blob: d85bc7f8099166f586109fb925b1db785e805020 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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* limitations under the License.
package servicediscovery
import (
import (
type (
// ServiceInstance the service instance info fetched from registry such as nacos consul
ServiceInstance struct {
ID string
ServiceName string
// host:port
Host string
Port int
Healthy bool
CLusterName string
Enable bool
// extra info such as label or other meta data
Metadata map[string]string
ServiceEventListener interface {
OnAddServiceInstance(r *ServiceInstance)
OnDeleteServiceInstance(r *ServiceInstance)
OnUpdateServiceInstance(r *ServiceInstance)
GetServiceNames() []string
ServiceDiscovery interface {
// QueryAllServices get all service from remote registry center
QueryAllServices() ([]ServiceInstance, error)
// QueryServicesByName get service by serviceName from remote registry center
QueryServicesByName(serviceNames []string) ([]ServiceInstance, error)
// Register register to remote registry center
Register() error
// UnRegister unregister to remote registry center
UnRegister() error
// Subscribe subscribe the service event from remote registry center
Subscribe() error
// Unsubscribe unsubscribe from remote registry center
Unsubscribe() error
func (i *ServiceInstance) GetUniqKey() string {
return i.ServiceName + i.Host + fmt.Sprint(i.Port)
// ToEndpoint
func (i *ServiceInstance) ToEndpoint() *model.Endpoint {
a := model.SocketAddress{Address: i.Host, Port: i.Port}
return &model.Endpoint{ID: i.ID, Address: a, Name: i.ServiceName, Metadata: i.Metadata}
// ToRoute route ID is cluster name, so equal with endpoint name and routerMatch prefix is also service name
func (i *ServiceInstance) ToRoute() *model.Router {
rm := model.NewRouterMatchPrefix(i.ServiceName)
ra := model.RouteAction{Cluster: i.ServiceName}
return &model.Router{ID: i.ServiceName, Match: rm, Route: ra}