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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
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* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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package getty
// copy from dubbo/dubbo_codec.go .
// it is used to unit test.
import (
import (
hessian ""
perrors ""
import (
func init() {
codec := &DubboTestCodec{}
remoting.RegistryCodec("dubbo", codec)
type DubboTestCodec struct{}
// encode request for transport
func (c *DubboTestCodec) EncodeRequest(request *remoting.Request) (*bytes.Buffer, error) {
if request.Event {
return c.encodeHeartbeartReqeust(request)
invoc, ok := request.Data.(*invocation.RPCInvocation)
if !ok {
return nil, perrors.Errorf("encode request failed for parameter type :%+v", request)
tmpInvocation := invoc
svc := impl.Service{}
svc.Path = tmpInvocation.GetAttachmentWithDefaultValue(constant.PathKey, "")
svc.Interface = tmpInvocation.GetAttachmentWithDefaultValue(constant.InterfaceKey, "")
svc.Version = tmpInvocation.GetAttachmentWithDefaultValue(constant.VersionKey, "")
svc.Group = tmpInvocation.GetAttachmentWithDefaultValue(constant.GroupKey, "")
svc.Method = tmpInvocation.MethodName()
timeout, err := strconv.Atoi(tmpInvocation.GetAttachmentWithDefaultValue(constant.TimeoutKey, strconv.Itoa(constant.DefaultRemotingTimeout)))
if err != nil {
// it will be wrapped in readwrite.Write .
return nil, perrors.WithStack(err)
svc.Timeout = time.Duration(timeout)
header := impl.DubboHeader{}
serialization := tmpInvocation.GetAttachmentWithDefaultValue(constant.SerializationKey, constant.Hessian2Serialization)
if serialization == constant.ProtobufSerialization {
header.SerialID = constant.SProto
} else {
header.SerialID = constant.SHessian2
header.ID = request.ID
if request.TwoWay {
header.Type = impl.PackageRequest_TwoWay
} else {
header.Type = impl.PackageRequest
pkg := &impl.DubboPackage{
Header: header,
Service: svc,
Body: impl.NewRequestPayload(tmpInvocation.Arguments(), tmpInvocation.Attachments()),
Err: nil,
Codec: impl.NewDubboCodec(nil),
if err := impl.LoadSerializer(pkg); err != nil {
return nil, perrors.WithStack(err)
return pkg.Marshal()
// encode heartbeat request
func (c *DubboTestCodec) encodeHeartbeartReqeust(request *remoting.Request) (*bytes.Buffer, error) {
header := impl.DubboHeader{
Type: impl.PackageHeartbeat,
SerialID: constant.SHessian2,
ID: request.ID,
pkg := &impl.DubboPackage{
Header: header,
Service: impl.Service{},
Body: impl.NewRequestPayload([]interface{}{}, nil),
Err: nil,
Codec: impl.NewDubboCodec(nil),
if err := impl.LoadSerializer(pkg); err != nil {
return nil, err
return pkg.Marshal()
// encode response
func (c *DubboTestCodec) EncodeResponse(response *remoting.Response) (*bytes.Buffer, error) {
ptype := impl.PackageResponse
if response.IsHeartbeat() {
ptype = impl.PackageHeartbeat
resp := &impl.DubboPackage{
Header: impl.DubboHeader{
SerialID: response.SerialID,
Type: ptype,
ID: response.ID,
ResponseStatus: response.Status,
if !response.IsHeartbeat() {
resp.Body = &impl.ResponsePayload{
RspObj: response.Result.(protocol.RPCResult).Rest,
Exception: response.Result.(protocol.RPCResult).Err,
Attachments: response.Result.(protocol.RPCResult).Attrs,
codec := impl.NewDubboCodec(nil)
pkg, err := codec.Encode(*resp)
if err != nil {
return nil, perrors.WithStack(err)
return bytes.NewBuffer(pkg), nil
// Decode data, including request and response.
