del unused code
diff --git a/src/dubbo_provider_consumer_reg_table.erl b/src/dubbo_provider_consumer_reg_table.erl
index e307da3..2b9bd6e 100644
--- a/src/dubbo_provider_consumer_reg_table.erl
+++ b/src/dubbo_provider_consumer_reg_table.erl
@@ -221,43 +221,6 @@
 %%% Internal functions
-%%add_consumer([], RegisterList) ->
-%%    RegisterList;
-%%add_consumer([ProviderNodeInfo | ProviderList], RegisterList) ->
-%%    case dubbo_node_config_util:parse_provider_info(ProviderNodeInfo) of
-%%        {ok, ProviderConfig} ->
-%%            HostFlag = get_host_flag(ProviderConfig),
-%%            case ets:lookup(?PROVIDER_NODE_LIST_TABLE, HostFlag) of
-%%                [] ->
-%%                    ConnectionList = start_provider_process(HostFlag, 30, ProviderConfig),
-%%                    ok = update_connection_info(ProviderConfig#provider_config.interface, HostFlag, ConnectionList, true),
-%%                    ok;
-%%                List ->
-%%                    List2 = lists:map(fun(#provider_node_list{connection_info = ConnectionItem}) ->
-%%                        ConnectionItem
-%%                                      end, List),
-%%                    ok = update_connection_info(ProviderConfig#provider_config.interface, HostFlag, List2, false),
-%%                    ok
-%%            end,
-%%            add_consumer(ProviderList, [HostFlag] ++ RegisterList);
-%%        {error, R1} ->
-%%            logger:error("parse provider info error reason ~p", [R1]),
-%%            add_consumer(ProviderList, RegisterList)
-%%    end.
-%%start_provider_process(HostFlag, Weight, ProviderConfig) ->
-%%    ExecutesList = lists:seq(1, ProviderConfig#provider_config.executes),
-%%    ConnectionList = lists:map(fun(Item) ->
-%%        ConnectionFlag = <<HostFlag/binary, (integer_to_binary(Item))/binary>>,
-%%        ConnectionFlagTerm = binary_to_atom(ConnectionFlag, utf8),
-%%        AChild = {ConnectionFlagTerm, {dubbo_netty_client, start_link, [ConnectionFlagTerm, HostFlag, ProviderConfig, Item]}, permanent, 2000, worker, [dubbo_netty_client]},
-%%        {ok, Pid} = dubbo_transport_pool_sup:add_children(AChild),
-%%        logger:info("start provider ~p pid info ~p~n", [HostFlag, Pid]),
-%%        #connection_info{connection_id = ConnectionFlagTerm, pid = Pid, weight = Weight, host_flag = HostFlag}
-%%                               end, ExecutesList),
-%%    ConnectionList.
 update_node_conections(Interface, Connections) ->
         fun(Item) ->
diff --git a/src/dubbo_type_decoding.erl b/src/dubbo_type_decoding.erl
deleted file mode 100644
index a861855..0000000
--- a/src/dubbo_type_decoding.erl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,212 +0,0 @@
-% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-%   Copyright (C) 2008 0x6e6562
-%   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-%   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-%   You may obtain a copy of the License at
-%   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-%   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-%   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-%   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-%   limitations under the License.
-% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-%% The encoding state contains all of the statically known tuple types.
-%% When a tuple is to be decoded at run-time, a lookup is performed against
-%% the hash value that the sender passes in.
-%% This must resolve to some type definition,
-%% otherwise no instance of the decoded type can be created.
--record(decoding_state, {type_pool = dict:new(), reference_pool = dict:new(), obj_define_no = 0}).
--export([init/0, init/1]).
--export([enlist/1, enlist/2]).
--export([hash_lookup/2, hash_store/2, hash_store/1, store_typepool/1]).
--export([resolve_native_type/2, resolve_native_type/1]).
