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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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package org.apache.druid.spark.utils
import{DimensionSchema, DimensionsSpec, DoubleDimensionSchema,
FloatDimensionSchema, LongDimensionSchema, StringDimensionSchema}
import org.apache.druid.segment.QueryableIndex
import org.apache.druid.segment.column.{RowSignature, ValueType}
import org.apache.druid.spark.registries.ComplexTypeRegistry
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.InternalRow
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.util.ArrayData
import org.apache.spark.sql.types.{ArrayType, BinaryType, DataType, DoubleType, FloatType,
IntegerType, LongType, StringType, StructField, StructType, TimestampType}
import org.apache.spark.unsafe.types.UTF8String
import java.util.{Collection => JCollection}
import scala.collection.JavaConverters.{collectionAsScalaIterableConverter,
iterableAsScalaIterableConverter, mapAsScalaMapConverter, seqAsJavaListConverter}
* Converters and utilities for working with Spark and Druid schemas.
object SchemaUtils {
* Convert a COLUMNMAP representing a Druid datasource's schema as returned by
* DruidMetadataClient.getClient into a Spark StructType.
* @param columnMap The Druid schema to convert into a corresponding Spark StructType.
* @return The StructType equivalent of the Druid schema described by COLUMNMAP.
def convertDruidSchemaToSparkSchema(columnMap: Map[String, (String, Boolean)]): StructType = {
StructType.apply( { case (name, (colType, hasMultipleValues)) =>
val sparkType = colType match {
case "LONG" => LongType
case "STRING" => StringType
case "DOUBLE" => DoubleType
case "FLOAT" => FloatType
case "TIMESTAMP" => TimestampType
case complexType: String if ComplexTypeRegistry.getRegisteredMetricNames.contains(complexType) =>
// Add other supported types later
case _ => throw new IAE(s"Unrecognized type $colType!")
if (hasMultipleValues) {
StructField(name, new ArrayType(sparkType, false))
} else {
StructField(name, sparkType)
* Convert a Druid INPUTROW into a Spark InternalRow with schema SCHEMA.
* @param inputRow The Druid InputRow to convert into a Spark Row for loading into a dataframe.
* @param schema The schema to map INPUTROW into.
* @param useDefaultNullHandling Whether to use the Druid defaults for null values or actual nulls.
* @return A Spark InternalRow with schema SCHEMA and values parsed from INPUTROW.
def convertInputRowToSparkRow(
inputRow: InputRow,
schema: StructType,
useDefaultNullHandling: Boolean
): InternalRow = {
InternalRow.fromSeq( { colName =>
if (colName == "__time") {
} else {
val col = inputRow.getRaw(colName)
if (col != null) {
schema(colName).dataType match {
case _: ArrayType =>
val baseType = schema(colName).dataType.asInstanceOf[ArrayType].elementType
col match {
case collection: JCollection[_] =>
ArrayData.toArrayData( { elem =>
parseToScala(elem, baseType)
case _ =>
// Single-element arrays won't be wrapped when read from Druid; need to do it here
ArrayData.toArrayData(List(parseToScala(col, baseType)))
case _ =>
// This is slightly inefficient since some objects will already be the correct type
parseToScala(col, schema(colName).dataType)
} else {
if (useDefaultNullHandling) {
schema(colName).dataType match {
case StringType | ArrayType(StringType, _) => UTF8String.EMPTY_UTF8
case LongType | IntegerType | FloatType | DoubleType | TimestampType => 0
case _ => null // scalastyle:ignore null
} else {
null // scalastyle:ignore null
* Convert an object COL to the appropriate scala type for the given Spark DataType DT.
* @param col The object to convert to a suitable type.
* @param dt The Spark DataType COL should be made compatible with.
* @return COL parsed into a type compatible with DT.
def parseToScala(col: Any, dt: DataType): Any = {
dt match {
case StringType => UTF8String.fromString(col.toString)
case LongType => col match {
case _: java.lang.Long | Long => col
case _: String => col.asInstanceOf[String].toLong
case _ => throw new IllegalArgumentException(
s"Unsure how to parse ${col.getClass.toString} into a Long!"
case TimestampType => col // Timestamps should always come back from Druid as DateTimes
case FloatType => col match {
case _: java.lang.Float | Float => col
case _: String => col.asInstanceOf[String].toFloat
case _ => throw new IllegalArgumentException(
s"Unsure how to parse ${col.getClass.toString} into a Float!"
case DoubleType => col match {
case _: java.lang.Double | Double => col
case _: String => col.asInstanceOf[String].toDouble
case _ => throw new IllegalArgumentException(
s"Unsure how to parse ${col.getClass.toString} into a Double!"
case BinaryType =>
if (ComplexTypeRegistry.getRegisteredSerializedClasses.contains(col.getClass)) {
} else {
col match {
case arr: Array[Byte] =>
case _ => throw new IllegalArgumentException(
s"Unsure how to parse ${col.getClass.toString} into a ByteArray!"
case _ => throw new IllegalArgumentException(
s"$dt currently unsupported!"
