blob: 155a17bd64c68c322903a629acc274b93597a08b [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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package dubbo
import (
import (
// Instance is the highest layer conception that user could touch. It is mapped from RootConfig.
// When users want to inject global configurations and configure common modules for client layer
// and server layer, user-side code would be like this:
// ins, err := NewInstance()
// cli, err := ins.NewClient()
type Instance struct {
insOpts *InstanceOptions
// NewInstance receives InstanceOption and initializes RootConfig. There are some processing
// tasks during initialization.
func NewInstance(opts ...InstanceOption) (*Instance, error) {
newInsOpts := defaultInstanceOptions()
if err := newInsOpts.init(opts...); err != nil {
return nil, err
return &Instance{insOpts: newInsOpts}, nil
// NewClient is like client.NewClient, but inject configurations from RootConfig and
// ConsumerConfig
func (ins *Instance) NewClient(opts ...client.ClientOption) (*client.Client, error) {
if ins == nil || ins.insOpts == nil {
return nil, errors.New("Instance has not been initialized")
var cliOpts []client.ClientOption
conCfg := ins.insOpts.Consumer
appCfg := ins.insOpts.Application
regsCfg := ins.insOpts.Registries
sdCfg := ins.insOpts.Shutdown
metricsCfg := ins.insOpts.Metrics
otelCfg := ins.insOpts.Otel
if conCfg != nil {
if conCfg.Check {
cliOpts = append(cliOpts, client.WithClientCheck())
// these options come from Consumer and Root.
// for dubbo-go developers, referring config/ConsumerConfig.Init and config/ReferenceConfig
cliOpts = append(cliOpts,
// todo(DMwangnima): deal with Protocol
// todo(DMwangnima): deal with TracingKey
if appCfg != nil {
cliOpts = append(cliOpts, client.SetApplication(appCfg))
if regsCfg != nil {
cliOpts = append(cliOpts, client.SetClientRegistries(regsCfg))
if sdCfg != nil {
cliOpts = append(cliOpts, client.SetClientShutdown(sdCfg))
if metricsCfg != nil {
cliOpts = append(cliOpts, client.SetClientMetrics(metricsCfg))
if otelCfg != nil {
cliOpts = append(cliOpts, client.SetClientOtel(otelCfg))
// options passed by users has higher priority
cliOpts = append(cliOpts, opts...)
cli, err := client.NewClient(cliOpts...)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return cli, nil
// NewServer is like server.NewServer, but inject configurations from RootConfig.
func (ins *Instance) NewServer(opts ...server.ServerOption) (*server.Server, error) {
if ins == nil || ins.insOpts == nil {
return nil, errors.New("Instance has not been initialized")
var srvOpts []server.ServerOption
appCfg := ins.insOpts.Application
regsCfg := ins.insOpts.Registries
prosCfg := ins.insOpts.Protocols
sdCfg := ins.insOpts.Shutdown
metricsCfg := ins.insOpts.Metrics
otelCfg := ins.insOpts.Otel
if appCfg != nil {
srvOpts = append(srvOpts,
// global.WithApplication_Name(appCfg.Name),
// global.WithApplication_Organization(appCfg.Organization),
// global.WithApplication_Module(appCfg.Module),
// global.WithApplication_Version(appCfg.Version),
// global.WithApplication_Owner(appCfg.Owner),
// global.WithApplication_Environment(appCfg.Environment),
if regsCfg != nil {
srvOpts = append(srvOpts, server.SetServerRegistries(regsCfg))
if prosCfg != nil {
srvOpts = append(srvOpts, server.SetServerProtocols(prosCfg))
if sdCfg != nil {
srvOpts = append(srvOpts, server.SetServerShutdown(sdCfg))
if metricsCfg != nil {
srvOpts = append(srvOpts, server.SetServerMetrics(metricsCfg))
if otelCfg != nil {
srvOpts = append(srvOpts, server.SetServerOtel(otelCfg))
// options passed by users have higher priority
srvOpts = append(srvOpts, opts...)
srv, err := server.NewServer(srvOpts...)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return srv, nil