blob: fa06c086a8e9fa3de501d67212c67b18936687a9 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package getty
import (
gxsync ""
perrors ""
var (
ErrSessionClosed = perrors.New("session Already Closed")
ErrSessionBlocked = perrors.New("session Full Blocked")
ErrNullPeerAddr = perrors.New("peer address is nil")
// NewSessionCallback will be invoked when server accepts a new client connection or client connects to server successfully.
// If there are too many client connections or u do not want to connect a server again, u can return non-nil error. And
// then getty will close the new session.
type NewSessionCallback func(Session) error
// Reader is used to unmarshal a complete pkg from buffer
type Reader interface {
// Read Parse tcp/udp/websocket pkg from buffer and if possible return a complete pkg.
// When receiving a tcp network streaming segment, there are 4 cases as following:
// case 1: a error found in the streaming segment;
// case 2: can not unmarshal a pkg header from the streaming segment;
// case 3: unmarshal a pkg header but can not unmarshal a pkg from the streaming segment;
// case 4: just unmarshal a pkg from the streaming segment;
// case 5: unmarshal more than one pkg from the streaming segment;
// The return value is (nil, 0, error) as case 1.
// The return value is (nil, 0, nil) as case 2.
// The return value is (nil, pkgLen, nil) as case 3.
// The return value is (pkg, pkgLen, nil) as case 4.
// The handleTcpPackage may invoke func Read many times as case 5.
Read(Session, []byte) (interface{}, int, error)
// Writer is used to marshal pkg and write to session
type Writer interface {
// Write if @Session is udpGettySession, the second parameter is UDPContext.
Write(Session, interface{}) ([]byte, error)
// ReadWriter interface use for handle application packages
type ReadWriter interface {
// EventListener is used to process pkg that received from remote session
type EventListener interface {
// OnOpen invoked when session opened
// If the return error is not nil, @Session will be closed.
OnOpen(Session) error
// OnClose invoked when session closed.
// OnError invoked when got error.
OnError(Session, error)
// OnCron invoked periodically, its period can be set by (Session)SetCronPeriod
// OnMessage invoked when getty received a package. Pls attention that do not handle long time
// logic processing in this func. You'd better set the package's maximum length.
// If the message's length is greater than it, u should should return err in
// Reader{Read} and getty will close this connection soon.
// If ur logic processing in this func will take a long time, u should start a goroutine
// pool(like working thread pool in cpp) to handle the processing asynchronously. Or u
// can do the logic processing in other asynchronous way.
// !!!In short, ur OnMessage callback func should return asap.
// If this is a udp event listener, the second parameter type is UDPContext.
OnMessage(Session, interface{})
// EndPoint represents the identity of the client/server
type EndPoint interface {
// ID get EndPoint ID
ID() EndPointID
// EndPointType get endpoint type
EndPointType() EndPointType
// RunEventLoop run event loop and serves client request.
RunEventLoop(newSession NewSessionCallback)
// IsClosed check the endpoint has been closed
IsClosed() bool
// Close close the endpoint and free its resource
// GetTaskPool get task pool implemented by dubbogo/gost
GetTaskPool() gxsync.GenericTaskPool