blob: c2834480e72b81d1c8d5d8973db06e9487692118 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
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* limitations under the License.
package filter_impl
import (
import (
perrors ""
import (
const (
HYSTRIX_CONSUMER = "hystrix_consumer"
HYSTRIX_PROVIDER = "hystrix_provider"
HYSTRIX = "hystrix"
var (
confConsumer = &HystrixFilterConfig{}
confProvider = &HystrixFilterConfig{}
configLoadMutex = sync.RWMutex{}
consumerConfigOnce sync.Once
providerConfigOnce sync.Once
//The filter in the server end of dubbo-go can't get the invoke result for now,
//this filter ONLY works in CLIENT end (consumer side) temporarily
//Only after the callService logic is integrated into the filter chain of server end can this filter be used,
//which will be done soon
func init() {
extension.SetFilter(HYSTRIX_CONSUMER, GetHystrixFilterConsumer)
extension.SetFilter(HYSTRIX_PROVIDER, GetHystrixFilterProvider)
// HystrixFilterError ...
type HystrixFilterError struct {
err error
failByHystrix bool
func (hfError *HystrixFilterError) Error() string {
return hfError.err.Error()
// FailByHystrix ...
func (hfError *HystrixFilterError) FailByHystrix() bool {
return hfError.failByHystrix
// NewHystrixFilterError ...
func NewHystrixFilterError(err error, failByHystrix bool) error {
return &HystrixFilterError{
err: err,
failByHystrix: failByHystrix,
// HystrixFilter ...
type HystrixFilter struct {
COrP bool //true for consumer
res map[string][]*regexp.Regexp
ifNewMap sync.Map
// Invoke ...
func (hf *HystrixFilter) Invoke(ctx context.Context, invoker protocol.Invoker, invocation protocol.Invocation) protocol.Result {
cmdName := fmt.Sprintf("%s&method=%s", invoker.GetUrl().Key(), invocation.MethodName())
// Do the configuration if the circuit breaker is created for the first time
if _, load := hf.ifNewMap.LoadOrStore(cmdName, true); !load {
filterConf := getConfig(invoker.GetUrl().Service(), invocation.MethodName(), hf.COrP)
for _, ptn := range filterConf.Error {
reg, err := regexp.Compile(ptn)
if err != nil {
logger.Warnf("[Hystrix Filter]Errors occurred parsing error omit regexp: %s, %v", ptn, err)
} else {
if hf.res == nil {
hf.res = make(map[string][]*regexp.Regexp)
hf.res[invocation.MethodName()] = append(hf.res[invocation.MethodName()], reg)
hystrix.ConfigureCommand(cmdName, hystrix.CommandConfig{
Timeout: filterConf.Timeout,
MaxConcurrentRequests: filterConf.MaxConcurrentRequests,
SleepWindow: filterConf.SleepWindow,
ErrorPercentThreshold: filterConf.ErrorPercentThreshold,
RequestVolumeThreshold: filterConf.RequestVolumeThreshold,
_, _, err := hystrix.GetCircuit(cmdName)
if err != nil {
logger.Errorf("[Hystrix Filter]Errors occurred getting circuit for %s , will invoke without hystrix, error is: ", cmdName, err)
return invoker.Invoke(ctx, invocation)
logger.Infof("[Hystrix Filter]Using hystrix filter: %s", cmdName)
var result protocol.Result
_ = hystrix.Do(cmdName, func() error {
result = invoker.Invoke(ctx, invocation)
err := result.Error()
if err != nil {
result.SetError(NewHystrixFilterError(err, false))
for _, reg := range hf.res[invocation.MethodName()] {
if reg.MatchString(err.Error()) {
logger.Debugf("[Hystrix Filter]Error in invocation but omitted in circuit breaker: %v; %s", err, cmdName)
return nil
return err
}, func(err error) error {
//Return error and if it is caused by hystrix logic, so that it can be handled by previous filters.
