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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
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* Copyright 2020 gRPC authors.
// Package xds contains non-user facing functionality of the xds credentials.
package xds
import (
import (
import (
func init() {
//internal.GetXDSHandshakeInfoForTesting = GetHandshakeInfo
// handshakeAttrKey is the type used as the key to store HandshakeInfo in
// the Attributes field of resolver.Address.
type handshakeAttrKey struct{}
// Equal reports whether the handshake info structs are identical (have the
// same pointer). This is sufficient as all subconns from one CDS balancer use
// the same one.
func (hi *HandshakeInfo) Equal(o interface{}) bool {
oh, ok := o.(*HandshakeInfo)
return ok && oh == hi
// SetHandshakeInfo returns a copy of addr in which the Attributes field is
// updated with hInfo.
func SetHandshakeInfo(addr resolver.Address, hInfo *HandshakeInfo) resolver.Address {
addr.Attributes = addr.Attributes.WithValue(handshakeAttrKey{}, hInfo)
return addr
// GetHandshakeInfo returns a pointer to the HandshakeInfo stored in attr.
func GetHandshakeInfo(attr *attributes.Attributes) *HandshakeInfo {
v := attr.Value(handshakeAttrKey{})
hi, _ := v.(*HandshakeInfo)
return hi
// HandshakeInfo wraps all the security configuration required by client and
// server handshake methods in xds credentials. The xDS implementation will be
// responsible for populating these fields.
// Safe for concurrent access.
type HandshakeInfo struct {
mu sync.Mutex
rootProvider certprovider.Provider
identityProvider certprovider.Provider
sanMatchers []matcher.StringMatcher // Only on the client side.
requireClientCert bool // Only on server side.
// SetRootCertProvider updates the root certificate provider.
func (hi *HandshakeInfo) SetRootCertProvider(root certprovider.Provider) {
hi.rootProvider = root
// SetIdentityCertProvider updates the identity certificate provider.
func (hi *HandshakeInfo) SetIdentityCertProvider(identity certprovider.Provider) {
hi.identityProvider = identity
// SetSANMatchers updates the list of SAN matchers.
func (hi *HandshakeInfo) SetSANMatchers(sanMatchers []matcher.StringMatcher) {
hi.sanMatchers = sanMatchers
// SetRequireClientCert updates whether a client cert is required during the
// ServerHandshake(). A value of true indicates that we are performing mTLS.
func (hi *HandshakeInfo) SetRequireClientCert(require bool) {
hi.requireClientCert = require
// UseFallbackCreds returns true when fallback credentials are to be used based
// on the contents of the HandshakeInfo.
func (hi *HandshakeInfo) UseFallbackCreds() bool {
if hi == nil {
return true
return hi.identityProvider == nil && hi.rootProvider == nil
// GetSANMatchersForTesting returns the SAN matchers stored in HandshakeInfo.
// To be used only for testing purposes.
func (hi *HandshakeInfo) GetSANMatchersForTesting() []matcher.StringMatcher {
return append([]matcher.StringMatcher{}, hi.sanMatchers...)
// ClientSideTLSConfig constructs a tls.Config to be used in a client-side
// handshake based on the contents of the HandshakeInfo.
func (hi *HandshakeInfo) ClientSideTLSConfig(ctx context.Context) (*tls.Config, error) {
// On the client side, rootProvider is mandatory. IdentityProvider is
// optional based on whether the client is doing TLS or mTLS.
if hi.rootProvider == nil {
return nil, errors.New("xds: CertificateProvider to fetch trusted roots is missing, cannot perform TLS handshake. Please check configuration on the management server")
// Since the call to KeyMaterial() can block, we read the providers under
// the lock but call the actual function after releasing the lock.
rootProv, idProv := hi.rootProvider, hi.identityProvider
// InsecureSkipVerify needs to be set to true because we need to perform
// custom verification to check the SAN on the received certificate.
// Currently the Go stdlib does complete verification of the cert (which
// includes hostname verification) or none. We are forced to go with the
// latter and perform the normal cert validation ourselves.
cfg := &tls.Config{
InsecureSkipVerify: true,
NextProtos: []string{"h2"},
km, err := rootProv.KeyMaterial(ctx)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("xds: fetching trusted roots from CertificateProvider failed: %v", err)
cfg.RootCAs = km.Roots
if idProv != nil {
km, err := idProv.KeyMaterial(ctx)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("xds: fetching identity certificates from CertificateProvider failed: %v", err)
cfg.Certificates = km.Certs
return cfg, nil
// ServerSideTLSConfig constructs a tls.Config to be used in a server-side
// handshake based on the contents of the HandshakeInfo.
