blob: f8d51cc5c16fed1df2360c6985b489b2758afd9e [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package xds
import (
import (
perrors ""
import (
common2 ""
var localIP = ""
var DefaultXDSSniffingTimeoutStr = "5s"
func init() {
localIP = common.GetLocalIp()
extension.SetRegistry(constant.XDSRegistryKey, newXDSRegistry)
type xdsRegistry struct {
xdsWrappedClient xds.XDSWrapperClient
registryURL *common.URL
func isProvider(url *common.URL) bool {
return getCategory(url) == constant.ProviderCategory
func getCategory(url *common.URL) string {
role, _ := strconv.Atoi(url.GetParam(constant.RegistryRoleKey, strconv.Itoa(constant.NacosDefaultRoleType)))
category := common.DubboNodes[role]
return category
// getServiceName return serviceName $(providers_or_consumers):$(interfaceName):$(version):$(group)
func getServiceName(url *common.URL) string {
var buffer bytes.Buffer
appendParam(&buffer, url, constant.InterfaceKey)
appendParam(&buffer, url, constant.VersionKey)
appendParam(&buffer, url, constant.GroupKey)
return buffer.String()
// getSubscribeName returns subscribeName is providers:$(interfaceName):$(version):$(group)
func getSubscribeName(url *common.URL) string {
var buffer bytes.Buffer
appendParam(&buffer, url, constant.InterfaceKey)
appendParam(&buffer, url, constant.VersionKey)
appendParam(&buffer, url, constant.GroupKey)
return buffer.String()
func appendParam(target *bytes.Buffer, url *common.URL, key string) {
value := url.GetParam(key, "")
if strings.TrimSpace(value) != "" {
// Register will register the service @url to its nacos registry center
func (nr *xdsRegistry) Register(url *common.URL) error {
if !isProvider(url) {
return nil
return nr.xdsWrappedClient.ChangeInterfaceMap(getServiceName(url), true)
// UnRegister
func (nr *xdsRegistry) UnRegister(url *common.URL) error {
return nr.xdsWrappedClient.ChangeInterfaceMap(getServiceName(url), false)
// Subscribe from xds client
func (nr *xdsRegistry) Subscribe(url *common.URL, notifyListener registry.NotifyListener) error {
if isProvider(url) {
return nil
hostAddr, svcAddr, err := nr.getHostAddrFromURL(url)
if err != nil {
return err
return nr.xdsWrappedClient.Subscribe(svcAddr, url.GetParam(constant.InterfaceKey, ""), hostAddr, notifyListener)
// UnSubscribe from xds client
func (nr *xdsRegistry) UnSubscribe(url *common.URL, _ registry.NotifyListener) error {
_, svcAddr, err := nr.getHostAddrFromURL(url)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// GetURL gets its registration URL
func (nr *xdsRegistry) GetURL() *common.URL {
return nr.registryURL
func (nr *xdsRegistry) getHostAddrFromURL(url *common.URL) (string, string, error) {
svcName := getSubscribeName(url)
hostAddr, err := nr.xdsWrappedClient.GetHostAddrByServiceUniqueKey(svcName)
return hostAddr, svcName, err
// IsAvailable determines nacos registry center whether it is available
func (nr *xdsRegistry) IsAvailable() bool {
return true
// nolint
func (nr *xdsRegistry) Destroy() {
// todo unregistry all
//for _, url := range nr.registryUrls {
// err := nr.UnRegister(url)
// logger.Infof("DeRegister Nacos URL:%+v", url)
// if err != nil {
// logger.Errorf("Deregister URL:%+v err:%v", url, err.Error())
// }
// newXDSRegistry will create new instance
func newXDSRegistry(url *common.URL) (registry.Registry, error) {
logger.Infof("[XDS Registry] New XDS registry with url = %+v", url.ToMap())
pn := os.Getenv(constant.PodNameEnvKey)
ns := os.Getenv(constant.PodNamespaceEnvKey)
if pn == "" || ns == "" {
return nil, perrors.Errorf("%s and %s can't be empty when using xds registry",
constant.PodNameEnvKey, constant.PodNamespaceEnvKey)
wrappedXDSClient, err := xds.NewXDSWrappedClient(xds.Config{
PodName: pn,
Namespace: ns,
LocalIP: localIP,
IstioAddr: common2.NewHostNameOrIPAddr(url.Ip + ":" + url.Port),
if err != nil {
return nil, err
newRegistry := &xdsRegistry{
xdsWrappedClient: wrappedXDSClient,
registryURL: url,
return newRegistry, nil