blob: 91727964206ee72eac0e2f7ef45e685e2aa566aa [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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package triple
import (
import (
grpc_go ""
import (
tri ""
// Server is TRIPLE adaptation layer representation. It makes use of tri.Server to
// provide functionality.
type Server struct {
triServer *tri.Server
mu sync.RWMutex
services map[string]grpc.ServiceInfo
// NewServer creates a new TRIPLE server.
// triServer would not be initialized since we could not get configurations here.
func NewServer() *Server {
return &Server{
services: make(map[string]grpc.ServiceInfo),
// Start TRIPLE server
func (s *Server) Start(invoker protocol.Invoker, info *server.ServiceInfo) {
URL := invoker.GetURL()
addr := URL.Location
// initialize tri.Server
s.triServer = tri.NewServer(addr)
serialization := URL.GetParam(constant.SerializationKey, constant.ProtobufSerialization)
switch serialization {
case constant.ProtobufSerialization:
case constant.JSONSerialization:
case constant.Hessian2Serialization:
case constant.MsgpackSerialization:
panic(fmt.Sprintf("Unsupported serialization: %s", serialization))
// todo: support opentracing interceptor
// todo(DMwangnima): think about a more elegant way to configure tls
// todo:// move tls config to handleService
hanOpts := getHanOpts(URL)
intfName := URL.Interface()
if info != nil {
// new triple idl mode
s.handleServiceWithInfo(intfName, invoker, info, hanOpts...)
s.saveServiceInfo(intfName, info)
} else {
// old triple idl mode and non-idl mode
s.compatHandleService(intfName, URL.Group(), URL.Version(), hanOpts...)
go func() {
if runErr := s.triServer.Run(); runErr != nil {
logger.Errorf("server serve failed with err: %v", runErr)
// todo(DMwangnima): extract a common function
// RefreshService refreshes Triple Service
func (s *Server) RefreshService(invoker protocol.Invoker, info *server.ServiceInfo) {
URL := invoker.GetURL()
serialization := URL.GetParam(constant.SerializationKey, constant.ProtobufSerialization)
switch serialization {
case constant.ProtobufSerialization:
case constant.JSONSerialization:
case constant.Hessian2Serialization:
case constant.MsgpackSerialization:
panic(fmt.Sprintf("Unsupported serialization: %s", serialization))
hanOpts := getHanOpts(URL)
intfName := URL.Interface()
if info != nil {
s.handleServiceWithInfo(intfName, invoker, info, hanOpts...)
s.saveServiceInfo(intfName, info)
} else {
s.compatHandleService(intfName, URL.Group(), URL.Version(), hanOpts...)
func getHanOpts(url *common.URL) (hanOpts []tri.HandlerOption) {
var err error
maxServerRecvMsgSize := constant.DefaultMaxServerRecvMsgSize
if recvMsgSize, convertErr := humanize.ParseBytes(url.GetParam(constant.MaxServerRecvMsgSize, "")); convertErr == nil && recvMsgSize != 0 {
maxServerRecvMsgSize = int(recvMsgSize)
hanOpts = append(hanOpts, tri.WithReadMaxBytes(maxServerRecvMsgSize))
maxServerSendMsgSize := constant.DefaultMaxServerSendMsgSize
if sendMsgSize, convertErr := humanize.ParseBytes(url.GetParam(constant.MaxServerSendMsgSize, "")); err == convertErr && sendMsgSize != 0 {
maxServerSendMsgSize = int(sendMsgSize)
hanOpts = append(hanOpts, tri.WithSendMaxBytes(maxServerSendMsgSize))
// todo:// open tracing
group := url.GetParam(constant.GroupKey, "")
version := url.GetParam(constant.VersionKey, "")
hanOpts = append(hanOpts, tri.WithGroup(group), tri.WithVersion(version))
return hanOpts
// *Important*, this function is responsible for being compatible with old triple-gen code and non-idl code
// compatHandleService registers handler based on ServiceConfig and provider service.
