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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package tag
import (
import (
import (
_ ""
const (
tagRouterTestHangZhouUrl = "dubbo://"
tagRouterTestShangHaiUrl = "dubbo://"
tagRouterTestBeijingUrl = "dubbo://"
tagRouterTestEnabledBeijingUrl = "dubbo://"
tagRouterTestUserConsumer = "dubbo://"
tagRouterTestUserConsumerTag = "dubbo://"
tagRouterTestDynamicIpv4Provider1 = "dubbo://"
tagRouterTestDynamicIpv4Provider2 = "dubbo://"
tagRouterTestDynamicIpv4Provider3 = "dubbo://"
tagRouterTestDynamicIpv4Provider4 = "dubbo://"
tagRouterTestDynamicIpv4Provider5 = "dubbo://"
tagRouterTestDubboTag = "dubbo.tag"
tagRouterTestDubboForceTag = "dubbo.force.tag"
tagRouterTestHangZhou = "hangzhou"
tagRouterTestGuangZhou = "guangzhou"
tagRouterTestFalse = "false"
tagRouterTestTrue = "true"
routerPath = "/dubbo/config/dubbo/test-tag.tag-router"
routerLocalIP = ""
routerZk = "zookeeper"
var (
zkFormat = "zookeeper://%s:%d"
conditionFormat = "condition://%s/"
// MockInvoker is only mock the Invoker to support test tagRouter
type MockInvoker struct {
url common.URL
available bool
destroyed bool
successCount int
func NewMockInvoker(url common.URL) *MockInvoker {
return &MockInvoker{
url: url,
available: true,
destroyed: false,
successCount: 0,
func (bi *MockInvoker) GetUrl() common.URL {
return bi.url
func (bi *MockInvoker) IsAvailable() bool {
return bi.available
func (bi *MockInvoker) IsDestroyed() bool {
return bi.destroyed
func (bi *MockInvoker) Invoke(_ context.Context, _ protocol.Invocation) protocol.Result {
result := &protocol.RPCResult{Err: nil}
return result
func (bi *MockInvoker) Destroy() {
bi.destroyed = true
bi.available = false
func TestTagRouterPriority(t *testing.T) {
u1, err := common.NewURL(tagRouterTestUserConsumerTag)
assert.Nil(t, err)
tagRouter, e := NewTagRouter(&u1)
assert.Nil(t, e)
p := tagRouter.Priority()
assert.Equal(t, int64(0), p)
func TestTagRouterRouteForce(t *testing.T) {
u1, e1 := common.NewURL(tagRouterTestUserConsumerTag)
assert.Nil(t, e1)
tagRouter, e := NewTagRouter(&u1)
assert.Nil(t, e)
u2, e2 := common.NewURL(tagRouterTestHangZhouUrl)
u3, e3 := common.NewURL(tagRouterTestShangHaiUrl)
u4, e4 := common.NewURL(tagRouterTestBeijingUrl)
assert.Nil(t, e2)
assert.Nil(t, e3)
assert.Nil(t, e4)
inv2 := NewMockInvoker(u2)
inv3 := NewMockInvoker(u3)
inv4 := NewMockInvoker(u4)
var invokers []protocol.Invoker
invokers = append(invokers, inv2, inv3, inv4)
inv := &invocation.RPCInvocation{}
inv.SetAttachments(tagRouterTestDubboTag, tagRouterTestHangZhou)
invRst1 := tagRouter.Route(invokers, &u1, inv)
assert.Equal(t, 1, len(invRst1))
assert.Equal(t, tagRouterTestHangZhou, invRst1[0].GetUrl().GetParam(tagRouterTestDubboTag, ""))
inv.SetAttachments(tagRouterTestDubboTag, tagRouterTestGuangZhou)
invRst2 := tagRouter.Route(invokers, &u1, inv)
assert.Equal(t, 0, len(invRst2))
inv.SetAttachments(tagRouterTestDubboForceTag, tagRouterTestFalse)
inv.SetAttachments(tagRouterTestDubboTag, tagRouterTestGuangZhou)
invRst3 := tagRouter.Route(invokers, &u1, inv)
assert.Equal(t, 3, len(invRst3))
func TestTagRouterRouteNoForce(t *testing.T) {
