blob: aeaa2f8f01f422b8ad92e7ba2afb281bdbc0cd84 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package config
import (
import (
perrors ""
import (
_ ""
var (
consumerConfig *ConsumerConfig
providerConfig *ProviderConfig
// baseConfig = providerConfig.BaseConfig or consumerConfig
baseConfig *BaseConfig
sslEnabled = false
// configAccessMutex is used to make sure that xxxxConfig will only be created once if needed.
// it should be used combine with double-check to avoid the race condition
configAccessMutex sync.Mutex
maxWait = 3
confRouterFile string
uniformVirturlServiceConfigPath string
uniformDestRuleConfigPath string
// loaded consumer & provider config from xxx.yml, and log config from xxx.xml
// Namely: dubbo.consumer.xml & dubbo.provider.xml in java dubbo
func init() {
var (
confConFile string
confProFile string
fs := flag.NewFlagSet("config", flag.ContinueOnError)
fs.StringVar(&confConFile, "conConf", os.Getenv(constant.CONF_CONSUMER_FILE_PATH), "default client config path")
fs.StringVar(&confProFile, "proConf", os.Getenv(constant.CONF_PROVIDER_FILE_PATH), "default server config path")
fs.StringVar(&confRouterFile, "rouConf", os.Getenv(constant.CONF_ROUTER_FILE_PATH), "default router config path")
fs.StringVar(&uniformVirturlServiceConfigPath, "vsConf", os.Getenv(constant.CONF_VIRTUAL_SERVICE_FILE_PATH), "default virtual service of uniform router config path")
fs.StringVar(&uniformDestRuleConfigPath, "drConf", os.Getenv(constant.CONF_DEST_RULE_FILE_PATH), "default destination rule of uniform router config path")
for len(fs.Args()) != 0 {
if errCon := ConsumerInit(confConFile); errCon != nil {
log.Printf("[consumerInit] %#v", errCon)
consumerConfig = nil
} else {
// Even though baseConfig has been initialized, we override it
// because we think read from config file is correct config
baseConfig = &consumerConfig.BaseConfig
if errPro := ProviderInit(confProFile); errPro != nil {
log.Printf("[providerInit] %#v", errPro)
providerConfig = nil
} else {
// Even though baseConfig has been initialized, we override it
// because we think read from config file is correct config
baseConfig = &providerConfig.BaseConfig
func checkRegistries(registries map[string]*RegistryConfig, singleRegistry *RegistryConfig) {
if len(registries) == 0 && singleRegistry != nil {
registries[constant.DEFAULT_KEY] = singleRegistry
func checkApplicationName(config *ApplicationConfig) {
if config == nil || len(config.Name) == 0 {
errMsg := "application config must not be nil, pls check your configuration"
func loadConsumerConfig() {
if consumerConfig == nil {
logger.Warnf("consumerConfig is nil!")
// init other consumer config
conConfigType := consumerConfig.ConfigType
for key, value := range extension.GetDefaultConfigReader() {
if conConfigType != nil {
if v, ok := conConfigType[key]; ok {
value = v
if err := extension.GetConfigReaders(value).ReadConsumerConfig(consumerConfig.fileStream); err != nil {
logger.Errorf("ReadConsumerConfig error: %#v for %s", perrors.WithStack(err), value)
if err := configCenterRefreshConsumer(); err != nil {
logger.Errorf("[consumer config center refresh] %#v", err)
checkRegistries(consumerConfig.Registries, consumerConfig.Registry)
for key, ref := range consumerConfig.References {
if ref.Generic {
genericService := NewGenericService(key)
rpcService := GetConsumerService(key)
if rpcService == nil {
logger.Warnf("%s does not exist!", key)
} = key
// wait for invoker is available, if wait over default 3s, then panic
var count int
for {
checkok := true
for _, refconfig := range consumerConfig.References {
if (refconfig.Check != nil && *refconfig.Check) ||
(refconfig.Check == nil && consumerConfig.Check != nil && *consumerConfig.Check) ||
(refconfig.Check == nil && consumerConfig.Check == nil) { // default to true
if refconfig.invoker != nil && !refconfig.invoker.IsAvailable() {
checkok = false
if count > maxWait {
errMsg := fmt.Sprintf("Failed to check the status of the service %v. No provider available for the service to the consumer use dubbo version %v", refconfig.InterfaceName, constant.Version)
time.Sleep(time.Second * 1)
if refconfig.invoker == nil {
logger.Warnf("The interface %s invoker not exist, may you should check your interface config.", refconfig.InterfaceName)
if checkok {
func loadProviderConfig() {
if providerConfig == nil {
logger.Warnf("providerConfig is nil!")