_, ok := err.(hystrix.CircuitError)
logger.Debugf("[Hystrix Filter]Hystrix health check counted, error is: %v, failed by hystrix: %v; %s", err, ok, cmdName)
result = &protocol.RPCResult{}
result.SetError(NewHystrixFilterError(err, ok))
return err
return result
// OnResponse ...
func (hf *HystrixFilter) OnResponse(ctx context.Context, result protocol.Result, invoker protocol.Invoker, invocation protocol.Invocation) protocol.Result {
return result
// GetHystrixFilterConsumer ...
func GetHystrixFilterConsumer() filter.Filter {
//When first called, load the config in
consumerConfigOnce.Do(func() {
if err := initHystrixConfigConsumer(); err != nil {
logger.Warnf("[Hystrix Filter]Config load failed for consumer, error is: %v , will use default", err)
return &HystrixFilter{COrP: true}
// GetHystrixFilterProvider ...
func GetHystrixFilterProvider() filter.Filter {
providerConfigOnce.Do(func() {
if err := initHystrixConfigProvider(); err != nil {
logger.Warnf("[Hystrix Filter]Config load failed for provider, error is: %v , will use default", err)
return &HystrixFilter{COrP: false}
func getConfig(service string, method string, cOrP bool) CommandConfigWithError {
//Find method level config
var conf *HystrixFilterConfig
if cOrP {
conf = confConsumer
} else {
conf = confProvider
getConf := conf.Configs[conf.Services[service].Methods[method]]
if getConf != nil {
logger.Infof("[Hystrix Filter]Found method-level config for %s - %s", service, method)
return *getConf
//Find service level config
getConf = conf.Configs[conf.Services[service].ServiceConfig]
if getConf != nil {
logger.Infof("[Hystrix Filter]Found service-level config for %s - %s", service, method)
return *getConf
//Find default config
getConf = conf.Configs[conf.Default]
if getConf != nil {
logger.Infof("[Hystrix Filter]Found global default config for %s - %s", service, method)
return *getConf
getConf = &CommandConfigWithError{}
logger.Infof("[Hystrix Filter]No config found for %s - %s, using default", service, method)
return *getConf
func initHystrixConfigConsumer() error {
if config.GetConsumerConfig().FilterConf == nil {
return perrors.Errorf("no config for hystrix")
filterConfig := config.GetConsumerConfig().FilterConf.(map[interface{}]interface{})[HYSTRIX]
if filterConfig == nil {
return perrors.Errorf("no config for hystrix")
hystrixConfByte, err := yaml.Marshal(filterConfig)
if err != nil {
return err
err = yaml.Unmarshal(hystrixConfByte, confConsumer)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
func initHystrixConfigProvider() error {
if config.GetProviderConfig().FilterConf == nil {
return perrors.Errorf("no config for hystrix")
filterConfig := config.GetConsumerConfig().FilterConf.(map[interface{}]interface{})[HYSTRIX]
if filterConfig == nil {
return perrors.Errorf("no config for hystrix")
hystrixConfByte, err := yaml.Marshal(filterConfig)
if err != nil {
return err
err = yaml.Unmarshal(hystrixConfByte, confProvider)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
//For sake of dynamic config
//func RefreshHystrix() error {
// conf = &HystrixFilterConfig{}
// hystrix.Flush()
// return initHystrixConfig()
// CommandConfigWithError ...
type CommandConfigWithError struct {
Timeout int `yaml:"timeout"`
MaxConcurrentRequests int `yaml:"max_concurrent_requests"`
RequestVolumeThreshold int `yaml:"request_volume_threshold"`
SleepWindow int `yaml:"sleep_window"`
ErrorPercentThreshold int `yaml:"error_percent_threshold"`
Error []string `yaml:"error_whitelist"`
//- Timeout: how long to wait for command to complete, in milliseconds
//- MaxConcurrentRequests: how many commands of the same type can run at the same time
//- RequestVolumeThreshold: the minimum number of requests needed before a circuit can be tripped due to health
//- SleepWindow: how long, in milliseconds, to wait after a circuit opens before testing for recovery
//- ErrorPercentThreshold: it causes circuits to open once the rolling measure of errors exceeds this percent of requests
//See hystrix doc
// HystrixFilterConfig ...
type HystrixFilterConfig struct {
Configs map[string]*CommandConfigWithError
Default string
Services map[string]ServiceHystrixConfig
// ServiceHystrixConfig ...
type ServiceHystrixConfig struct {
ServiceConfig string `yaml:"service_config"`
Methods map[string]string