blob: 58893e561345037751085d87bb2a865ab76388eb [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package client
import (
import (
gxstrings ""
constant2 ""
import (
commonCfg ""
func getEnv(key, fallback string) string {
if value, ok := os.LookupEnv(key); ok {
return value
return fallback
func updateOrCreateMeshURL(opts *ClientOptions) {
ref := opts.Reference
con := opts.Consumer
if ref.URL != "" {
logger.Infof("URL specified explicitly %v", ref.URL)
if !con.MeshEnabled {
if ref.Protocol != constant2.TRIPLE {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("Mesh mode enabled, Triple protocol expected but %v protocol found!", ref.Protocol))
if ref.ProvidedBy == "" {
panic("Mesh mode enabled, provided-by should not be empty!")
podNamespace := getEnv(constant.PodNamespaceEnvKey, constant.DefaultNamespace)
clusterDomain := getEnv(constant.ClusterDomainKey, constant.DefaultClusterDomain)
var meshPort int
if ref.MeshProviderPort > 0 {
meshPort = ref.MeshProviderPort
} else {
meshPort = constant.DefaultMeshPort
ref.URL = "tri://" + ref.ProvidedBy + "." + podNamespace + constant.SVC + clusterDomain + ":" + strconv.Itoa(meshPort)
// ReferWithService retrieves invokers from urls.
func (opts *ClientOptions) ReferWithService(srv common.RPCService) {
opts.refer(srv, nil)
func (opts *ClientOptions) ReferWithInfo(info *ClientInfo) {
opts.refer(nil, info)
func (opts *ClientOptions) ReferWithServiceAndInfo(srv common.RPCService, info *ClientInfo) {
opts.refer(srv, info)
func (opts *ClientOptions) refer(srv common.RPCService, info *ClientInfo) {
ref := opts.Reference
con := opts.Consumer
var methods []string
if info != nil {
ref.InterfaceName = info.InterfaceName
methods = info.MethodNames = info.InterfaceName = info
} else { = common.GetReference(srv)
// If adaptive service is enabled,
// the cluster and load balance should be overridden to "adaptivesvc" and "p2c" respectively.
if con != nil && con.AdaptiveService {
ref.Cluster = constant.ClusterKeyAdaptiveService
ref.Loadbalance = constant.LoadBalanceKeyP2C
// cfgURL is an interface-level invoker url, in the other words, it represents an interface.
cfgURL := common.NewURLWithOptions(
common.WithParamsValue(constant.MetadataTypeKey, opts.metaDataType),
if ref.ForceTag {
cfgURL.AddParam(constant.ForceUseTag, "true")
// if mesh-enabled is set
// retrieving urls from config, and appending the urls to opts.urls
if ref.URL != "" { // use user-specific urls
Two types of URL are allowed for opts.URL:
1. direct url: server IP, that is, no need for a registry anymore
2. registry url
They will be handled in different ways:
For example, we have a direct url and a registry url:
1. "tri://localhost:10000" is a direct url
2. "registry://localhost:2181" is a registry url.
Then, opts.URL looks like a string separated by semicolon: "tri://localhost:10000;registry://localhost:2181".
The result of urlStrings is a string array: []string{"tri://localhost:10000", "registry://localhost:2181"}.
