blob: a4d996f46a75b27ceaac58aded8ab87c62d009dd [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package grpcproxy
import (
import (
reflectpb ""
import (
ct ""
type Descriptor struct {
fileSource *fileSource
func (dr *Descriptor) GetCurrentDescriptorSource(ctx context.Context) (DescriptorSource, error) {
value := ctx.Value(ct.ContextKey(DescriptorSourceKey))
switch t := value.(type) {
case *DescriptorSource:
return value.(DescriptorSource), nil
case nil:
return nil, errors.New("the descriptor source not found!")
return nil, errors.Errorf("found a value of type %s, which is not DescriptorSource, ", t)
func (dr *Descriptor) getDescriptorSource(ctx context.Context, cfg *Config) (DescriptorSource, error) {
var ds DescriptorSource
var err error
switch strings.ToLower(cfg.DescriptorSourceStrategy.String()) {
case LOCAL:
// file only
ds, err = dr.getFileDescriptorCompose(ctx, cfg)
case REMOTE:
// server reflection only
ds, err = dr.getServerDescriptorSourceCtx(ctx, cfg)
case AUTO:
// file + reflection
ds, err = dr.getDescriptorCompose(ctx, cfg)
case NONE:
// nope
logger.Warnf("%s grpc descriptor source is none config , check descriptor_source_strategy %s ", loggerHeader, cfg.DescriptorSourceStrategy.String())
err = errors.Errorf("grpc descriptor source not initialized cause the config of `descriptor_source_strategy` is %s, maybe set it `AUTO`", cfg.DescriptorSourceStrategy)
return ds, err
func (dr *Descriptor) getDescriptorCompose(ctx context.Context, cfg *Config) (DescriptorSource, error) {
var err error
cs := &compositeSource{}
cs.reflection, err = dr.getServerDescriptorSourceCtx(ctx, cfg)
cs.file = dr.fileSource
return cs, err
func (dr *Descriptor) initDescriptorSource(cfg *Config) *Descriptor {
if cfg.DescriptorSourceStrategy.String() == LOCAL {
return dr
func (dr *Descriptor) getServerDescriptorSourceCtx(refCtx context.Context, cfg *Config) (DescriptorSource, error) {
var cc *grpc.ClientConn
var err error
gconn := refCtx.Value(ct.ContextKey(GrpcClientConnKey))
switch t := gconn.(type) {
case *grpc.ClientConn:
cc = gconn.(*grpc.ClientConn)
case nil:
err = errors.New("the descriptor source not found!")
err = errors.Errorf("found a value of type %s, which is not *grpc.ClientConn, ", t)
return &serverSource{client: grpcreflect.NewClient(refCtx, reflectpb.NewServerReflectionClient(cc))}, err
func (dr *Descriptor) getServerDescriptorSource(refCtx context.Context, cc *grpc.ClientConn) DescriptorSource {
return &serverSource{client: grpcreflect.NewClient(refCtx, reflectpb.NewServerReflectionClient(cc))}
func (dr *Descriptor) getFileDescriptorCompose(ctx context.Context, cfg *Config) (DescriptorSource, error) {
var err error
if dr.fileSource == nil {
return dr.fileSource, err
func (dr *Descriptor) initFileDescriptorSource(cfg *Config) *Descriptor {
if dr.fileSource != nil {
return dr
descriptor, err := loadFileSource(cfg)
if err != nil {
logger.Errorf("%s init gRPC descriptor by local file error: %v", loggerHeader, err)
return dr
dr.fileSource = descriptor
return dr
func loadFileSource(gc *Config) (*fileSource, error) {
var fsrc fileSource
cur := gc.Path
if !filepath.IsAbs(cur) {
ex, err := os.Executable()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
cur = filepath.Dir(ex) + string(os.PathSeparator) + gc.Path
logger.Infof("%s load proto files from %s", loggerHeader, cur)
fileLists := make([]string, 0)
items, err := os.ReadDir(cur)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
for _, item := range items {
if !item.IsDir() {
sp := strings.Split(item.Name(), ".")
length := len(sp)
if length >= 2 && sp[length-1] == "proto" {
fileLists = append(fileLists, item.Name())
if err != nil {
return nil, err
importPaths := []string{gc.Path}
fileNames, err := protoparse.ResolveFilenames(importPaths, fileLists...)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
p := protoparse.Parser{
ImportPaths: importPaths,
InferImportPaths: len(importPaths) == 0,
IncludeSourceCodeInfo: true,
fds, err := p.ParseFiles(fileNames...)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("could not parse given files: %v", err)
fsrc.files = make(map[string]*desc.FileDescriptor)
for _, fd := range fds {
name := fd.GetName()
fsrc.files[name] = fd
return &fsrc, nil