blob: 43a7a92278841baad426059d9fbadf9ae481708c [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package auth
import (
import (
invocation_impl ""
var (
authenticatorOnce sync.Once
authenticator *defaultAuthenticator
func init() {
extension.SetAuthenticator(constant.DefaultAuthenticator, newDefaultAuthenticator)
// defaultAuthenticator is the default implementation of Authenticator
type defaultAuthenticator struct{}
func newDefaultAuthenticator() filter.Authenticator {
if authenticator == nil {
authenticatorOnce.Do(func() {
authenticator = &defaultAuthenticator{}
return authenticator
// Sign adds the signature to the invocation
func (authenticator *defaultAuthenticator) Sign(invocation protocol.Invocation, url *common.URL) error {
currentTimeMillis := strconv.Itoa(int(time.Now().Unix() * 1000))
consumer := url.GetParam(constant.ApplicationKey, "")
accessKeyPair, err := getAccessKeyPair(invocation, url)
if err != nil {
return errors.New("get accesskey pair failed, cause: " + err.Error())
inv := invocation.(*invocation_impl.RPCInvocation)
signature, err := getSignature(url, invocation, accessKeyPair.SecretKey, currentTimeMillis)
if err != nil {
return err
inv.SetAttachment(constant.RequestSignatureKey, signature)
inv.SetAttachment(constant.RequestTimestampKey, currentTimeMillis)
inv.SetAttachment(constant.AKKey, accessKeyPair.AccessKey)
inv.SetAttachment(constant.Consumer, consumer)
return nil
// getSignature
// get signature by the metadata and params of the invocation
func getSignature(url *common.URL, invocation protocol.Invocation, secrectKey string, currentTime string) (string, error) {
requestString := fmt.Sprintf(constant.SignatureStringFormat,
url.ColonSeparatedKey(), invocation.MethodName(), secrectKey, currentTime)
var signature string
if parameterEncrypt := url.GetParamBool(constant.ParameterSignatureEnableKey, false); parameterEncrypt {
var err error
if signature, err = SignWithParams(invocation.Arguments(), requestString, secrectKey); err != nil {
return "", errors.New("sign the request with params failed, cause:" + err.Error())
} else {
signature = Sign(requestString, secrectKey)
return signature, nil
// Authenticate verifies whether the signature sent by the requester is correct
func (authenticator *defaultAuthenticator) Authenticate(invocation protocol.Invocation, url *common.URL) error {
accessKeyId := invocation.GetAttachmentWithDefaultValue(constant.AKKey, "")
requestTimestamp := invocation.GetAttachmentWithDefaultValue(constant.RequestTimestampKey, "")
originSignature := invocation.GetAttachmentWithDefaultValue(constant.RequestSignatureKey, "")
consumer := invocation.GetAttachmentWithDefaultValue(constant.Consumer, "")
if IsEmpty(accessKeyId, false) || IsEmpty(consumer, false) ||
IsEmpty(requestTimestamp, false) || IsEmpty(originSignature, false) {
return errors.New("failed to authenticate your ak/sk, maybe the consumer has not enabled the auth")
accessKeyPair, err := getAccessKeyPair(invocation, url)
if err != nil {
return errors.New("failed to authenticate , can't load the accessKeyPair")
computeSignature, err := getSignature(url, invocation, accessKeyPair.SecretKey, requestTimestamp)
if err != nil {
return err
if success := computeSignature == originSignature; !success {
return errors.New("failed to authenticate, signature is not correct")
return nil
func getAccessKeyPair(invocation protocol.Invocation, url *common.URL) (*filter.AccessKeyPair, error) {
accesskeyStorage := extension.GetAccessKeyStorages(url.GetParam(constant.AccessKeyStorageKey, constant.DefaultAccessKeyStorage))
accessKeyPair := accesskeyStorage.GetAccessKeyPair(invocation, url)
if accessKeyPair == nil || IsEmpty(accessKeyPair.AccessKey, false) || IsEmpty(accessKeyPair.SecretKey, true) {
return nil, errors.New("accessKeyId or secretAccessKey not found")
} else {
return accessKeyPair, nil
func doAuthWork(url *common.URL, do func(filter.Authenticator) error) error {
shouldAuth := url.GetParamBool(constant.ServiceAuthKey, false)
if shouldAuth {
authenticator, exist := extension.GetAuthenticator(url.GetParam(constant.AuthenticatorKey, constant.DefaultAuthenticator))
if exist {
return do(authenticator)
} else {
return errors.New("Authenticator for " + constant.ServiceAuthKey + " is not existing, make sure you have import the package.")
return nil