func (s *Server) compatHandleService(interfaceName string, group, version string, opts ...tri.HandlerOption) {
providerServices := config.GetProviderConfig().Services
if len(providerServices) == 0 {
logger.Info("Provider service map is null, please register ProviderServices")
for key, providerService := range providerServices {
if providerService.Interface != interfaceName || providerService.Group != group || providerService.Version != version {
// todo(DMwangnima): judge protocol type
service := config.GetProviderService(key)
serviceKey := common.ServiceKey(providerService.Interface, providerService.Group, providerService.Version)
exporter, _ := tripleProtocol.ExporterMap().Load(serviceKey)
if exporter == nil {
logger.Warnf("no exporter found for serviceKey: %v", serviceKey)
invoker := exporter.(protocol.Exporter).GetInvoker()
if invoker == nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("no invoker found for servicekey: %v", serviceKey))
ds, ok := service.(dubbo3.Dubbo3GrpcService)
if !ok {
info := createServiceInfoWithReflection(service)
s.handleServiceWithInfo(interfaceName, invoker, info, opts...)
s.saveServiceInfo(interfaceName, info)
// inject invoker, it has all invocation logics
s.compatRegisterHandler(interfaceName, ds, opts...)
func (s *Server) compatRegisterHandler(interfaceName string, svc dubbo3.Dubbo3GrpcService, opts ...tri.HandlerOption) {
desc := svc.XXX_ServiceDesc()
// init unary handlers
for _, method := range desc.Methods {
// please refer to protocol/triple/internal/proto/triple_gen/greettriple for procedure examples
// error could be ignored because base is empty string
procedure := joinProcedure(interfaceName, method.MethodName)
_ = s.triServer.RegisterCompatUnaryHandler(procedure, method.MethodName, svc, tri.MethodHandler(method.Handler), opts...)
// init stream handlers
for _, stream := range desc.Streams {
// please refer to protocol/triple/internal/proto/triple_gen/greettriple for procedure examples
// error could be ignored because base is empty string
procedure := joinProcedure(interfaceName, stream.StreamName)
var typ tri.StreamType
switch {
case stream.ClientStreams && stream.ServerStreams:
typ = tri.StreamTypeBidi
case stream.ClientStreams:
typ = tri.StreamTypeClient
case stream.ServerStreams:
typ = tri.StreamTypeServer
_ = s.triServer.RegisterCompatStreamHandler(procedure, svc, typ, stream.Handler, opts...)
// handleServiceWithInfo injects invoker and create handler based on ServiceInfo
func (s *Server) handleServiceWithInfo(interfaceName string, invoker protocol.Invoker, info *server.ServiceInfo, opts ...tri.HandlerOption) {
for _, method := range info.Methods {
m := method
procedure := joinProcedure(interfaceName, method.Name)
switch m.Type {
case constant.CallUnary:
_ = s.triServer.RegisterUnaryHandler(
func(ctx context.Context, req *tri.Request) (*tri.Response, error) {
var args []interface{}
if argsRaw, ok := req.Msg.([]interface{}); ok {
// non-idl mode, req.Msg consists of many arguments
for _, argRaw := range argsRaw {
// refer to createServiceInfoWithReflection, in ReqInitFunc, argRaw is a pointer to real arg.
// so we have to invoke Elem to get the real arg.
args = append(args, reflect.ValueOf(argRaw).Elem().Interface())
} else {
// triple idl mode and old triple idl mode
args = append(args, req.Msg)
attachments := generateAttachments(req.Header())
// inject attachments
ctx = context.WithValue(ctx, constant.AttachmentKey, attachments)
invo := invocation.NewRPCInvocation(m.Name, args, attachments)
res := invoker.Invoke(ctx, invo)
// todo(DMwangnima): modify InfoInvoker to get a unified processing logic
// please refer to server/InfoInvoker.Invoke()
if triResp, ok := res.Result().(*tri.Response); ok {
return triResp, res.Error()
// please refer to proxy/proxy_factory/ProxyInvoker.Invoke
triResp := tri.NewResponse([]interface{}{res.Result()})
return triResp, res.Error()
case constant.CallClientStream:
_ = s.triServer.RegisterClientStreamHandler(
func(ctx context.Context, stream *tri.ClientStream) (*tri.Response, error) {
var args []interface{}
args = append(args, m.StreamInitFunc(stream))
attachments := generateAttachments(stream.RequestHeader())
// inject attachments
ctx = context.WithValue(ctx, constant.AttachmentKey, attachments)
invo := invocation.NewRPCInvocation(m.Name, args, attachments)
res := invoker.Invoke(ctx, invo)