--define(TYPEPOOL_TABLE, type_pool).
--define(REFERENCEPOOL_TABLE, reference_pool).
-camel_case_to_erlang(String) when is_binary(String) ->
-    AsList = binary_to_list(String),
-    AsErlang = lists:foldl(fun decamelize/2, [], AsList),
-    list_to_atom(AsErlang).
-decamelize(Element, Acc) when Element >= $A, Element =< $Z ->
-    lists:append(Acc, [$_, (Element + 16#20)]);
-decamelize(Element, Acc) -> lists:append(Acc, [Element]).
-%% Facility to register a particular type to the pool of known types.
-%% Adds the type to the pool of known types if it doesn't already exist.
-enlist(TypeDef) -> enlist(TypeDef, init()).
-enlist(TypeDef = #type_def{foreign_type = Key},
-    State = #decoding_state{type_pool = OldPool}) ->
-    ets:insert(?TYPEPOOL_TABLE, {Key, TypeDef}),
-    State.
-store_typepool(TypeDef = #type_def{foreign_type = Key}) ->
-    ets:insert(?TYPEPOOL_TABLE, {Key, TypeDef}),
-    TypeDef.
-build_foreign_view(ForeignType, FieldNames, State) ->
-    #type_def{native_type = Native} = resolve_native_type(ForeignType, State),
-    ForeignView = [camel_case_to_erlang(Fieldname) || Fieldname <- FieldNames],
-    DefineNo = State#decoding_state.obj_define_no,
-    {#type_def{
-        defineNo = State#decoding_state.obj_define_no,
-        native_type = Native,
-        foreign_type = ForeignType,
-        fieldnames = ForeignView}, State#decoding_state{obj_define_no = DefineNo}}.
-% Projects the native view over tuples that in foreign order
-project_native_view(ForeignView, ForeignData,
-    #type_def{native_type = NativeType, fieldnames = NativeView}) ->
-    AsDict = dict:from_list(lists:zip(ForeignView, ForeignData)),
-    NativeData = [dict:fetch(Key, AsDict) || Key <- NativeView],
-    list_to_tuple([NativeType] ++ NativeData).
-resolve_native_type(ForeignType, #decoding_state{type_pool = Pool}) ->
-    case ets:lookup(?TYPEPOOL_TABLE, ForeignType) of
-        [] ->
-            throw({cannot_resolve_type, ForeignType});
-        [{ForeignType, TypeDef}] ->
-            TypeDef
-    end.
-resolve_native_type(ForeignType) ->
-    case ets:lookup(?TYPEPOOL_TABLE, ForeignType) of
-        [] ->
-            undefined;
-        [{ForeignType, TypeDef}] ->
-            TypeDef
-    end.
-%%    case dict:fetch(ForeignType,Pool) of
-%%        error ->
-%%            throw({cannot_resolve_type,ForeignType});
-%%        TypeDef ->
-%%            TypeDef
-%%    end.
-%% Creates a reference for a type def that is unique within the
-%% current invocation context
-visit(TypeDef, State = #decoding_state{reference_pool = OldPool}) ->
-    Size = ets:info(?REFERENCEPOOL_TABLE, size),
-    ets:insert(?REFERENCEPOOL_TABLE, {Size, TypeDef#type_def{defineNo = Size}}),
-    State.
-%%    Size = dict:size(OldPool),
-%%    NewPool = dict:store(Size, TypeDef, OldPool),
-%%    State#decoding_state{reference_pool = NewPool}.
-%% Resolves a type def based on a reference that must be have set
-%% with the current invocation context
-lookup_reference(Ref, #decoding_state{reference_pool = Pool}) ->
-    case ets:lookup(?REFERENCEPOOL_TABLE, Ref) of
-        [] ->
-            throw("Lookup of unknown reference");
-        [{Ref, TypeDef}] ->
-            TypeDef
-    end.