* Given a list of column names DIMENSIONS and a struct type SCHEMA, returns a list of Druid DimensionSchemas
* constructed from each column named in DIMENSIONS and the properties of the corresponding field in SCHEMA.
* @param dimensions A list of column names to construct Druid DimensionSchemas for.
* @param schema The Spark schema to use to determine the types of the Druid DimensionSchemas created.
* @return A list of DimensionSchemas generated from the type information in SCHEMA for each dimension in DIMENSIONS.
def convertStructTypeToDruidDimensionSchema(
dimensions: Seq[String],
schema: StructType
): Seq[DimensionSchema] = {
.filter(field => dimensions.contains(
.map(field =>
field.dataType match {
case LongType | IntegerType => new LongDimensionSchema(
case FloatType => new FloatDimensionSchema(
case DoubleType => new DoubleDimensionSchema(
case StringType | ArrayType(StringType, _) =>
new StringDimensionSchema(
case _ => throw new IAE(
"Unsure how to create dimension from column [%s] with data type [%s]",,
* Validates that the given list of DimensionSchemas align with the given Spark schema. This validation is done to
* fail fast if the user-provided dimensions have different data types than the data in the source data frame to be
* written.
* @param dimensions The list of DimensionSchemas to validate against SCHEMA.
* @param schema The source-of-truth Spark schema to ensure compatibility with.
* @throws IAE If the data types in DIMENSIONS do not align with the data types in SCHEMA.
def validateDimensionSpecAgainstSparkSchema(dimensions: Seq[DimensionSchema], schema: StructType): Boolean = {
val incompatibilities = dimensions.flatMap{dim =>
if (schema.fieldNames.contains(dim.getName)) {
val sparkType = schema(schema.fieldIndex(dim.getName)).dataType
sparkType match {
case LongType | IntegerType =>
if (dim.getTypeName != DimensionSchema.LONG_TYPE_NAME) {
Some(s"${dim.getName}: expected type ${DimensionSchema.LONG_TYPE_NAME} but was ${dim.getTypeName}!")
} else {
case FloatType =>
if (dim.getTypeName != DimensionSchema.FLOAT_TYPE_NAME) {
Some(s"${dim.getName}: expected type ${DimensionSchema.FLOAT_TYPE_NAME} but was ${dim.getTypeName}!")
} else {
case DoubleType =>
if (dim.getTypeName != DimensionSchema.DOUBLE_TYPE_NAME) {
Some(s"${dim.getName}: expected type ${DimensionSchema.DOUBLE_TYPE_NAME} but was ${dim.getTypeName}!")
} else {
case StringType | ArrayType(StringType, _) =>
if (dim.getTypeName != DimensionSchema.STRING_TYPE_NAME) {
Some(s"${dim.getName}: expected type ${DimensionSchema.STRING_TYPE_NAME} but was ${dim.getTypeName}!")
} else {
} else {
if (incompatibilities.nonEmpty) {
throw new IAE(s"Incompatible dimensions spec provided! Offending columns: ${incompatibilities.mkString("; ")}")
// For now, the return type could just be Unit, but leaving the stubs in place for future improvement
* Given a Spark schema, construct an equivalent Druid RowSignature.
* @param schema The Spark schema to generate a RowSignature from.
* @return A RowSignature corresponding to SCHEMA.
def generateRowSignatureFromSparkSchema(schema: StructType): RowSignature = {
val builder = RowSignature.builder()
schema.foreach{field =>
builder.add(, getDruidValueTypeForDataType(field.dataType))
* Return the Druid ValueType corresponding to a provided Spark DataType.
* @param dtype The Spark DataType
* @return The ValueType corresponding to DTYPE.
def getDruidValueTypeForDataType(dtype: DataType): ValueType = {
dtype match {
case DoubleType => ValueType.DOUBLE
case FloatType => ValueType.FLOAT
case LongType => ValueType.LONG
case StringType => ValueType.STRING
case ArrayType(DoubleType, _) => ValueType.DOUBLE_ARRAY
case ArrayType(LongType, _) => ValueType.LONG_ARRAY
case ArrayType(StringType, _) => ValueType.STRING_ARRAY
case _ => ValueType.COMPLEX
def getDimensionsSpecFromIndex(queryableIndex: QueryableIndex): DimensionsSpec = {
val dimensionHandlers = queryableIndex.getDimensionHandlers.asScala
new DimensionsSpec({
dim =>
val columnHolder = queryableIndex.getColumnHolder(dim)
val handler = dimensionHandlers(dim)
columnHolder.getCapabilities.getType match {
case ValueType.DOUBLE => new DoubleDimensionSchema(dim)
case ValueType.FLOAT => new FloatDimensionSchema(dim)
case ValueType.LONG => new LongDimensionSchema(dim)
case ValueType.STRING => new StringDimensionSchema(
dim, handler.getMultivalueHandling, columnHolder.getCapabilities.hasBitmapIndexes
case ValueType.DOUBLE_ARRAY | ValueType.LONG_ARRAY | ValueType.STRING_ARRAY | ValueType.COMPLEX =>
throw new IAE(
s"This reader cannot process dimension [$dim] with type [${columnHolder.getCapabilities.getType}]!"