &clusterimpl.LBConfig{
Cluster: mechanism.Cluster,
EDSServiceName: mechanism.EDSServiceName,
LoadReportingServerName: mechanism.LoadReportingServerName,
MaxConcurrentRequests: mechanism.MaxConcurrentRequests,
DropCategories: drops,
// ChildPolicy is not set. Will be set based on xdsLBPolicy
if xdsLBPolicy == nil || xdsLBPolicy.Name == rrName {
// If lb policy is ROUND_ROBIN:
// - locality-picking policy is weighted_target
// - endpoint-picking policy is round_robin
dubbogoLogger.Infof("xds lb policy is %q, building config with weighted_target + round_robin", rrName)
// Child of weighted_target is hardcoded to round_robin.
wtConfig, addrs := localitiesToWeightedTarget(localities, priorityName, rrBalancerConfig)
clusterImplCfg.ChildPolicy = &internalserviceconfig.BalancerConfig{Name: weightedtarget.Name, Config: wtConfig}
return clusterImplCfg, addrs, nil
if xdsLBPolicy.Name == rhName {
// If lb policy is RIHG_HASH, will build one ring_hash policy as child.
// The endpoints from all localities will be flattened to one addresses
// list, and the ring_hash policy will pick endpoints from it.
dubbogoLogger.Infof("xds lb policy is %q, building config with ring_hash", rhName)
addrs := localitiesToRingHash(localities, priorityName)
// Set child to ring_hash, note that the ring_hash config is from
// xdsLBPolicy.
clusterImplCfg.ChildPolicy = &internalserviceconfig.BalancerConfig{Name: ringhash.Name, Config: xdsLBPolicy.Config}
return clusterImplCfg, addrs, nil
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("unsupported xds LB policy %q, not one of {%q,%q}", xdsLBPolicy.Name, rrName, rhName)
// localitiesToRingHash takes a list of localities (with the same priority), and
// generates a list of addresses.
// The addresses have path hierarchy set to [priority-name], so priority knows
// which child policy they are for.
func localitiesToRingHash(localities []resource.Locality, priorityName string) []resolver.Address {
var addrs []resolver.Address
for _, locality := range localities {
var lw uint32 = 1
if locality.Weight != 0 {
lw = locality.Weight
localityStr, err := locality.ID.ToString()
if err != nil {
localityStr = fmt.Sprintf("%+v", locality.ID)
for _, endpoint := range locality.Endpoints {
// Filter out all "unhealthy" endpoints (unknown and healthy are
// both considered to be healthy:
if endpoint.HealthStatus != resource.EndpointHealthStatusHealthy && endpoint.HealthStatus != resource.EndpointHealthStatusUnknown {
var ew uint32 = 1
if endpoint.Weight != 0 {
ew = endpoint.Weight
// The weight of each endpoint is locality_weight * endpoint_weight.
ai := weightedroundrobin.AddrInfo{Weight: lw * ew}
addr := weightedroundrobin.SetAddrInfo(resolver.Address{Addr: endpoint.Address}, ai)
addr = hierarchy.Set(addr, []string{priorityName, localityStr})
addr = resource.SetLocalityID(addr, locality.ID)
addrs = append(addrs, addr)
return addrs
// localitiesToWeightedTarget takes a list of localities (with the same
// priority), and generates a weighted target config, and list of addresses.
// The addresses have path hierarchy set to [priority-name, locality-name], so
// priority and weighted target know which child policy they are for.
func localitiesToWeightedTarget(localities []resource.Locality, priorityName string, childPolicy *internalserviceconfig.BalancerConfig) (*TargetLBConfig, []resolver.Address) {
weightedTargets := make(map[string]Target)
var addrs []resolver.Address
for _, locality := range localities {
localityStr, err := locality.ID.ToString()
if err != nil {
localityStr = fmt.Sprintf("%+v", locality.ID)
weightedTargets[localityStr] = Target{Weight: locality.Weight, ChildPolicy: childPolicy}
for _, endpoint := range locality.Endpoints {
// Filter out all "unhealthy" endpoints (unknown and healthy are
// both considered to be healthy:
if endpoint.HealthStatus != resource.EndpointHealthStatusHealthy && endpoint.HealthStatus != resource.EndpointHealthStatusUnknown {
addr := resolver.Address{Addr: endpoint.Address}
if childPolicy.Name == weightedroundrobin.Name && endpoint.Weight != 0 {
ai := weightedroundrobin.AddrInfo{Weight: endpoint.Weight}
addr = weightedroundrobin.SetAddrInfo(addr, ai)
addr = hierarchy.Set(addr, []string{priorityName, localityStr})
addr = resource.SetLocalityID(addr, locality.ID)
addrs = append(addrs, addr)
return &TargetLBConfig{Targets: weightedTargets}, addrs