return res.Result().(*tri.Response), res.Error()
case constant.CallServerStream:
_ = s.triServer.RegisterServerStreamHandler(
func(ctx context.Context, req *tri.Request, stream *tri.ServerStream) error {
var args []interface{}
args = append(args, req.Msg, m.StreamInitFunc(stream))
attachments := generateAttachments(req.Header())
// inject attachments
ctx = context.WithValue(ctx, constant.AttachmentKey, attachments)
invo := invocation.NewRPCInvocation(m.Name, args, attachments)
res := invoker.Invoke(ctx, invo)
return res.Error()
case constant.CallBidiStream:
_ = s.triServer.RegisterBidiStreamHandler(
func(ctx context.Context, stream *tri.BidiStream) error {
var args []interface{}
args = append(args, m.StreamInitFunc(stream))
attachments := generateAttachments(stream.RequestHeader())
// inject attachments
ctx = context.WithValue(ctx, constant.AttachmentKey, attachments)
invo := invocation.NewRPCInvocation(m.Name, args, attachments)
res := invoker.Invoke(ctx, invo)
return res.Error()
func (s *Server) saveServiceInfo(interfaceName string, info *server.ServiceInfo) {
ret := grpc.ServiceInfo{}
ret.Methods = make([]grpc.MethodInfo, 0, len(info.Methods))
for _, method := range info.Methods {
md := grpc.MethodInfo{}
md.Name = method.Name
switch method.Type {
case constant.CallUnary:
md.IsClientStream = false
md.IsServerStream = false
case constant.CallBidiStream:
md.IsClientStream = true
md.IsServerStream = true
case constant.CallClientStream:
md.IsClientStream = true
md.IsServerStream = false
case constant.CallServerStream:
md.IsClientStream = false
md.IsServerStream = true
ret.Methods = append(ret.Methods, md)
ret.Metadata = info
// todo(DMwangnima): using interfaceName is not enough, we need to consider group and version[interfaceName] = ret
func (s *Server) compatSaveServiceInfo(desc *grpc_go.ServiceDesc) {
ret := grpc.ServiceInfo{}
ret.Methods = make([]grpc.MethodInfo, 0, len(desc.Streams)+len(desc.Methods))
for _, method := range desc.Methods {
md := grpc.MethodInfo{
Name: method.MethodName,
IsClientStream: false,
IsServerStream: false,
ret.Methods = append(ret.Methods, md)
for _, stream := range desc.Streams {
md := grpc.MethodInfo{
Name: stream.StreamName,
IsClientStream: stream.ClientStreams,
IsServerStream: stream.ServerStreams,
ret.Methods = append(ret.Methods, md)
ret.Metadata = desc.Metadata
defer[desc.ServiceName] = ret
func (s *Server) GetServiceInfo() map[string]grpc.ServiceInfo {
res := make(map[string]grpc.ServiceInfo, len(
for k, v := range {
res[k] = v
return res
// Stop TRIPLE server
func (s *Server) Stop() {
_ = s.triServer.Stop()
// GracefulStop TRIPLE server
func (s *Server) GracefulStop() {
_ = s.triServer.GracefulStop(context.Background())
// createServiceInfoWithReflection is for non-idl scenario.
// It makes use of reflection to extract method parameters information and create ServiceInfo.
// As a result, Server could use this ServiceInfo to register.
func createServiceInfoWithReflection(svc common.RPCService) *server.ServiceInfo {
var info server.ServiceInfo
val := reflect.ValueOf(svc)
typ := reflect.TypeOf(svc)
methodNum := val.NumMethod()
methodInfos := make([]server.MethodInfo, methodNum)
for i := 0; i < methodNum; i++ {
methodType := typ.Method(i)
if methodType.Name == "Reference" {
paramsNum := methodType.Type.NumIn()
// the first param is receiver itself, the second param is ctx
// just ignore them
if paramsNum < 2 {
logger.Fatalf("TRIPLE does not support %s method that does not have any parameter", methodType.Name)
paramsTypes := make([]reflect.Type, paramsNum-2)
for j := 2; j < paramsNum; j++ {
paramsTypes[j-2] = methodType.Type.In(j)
methodInfo := server.MethodInfo{
Name: methodType.Name,
// only support Unary invocation now
Type: constant.CallUnary,
ReqInitFunc: func() interface{} {
params := make([]interface{}, len(paramsTypes))
for k, paramType := range paramsTypes {
params[k] = reflect.New(paramType).Interface()
return params
methodInfos[i] = methodInfo
info.Methods = methodInfos
return &info
// generateAttachments transfer http.Header to map[string]interface{} and make all keys lowercase
func generateAttachments(header http.Header) map[string]interface{} {
attachments := make(map[string]interface{}, len(header))
for key, val := range header {
lowerKey := strings.ToLower(key)
attachments[lowerKey] = val
return attachments