blob: 1cbf07da090c675bbd61043daed416ff26de519b [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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* under the License.
package org.apache.druid.spark.registries
import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.`type`.TypeReference
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.jsontype.NamedType
import org.apache.druid.guice.LocalDataStorageDruidModule
import{IAE, ISE, StringUtils}
import org.apache.druid.segment.loading.{LoadSpec, LocalDataSegmentPuller, LocalLoadSpec}
import org.apache.druid.spark
import org.apache.druid.spark.{MAPPER, baseInjectableValues}
import org.apache.druid.spark.configuration.Configuration
import org.apache.druid.spark.mixins.Logging
import org.apache.druid.spark.utils.DeepStorageConstructorHelpers
import{AzureByteSource, AzureByteSourceFactory,
AzureDataSegmentPuller, AzureLoadSpec}
import{GoogleDataSegmentPuller, GoogleLoadSpec,
import{HdfsDataSegmentPuller, HdfsLoadSpec}
import{S3DataSegmentPuller, S3LoadSpec, S3StorageDruidModule}
import org.apache.druid.utils.CompressionUtils
import org.apache.hadoop.conf.{Configuration => HConf}
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path
import{File, IOException}
import{URI, URISyntaxException}
import java.util.{Map => JMap}
import scala.collection.mutable
* A registry for functions to parse a "load spec" and load them into a provided file on an executor. `loadSpecType`
* must match the LoadSpec's type name exactly.
* Users can also register initializers if necessary to set up injections and register Jackson subtypes. This
* allows easier integration with deep storage types that aren't supported out
* of the box, since an initializer function can just register the LoadSpec subtype used to
* create a segment and allow Jackson to handle the rest. If custom logic is needed, a
* registered load function will always take precedence.
* Note that DataSegment#getLoadSpec returns a Map<String, Object>, not an actual LoadSpec object.
object SegmentReaderRegistry extends Logging {
private val registeredSegmentLoaderFunctions: mutable.HashMap[String, (JMap[String, AnyRef], File) => Unit] =
new mutable.HashMap()
private val registeredInitializers: mutable.HashMap[String, (Configuration => Unit, Boolean)] =
new mutable.HashMap()
* Register functions to extract URIs from segment LoadSpecs. Functions should take a loadSpec (i.e. a Java Map from
* String to AnyRef) and a destination file and pull the corresponding segment from deep storage to the file.
* @param loadSpecType The load spec type to register a load function for. Must match the value for the key
* `loadSpecType` in the loadSpec map.
* @param loadFunc A function that takes as its input a Java Map<String, Object> and a destination file and loads
* the corresponding segment on deep storage to the file.
def registerLoadFunction(loadSpecType: String, loadFunc: (JMap[String, AnyRef], File) => Unit): Unit = {
logInfo(s"Registering load function for deep storage type $loadSpecType.")
registeredSegmentLoaderFunctions(loadSpecType) = loadFunc
def registerInitializer(loadSpecType: String, initializeFunc: Configuration => Unit): Unit = {
logInfo(s"Registering initializer for deep storage type $loadSpecType.")
registeredInitializers(loadSpecType) = (initializeFunc, false)
* Registers the default initializer function for DEEPSTORAGETYPE if one exists. This is a no-op
* if there is no defined default initializer for DEEPSTORAGETYPE. Note as well that deep
* storage type names may differ from Load Spec type names. In particular, the LoadSpec type
* name for s3 deep storage is s3_zip.
* @param deepStorageType The deep storage type to register an initializer for.
def registerInitializerByType(deepStorageType: String): Unit = {
if (!registeredInitializers.contains(deepStorageType)
&& knownInitializers.contains(deepStorageType)) {
registerInitializer(deepStorageType, knownInitializers(deepStorageType))
* Loads a segment according to the details in LOADSPEC to FILE. The rules for determining how
* to load a segment are:
* 1. If no segment loader function or initializer has been registered, we attempt to construct
* a URI from LOADSPEC and then read that URI using FS. If the provided CONF is the Hadoop
* Configuration retrieved from SparkContext, we can defer all deep storage configuration
* and authorization to what the Spark cluster provides. Local, S3, HDFS, and GCS deep
* storages are supported.
* 2. If at least one segment loader function or initializer has been registered but no loader
* function has been registered for LOADSPEC's type, we delegate to Jackson to deserialize
* LOADSPEC into a LoadSpec object and then call #loadSegment(FILE) on the deserialized object.
* This requires LOADSPEC's type to have been registered with Jackson.
* 3. If we have registered a segment loader function for LOADSPEC's type, we use the registered
* function to load the segment into FILE. A segment loader function always takes precedence
* for its associated load spec type.
* @param loadSpec The LoadSpec for a segment.
* @param file The file to load a segment to according to the properties in LOADSPEC.
* @param conf The Hadoop configuration to use when reading segments from deep storage
* if no segment loader function or initializer is registered.
def load(loadSpec: JMap[String, AnyRef], file: File, conf: HConf): Unit = {
if (registeredSegmentLoaderFunctions.isEmpty && registeredInitializers.isEmpty) {
defaultLoad(loadSpec, file, conf)
} else {
val loadSpecType = loadSpec.get("type").toString
if (!registeredSegmentLoaderFunctions.contains(loadSpecType)) {
try {
deserializeAndLoad(loadSpec, file)
} catch {
case e: Exception =>
logError(s"Unable to deserialize ${MAPPER.writeValueAsString(loadSpec)} to a LoadSpec instance!", e)
throw new IAE("No registered segment reader function or named LoadSpec subtype for load spec type %s",
} else {
registeredSegmentLoaderFunctions(loadSpecType)(loadSpec, file)
* Initializes a SegmentPuller for DEEPSTORAGETYPE based on CONF. CONF should have the deep storage
* type prefix stripped away via .dive(DEEPSTORAGETYPE) to keep the extra object small.
