blob: 60236b09ffb9af8e1637f98059a2a46fcef5af41 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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package org.apache.druid.spark.configuration
import org.apache.spark.sql.sources.v2.DataSourceOptions
object DruidConfigurationKeys {
// Shadowing DataSourceOptions.TABLE_KEY here so other classes won't need unnecessary imports
val tableKey: String = DataSourceOptions.TABLE_KEY
// Metadata Client Configs
val metadataPrefix: String = "metadata"
val metadataDbTypeKey: String = "dbType"
val metadataHostKey: String = "host"
val metadataPortKey: String = "port"
val metadataConnectUriKey: String = "connectUri"
val metadataUserKey: String = "user"
val metadataPasswordKey: String = "password"
val metadataDbcpPropertiesKey: String = "dbcpProperties"
val metadataBaseNameKey: String = "baseName"
private[spark] val metadataHostDefaultKey: (String, String) = (metadataHostKey, "localhost")
private[spark] val metadataPortDefaultKey: (String, Int) = (metadataPortKey, 1527)
private[spark] val metadataBaseNameDefaultKey: (String, String) = (metadataBaseNameKey, "druid")
// Druid Client Configs
val brokerPrefix: String = "broker"
val brokerHostKey: String = "host"
val brokerPortKey: String = "port"
val numRetriesKey: String = "numRetries"
val retryWaitSecondsKey: String = "retryWaitSeconds"
val timeoutMillisecondsKey: String = "timeoutMilliseconds"
private[spark] val brokerHostDefaultKey: (String, String) = (brokerHostKey, "localhost")
private[spark] val brokerPortDefaultKey: (String, Int) = (brokerPortKey, 8082)
private[spark] val numRetriesDefaultKey: (String, Int) = (numRetriesKey, 5)
private[spark] val retryWaitSecondsDefaultKey: (String, Int) = (retryWaitSecondsKey, 5)
private[spark] val timeoutMillisecondsDefaultKey: (String, Int) = (timeoutMillisecondsKey, 300000)
// Common configs
val useCompactSketchesKey: String = "useCompactSketches"
val useDefaultValueForNull: String = "useDefaultValueForNull"
private[spark] val useCompactSketchesDefaultKey: (String, Boolean) = (useCompactSketchesKey, false)
private[spark] val useDefaultValueForNullDefaultKey: (String, Boolean) = (useDefaultValueForNull, true)
// Reader Configs
val readerPrefix: String = "reader"
val segmentsKey: String = "segments"
val vectorizeKey: String = "vectorize" // Experimental key!
val batchSizeKey: String = "batchSize"
val useSparkConfForDeepStorageKey: String = "useClusterConfForDeepStorage"
val allowIncompletePartitionsKey: String = "allowIncompletePartitions"
val timestampColumnKey: String = "timestampColumn"
val timestampFormatKey: String = "timestampFormat"
private[spark] val vectorizeDefaultKey: (String, Boolean) = (vectorizeKey, false)
private[spark] val batchSizeDefaultKey: (String, Int) = (batchSizeKey, 512)
private[spark] val useSparkConfForDeepStorageDefaultKey: (String, Boolean) = (useSparkConfForDeepStorageKey, false)
private[spark] val allowIncompletePartitionsDefaultKey: (String, Boolean) = (allowIncompletePartitionsKey, false)
private[spark] val timestampColumnDefaultReaderKey: (String, String) = (timestampColumnKey, "__time")
private[spark] val timestampFormatDefaultReaderKey: (String, String) = (timestampFormatKey, "millis")
val deepStorageTypeKey: String = "deepStorageType"
private[spark] val deepStorageTypeDefaultKey: (String, String) = (deepStorageTypeKey, "local")
// Common Deep Storage Configs
val storageDirectoryKey: String = "storageDirectory"
val bucketKey: String = "bucket"
val maxListingLengthKey: String = "maxListingLength"
val prefixKey: String = "prefix"
val protocolKey: String = "protocol"
// Local Deep Storage Configs
val localDeepStorageTypeKey: String = "local"
val localStorageDirectoryKey: String = "storageDirectory"
// HDFS Deep Storage Configs
val hdfsDeepStorageTypeKey: String = "hdfs"
val hdfsHadoopConfKey: String = "hadoopConf" // Base64-encoded serialized Configuration
// S3 Deep Storage Configs
val s3DeepStorageTypeKey: String = "s3"
val s3BaseKeyKey: String = "baseKey"
val s3DisableAclKey: String = "disableAcl"
val s3UseS3ASchemaKey: String = "useS3aSchema"
val s3AccessKeyKey: String = "accessKey"
val s3SecretKeyKey: String = "secretKey"
val s3FileSessionCredentialsKey: String = "fileSessionCredentials"
val s3ProxyPrefix: String = "proxy"
val s3ProxyHostKey: String = "host"
val s3ProxyPortKey: String = "port"
val s3ProxyUsernameKey: String = "username"
val s3ProxyPasswordKey: String = "password"
val s3EndpointPrefix: String = "endpoint"
val s3EndpointUrlKey: String = "url"
val s3EndpointSigningRegionKey: String = "signingRegion"
val s3DisableChunkedEncodingKey: String = "disableChunkedEncoding"
val s3EnablePathStyleAccessKey: String = "enablePathStyleAccess"
val s3ForceGlobalBucketAccessEnabledKey: String = "forceGlobalBucketAccessEnabled"
val s3ServerSideEncryptionPrefix: String = "sse"
val s3ServerSideEncryptionTypeKey: String = "type"
val s3ServerSideEncryptionKmsKeyIdKey: String = "keyId"
val s3ServerSideEncryptionCustomKeyKey: String = "base64EncodedKey"
// GCS Deep Storage Configs
val googleDeepStorageTypeKey: String = "google"
// Azure Deep Storage Configs
val azureDeepStorageTypeKey: String = "azure"
val azureAccountKey: String = "account"
val azureKeyKey: String = "key"
val azureMaxTriesKey: String = "maxTries"
val azureContainerKey: String = "container"