u1, e1 := common.NewURL(tagRouterTestUserConsumer)
assert.Nil(t, e1)
tagRouter, e := NewTagRouter(&u1)
assert.Nil(t, e)
u2, e2 := common.NewURL(tagRouterTestHangZhouUrl)
u3, e3 := common.NewURL(tagRouterTestShangHaiUrl)
u4, e4 := common.NewURL(tagRouterTestShangHaiUrl)
assert.Nil(t, e2)
assert.Nil(t, e3)
assert.Nil(t, e4)
inv2 := NewMockInvoker(u2)
inv3 := NewMockInvoker(u3)
inv4 := NewMockInvoker(u4)
var invokers []protocol.Invoker
invokers = append(invokers, inv2, inv3, inv4)
inv := &invocation.RPCInvocation{}
inv.SetAttachments(tagRouterTestDubboTag, tagRouterTestHangZhou)
invRst := tagRouter.Route(invokers, &u1, inv)
assert.Equal(t, 1, len(invRst))
assert.Equal(t, tagRouterTestHangZhou, invRst[0].GetUrl().GetParam(tagRouterTestDubboTag, ""))
inv.SetAttachments(tagRouterTestDubboTag, tagRouterTestGuangZhou)
inv.SetAttachments(tagRouterTestDubboForceTag, tagRouterTestTrue)
invRst1 := tagRouter.Route(invokers, &u1, inv)
assert.Equal(t, 0, len(invRst1))
inv.SetAttachments(tagRouterTestDubboForceTag, tagRouterTestFalse)
invRst2 := tagRouter.Route(invokers, &u1, inv)
assert.Equal(t, 3, len(invRst2))
func TestFilterInvoker(t *testing.T) {
u2, e2 := common.NewURL(tagRouterTestHangZhouUrl)
u3, e3 := common.NewURL(tagRouterTestShangHaiUrl)
u4, e4 := common.NewURL(tagRouterTestBeijingUrl)
u5, e5 := common.NewURL(tagRouterTestEnabledBeijingUrl)
assert.Nil(t, e2)
assert.Nil(t, e3)
assert.Nil(t, e4)
assert.Nil(t, e5)
inv2 := NewMockInvoker(u2)
inv3 := NewMockInvoker(u3)
inv4 := NewMockInvoker(u4)
inv5 := NewMockInvoker(u5)
var invokers []protocol.Invoker
invokers = append(invokers, inv2, inv3, inv4, inv5)
filterTag := func(invoker protocol.Invoker) bool {
if invoker.GetUrl().GetParam(constant.Tagkey, "") == "beijing" {
return true
return false
res := filterInvoker(invokers, filterTag)
assert.Equal(t, []protocol.Invoker{inv4, inv5}, res)
flag := true
filterEnabled := func(invoker protocol.Invoker) bool {
if invoker.GetUrl().GetParamBool(constant.RouterEnabled, false) == flag {
return true
return false
res2 := filterInvoker(invokers, filterTag, filterEnabled)
assert.Equal(t, []protocol.Invoker{inv4}, res2)
type DynamicTagRouter struct {
rule *RouterRule
route *tagRouter
zkClient *zookeeper.ZookeeperClient
testCluster *zk.TestCluster
invokers []protocol.Invoker
url *common.URL
func TestDynamicTagRouter(t *testing.T) {
dtg := &DynamicTagRouter{}
u1, _ := common.NewURL(tagRouterTestDynamicIpv4Provider1)
u2, _ := common.NewURL(tagRouterTestDynamicIpv4Provider2)
u3, _ := common.NewURL(tagRouterTestDynamicIpv4Provider3)
u4, _ := common.NewURL(tagRouterTestDynamicIpv4Provider4)
u5, _ := common.NewURL(tagRouterTestDynamicIpv4Provider5)
inv1 := NewMockInvoker(u1)
inv2 := NewMockInvoker(u2)
inv3 := NewMockInvoker(u3)
inv4 := NewMockInvoker(u4)
inv5 := NewMockInvoker(u5)
dtg.invokers = append(dtg.invokers, inv1, inv2, inv3, inv4, inv5)
suite.Run(t, dtg)
func (suite *DynamicTagRouter) SetupTest() {
var err error
testYML := `enabled: true
scope: application
force: true
runtime: false
valid: true
priority: 1
key: demo-provider
- name: tag1
addresses: [""]
- name: tag2
addresses: [""]
- name: tag3
addresses: ["", ""]