func (c *DubboTestCodec) Decode(data []byte) (*remoting.DecodeResult, int, error) {
if c.isRequest(data) {
req, len, err := c.decodeRequest(data)
if err != nil {
return &remoting.DecodeResult{}, len, perrors.WithStack(err)
return &remoting.DecodeResult{IsRequest: true, Result: req}, len, perrors.WithStack(err)
} else {
resp, len, err := c.decodeResponse(data)
if err != nil {
return &remoting.DecodeResult{}, len, perrors.WithStack(err)
return &remoting.DecodeResult{IsRequest: false, Result: resp}, len, perrors.WithStack(err)
func (c *DubboTestCodec) isRequest(data []byte) bool {
return data[2]&byte(0x80) != 0x00
// decode request
func (c *DubboTestCodec) decodeRequest(data []byte) (*remoting.Request, int, error) {
var request *remoting.Request = nil
buf := bytes.NewBuffer(data)
pkg := impl.NewDubboPackage(buf)
pkg.SetBody(make([]interface{}, 7))
err := pkg.Unmarshal()
if err != nil {
originErr := perrors.Cause(err)
if originErr == hessian.ErrHeaderNotEnough || originErr == hessian.ErrBodyNotEnough {
return nil, 0, originErr
return request, 0, perrors.WithStack(err)
request = &remoting.Request{
ID: pkg.Header.ID,
SerialID: pkg.Header.SerialID,
TwoWay: pkg.Header.Type&impl.PackageRequest_TwoWay != 0x00,
Event: pkg.Header.Type&impl.PackageHeartbeat != 0x00,
if (pkg.Header.Type & impl.PackageHeartbeat) == 0x00 {
// convert params of request
req := pkg.Body.(map[string]interface{})
// invocation := request.Data.(*invocation.RPCInvocation)
var methodName string
var args []interface{}
attachments := make(map[string]interface{})
if req[impl.DubboVersionKey] != nil {
// dubbo version
request.Version = req[impl.DubboVersionKey].(string)
// path
attachments[constant.PathKey] = pkg.Service.Path
// version
attachments[constant.VersionKey] = pkg.Service.Version
// method
methodName = pkg.Service.Method
args = req[impl.ArgsKey].([]interface{})
attachments = req[impl.AttachmentsKey].(map[string]interface{})
invoc := invocation.NewRPCInvocationWithOptions(invocation.WithAttachments(attachments),
invocation.WithArguments(args), invocation.WithMethodName(methodName))
request.Data = invoc
return request, hessian.HEADER_LENGTH + pkg.Header.BodyLen, nil
// decode response
func (c *DubboTestCodec) decodeResponse(data []byte) (*remoting.Response, int, error) {
buf := bytes.NewBuffer(data)
pkg := impl.NewDubboPackage(buf)
err := pkg.Unmarshal()
if err != nil {
originErr := perrors.Cause(err)
// if the data is very big, so the receive need much times.
if originErr == hessian.ErrHeaderNotEnough || originErr == hessian.ErrBodyNotEnough {
return nil, 0, originErr
return nil, 0, perrors.WithStack(err)
response := &remoting.Response{
ID: pkg.Header.ID,
// Version: pkg.Header.,
SerialID: pkg.Header.SerialID,
Status: pkg.Header.ResponseStatus,
Event: (pkg.Header.Type & impl.PackageHeartbeat) != 0,
var error error
if pkg.Header.Type&impl.PackageHeartbeat != 0x00 {
if pkg.Header.Type&impl.PackageResponse != 0x00 {
if pkg.Err != nil {
error = pkg.Err
} else {
response.Status = hessian.Response_OK
// reply(session, p, hessian.PackageHeartbeat)
return response, hessian.HEADER_LENGTH + pkg.Header.BodyLen, error
rpcResult := &protocol.RPCResult{}
response.Result = rpcResult
if pkg.Header.Type&impl.PackageRequest == 0x00 {
if pkg.Err != nil {
rpcResult.Err = pkg.Err
} else if pkg.Body.(*impl.ResponsePayload).Exception != nil {
rpcResult.Err = pkg.Body.(*impl.ResponsePayload).Exception
response.Error = rpcResult.Err
rpcResult.Attrs = pkg.Body.(*impl.ResponsePayload).Attachments
rpcResult.Rest = pkg.Body.(*impl.ResponsePayload).RspObj
return response, hessian.HEADER_LENGTH + pkg.Header.BodyLen, nil