urlStrings := gxstrings.RegSplit(ref.URL, "\\s*[;]+\\s*")
for _, urlStr := range urlStrings {
serviceURL, err := common.NewURL(urlStr)
if err != nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("url configuration error, please check your configuration, user specified URL %v refer error, error message is %v ", urlStr, err.Error()))
if serviceURL.Protocol == constant.RegistryProtocol { // serviceURL in this branch is a registry protocol
serviceURL.SubURL = cfgURL
opts.urls = append(opts.urls, serviceURL)
} else { // serviceURL in this branch is the target endpoint IP address
if serviceURL.Path == "" {
serviceURL.Path = "/" + ref.InterfaceName
// replace params of serviceURL with params of cfgUrl
// other stuff, e.g. IP, port, etc., are same as serviceURL
newURL := common.MergeURL(serviceURL, cfgURL)
newURL.AddParam("peer", "true")
opts.urls = append(opts.urls, newURL)
} else { // use registry configs
opts.urls = config.LoadRegistries(ref.RegistryIDs, opts.registriesCompat, common.CONSUMER)
// set url to regURLs
for _, regURL := range opts.urls {
regURL.SubURL = cfgURL
// Get invokers according to opts.urls
var (
invoker protocol.Invoker
regURL *common.URL
invokers := make([]protocol.Invoker, len(opts.urls))
for i, u := range opts.urls {
if u.Protocol == constant.ServiceRegistryProtocol {
invoker = extension.GetProtocol(constant.RegistryProtocol).Refer(u)
} else {
invoker = extension.GetProtocol(u.Protocol).Refer(u)
if ref.URL != "" {
invoker = protocolwrapper.BuildInvokerChain(invoker, constant.ReferenceFilterKey)
invokers[i] = invoker
if u.Protocol == constant.RegistryProtocol {
regURL = u
// TODO(hxmhlt): decouple from directory, config should not depend on directory module
if len(invokers) == 1 {
opts.invoker = invokers[0]
if ref.URL != "" {
hitClu := constant.ClusterKeyFailover
if u := opts.invoker.GetURL(); u != nil {
hitClu = u.GetParam(constant.ClusterKey, constant.ClusterKeyZoneAware)
cluster, err := extension.GetCluster(hitClu)
if err != nil {
} else {
opts.invoker = cluster.Join(static.NewDirectory(invokers))
} else {
var hitClu string
if regURL != nil {
// for multi-subscription scenario, use 'zone-aware' policy by default
hitClu = constant.ClusterKeyZoneAware
} else {
// not a registry url, must be direct invoke.
hitClu = constant.ClusterKeyFailover
if u := invokers[0].GetURL(); u != nil {
hitClu = u.GetParam(constant.ClusterKey, constant.ClusterKeyZoneAware)
cluster, err := extension.GetCluster(hitClu)
if err != nil {
} else {
opts.invoker = cluster.Join(static.NewDirectory(invokers))
// publish consumer's metadata
// create proxy
if info == nil {
// todo(DMwangnima): think about a more ideal way
if con == nil {
panic("client must be configured with ConsumerConfig when using config.Load")
if ref.Async {
var callback common.CallbackResponse
if asyncSrv, ok := srv.(common.AsyncCallbackService); ok {
callback = asyncSrv.CallBack
opts.pxy = extension.GetProxyFactory(con.ProxyFactory).GetAsyncProxy(opts.invoker, callback, cfgURL)
} else {
opts.pxy = extension.GetProxyFactory(con.ProxyFactory).GetProxy(opts.invoker, cfgURL)
// this protocol would be destroyed in graceful_shutdown
// please refer to (
func (opts *ClientOptions) CheckAvailable() bool {
ref := opts.Reference
if opts.invoker == nil {
logger.Warnf("The interface %s invoker not exist, may you should check your interface config.", ref.InterfaceName)
return false
if !opts.invoker.IsAvailable() {
return false
return true
// Implement
// @v is service provider implemented RPCService
func (opts *ClientOptions) Implement(v common.RPCService) {
