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// Package adaptivesvc providers AdaptiveService filter.
package adaptivesvc
import (
import (
import (
var (
adaptiveServiceProviderFilterOnce sync.Once
instance filter.Filter
ErrAdaptiveSvcInterrupted = fmt.Errorf("adaptive service interrupted")
ErrUpdaterNotFound = fmt.Errorf("updater not found")
ErrUnexpectedUpdaterType = fmt.Errorf("unexpected updater type")
func init() {
extension.SetFilter(constant.AdaptiveServiceProviderFilterKey, newAdaptiveServiceProviderFilter)
// adaptiveServiceProviderFilter is for adaptive service on the provider side.
type adaptiveServiceProviderFilter struct{}
func newAdaptiveServiceProviderFilter() filter.Filter {
if instance == nil {
adaptiveServiceProviderFilterOnce.Do(func() {
instance = &adaptiveServiceProviderFilter{}
return instance
func (f *adaptiveServiceProviderFilter) Invoke(ctx context.Context, invoker protocol.Invoker,
invocation protocol.Invocation) protocol.Result {
if invocation.GetAttachmentWithDefaultValue(constant.AdaptiveServiceEnabledKey, "") !=
constant.AdaptiveServiceIsEnabled {
// the adaptive service is enabled on the invocation
return invoker.Invoke(ctx, invocation)
l, err := limiterMapperSingleton.getMethodLimiter(invoker.GetURL(), invocation.MethodName())
if err != nil {
if errors.Is(err, ErrLimiterNotFoundOnMapper) {
// limiter is not found on the mapper, just create
// a new limiter
if l, err = limiterMapperSingleton.newAndSetMethodLimiter(invoker.GetURL(),
invocation.MethodName(), limiter.HillClimbingLimiter); err != nil {
return &protocol.RPCResult{Err: wrapErrAdaptiveSvcInterrupted(err)}
} else {
// unexpected errors
return &protocol.RPCResult{Err: wrapErrAdaptiveSvcInterrupted(err)}
updater, err := l.Acquire()
if err != nil {
return &protocol.RPCResult{Err: wrapErrAdaptiveSvcInterrupted(err)}
invocation.SetAttribute(constant.AdaptiveServiceUpdaterKey, updater)
return invoker.Invoke(ctx, invocation)
func (f *adaptiveServiceProviderFilter) OnResponse(_ context.Context, result protocol.Result, invoker protocol.Invoker,
invocation protocol.Invocation) protocol.Result {
var asEnabled string
asEnabledIface := result.Attachment(constant.AdaptiveServiceEnabledKey, nil)
if asEnabledIface != nil {
if str, strOK := asEnabledIface.(string); strOK {
asEnabled = str
} else if strArr, strArrOK := asEnabledIface.([]string); strArrOK && len(strArr) > 0 {
asEnabled = strArr[0]
if asEnabled != constant.AdaptiveServiceIsEnabled {
// the adaptive service is enabled on the invocation
return result
if isErrAdaptiveSvcInterrupted(result.Error()) {
// If the Invoke method of the adaptiveServiceProviderFilter returns an error,
// the OnResponse of the adaptiveServiceProviderFilter should not be performed.
return result
// get updater from the attributes
updaterIface, _ := invocation.GetAttribute(constant.AdaptiveServiceUpdaterKey)
if updaterIface == nil {
logger.Errorf("[adasvc filter] The updater is not found on the attributes: %#v",
return &protocol.RPCResult{Err: ErrUpdaterNotFound}
updater, ok := updaterIface.(limiter.Updater)
if !ok {
logger.Errorf("[adasvc filter] The type of the updater is not unexpected, we got %#v", updaterIface)
return &protocol.RPCResult{Err: ErrUnexpectedUpdaterType}
err := updater.DoUpdate()
if err != nil {
logger.Errorf("[adasvc filter] The DoUpdate method was failed, err: %s.", err)
return &protocol.RPCResult{Err: err}
// get limiter for the mapper
l, err := limiterMapperSingleton.getMethodLimiter(invoker.GetURL(), invocation.MethodName())
if err != nil {
logger.Errorf("[adasvc filter] The method limiter for \"%s\" is not found.", invocation.MethodName())
return &protocol.RPCResult{Err: err}
// set attachments to inform consumer of provider status
result.AddAttachment(constant.AdaptiveServiceRemainingKey, fmt.Sprintf("%d", l.Remaining()))
result.AddAttachment(constant.AdaptiveServiceInflightKey, fmt.Sprintf("%d", l.Inflight()))
logger.Debugf("[adasvc filter] The attachments are set, %s: %d, %s: %d.",
constant.AdaptiveServiceRemainingKey, l.Remaining(),
constant.AdaptiveServiceInflightKey, l.Inflight())
return result
func wrapErrAdaptiveSvcInterrupted(customizedErr interface{}) error {
return fmt.Errorf("%w: %v", ErrAdaptiveSvcInterrupted, customizedErr)
func isErrAdaptiveSvcInterrupted(err error) bool {
if err == nil {
return false
return strings.HasPrefix(err.Error(), ErrAdaptiveSvcInterrupted.Error())