blob: c9535f8a048019a84f2a0f891f6d6dec52981717 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package circuitbreaker
import (
stdHttp "net/http"
import (
sentinel ""
sc ""
import (
pkgs ""
const (
Kind = constant.HTTPCircuitBreakerFilter
Segmentation = "@"
func init() {
type (
// Plugin is http filter plugin.
Plugin struct {
// FilterFactory is http filter instance
FilterFactory struct {
cfg *Config
matcher *pkgs.Matcher
// Filter is http filter instance
Filter struct {
cfg *Config
matcher *pkgs.Matcher
// Config describe the config of FilterFactory
Config struct {
Resources []*pkgs.Resource `json:"resources,omitempty" yaml:"resources,omitempty"`
Rules []*circuitbreaker.Rule `json:"rules" yaml:"rules"` // circuit breaker base config info
func (p *Plugin) Kind() string {
return Kind
func (p *Plugin) CreateFilterFactory() (filter.HttpFilterFactory, error) {
return &FilterFactory{cfg: &Config{}}, nil
func (factory *FilterFactory) PrepareFilterChain(ctx *http.HttpContext, chain filter.FilterChain) error {
chain.AppendDecodeFilters(&Filter{cfg: factory.cfg, matcher: factory.matcher})
return nil
func (f *Filter) Decode(ctx *http.HttpContext) filter.FilterStatus {
url := ctx.GetUrl()
resourceName, ok := f.matcher.Match(url)
if !ok {
return filter.Continue
// entry, blockErr := sentinel.Entry(resourceName, sentinel.WithResourceType(base.ResTypeAPIGateway), sentinel.WithTrafficType(base.Inbound))
entry, blockErr := sentinel.Entry(resourceName)
// if blockErr not nil, indicates the request was blocked by Sentinel
if blockErr != nil {
ctx.SendLocalReply(stdHttp.StatusServiceUnavailable, constant.Default503Body)
return filter.Stop
defer entry.Exit()
return filter.Continue
func (factory *FilterFactory) Config() interface{} {
return factory.cfg
func (factory *FilterFactory) Apply() error {
if len(factory.cfg.Rules) == 0 || len(factory.cfg.Resources) == 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("circuit breaker router or resources is null")
// init matcher
factory.matcher = pkgs.NewMatcher()
resourcesMap := make(map[string]circuitbreaker.Rule, len(factory.cfg.Rules))
for _, rule := range factory.cfg.Rules {
resourcesMap[rule.Resource] = *rule
rules := make([]*circuitbreaker.Rule, 0, len(factory.cfg.Rules))
for _, rule := range factory.cfg.Resources {
c, ok := resourcesMap[strings.Split(rule.Name, Segmentation)[0]]
if !ok {
logger.Warn("circuit breaker resource does not exist")
c.Resource = rule.Name
rules = append(rules, &c)
return loadRules(rules)
func (factory *FilterFactory) resetResources() {
resources := make([]*pkgs.Resource, 0, len(factory.cfg.Resources))
for _, rule := range factory.cfg.Resources {
for _, item := range rule.Items {
resources = append(resources, &pkgs.Resource{Name: rule.Name + Segmentation + item.Pattern, Items: []*pkgs.Item{item}})
factory.cfg.Resources = resources
func loadRules(rules []*circuitbreaker.Rule) error {
conf := sc.NewDefaultConfig()
conf.Sentinel.Log.Logger = pkgs.GetWrappedLogger()
err := sentinel.InitWithConfig(conf)
if err != nil {
logger.Error("circuit breaker init fail ", err)
return err
if _, err = circuitbreaker.LoadRules(rules); err != nil {
logger.Error("circuit breaker load rules fail ", err)
return err
return nil