if opts.pxy != nil {
} else if != nil {, &Client{
invoker: opts.invoker,
// GetRPCService gets RPCService from proxy
func (opts *ClientOptions) GetRPCService() common.RPCService {
return opts.pxy.Get()
// GetProxy gets proxy
func (opts *ClientOptions) GetProxy() *proxy.Proxy {
return opts.pxy
func (opts *ClientOptions) getURLMap() url.Values {
ref := opts.Reference
app := opts.applicationCompat
urlMap := url.Values{}
// first set user params
for k, v := range ref.Params {
urlMap.Set(k, v)
urlMap.Set(constant.InterfaceKey, ref.InterfaceName)
urlMap.Set(constant.TimestampKey, strconv.FormatInt(time.Now().Unix(), 10))
urlMap.Set(constant.ClusterKey, ref.Cluster)
urlMap.Set(constant.LoadbalanceKey, ref.Loadbalance)
urlMap.Set(constant.RetriesKey, ref.Retries)
urlMap.Set(constant.GroupKey, ref.Group)
urlMap.Set(constant.VersionKey, ref.Version)
urlMap.Set(constant.GenericKey, ref.Generic)
urlMap.Set(constant.RegistryRoleKey, strconv.Itoa(common.CONSUMER))
urlMap.Set(constant.ProvidedBy, ref.ProvidedBy)
urlMap.Set(constant.SerializationKey, ref.Serialization)
urlMap.Set(constant.TracingConfigKey, ref.TracingKey)
urlMap.Set(constant.ReleaseKey, "dubbo-golang-"+constant.Version)
urlMap.Set(constant.SideKey, (common.RoleType(common.CONSUMER)).Role())
if len(ref.RequestTimeout) != 0 {
urlMap.Set(constant.TimeoutKey, ref.RequestTimeout)
// getty invoke async or sync
urlMap.Set(constant.AsyncKey, strconv.FormatBool(ref.Async))
urlMap.Set(constant.StickyKey, strconv.FormatBool(ref.Sticky))
// applicationConfig info
if app != nil {
urlMap.Set(constant.ApplicationKey, app.Name)
urlMap.Set(constant.OrganizationKey, app.Organization)
urlMap.Set(constant.NameKey, app.Name)
urlMap.Set(constant.ModuleKey, app.Module)
urlMap.Set(constant.AppVersionKey, app.Version)
urlMap.Set(constant.OwnerKey, app.Owner)
urlMap.Set(constant.EnvironmentKey, app.Environment)
// filter
defaultReferenceFilter := constant.DefaultReferenceFilters
if ref.Generic != "" {
defaultReferenceFilter = constant.GenericFilterKey + "," + defaultReferenceFilter
urlMap.Set(constant.ReferenceFilterKey, commonCfg.MergeValue(ref.Filter, "", defaultReferenceFilter))
for _, v := range ref.Methods {
urlMap.Set("methods."+v.Name+"."+constant.LoadbalanceKey, v.LoadBalance)
urlMap.Set("methods."+v.Name+"."+constant.RetriesKey, v.Retries)
urlMap.Set("methods."+v.Name+"."+constant.StickyKey, strconv.FormatBool(v.Sticky))
if len(v.RequestTimeout) != 0 {
urlMap.Set("methods."+v.Name+"."+constant.TimeoutKey, v.RequestTimeout)
return urlMap
// todo: figure this out
//// GenericLoad ...
//func (opts *ClientOptions) GenericLoad(id string) {
// genericService := generic.NewGenericService(
// config.SetConsumerService(genericService)
// = id
// opts.Refer(genericService)
// opts.Implement(genericService)
// GetInvoker get invoker from ReferenceConfigs
func (opts *ClientOptions) GetInvoker() protocol.Invoker {
return opts.invoker
// postProcessConfig asks registered ConfigPostProcessor to post-process the current ReferenceConfigs.
func (opts *ClientOptions) postProcessConfig(url *common.URL) {
for _, p := range extension.GetConfigPostProcessors() {
func publishServiceDefinition(url *common.URL) {
localService, err := extension.GetLocalMetadataService(constant.DefaultKey)
if err != nil {
logger.Warnf("get local metadata service failed, please check if you have imported _ \"\"")
if url.GetParam(constant.MetadataTypeKey, "") != constant.RemoteMetadataStorageType {
if remoteMetadataService, err := extension.GetRemoteMetadataService(); err == nil && remoteMetadataService != nil {