blob: ecb29fc87b2221a8ebf620f2f992e63de4630f39 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package remote
import (
import (
apiConf ""
import (
clienthttp ""
contexthttp ""
const (
OPEN = iota
const (
Kind = constant.HTTPDubboProxyFilter
func init() {
type (
mockLevel int8
Plugin struct {
FilterFactory struct {
conf *config
Filter struct {
conf config
config struct {
Level mockLevel `yaml:"level,omitempty" json:"level,omitempty"`
Dpc *dubbo.DubboProxyConfig `yaml:"dubboProxyConfig,omitempty" json:"dubboProxyConfig,omitempty"`
func (p *Plugin) Kind() string {
return Kind
func (p *Plugin) CreateFilterFactory() (filter.HttpFilterFactory, error) {
return &FilterFactory{conf: &config{}}, nil
func (factory *FilterFactory) Config() interface{} {
return factory.conf
func (factory *FilterFactory) Apply() error {
mock := 1
mockStr := os.Getenv(constant.EnvMock)
if len(mockStr) > 0 {
i, err := strconv.Atoi(mockStr)
if err == nil {
mock = i
level := mockLevel(mock)
if level < 0 || level > 2 {
level = CLOSE
factory.conf.Level = level
// must init it at apply function
return nil
func (factory *FilterFactory) PrepareFilterChain(ctx *contexthttp.HttpContext, chain filter.FilterChain) error {
f := &Filter{conf: *factory.conf}
return nil
func (f *Filter) Decode(c *contexthttp.HttpContext) filter.FilterStatus {
if f.conf.Dpc.AutoResolve {
if err := f.resolve(c); err != nil {
c.SendLocalReply(http.StatusInternalServerError, []byte(fmt.Sprintf("auto resolve err: %s", err)))
return filter.Stop
api := c.GetAPI()
if (f.conf.Level == OPEN && api.Mock) || (f.conf.Level == ALL) {
c.SourceResp = &contexthttp.ErrResponse{
Message: "mock success",
return filter.Continue
typ := api.Method.IntegrationRequest.RequestType
cli, err := matchClient(typ)
if err != nil {
req := client.NewReq(c.Request.Context(), c.Request, *api)
req.Timeout = c.Timeout
resp, err := cli.Call(req)
if err != nil {
logger.Errorf("[dubbo-go-pixiu] client call err:%v!", err)
c.SendLocalReply(http.StatusInternalServerError, []byte(fmt.Sprintf("client call err: %s", err)))
return filter.Stop
logger.Debugf("[dubbo-go-pixiu] client call resp:%v", resp)
c.SourceResp = resp
return filter.Continue
func matchClient(typ apiConf.RequestType) (client.Client, error) {
switch strings.ToLower(string(typ)) {
case string(apiConf.DubboRequest):
return dubbo.SingletonDubboClient(), nil
// todo @(laurence) add triple to apiConf
case "triple":
return triple.SingletonTripleClient(), nil
case string(apiConf.HTTPRequest):
return clienthttp.SingletonHTTPClient(), nil
return nil, errors.New("not support")
func (f *Filter) resolve(ctx *contexthttp.HttpContext) error {
// method must be post
req := ctx.Request
if req.Method != http.MethodPost {
return errors.New("http request method must be post when trying to auto resolve")
// header must has x-dubbo-http1.1-dubbo-version to declare using auto resolve rule
version := req.Header.Get(constant.DubboHttpDubboVersion)
if version == "" {
return errors.New("http request must has x-dubbo-http1.1-dubbo-version header when trying to auto resolve")
// http://host/{application}/{service}/{method} or https://host/{application}/{service}/{method}
rawPath := req.URL.Path
rawPath = strings.Trim(rawPath, "/")
splits := strings.Split(rawPath, "/")
if len(splits) != 3 {
return errors.New("http request path must meet {application}/{service}/{method} format when trying to auto resolve")
integrationRequest := apiConf.IntegrationRequest{}
resolveProtocol := req.Header.Get(constant.DubboServiceProtocol)
if resolveProtocol == string(apiConf.HTTPRequest) {
integrationRequest.RequestType = apiConf.HTTPRequest
} else if resolveProtocol == string(apiConf.DubboRequest) {
integrationRequest.RequestType = apiConf.DubboRequest
} else if resolveProtocol == "triple" {
integrationRequest.RequestType = "triple"
} else {
return errors.New("http request has unknown protocol in x-dubbo-service-protocol when trying to auto resolve")
dubboBackendConfig := apiConf.DubboBackendConfig{}
dubboBackendConfig.Version = req.Header.Get(constant.DubboServiceVersion)
dubboBackendConfig.Group = req.Header.Get(constant.DubboGroup)
integrationRequest.DubboBackendConfig = dubboBackendConfig
defaultMappingParams := []apiConf.MappingParam{
Name: "requestBody.values",
MapTo: "opt.values",
}, {
Name: "requestBody.types",
MapTo: "opt.types",
}, {
Name: "uri.application",
MapTo: "opt.application",
}, {
Name: "uri.interface",
MapTo: "opt.interface",
}, {
Name: "uri.method",
MapTo: "opt.method",
integrationRequest.MappingParams = defaultMappingParams
method := apiConf.Method{
Enable: true,
Mock: false,
HTTPVerb: http.MethodPost,
method.IntegrationRequest = integrationRequest
inboundRequest := apiConf.InboundRequest{}
inboundRequest.RequestType = apiConf.HTTPRequest
method.InboundRequest = inboundRequest
api := router.API{}
api.URLPattern = "/:application/:interface/:method"
api.Method = method
return nil