-%%    case dict:fetch(Ref,Pool) of
-%%        error ->
-%%%%            ?ERROR(Ref, Pool),
-%%            throw("Lookup of unknown reference");
-%%        TypeDef ->
-%%            TypeDef
-%%    end.
-%% Does what it says on the tin.
-hash_lookup(Hash, _State) ->
-%%    init(false),
-    case ets:lookup(?REFERENCEPOOL_TABLE, Hash) of
-        [] ->
-            {not_found, Hash};
-        [{Hash, TypeDef}] ->
-            TypeDef
-    end.
-%% Does what it says on the tin.
-hash_store(#type_def{defineNo = Hash} = TypeDef, State) ->
-%%    init(false),
-    case Hash of
-        -1 ->
-            Size = ets:info(?REFERENCEPOOL_TABLE, size),
-            ets:insert(?REFERENCEPOOL_TABLE, {Size, TypeDef#type_def{defineNo = Size}});
-        _ ->
-            ets:insert(?REFERENCEPOOL_TABLE, {Hash, TypeDef})
-    end,
-    State.
-hash_store(#type_def{defineNo = Hash} = TypeDef) ->
-%%    init(false),
-    NewTypeDef = case Hash of
-                     -1 ->
-                         Size = ets:info(?REFERENCEPOOL_TABLE, size),
-                         TypeDef2 = TypeDef#type_def{defineNo = Size},
-                         TypeDef2;
-                     _ ->
-                         TypeDef
-                 end,
-    ets:insert(?REFERENCEPOOL_TABLE, {NewTypeDef#type_def.defineNo, NewTypeDef}),
-    NewTypeDef.
-init() -> init(false).
-%% Non-API functions
-%% This creates a new ETS table for the types that have been received by
-%% this instance of Hessian
-init(Delete) when is_boolean(Delete) ->
-%%    case ets:info(hashes) of
-%%        undefined ->
-%%            io:format("init decoding table pid ~p~n",[self()]),
-%%            ets:new(hashes,[public,named_table]); %% public
-%%        EtsInfo ->
-%%%%            io:format("type decoding etsinfo ~p~n",[EtsInfo]),
-%%            if
-%%                Delete == true ->
-%%                    ets:delete(hashes),
-%%                    ets:new(hashes,[public,named_table]);
-%%                true ->
-%%                    ok
-%%            end
-%%    end,
-    case ets:info(?TYPEPOOL_TABLE) of
-        undefined ->
-            ets:new(?TYPEPOOL_TABLE, [public, named_table]); %% public
-        _ ->
-%%            io:format("type decoding etsinfo ~p~n",[EtsInfo]),
-            if
-                Delete == true ->
-                    ets:delete(?TYPEPOOL_TABLE),
-                    ets:new(?TYPEPOOL_TABLE, [public, named_table]);
-                true ->
-                    ok
-            end
-    end,
-    case ets:info(?REFERENCEPOOL_TABLE) of
-        undefined ->
-            ets:new(?REFERENCEPOOL_TABLE, [public, named_table]); %% public
-        _ ->
-            if
-                Delete == true ->
-                    ets:delete(?REFERENCEPOOL_TABLE),
-                    ets:new(?REFERENCEPOOL_TABLE, [public, named_table]);
-                true ->
-                    ok
-            end
-    end,
-    #decoding_state{}.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/dubbo_type_transfer.erl b/src/dubbo_type_transfer.erl
index 3f1af96..d92221e 100644
--- a/src/dubbo_type_transfer.erl
+++ b/src/dubbo_type_transfer.erl
@@ -68,7 +68,6 @@
 pre_process_typedef(NativeType, ForeignType, FieldsNames) ->
     Type = #type_def{native_type = NativeType, foreign_type = ForeignType, fieldnames = FieldsNames},
-%%            Type2=type_decoding:hash_store(Type),
     logger:debug("pre_process_typedef ~p,~p", [NativeType, ForeignType]),