// init other provider config
proConfigType := providerConfig.ConfigType
for key, value := range extension.GetDefaultConfigReader() {
if proConfigType != nil {
if v, ok := proConfigType[key]; ok {
value = v
if err := extension.GetConfigReaders(value).ReadProviderConfig(providerConfig.fileStream); err != nil {
logger.Errorf("ReadProviderConfig error: %#v for %s", perrors.WithStack(err), value)
if err := configCenterRefreshProvider(); err != nil {
logger.Errorf("[provider config center refresh] %#v", err)
checkRegistries(providerConfig.Registries, providerConfig.Registry)
for key, svs := range providerConfig.Services {
rpcService := GetProviderService(key)
if rpcService == nil {
logger.Warnf("%s does not exist!", key)
} = key
svs.Protocols = providerConfig.Protocols
if err := svs.Export(); err != nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("service %s export failed! err: %#v", key, err))
// registerServiceInstance register service instance
func registerServiceInstance() {
url := selectMetadataServiceExportedURL()
if url == nil {
instance, err := createInstance(url)
if err != nil {
p := extension.GetProtocol(constant.REGISTRY_KEY)
var rp registry.RegistryFactory
var ok bool
if rp, ok = p.(registry.RegistryFactory); !ok {
panic("dubbo registry protocol{" + reflect.TypeOf(p).String() + "} is invalid")
rs := rp.GetRegistries()
for _, r := range rs {
var sdr registry.ServiceDiscoveryHolder
if sdr, ok = r.(registry.ServiceDiscoveryHolder); !ok {
err := sdr.GetServiceDiscovery().Register(instance)
if err != nil {
// nolint
func createInstance(url *common.URL) (registry.ServiceInstance, error) {
appConfig := GetApplicationConfig()
port, err := strconv.ParseInt(url.Port, 10, 32)
if err != nil {
return nil, perrors.WithMessage(err, "invalid port: "+url.Port)
host := url.Ip
if len(host) == 0 {
host = common.GetLocalIp()
// usually we will add more metadata
metadata := make(map[string]string, 8)
metadata[constant.METADATA_STORAGE_TYPE_PROPERTY_NAME] = appConfig.MetadataType
return &registry.DefaultServiceInstance{
ServiceName: appConfig.Name,
Host: host,
Port: int(port),
Id: host + constant.KEY_SEPARATOR + url.Port,
Enable: true,
Healthy: true,
Metadata: metadata,
}, nil
// selectMetadataServiceExportedURL get already be exported url
func selectMetadataServiceExportedURL() *common.URL {
var selectedUrl *common.URL
metaDataService, err := extension.GetMetadataService(GetApplicationConfig().MetadataType)
if err != nil {
return nil
list, err := metaDataService.GetExportedURLs(constant.ANY_VALUE, constant.ANY_VALUE, constant.ANY_VALUE, constant.ANY_VALUE)
if err != nil {
if len(list) == 0 {
return nil
for _, urlStr := range list {
url, err := common.NewURL(urlStr.(string))
if err != nil {
logger.Errorf("url format error {%v}", url)
selectedUrl = url
// rest first
if url.Protocol == "rest" {
return selectedUrl
func initRouter() {
if uniformDestRuleConfigPath != "" && uniformVirturlServiceConfigPath != "" {
if err := RouterInit(uniformVirturlServiceConfigPath, uniformDestRuleConfigPath); err != nil {
log.Printf("[routerConfig init] %#v", err)
// Load Dubbo Init
func Load() {
// init router
// init the global event dispatcher
// start the metadata report if config set
if err := startMetadataReport(GetApplicationConfig().MetadataType, GetBaseConfig().MetadataReportConfig); err != nil {
logger.Errorf("Provider starts metadata report error, and the error is {%#v}", err)
// reference config
// service config
// init the shutdown callback
// GetRPCService get rpc service for consumer
func GetRPCService(name string) common.RPCService {
return consumerConfig.References[name].GetRPCService()
// RPCService create rpc service for consumer
func RPCService(service common.RPCService) {
// GetMetricConfig find the MetricConfig
// if it is nil, create a new one
// we use double-check to reduce race condition
// In general, it will be locked 0 or 1 time.
// So you don't need to worry about the race condition
func GetMetricConfig() *MetricConfig {
if GetBaseConfig().MetricConfig == nil {
defer configAccessMutex.Unlock()
if GetBaseConfig().MetricConfig == nil {
GetBaseConfig().MetricConfig = &MetricConfig{}
return GetBaseConfig().MetricConfig
// GetApplicationConfig find the application config
// if not, we will create one
// Usually applicationConfig will be initialized when system start
// we use double-check to reduce race condition
// In general, it will be locked 0 or 1 time.
// So you don't need to worry about the race condition
func GetApplicationConfig() *ApplicationConfig {
if GetBaseConfig().ApplicationConfig == nil {
defer configAccessMutex.Unlock()
if GetBaseConfig().ApplicationConfig == nil {
GetBaseConfig().ApplicationConfig = &ApplicationConfig{}
return GetBaseConfig().ApplicationConfig
// GetProviderConfig find the provider config
// if not found, create new one
func GetProviderConfig() ProviderConfig {
if providerConfig == nil {
if providerConfig == nil {
return ProviderConfig{}
return *providerConfig
// GetConsumerConfig find the consumer config
// if not found, create new one
// we use double-check to reduce race condition
// In general, it will be locked 0 or 1 time.
// So you don't need to worry about the race condition
func GetConsumerConfig() ConsumerConfig {
if consumerConfig == nil {
if consumerConfig == nil {
return ConsumerConfig{}
return *consumerConfig
func GetBaseConfig() *BaseConfig {
if baseConfig == nil {
defer configAccessMutex.Unlock()
if baseConfig == nil {
baseConfig = &BaseConfig{
MetricConfig: &MetricConfig{},
ConfigCenterConfig: &ConfigCenterConfig{},
Remotes: make(map[string]*RemoteConfig),
ApplicationConfig: &ApplicationConfig{},
ServiceDiscoveries: make(map[string]*ServiceDiscoveryConfig),
return baseConfig
func GetSslEnabled() bool {
return sslEnabled
func SetSslEnabled(enabled bool) {
sslEnabled = enabled
func IsProvider() bool {
return providerConfig != nil