blob: 79c0203690e8ad110bc00f8d74cd1f550995c6f5 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
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package prometheus
import (
import (
import (
// metricSet is a set of metrics that are reported to prometheus in dubbo go
type metricSet struct {
// report the consumer-side's rt gauge data
consumerRTSummaryVec *prometheus.SummaryVec
// report the provider-side's rt gauge data
providerRTSummaryVec *prometheus.SummaryVec
// report the provider-side's request total counter data
providerRequestsTotalCounterVec *prometheus.CounterVec
// report the provider-side's processing request counter data
providerRequestsProcessingTotalGaugeVec *prometheus.GaugeVec
// The number of requests successfully received by the provider
providerRequestsSucceedTotalCounterVec *prometheus.CounterVec
// report the consumer-side's request total counter data
consumerRequestsTotalCounterVec *prometheus.CounterVec
// report the consumer-side's processing request counter data
consumerRequestsProcessingTotalGaugeVec *prometheus.GaugeVec
// The number of successful requests sent by consumers
consumerRequestsSucceedTotalCounterVec *prometheus.CounterVec
var labelNames = []string{applicationNameKey, groupKey, hostnameKey, interfaceKey, ipKey, methodKey, versionKey}
// init metric set and register to prometheus
func (ms *metricSet) initAndRegister(reporterConfig *metrics.ReporterConfig) {
ms.consumerRTSummaryVec = newAutoSummaryVec(buildMetricsName(consumerField, rtField, milliSecondsField, summaryField), reporterConfig.Namespace, labelNames, reporterConfig.SummaryMaxAge)
ms.providerRTSummaryVec = newAutoSummaryVec(buildMetricsName(providerField, rtField, milliSecondsField, summaryField), reporterConfig.Namespace, labelNames, reporterConfig.SummaryMaxAge)
ms.consumerRequestsTotalCounterVec = newAutoCounterVec(buildMetricsName(consumerField, requestsField, totalField), reporterConfig.Namespace, labelNames)
ms.providerRequestsTotalCounterVec = newAutoCounterVec(buildMetricsName(providerField, requestsField, totalField), reporterConfig.Namespace, labelNames)
ms.consumerRequestsProcessingTotalGaugeVec = newAutoGaugeVec(buildMetricsName(consumerField, requestsField, processingField, totalField), reporterConfig.Namespace, labelNames)
ms.providerRequestsProcessingTotalGaugeVec = newAutoGaugeVec(buildMetricsName(providerField, requestsField, processingField, totalField), reporterConfig.Namespace, labelNames)
ms.consumerRequestsSucceedTotalCounterVec = newAutoCounterVec(buildMetricsName(consumerField, requestsField, succeedField, totalField), reporterConfig.Namespace, labelNames)
ms.providerRequestsSucceedTotalCounterVec = newAutoCounterVec(buildMetricsName(providerField, requestsField, succeedField, totalField), reporterConfig.Namespace, labelNames)
func buildMetricsName(args ...string) string {
sb := strings.Builder{}
for _, arg := range args {
res := strings.TrimPrefix(sb.String(), "_")
return res