* @param deepStorageType The deep storage type to initialize.
* @param conf A Configuration object to provide user-supplied deep storage configuration properties.
def initialize(deepStorageType: String, conf: Configuration): Unit = {
if (!registeredInitializers.contains(deepStorageType)) {
if (knownInitializers.keySet.contains(deepStorageType)) {
} else {
throw new IAE("No registered initializer for deep storage type %s", deepStorageType)
* This is synchronized to allow callers to do something like
* df.foreachPartition{_ => SegmentReaderRegistry.initialize("myType", conf)}
* The initialization functions themselves can be registered idempotently and so don't need to
* be synchronized but should not be registered in the same .foreachPartition call or similar
* (otherwise, each partition would reset the initialized flag and thus invoke initFunc multiple
* times per executor).
val (initFunc, init) = registeredInitializers(deepStorageType)
if (!init) {
registeredInitializers(deepStorageType) = (initFunc, true)
* A default load method adapted from JobHelper#getURIFromSegment. Loads a segment according to
* LOADSPEC to FILE. This method assumes that any necessary authentication will be handled at
* the machine instance and so needs no configuration. Additionally, this method requires the
* target segment to load to be available at a URI constructable from LOADSPEC and so only
* local, hdfs, gs, and s3 deep storages are supported.
* @param loadSpec The loadspec that describes where the segment to load should be read from.
* @param file The file to read a segment into.
* @param conf The Hadoop Configuration to use when constructing a filesystem to open the URI created from LOADSPEC.
private def defaultLoad(loadSpec: JMap[String, AnyRef], file: File, conf: HConf): Unit = {
val loadSpecType = loadSpec.get("type").toString
val uri = loadSpecType match {
case LocalDataStorageDruidModule.SCHEME =>
try {
// scalastyle:off null
new URI("file", null, loadSpec.get("path").toString, null, null)
// scalastyle:on
catch {
case e: URISyntaxException =>
throw new ISE(e, "Unable to form simple file uri")
case "hdfs" => URI.create(loadSpec.get("path").toString)
case GoogleStorageDruidModule.SCHEME =>
// Segment names contain : in their path.
// Google Cloud Storage supports : but Hadoop does not.
// This becomes an issue when re-indexing using the current segments.
// The Hadoop getSplits code doesn't understand the : and returns "Relative path in absolute URI"
// This could be fixed using the same code that generates path names for hdfs segments using
// getHdfsStorageDir. But that wouldn't fix this issue for people who already have segments with ":".
// Because of this we just URL encode the : making everything work as it should.
URI.create(StringUtils.format("gs://%s/%s", loadSpec.get("bucket"),
StringUtils.replaceChar(loadSpec.get("path").toString, ':', "%3A")))
case S3StorageDruidModule.SCHEME_S3_ZIP =>
if ("s3a" == loadSpec.get("S3Schema")) {
URI.create(StringUtils.format("s3a://%s/%s", loadSpec.get("bucket"),
} else {
URI.create(StringUtils.format("s3n://%s/%s", loadSpec.get("bucket"),
val path = new Path(uri)
val fs = path.getFileSystem(conf)
try {
CompressionUtils.unzip(, file)
} catch {
case exception@(_: IOException | _: RuntimeException) =>
logError(s"Exception unzipping $path!", exception)
throw exception
private val knownInitializers: Map[String, Configuration => Unit] =
Map[String, Configuration => Unit](
LocalDataStorageDruidModule.SCHEME -> (_ => {
val puller = new LocalDataSegmentPuller()
val injectableValues = baseInjectableValues
.addValue(classOf[LocalDataSegmentPuller], puller)
"hdfs" -> ((conf: Configuration) => {
val hadoopConfiguration = DeepStorageConstructorHelpers.createHadoopConfiguration(conf)
val puller = new HdfsDataSegmentPuller(hadoopConfiguration)
val injectableValues = baseInjectableValues
.addValue(classOf[HdfsDataSegmentPuller], puller)
MAPPER.registerSubtypes(new NamedType(classOf[HdfsLoadSpec], "hdfs"))
GoogleStorageDruidModule.SCHEME -> (_ => {
val googleStorage = DeepStorageConstructorHelpers.createGoogleStorage()
val puller = new GoogleDataSegmentPuller(googleStorage)
val injectableValues = baseInjectableValues
.addValue(classOf[GoogleDataSegmentPuller], puller)
"s3" -> ((conf: Configuration) => {
val s3 = DeepStorageConstructorHelpers.createServerSideEncryptingAmazonS3(conf)
val puller = new S3DataSegmentPuller(s3)
val injectableValues = baseInjectableValues
.addValue(classOf[S3DataSegmentPuller], puller)
"azure" -> ((conf: Configuration) => {
val azureStorage = DeepStorageConstructorHelpers.createAzureStorage(conf)
val azureByteSourceFactory = new AzureByteSourceFactory {
override def create(containerName: String, blobPath: String): AzureByteSource = {
new AzureByteSource(azureStorage, containerName, blobPath)
val puller = new AzureDataSegmentPuller(azureByteSourceFactory)
val injectableValues = baseInjectableValues
.addValue(classOf[AzureDataSegmentPuller], puller)
private val deserializeAndLoad = (loadSpec: JMap[String, AnyRef], file: File) => {
val loadSpecStr = MAPPER.writeValueAsString(loadSpec)
MAPPER.readValue[LoadSpec](loadSpecStr, new TypeReference[LoadSpec] {}).loadSegment(file)