func (hi *HandshakeInfo) ServerSideTLSConfig(ctx context.Context) (*tls.Config, error) {
cfg := &tls.Config{
ClientAuth: tls.NoClientCert,
NextProtos: []string{"h2"},
// On the server side, identityProvider is mandatory. RootProvider is
// optional based on whether the server is doing TLS or mTLS.
if hi.identityProvider == nil {
return nil, errors.New("xds: CertificateProvider to fetch identity certificate is missing, cannot perform TLS handshake. Please check configuration on the management server")
// Since the call to KeyMaterial() can block, we read the providers under
// the lock but call the actual function after releasing the lock.
rootProv, idProv := hi.rootProvider, hi.identityProvider
if hi.requireClientCert {
cfg.ClientAuth = tls.RequireAndVerifyClientCert
// identityProvider is mandatory on the server side.
km, err := idProv.KeyMaterial(ctx)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("xds: fetching identity certificates from CertificateProvider failed: %v", err)
cfg.Certificates = km.Certs
if rootProv != nil {
km, err := rootProv.KeyMaterial(ctx)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("xds: fetching trusted roots from CertificateProvider failed: %v", err)
cfg.ClientCAs = km.Roots
return cfg, nil
// MatchingSANExists returns true if the SANs contained in cert match the
// criteria enforced by the list of SAN matchers in HandshakeInfo.
// If the list of SAN matchers in the HandshakeInfo is empty, this function
// returns true for all input certificates.
func (hi *HandshakeInfo) MatchingSANExists(cert *x509.Certificate) bool {
if len(hi.sanMatchers) == 0 {
return true
// SANs can be specified in any of these four fields on the parsed cert.
for _, san := range cert.DNSNames {
if hi.matchSAN(san, true) {
return true
for _, san := range cert.EmailAddresses {
if hi.matchSAN(san, false) {
return true
for _, san := range cert.IPAddresses {
if hi.matchSAN(san.String(), false) {
return true
for _, san := range cert.URIs {
if hi.matchSAN(san.String(), false) {
return true
return false
// Caller must hold mu.
func (hi *HandshakeInfo) matchSAN(san string, isDNS bool) bool {
for _, matcher := range hi.sanMatchers {
if em := matcher.ExactMatch(); em != "" && isDNS {
// This is a special case which is documented in the xDS protos.
// If the DNS SAN is a wildcard entry, and the match criteria is
// `exact`, then we need to perform DNS wildcard matching
// instead of regular string comparison.
if dnsMatch(em, san) {
return true
if matcher.Match(san) {
return true
return false
// dnsMatch implements a DNS wildcard matching algorithm based on RFC2828 and
// grpc-java's implementation in `OkHostnameVerifier` class.
// NOTE: Here the `host` argument is the one from the set of string matchers in
// the xDS proto and the `san` argument is a DNS SAN from the certificate, and
// this is the one which can potentially contain a wildcard pattern.
func dnsMatch(host, san string) bool {
// Add trailing "." and turn them into absolute domain names.
if !strings.HasSuffix(host, ".") {
host += "."
if !strings.HasSuffix(san, ".") {
san += "."
// Domain names are case-insensitive.
host = strings.ToLower(host)
san = strings.ToLower(san)
// If san does not contain a wildcard, do exact match.
if !strings.Contains(san, "*") {
return host == san
// Wildcard dns matching rules
// - '*' is only permitted in the left-most label and must be the only
// character in that label. For example, * is permitted, while
// *, a*, a*, a.* are
// not permitted.
// - '*' matches a single domain name component. For example, *
// matches but does not match
// - Wildcard patterns for single-label domain names are not permitted.
if san == "*." || !strings.HasPrefix(san, "*.") || strings.Contains(san[1:], "*") {
return false
// Optimization: at this point, we know that the san contains a '*' and
// is the first domain component of san. So, the host name must be at
// least as long as the san to be able to match.
if len(host) < len(san) {
return false
// Hostname must end with the non-wildcard portion of san.
if !strings.HasSuffix(host, san[1:]) {
return false
// At this point we know that the hostName and san share the same suffix
// (the non-wildcard portion of san). Now, we just need to make sure
// that the '*' does not match across domain components.
hostPrefix := strings.TrimSuffix(host, san[1:])
return !strings.Contains(hostPrefix, ".")
// NewHandshakeInfo returns a new instance of HandshakeInfo with the given root
// and identity certificate providers.
func NewHandshakeInfo(root, identity certprovider.Provider) *HandshakeInfo {
return &HandshakeInfo{rootProvider: root, identityProvider: identity}