ts, z, _, err := zookeeper.NewMockZookeeperClient("test", 15*time.Second)
err = z.Create(routerPath)
suite.zkClient = z
suite.testCluster = ts
_, err = z.Conn.Set(routerPath, []byte(testYML), 0)
zkUrl, _ := common.NewURL(fmt.Sprintf(zkFormat, routerLocalIP, suite.testCluster.Servers[0].Port))
configuration, err := extension.GetConfigCenterFactory(routerZk).GetDynamicConfiguration(&zkUrl)
url, e1 := common.NewURL(tagRouterTestUserConsumerTag)
tagRouter, err := NewTagRouter(&url)
suite.route = tagRouter
suite.url = &url
func (suite *DynamicTagRouter) TearDownTest() {
func (suite *DynamicTagRouter) TestDynamicTagRouterSetByIPv4() {
invokers := suite.invokers
consumer := &invocation.RPCInvocation{}
consumer.SetAttachments(tagRouterTestDubboTag, "tag1")
targetInvokers := suite.route.Route(invokers, suite.url, consumer)
suite.Equal(1, len(targetInvokers))
suite.Equal(targetInvokers[0], suite.invokers[0])
consumer.SetAttachments(tagRouterTestDubboTag, "tag3")
targetInvokers = suite.route.Route(invokers, suite.url, consumer)
suite.Equal(2, len(targetInvokers))
suite.Equal(targetInvokers, []protocol.Invoker{suite.invokers[2], suite.invokers[3]})
func (suite *DynamicTagRouter) TestDynamicTagRouterStaticTag() {
invokers := suite.invokers
consumer := &invocation.RPCInvocation{}
consumer.SetAttachments(tagRouterTestDubboTag, "tag4")
targetInvokers := suite.route.Route(invokers, suite.url, consumer)
suite.Equal(1, len(targetInvokers))
suite.Equal(targetInvokers[0], suite.invokers[3])
// Teas no tag and return a address are not in dynamic tag group
func (suite *DynamicTagRouter) TestDynamicTagRouterByNoTagAndAddressMatch() {
invokers := suite.invokers
consumer := &invocation.RPCInvocation{}
targetInvokers := suite.route.Route(invokers, suite.url, consumer)
suite.Equal(1, len(targetInvokers))
suite.Equal(targetInvokers[0], suite.invokers[4])
// test if there are some addresses that are not in any dynamic tag group, continue to filter using the static tag group.
consumer.SetAttachments(tagRouterTestDubboTag, "tag5")
targetInvokers = suite.route.Route(invokers, suite.url, consumer)
suite.Equal(1, len(targetInvokers))
suite.Equal(targetInvokers[0], suite.invokers[4])
func TestProcess(t *testing.T) {
u1, err := common.NewURL(tagRouterTestUserConsumerTag)
assert.Nil(t, err)
tagRouter, e := NewTagRouter(&u1)
assert.Nil(t, e)
assert.NotNil(t, tagRouter)
testYML := `
scope: application
force: true
runtime: false
enabled: true
valid: true
priority: 1
key: demo-provider
- name: beijing
addresses: [,]
- name: hangzhou
addresses: [,]
tagRouter.Process(&config_center.ConfigChangeEvent{Value: testYML, ConfigType: remoting.EventTypeAdd})
assert.NotNil(t, tagRouter.tagRouterRule)
assert.Equal(t, []string{"beijing", "hangzhou"}, tagRouter.tagRouterRule.getTagNames())
assert.Equal(t, []string{"", "", "", ""}, tagRouter.tagRouterRule.getAddresses())
assert.Equal(t, []string{"", ""}, tagRouter.tagRouterRule.getTagNameToAddresses()["hangzhou"])
assert.Equal(t, []string{"beijing"}, tagRouter.tagRouterRule.getAddressToTagNames()[""])
tagRouter.Process(&config_center.ConfigChangeEvent{ConfigType: remoting.EventTypeDel})
assert.Nil(t, tagRouter.tagRouterRule)